Chapter Nineteen

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Aera started to walk to the side away from the crowds but had a better view of the place.

Tyrion manages to insult Joffrey without actually insulting him and some people snicker behind, most of them are quiet but smiling. So as revenge, Joffrey pours some wine on his head having this awkward scenario in front of them.

The place becomes more and more intense as Tyrion refuses to kneel to Joffrey until the pie was brought, giving Margaery the chance to change the atmosphere.

While eating the pie Aera who's staring to the side manages to catch the attention of Joffrey who frowns at the girl. Even the psychotic maniac was bewildered by the girl's beauty.

Then he proceeds to do what he likes. Until death comes to take him away, everyone gasp and everyone was shocked.

Aera saw Sansa taken away while Tyrion took the cup with poison. Aera taps her right foot on the ground looking at the so-called King.

Joffrey runs toward the crowds, choking and then he falls as Cersei runs toward him. Blood streams out of Joffrey's nose. He convulses painfully. Cersei cries as she watches him. He reaches a hand out towards Tyrion, who at that moment picks up the goblet from before him. Joffrey gaps a final time as blood continues to stream from his nose, his face a horrid shade of purple.

Aera then continues to tap her foot on the ground. She's sending a little bit of wave on Joffrey's head using her magic, she just continues to do so.

More painful death alongside a vision of a dragon eating him. Joffrey's scream can be heard throughout the whole Kingslanding. The death of the sadistic king. Aera continues to do so.

Then two guards take Tyrion away. Aera then walks away making sure that Joffrey is dead.


The Sex on the Sept of Baelor didn't happen as Jaime began to avoid Cersei while Aera travels around to look for Arya. In Riverlands.

Chickens cluck as Arya sleeps in the hay. Faint voices argue. A punch lands, a man groans and a girl screams. Aera was there on the site seeing the poor man being taken advantage of.

Arya continues to yell at the man while following him while Aera manages to approach the man who only wanted the safety of his child.

Arya turned to see that Aera was beside the two, this is probably the first time she saw her.

Aera smiles removing her mask while looking at the farmer. She took a sack of gold, medium size, two sacks. "Here, take it for winter. And I already place some clothes inside your home, use them to survive the days." Aera said helping the man to stand while Arya looks at her.

The hound also turned around to see what was going on. The hound then starts coming towards them when he saw that Aera gave the farmer some sack, he thought it was silver.

"Give that to me!" Before Sandor could come to any close Aera pointed her sword at the man.

"Move aside, Sandor. You have your silver now go!" Aera firmly said pointing Flame Dancer at the man, she likes the hound but he didn't like what he did.

"Valyrian Steel, where did you steal this?" The hound asked. "And how the fuck did you know my name!?" He added.

Aera turned to him and signal the farmers to move behind her. "You can survive they can't, your strong they're not. Not everyone can fight but not everyone was trained to fight. Yet he did what he can do to protect his child." Aera hissed at the man.

The hound turned to the farmers back to Aera. "That doesn't answer my question."

"This is mine and everyone knows who you are" Aera answered Sandor push the sword aside but Aera is faster than him and she manage to thrust her sword onto his shoulder surprising everyone.

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