Namikaze legend

De SKS_Official

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what if Naruto was born earlier? what if it was just after the ending of third great ninja war? what if Narut... Mais

Chapter 1: Twists
Chapter 2: Storm
Chapter 3 : A Broken Heart
Chapter 4:A Mother's Love
Chapter 5:The First Step.
Chapter 6:Training and Bonding
Chapter 7:Precious Bonds
Chapter 8:A Hero Is Born
Chapter 9: The Tactical Plan
Chapter 10:The Dark Truth.
Chapter 11:The Truth of Minato Namikaze
Chapter 13:Boot Camp-New Faces
Chapter 14: Valley of Hell
Chapter 15:The Bonds that shape us
Chapter 16:A Shinobi's Resolve
Chapter 17:The Last Night
Chapter 18: Battle of Shanxi
Chapter 19: Tobirama's Legacy
Chapter 20: The Last Stand
Chapter 21: The Calm Before the Storm
Chapter 22: The Beginning of the End
Chapter 23: Mangekyo Sharingan
Chapter 24: Pain to the world
Chapter 25: The Ultimate Battle
Chapter 26: Rising From The Ashes
Chapter 27: Reunion
Chapter 28: Feelings of the Heart
Chapter 29: Meet the Titans
Chapter 30: In My Time of Dying
Chapter 31: The Ghosts of Her Past
Chapter 32: The Nidaime Taichou
Chapter 33: Revelations
Chapter 34: Mikasa Gaiden-Part 1
Chapter 35: Mikasa Gaiden- The Fallen
Author Note
Chapter 36: Mikasa Gaiden-His Path
Chapter 37: Many Faces of A Namikaze
Chapter 38: Somber News
Chapter 39: Descent into Darkness
Chapter 40: Re
Chapter 41: Sayonara
Chapter 42: Mikasa Ackerman
Chapter 43: The Dead and the Dying
Chapter 44: Naruto's Counter Attack
Chapter 45: Naruto Vs Yagura
Chapter 46: Changing Tides
Chapter 47: Behind Enemy Lines
Chapter 48: The Yellow Spark
Chapter 49: Family
Chapter 50: Chakravyuh
Chapter 51: The Demon in the Shadows
Chapter 52: The Boy who loved
Chapter 53: Dreams& Nightmares
Chapter 54: Reunions: Part 1
Chapter 55: Reunions: Part 2
Chapter 56: The Chosen Ones
Chapter 57: Born to Fight
Chapter 58: Fierce Battles
Chapter 59: Tactics and Warfare
Chapter 60: Judgement Day
Chapter 61: A Hero's Tears
Chapter 62: Small Changes
Chapter 63: I will rise up
Chapter 64: God of War
Chapter 65: Blacklight VS Blacklight
Chapter 66: The Looper's Choice
Chapter 67: Clone Wars
Chapter 68: Battle of Konoha
Chapter 69🌚: Monsters of the Dark
Chapter 70: Fight or Die
Chapter 71: World of Lies

Chapter 12:The Long Awaited Goodbye

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De SKS_Official

"There is a reason, why Naruto has the ability to control water, has powerful chakra and sensor skills; On the other hand you are the only person in the world who can perform the Hirashin, it is because..." said Hiruzen but was cut off.

"I am the son of Tobirama Senju," said Minato calmly, but his voice showed he was a little irritated too.

"Yes, you are Tobirama-ojisan's only son, and a part of the Senju clan. Well what's left of it anyway," said Tsunade sadly

The Senju clan had fought valiantly in three wars and had protected Konoha, but in doing so all of them sacrificed their lives; even the Uchiha were reduced to very few active members.

The other villages had specifically targeted the shinobi of these clans, because they knew if the founding clans of Konoha were wiped out; then it would be easier to destroy Konoha.

"Why was I never told about this?" asked Minato sternly, he gave a harsh look to all of them.

"It is because this was your mother's dying wish," said Jiraiya seriously

"My mother?" asked Minato in shock,

"Of course Baka, where do you think you got those looks from," said Jiraiya bemusedly

"Jiraiya...this is not the time," said Tsunade sternly

Jiraiya chuckled a little in embarrassment while Hiruzen and Tsunade smacked their foreheads.

"What was her name?" asked Minato sadly, to never know anything about your mother was a fortune he didn't wish anyone to have.

Tsunade came forward and put a hand on the young man's shoulders, he was her family after all.

"Her name was Toka Senju, she was a kind hearted woman, quite opposite to your father. She was pregnant during the last days of the first great ninja war, unfortunately your father sacrificed his life to save his team," said Tsunade sadly

She was just a kid back then, but she could never forget her uncle and aunt; Tobirama was a strict man but he did love her deeply, and Toka looked after her as if she was her own daughter.

"What happened to her?" asked Minato quietly

"There were complications during your birth, and she was left with two choices. Either give birth to you and die in the process; or save herself. She choose to save you at the cost of her own life," said Tsunade gently

A lone tear slipped from Minato's eyes, to think his mother sacrificed herself for him, made him feel more sad and helpless.

"She was a good thinker, and she knew your father had made many enemies; even some in the village itself. Unlike you, your father was not popular among the Uchiha; she feared for your safety. The Senju and Uchiha have always been on thin ice, since the founding of this village. After your father's death, there were very less powerful Senju left, also there was a risk of another war happening, so she asked us to keep your identity a secret. She didn't care that you would not be known as Senju, she only wanted you to live and have a happy life," explained Tsunade gently

"Why? Why save me, she could have lived? She could have had another chance at life?" asked Minato sadly.

He felt responsible for her death, if only he had died, his mother would have been alive and lived a happy life.

"Its not your fault, women are strange beings, they love us men despite all our faults and mistakes. They are the reason we exist, and your mother was a person who won't hesitate to sacrifice her life for the son whom she loved more than anything," explained Jiraiya kindly

"You know, Naruto's personality is similar to Toka-sama, kind and gentle, but strong willed too," said Tsunade with a chuckle

Minato's heart eased a little after hearing that, maybe one day he could meet his mother, and thank her for everything she did for him.

"The Namikaze were a small family, and when I discussed this with your foster parents, they agreed readily and kept it a secret until they died. But they did love you as if you were their own," explained Hiruzen seriously.

Minato gave a nod but there was still some questions which he wanted to ask.

"Tsunade-sama, does anyone else apart from you three, know about this?" asked Minato seriously.

The trio immediately bit their lips, besides them there was still one person who knew the entire truth.

"There is one other person who knows this truth," said Hiruzen darkly.

"Who is it?" asked Minato firmly.


(With Naruto)

Naruto and Mikasa walked silently through the alleys of Konoha. Both were walking closely to each other, but there seemed to be no verbal communication between them.

Naruto was feeling a little annoyed, this girl was very quiet. She never spoke anything to him, and only talked when he asked for directions.

He was not a spoiled brat and had behaved with her in a very good way; then why was she ignoring him completely?

"You must be thinking why I'm ignoring you?" asked Mikasa calmly

Naruto was quite surprised that she was able to read his thoughts so easily. Mikasa just gave him an understanding look.

"I generally don't talk to strangers, No offense," said Mikasa curtly

"Why is that?" asked Naruto curiously

"We live in a devious world, everyone wants something from you. There is always a catch, and if you want to survive the only one you can trust is yourself. Its not just shinobi who lie, and steal; but other normal people also do that knowingly or unknowingly. You always have to watch your back when you don't have family and friends to protect you," explained Mikasa briefly.

"I won't say I understand how you feel, because I grew up with a family. But I don't have any friends," said Naruto sadly.

Mikasa got curious after hearing that, Naruto was the son of the Hokage, and he could practically be friends with anyone he liked. Most kids would love to be friends with someone like him.

"Why is that?" asked Mikasa curiously.

"Everyone person of my age wants to be my friend because I'm the son of the Hokage. They only are interested in me; because I'm the heir of the Namikaze clan. The only see me as Naruto Namikaze, and not as a person, it is better to have no friends at all; rather than having ones who are only interested in your fame and power," explained Naruto briefly

Mikasa gave a sad look to Naruto, it seemed everything was not so good even for him. But that was life, one which was full of hardships and loneliness.

"I see," said Mikasa softly

"Is Armin your good friend?" asked Naruto gently

"Yes, he is the only family I have got left. He is my best friend," said Mikasa a little happily.

"You both are lucky to have each other as friends," said Naruto sadly

Mikasa didn't know what overtook her, but she edged a little closer to Naruto and gently grasped his hand.

"If you would like we can be your friends?...I understand if you don't want to..." said Mikasa hesitantly but was cut off

Mikasa was quite shocked when she was enveloped tightly in a bear hug by Naruto; he seemed to be thanking her over and over again.

Naruto was feeling a lot more happy, all his life he had been with his family. He had met a few other clan kids, but most were only interested in politics, and the influence which Naruto had due to being the Hokage's son.

As such he never had any true friends, but in this past hour which he had spent with Mikasa, made him feel happy.

She was never interested in his clan, but talked to him like a normal person; she didn't care that he was the Hokage's son and had even thrashed him against a wall; when he mentioned he wanted to take her friend into blacklight.

Her emotions were real, she looked stoic but there was a person in her. Maybe this was what it felt when you made your first friend...

Meanwhile Mikasa was surprised, all the assumptions she had made about Naruto were false. He was calm, understanding and treated her with respect; even if she was just a orphan whom nobody knew.

This feeling of happiness...she had not experienced this, since that incident and after she met Armin.

Would this friendship even work? Would the Hokage or the villagers even accept this?

"I would like to be your friend," said Naruto happily

Mikasa just put a hand on his back, she really didn't know what to do; she didn't want to be rude to him; but at the same time she really was not happy with this sudden physical contact.

Naruto sensed her discomfort and immediately broke the hug, he gave her an apologetic look.

"I'm sorry, I got carried away...its just you are the first friend I have made in my life," said Naruto honestly

Mikasa wanted to warn him, but somehow she couldn't muster enough courage to tell that to his face.

"Its ok..but please don't do it again," said Mikasa seriously

"Hai" said Naruto honestly

"Get your shit in line, BAKA!" thought Naruto embarrassingly, he really was feeling a little ashamed of his sudden action; but it did feel good.

''Armin, should be here somewhere," said Mikasa thoughtfully

Both of them then suddenly heard voices coming from a corner in the alley, the pair nodded and went towards the source of the voice.

"Look, what he's got," said a fat boy,

"An old hat, a cry baby like you shouldn't have this," said another boy,

"Come on, be good and hand it over to us," said another thin boy,

Naruto and Mikasa saw a brown haired boy, surrounded by three other boys. He was holding a small hat in his hand, and it seemed that the others were bullying him.

"This belongs to my Jiji, I won't give it you," said the brown haired boy fiercely

"Then take this," said the leader of the bullies, and gave a hard punch to he brown haired boy.

The punch connected with the brown haired boy's face and sent him crashing on the ground. Naruto's anger increased after seeing that, he had to stop this.

"Hey you, idiots!" yelled Naruto angrily

He then rushed towards the bullies, his fist were tightened and were ready to attack the bullies' but before he could hit the bullies a blur passed beside him.

Naruto's eyes widened in shock when he saw it was none other than Mikasa.

The bullies eyes widened when they saw Mikasa approaching them, Naruto watched in amazement as Mikasa crushed the bullies.

They were no match for her, she gracefully subdued all of them, after they were defeated she stood in front of them; and gave them a murderous look.

"If I ever find any one of you near Armin, I will kill you," said Mikasa dangerously

"Hai, Mikasa" said the leader

All the bullies had bruised faces, their clothes were torn from various places.

"Remind me, never to piss her off," thought Naruto with a chuckle

He then remembered that they had come to find Armin, and it seemed that the brown haired boy was him.

"Are you alright?" asked Naruto worriedly

He then offered his hand to the boy, the brown haired boy gave a thankful nod and got up with Naruto's support.

"Thank you," said the brown haired boy,

The boy's eyes widened in shock, when he realized who had helped him.

"You're Naruto Namikaze?" asked the brown haired boy,

"Yeah, are you by any chance...Armin Arlert?" asked Naruto sheepishly

"I am Armin, but what are you doing here?" asked Armin in shock

"He has come to give you a message directly from Hokage-sama," said Mikasa seriously

Armin and Naruto looked at her, all the bullies had already ran off and now she was resting calmly with her hands folded, with the support of the wall.

Naruto then took out the chit, and handed it over to Armin, who took it eagerly. It seemed as if Armin really had trouble controlling his nerves, as Naruto saw Armin's hands were trembling as he started reading the chit.

"Is this really true?" asked Armin in shock,

"Yes, and we have to report back to the Hokage with our answer in two weeks," said Mikasa seriously

Armin looked at Naruto and gave him a calculative gaze.

"By the looks of it, if we are asked to join, then since you belong from two powerful clans; then you must also have some special ability. You have been asked to join, am I right?" asked Armin sharply

"So he has got the brains," thought Naruto calculatively

"Yes, I have already agreed to this, in order to protect this village," said Naruto firmly

"I cannot join, I'm sorry," said Armin sadly

Naruto was quite surprised with this answer, but somehow he knew Armin would say this.

"Why? Are you afraid or you don't care as to what happens to this village or our country?" asked Naruto bitterly

"Don't tell me that, my parents and grandparents died in the line of duty. But what did they get in return?" asked Armin angrily

"What?" asked Naruto in shock, he didn't know that Armin's family was killed in action.

"They died protecting this village, and all they got was their names carved on the memorial stone. I grew up without the love of a family, in an orphanage, you don't know how that feels, how much it hurts. They all were foolish people," said Armin bitterly

He was quite surprised when Naruto grabbed him roughly by the collar of his shirt.

"Don't you ever say that. I cannot understand your pain, but I won't stand you insulting all the people who died for this village. It is because of your parents, grandparents that you and I can live peacefully, calling them foolish is insulting their sacrifice and I won't let you do that. I am sorry, your life was hard but they gave their today so that you can have a tomorrow," explained Naruto dangerously

"But...they left me all alone," said Armin sadly, a few tears had already came in his eyes.

"You are not alone, you have Mikasa and now you have me. I won't abandon you," said Naruto honestly

"Why? I am just a nobody," asked Armin curiously

"You are Armin Arlert, and from now on you are my friend. You are not a nobody anymore," said Naruto with a smile

Armin's eyes watered on hearing that, he felt truly happy when he heard those words.

Suddenly all three of them heard noises coming from the main street, the noises were getting louder with each passing second.

"We should check out whats going on out there,'' suggested Mikasa quickly

"Hai" said both the boys in unison

The trio arrived ran towards the main street for a few moments, when they reached there they saw there were a lot of people there.

There were many shinobi in their uniforms, and it looked as if they were going somewhere, there were a few families who were crying, and some kids were clinging to their parents.

"What is going on?" asked Mikasa respectfully

An old man looked at her, and answered in a sad voice.

"The shinobi are moving towards the front lines, they are leaving today to fight this war. Many of them won't make it back," said the old man sadly

"It is very early..." said Armin in shock.

"So it has already begun," thought Naruto gloomily

"Please father, don't go. I want to spend time with you," said a small raven haired girl

A middle aged man, bent down and embraced the little girl warmly; there were a few tears in his eyes that were damping his Jounin vest.

"Its alright Nanao-chan, your dad will come back in just a short time. When I come back I'll bring a lot of gifts for you," said the Jounin gently

"You promise? Please don't go away like Kaa-chan," said the little girl named Nanao sadly.

"I promise," said the Jounin sadly

Naruto's fist clenched tightly and he suddenly started walking away from the crowd. Mikasa and Armin immediately went after him.

"Oi...Naruto, where are you going?" asked Armin quickly

"Its all because of the enemy...if we destroy them we can protect our people and our village," said Naruto angrily

Naruto then smashed his hands with a nearby wall, and Mikasa and Armin's eyes widened in shock when they saw many cracks appearing in the wall.

"So he has some physical strength," thought Mikasa curiously

"What are you going to do?" asked Armin softly

"Armin, Mikasa...I am going in blacklight. I'll gain the power to fight the enemy...and I will destroy each and every one of them," said Naruto murderously

Armin and Mikasa took a step back in fear, when they felt the increase in Naruto's power. They were finding it more difficult to breathe, Naruto's power was immense and the look in his eyes showed he was ready to kill.

Before they could answer Naruto quickly ran off, without saying a word,

Armin wanted to follow him, but Mikasa put a hand on his shoulder, and gave him a firm look.

Both of them looked at each other and knew they had a decision to make.

One that would change their lives forever,

Minato Namikaze stood in front of the gate of his house, a lot of things were running through his mind. His entire life had changed today, and he didn't know what that meant for him and his family.

But one thing was certain, he would always be a Namikaze, his mother Toka Senju wished him to live a good life; and he had fulfilled her wish. Also his foster parents had taken good care of him, so he would always be a Namikaze no matter what.

He didn't want to tell his family the truth yet, there were too many problems going on. He felt Mikoto's presence in the house and his younger son Itachi's too.

"I guess she was not able to find Naruto," thought Minato tiredly

He then slowly opened the gate and entered his house, as soon as he entered the front door, he saw Mikoto sitting on the couch, and she was giving him a firm gaze.

Even her sharingan was active and was glaring at him dangerously.

"We need to talk,"

Naruto was running quickly towards the eastern side of the village. There was only one place where he wanted to go right now.

Entering the gates of the Uchiha compound, he quickly made his way towards Kagami's house.

There was only one person besides his mother, with whom he could share everything. He and his father, were not very close and this person had supported him during his childhood.

After a few moments of running, he reached towards, he reached his grandfather's house. Opening the door of the house, he saw the person he wanted to meet.

Shisui Uchiha sat in front of him with a calm look on his face.

"Good to see you, Naruto-kun," said Shisui with a kind smile.

"Oji-san, I need to talk with you," said Naruto slowly

"Of course, have a seat. I'll bring some water for you, after that you can tell me what is troubling you, okay?" asked Shisui gently

"Thank you," said Naruto gratefully

If there was anyone after his mother, who understood him perfectly, then it was his uncle. Shisui had always been kind and gentle to both him and Itachi.

He acted more like a big brother to both the brothers, and Naruto knew if he needed any help, he could always count on Shisui; and right now his thoughts were conflicted.

On one hand he knew, his mother and family did not want him to go in blacklight, on the other hand he wanted to go and protect his country.

He didn't want to break his mother' heart, she meant everything to him; but at the same time he also didn't want to sit back and do nothing but watch.

Shisui came back after a few moments, and offered Naruto a glass of water. Naruto gave a thankful nod, and drank it.

"So, what is troubling you?" asked Shisui calmly

"You see..."

(30 Minutes later)

"So its like that, huh?" asked Shisui patiently

"Hai," said Naruto slowly

"Naruto, as you are right now; you are not fit to be on the frontline, much less be in blacklight" said Shisui honsetly

"That is why I-'' said Naruto in protest but was cut off

"And despite this, you still want to go and fight?" asked Shisui seriously

"Yes, I do," said Naruto firmly

Shisui looked at his nephew seriously, the boy had enormous power and if what he had seen and heard; during the council meeting was true then...maybe it was for the best.

"That's fine then," said Shisui with a smile

"Huh?" said Naruto in shock.

"You still don't know anything about your power...but there is still a way for you to fight," said Shisui patiently

"But, what about Kaa-chan?" asked Naruto curiously

"Always remember this doesn't matter what people say you should be, but what's important is what you want to be," said Shisui sagely

"Oji-san..." said Naruto in awe, his uncle really knew how to guide him.

"Well...I haven't taught you anything much in your life...If you like I can teach you something, you know? It will help you fight and protect yourself and your comrades," said Shisui happily

"Really?" asked Naruto eagerly

"Hai..." said Shisui with a smile

"Then what are we waiting for," said Naruto happily

Shisui chuckled on hearing Naruto's excited voice, it was time for him to teach his nephew, and contribute his part in making him a true shinobi.

Both uncle and nephew walked towards the training ground of their house, Shisui was thinking about all the possible things he could teach Naruto, and what could be best for him.

Meanwhile Naruto, was very excited, his uncle was finally going to teach him.

He knew Shisui was known as the best teleporter in their village after his father, people had even given him a nickname of "shunshin no shisui", he also excelled in ninjutsu and shurikenjutsu.

And his sharingan was said to be the strongest in the Uchiha clan.

"So what are you going to teach me?" asked Naruto curiously

"How much time is left before you are shipped out?" asked Shisui seriously

"2 weeks, after that I have to leave." said Naruto sincerely

"Have Nee-chan, and Minato-sama taught you anything?" asked Shisui curiously

"Yes, they have already taught me the tree walking and water walking chakra control exercise, I know the entire theory about chakra too." explained Naruto briefly

"That's very good, it will make it easier for me to teach you ninjutsu," said Shisui firmly

He then took out a small paper from his hand, and handed it to Naruto.

"What is this, oji-san?" asked Naruto curiously

"This is a chakra paper. But before I tell you any further tell me what are the five basic types of elements; and its applications for ninjutsu?" asked Shisui seriously

"There are five basic types into which the nature of chakra can be transformed, called the Five elements Nature Transformation ( Godai Seishitsu Henka).These five types are also called elements and are not only the origin of the names of the Five Great Shinobi Countries, but also the foundation of all elemental ninjutsu. The five basic natures are all connected to each other in a circle, each being weaker than one and stronger than the other. They are Fire, Water, Wind, Earth and Lightning." explained Naruto briefly

"Very accurate, Every person has chakra that has an affinity towards one of these types, a characteristic that seems to be genetic, since whole clans sometimes share the same affinity. Most members of the Senju Clan, for example, had an affinity towards the earth and water nature. They were one of the most skilled earth and water manipulators in the world, the most skilled being the Nidaime Hokage , who was said to be the most powerful water user of his time, he could convert the moisture in the surrounding environment and create water." explained Shisui briefly

"What affinity does the Uchiha clan have?" asked Naruto curiously

"We excel in fire ninjutsu, we are the best fire style user in the shinobi world," said Shisui proudly

"So since Kaa-chan is an Uchiha, does it mean I can have fire chakra nature too?" asked Naruto curiously

"Maybe, let's find out. Channel your chakra into that paper, If your affinity is fire it will burn, if your affinity is water it get wet/damp, if your affinity is earth it will crumble, if your affinity is wind it will be sliced and if your affinity is lightning it will wrinkle." explained Shisui briefly

Naruto nodded and channeled his chakra into the paper, and what happened next shocked Shisui.

The entire paper got so wet, that it disintegrated into small wet pieces. Shisui activated his sharingan, and saw there was so much water chakra in the paper, that its entire molecular form was disturbed; but he also saw some pieces crumble to dust, while some burned away.

'Impossible,..." thought Shisui in shock

He couldn't belive what he had just seen, such high affinity for water was not seen in any shinobi of Konoha, after the Nidaime Hokage. More than that, Naruto did possess affinity for earth and fire too.

But water was his primary affinity, and its power was unbelievable.

"Uh...Oji-san...what does this mean?" asked Naruto curiously

It took Shisui a few more seconds to get over his shock, he then looked at Naruto with a suspicious look.

There was only one clan in the entire world, that inherited such natural talent in water style, and they were the Senju. Shisui had thought that, since Mikoto was Naruto's mother, he would have fire as his strongest chakra, but it was the opposite,

He still had fire as his affinity, but water was more stronger as his chakra nature, not to mention earth.

"You have three affinites...with water being your strongest, followed by earth and fire respectively," said Shisui patiently

"That is amazing, isn't it?" asked Naruto happily

"Yeah it is," said Shisui with a small smile, but something was wrong and he decided to find out about it later.

"So it means, it is better if I learned water style ninjutsu?" asked Naruto curiously

"Yes, it is..but judging from your chakra levels and stamina; you will only be able to learn small techniques at first," explained Shisui briefly

"So, do you know any water ninjutsu?" asked Naruto quickly

"I don't have an affinity for water, but I do know one water ninjutsu, which you are fit to learn now," said Shisui sharply

"What is it?" asked Naruto eagerly

"It is called Mizu Bushin No Jutsu, it creates clones out of water that have one-tenth of the original person's power. Like other solid clone techniques, the clones can be used to perform tasks the user is unable or unwilling to do for themselves. The range of the clone is limited however, as it can not travel very far from the original body without losing control. Like other clone techniques, if the water clones are injured enough they will revert back to normal water. Now normally this technique requires a source of water," explained Shisui briefly

He then led Naruto towards the lake of his house, and pointed Naruto to stand on the water. He watched in surprise, as Naruto effortlessly stood on the water, he watched closely with his sharingan and saw that Naruto was using very little chakra to stand on the water.

The boy's water talent was amazing.

"This is a C-rank ninjutsu, and it can be performed by the tiger seal. Watch carefully," said Shisui seriously

He then made the ram hand seal, and 2 identical clones rose from the water, and stood in front of Naruto.

"Now you try, but use only a limited amount of your chakra. Don't over do it," warned Shisui

Naruto had watched his uncle perform the ninjutsu, and with his sensor skills he had gathered information about the right amount of chakra that had to be molded.

He made the tiger hand seal, and put the right amount of chakra.

Shisui's eyes widened in shock, when 20 water clones of Naruto rose from the lake, and now stood in front of him with a smirk on their faces.

"Baka, I told you not to overdo it," said Shisui irritatingly

"But I didn't use all my chakra," said Naruto in protest

"What? Is this his power? Its amazing" thought Shisui in shock

"So did I do it right?" asked Naruto again

"Yes, this justu was easy, but it is very difficult to perform when you don't have a water source nearby. But with time I think, you'll have the ability to do this jutsu in any place," explained Shisui.

"Oji-san, I want to learn the Fireball Jutsu, which I have seen Kaa-chan do many times. She said an Uchiha isn't complete, before he learns that jutsu. Before I go to war, I want to become a true Uchiha too," requested Naruto.

Shisui was happy to hear that, he was glad Naruto was giving importance to the Uchiha clan's rituals too.

"Alright then, now the jutsu that you want to learn is called Katon: Gokakyu no Jutsu(Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu). It is one of the prized jutsu of the Uchiha clan and is a C-rank offensive ninjutsu, in this technique chakra moldeded inside the body is converted into fire, and expelled from the mouth either as a massive ball of flames or as a continuous flame-thrower. The scope of the attack is altered by controlling the volume of chakra that is mustered. The released flames will engulf their target, and leave a crater on the ground's surface." explained Shisui seriously

"Can you show me, how its done?" asked Naruto

Shisui nodded and stepped in front of the lake, Naruto and his water clones stepped aside, but what he did next surprised Shisui.

"I want half of you to watch the hand seals, while the rest of you will try to find out the correct amount of chakra needed to be molded for the attack," ordered Naruto firmly

"Hai" said the water clones

"So he is using his clones to gather information. Water clones cannot pass information after they are dispelled, so while they are active he wants them to observe my jutsu and report it to him. In this way, he can watch and analyze the jutsu with the help of 20 minds, which will help him in at least understanding the dynamics of the Jutsu better. Ingenious," thought Shisui proudly

The real Naruto put his hand on the water surface and closed his eyes.

Shisui saw the water clones nodded, and gave the signal to perform the jutsu.

He quickly performed a set of hand seals.

"Katon: Gokakyu no Jutsu(Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu)"

Naruto's water clones watched as Shisui formed a perfect fireball, which was about the size of a huge rock and blew it over the lake. The water beneath the fireball evaporated due to the heat.

"So, this is the secret behind this Jutsu," thought Naruto with a smirk; as he sensed Shisui had molded chakra in his lungs.

Shisui stopped the jutsu, and he watched as Naruto talked with his water clones, who told him about the hand seals, as well as what they learned about the attack.

Naruto then dispelled the clones, he felt a little tired as a part of his chakra was used, but he still had plenty of chakra left.

Shisui watched closely, and was quite surprised as Naruto performed all the hand seals correctly, even his speed was good for a first try.

Naruto took in a deep breath, and molded the right amount of chakra which he thought was required.

He felt something burn in his chest, and with great speed he opened his mouth.

"Katon: Gokakyu no Jutsu(Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu)"

A fireball which was half in size in comparison to Shisui's fireball, was released from Naruto's mouth.

The attack was small but it was so powerful that more steams rose from the lake; as the fireball was burning the water.

"His attack is not perfect, but it is powerful, the fact that more water is burning due to the fireball, in comparison to my own shows his chakra is more powerful than mine. He is a prodigy, and if he keeps on practicing, he may learn this jutsu in a few weeks," thought Shisui with a smile

"That's enough for did a good job," said Shisui happily

Naruto stopped his fireball, he then started panting heavily, there were also some burn marks on his lips. Shisui came forward and picked him up.

"I'm feeling tired," said Naruto sleepily

"Let's get you home," said Shisui gently

(Next Day)

Naruto slowly opened his eyes, he looked at the ceiling and found that he was in his house. The training really took a toll on him, he couldn't master the fire ninjutsu but it was a good attempt.

He felt someone sleeping beside him, and he turned around and found it was none other than his father.

He gently tapped his father's shoulder.

Minato slowly opened his eyes, and saw his elder son was awake and was now looking at him curiously,

Last night had been very rough, he and Mikoto had the biggest fight of their life; but he didn't blame her. The fact that Naruto came back home, unconscious and with a few burn marks made her more angry.

Shisui had to hear her rant for 30 minutes, while he was sent straight out of the bedroom, only god knew when she was going to calm down.

"Morning, Naruto" said Minato with a smile

"Let me guess...she's pissed," said Naruto with a chuckle

Minato chuckled a bit, and Naruto laughed too; however both of their laughters died in their throats when they heard a new voice.

"That I am," said Mikoto angrily

Naruto looked at her, she was standing at the door of the room; the fact that she had her sharingan active and had a pissed off look on her face, made him even more nervous.

"Kami-sama hates me," thought Naruto with a dry chuckle

Mikoto came forward and bonked Naruto a little hard on the head.

"You idiot, what are you thinking?" asked Mikoto angrily

"Kaa-chan..I can explain," said Naruto slowly

"How can you even think of going into blacklight? You can get killed easily," said Mikoto worriedly

She then sat in front of Naruto and looked straight into his eyes, Naruto saw anger, sadness but most of all they had a lot of worried feelings in them.

"I have to do it, yesterday I saw a Jounin hugging his daughter, maybe he won't come back alive, if we don't win this war; there would be many more crying children in this village. I can't let that happen" said Naruto passionately

He was quite shocked when Mikoto gave him a hard slap, even Minato was shocked. Mikoto had never hit either of her boys, but today she had hit Naruto.

Naruto was shocked when his mother slapped him, but he looked up and saw tears freely falling from her eyes, even her sharingan had faded away.

"Don't you ever think about how I feel? Do I mean nothing to you?" asked Mikoto sadly

Minato didn't utter a single word, she had warned him that she did not want to talk with him; and it was best if he did not speak, because he had to save their relationship, and he wanted Naruto to make a his own choice.

"That's not true, I love you more than anything," said Naruto quickly

"Then please don't go, join some regular force. I cannot watch one of my sons walk straight into the gates of hell, I can't live knowing you would be in the most dangerous missions, where your life would be at stake. You are my son, I brought you in this world, I raised you, looked after you, and stood by you everyday...I cannot live if something happens to you," said Mikoto sadly

Naruto gently hugged her, he was in a lot of emotional turmoil, what should he do?

"Always remember this doesn't matter what people say you should be, but what's important is what you want to be,"

Naruto's eyes widened as he remembered what Shisui had told him, he remembered the sad look in that little girl's eyes, he remembered the enemy was stronger and they needed an edge over them; and blacklight was that edge,

He looked at his father, the man was looking at him calmly, and was saying that whatever decision he made, he would have his full support.

He could still feel the tears falling from his mother's eyes, and the sadness in her heart.

But he knew what he had to do...

"I'm sorry, Kaa-chan...but I have made my choice," said Naruto sadly

Mikoto broke the hug, and looked at her son in shock. Did he really mean that? Did she mean nothing to him?

"I am not going to allow this...even if you are a shinobi now, you will not go," said Mikoto sternly

"Kaa-chan.." said Naruto dangerously

Mikoto was shocked when Naruto talked with her in such a high tone, he had never done such a thing before.

"This is who I am : A shinobi. And I will follow only one code, live for nothing or die for something. I cannot let my personal feelings get in the way, when my country's existence is at stake," said Naruto harshly

"So you are abandoning me?" asked Mikoto coldly

"No, I will never abandon you, but at the same time I must do what I think is right," said Naruto firmly

"But you will die!" yelled Mikoto angrily

"So be it, Death is our profession, I may die even in the regular forces, the future is not set in stone...but I will do my duty at all costs," said Naruto seriously

Mikoto looked at her elder son harshly, so this is what he wanted, despite her feelings, despite the dangers? She couldn't understand him at all.

"Is that your final decision, Naruto Namikaze?" asked Mikoto stoically

"Hai," said Naruto sadly

Mikoto roughly got up from the bed and made her way towards the door, but stopped at the exit. She then gave a harsh look to both the father and son.

"You are making the wrong choice, Naruto; Because hell awaits you,"

These were her final words, before she slammed the door roughly and went away, leaving Naruto and Minato alone.

(2 Weeks Later)

It was midnight in Konoha, the civilans were sleeping peacefully, while the shinobi who had stayed back were guarding the village.

Naruto slowly got up from his bed, it was time to go.

These past two weeks had been the most difficult time of his life, his mother had not talked to him once, and when Itachi had found out about his decision, even he was against it.

The only one who stood by his side was his father.

Both of them stayed in Naruto's room, as Mikoto had clearly boycotted Minato too. She didn't even glance at the two of them, it was as if they never existed.

The atmosphere in the house was very tense.

Naruto spent most of his time training with Shisui. He had learned the fireball jutsu, and had started training in Shurikenjutsu.

He was far from perfect, but he was skilled in Shurikenjutsu. Shisui had even explained to him the mechanics of the Shunshin No Jutsu, and had made him practice once.

He was still training, and had yet to learn that Jutsu.

Naruto also had met Mikasa and Armin a few times, they had become good friends, and it also helped to ease Naruto's stress a little. They still had not told him about their decision, but he hoped they would join him.

He put on his black t-shirt which had the Namikaze clan symbol on its back, he then put on his black pants and sandals.

This was it.

He slowly went out of the room, and made his way towards the gate. He didn't want to disturb his mother, so he was leaving without telling her as he did not want to cause her much pain.

Naruto was quite surprised when he saw his little brother Itachi, sitting in front of the lake.

"What is he doing out there, at this time?" thought Naruto curiously.

He then went towards his brother, and slowly sat beside him.

"I'm sorry," said Itachi sadly.

"Huh?" asked Naruto in a surprised voice, why was Itachi apologizing?

"You have to go alone and I cannot come with you...I'm sorry Nii-chan," said Itachi sadly.

Naruto chuckled a little on hearing that, and ruffled his younger brother's hair, he was going to miss him a lot.

"Well as long as you stay healthy and take care of Kaa-chan...I can keep on going," said Naruto gently.

"How can you smile?" asked Itachi irritatingly.

"What do you mean?" asked Naruto curiously.

"Why aren't you blaming me for leaving you alone in this war? This is too hard...if you can just blame me-" said Itachi angrily but was cut off.

"Why should I blame you?" asked Naruto sharply.


"If I blamed you, then I wouldn't be a good big brother...It's not your fault that I am being sent to war...Its just I don't mind fighting and dying for my family and my precious brother," said Naruto with a smile.

Itachi's eyes widened on hearing that, a few tears came in his eyes.

"And don't forget you are the future of this village...and the son of the Fourth Hokage. I leave Kaa-chan and this village to you," said Naruto seriously.

"Nii-chan.." said Itachi in shock.

Naruto gave a light bop on Itachi's head, and got up.

"OW! That hurts-'' said Itachi in discomfort.

"Live to the fullest, Itachi...Live to the fullest...age to the fullest...go bald to the fullest...and die long after I do," said Naruto gently.

He then turned around and gave one last look to his younger brother, he didn't know if he would ever see him again; both of their eyes connected and Naruto gave one last smile to Itachi.

"And if possible die with a smile on your face...otherwise I would never be able to forgive myself...and no matter what happens I will always love you," said Naruto sadly.

"I love you too, Nii-chan" yelled Itachi with tears in his eyes.

Naruto walked away leaving his brother behind, his path was difficult and he only hoped to see his brother one day again.

But one thing which he had failed to notice was, that Itachi's eyes had now turned red and had a single black tomoe in it.

He walked towards the gate and was about to step out of it, but a voice stopped him.

"So, you are leaving," said a sad voice.

Naruto looked back, and saw his mother was standing behind him; however she had her back turned towards him. It was as if she couldn't look at his face.

"Hai" said Naruto sadly.

"Naruto...if you step out of that gate..then don't ever come back," said Mikoto in a choked voice, she could barely restrain the tears that had formed up in her eyes.

Naruto looked at his mother sadly, he knew he was breaking her heart, but he wanted to look at her face one last time, he wanted to see her smile, but it would never happen.

Maybe this was his punishment for breaking her heart.

"Forgive me," said Naruto sadly.

He then slowly stepped out of the gate, leaving behind a tearful Mikoto.

(Village gates)

Naruto reached the edge of the northern gate, his escort was going to meet him 2 kilometers away from the village. From there he was going to be escorted to an unknown location, which was supposed to be blacklight base.

He was quite surprised when he saw his father, Kagami, and Shisui waiting for him.

He went towards the men and gave them one last respectful bow.

Shisui came forward and gave Naruto a blackface mask, which surprised Naruto.

"I know, you like it. It is a gift from me and Kakashi, he wanted to come but he has been sent to the front. Watch each other's backs and you'll make it back alive," said Shisui warmly.

Naruto embraced his uncle,

"Thank you," said Naruto gratefully.

Kagami then stepped forward, and took out something from his pouch.

It was a metallic forehead protector which was the same as the Nidaime Hokage, and handed it to Naruto.

"Fight with courage and honor, and bring glory to this forehead protector and your country," said Kagami firmly, and patted Naruto's shoulders.

"I promise," said Naruto honestly.

Naruto then stepped towards his father, who first of all hugged him tightly.

"No father could ever ask for a better son," said Minato proudly.

"Please take care of Kaa-chan and Itachi," said Naruto sadly.

Minato then took out a three pronged kunai from his pouch and gave it to Naruto.

" this?" asked Naruto in shock, he knew what this kunai was.

"Hai, this is my Hirashin kunai...if you are in danger just throw it nearby; and I will come to help you as soon as possible," said Minato seriously.

"Thank you..." said Naruto and gave one last look to his father, both the men shared a look and understood each other's message.

"I love you"

"Well this is goodbye..." said Naruto gently.

"There is someone waiting for you," said Minato with a smile.

Naruto looked back, and saw it was none other than Mikasa and Armin.

Mikasa was wearing black pants, and a grey t-shirt, her hair was tied into a short pony tail; she was looking very beautiful.

Armin was wearing a white tshirt and dark green pants, his brown hair flowing freely in the air.

"I am coming with is my turn to protect this village, just like my parents and grandparents," said Armin with a smile.

"I will go too," said Mikasa calmly.

" don't have to...Didn't you say survival was important?" asked Naruto in a surprised tone, he had a feeling that Armin would come but he never thought Mikasa would be joining too.

"That's right...that is why I'll go, to keep both of you from dying," said Mikasa seriously.

A wide smile came on Naruto's face, all three children looked at each other and gave one last glance towards the village.

"All right...The Three of us..." said Naruto firmly.

The trio then ran out of the gates in order to begin their journey.

But they didn't know, that hell was awaiting them...
And that is it for this chapter hope you guys enjoyed and see you in the next chapter which once again will bring even more surprises *evil laugh* anyway stay tuned. bye

Word count:8000

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