Rimuru's revenge

By Dinejro

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After Milim Nava destroys the kingdom responsible for the death of her pet dragon, Guy finds a lone survivor... More

Chapter 1_Rimurus stats_
Chapter 2_New partner_
Chapter 3_Walpurgis_
Chapter 4_Lemon and new skills_
Chapter 5_Rimuru's plan&Ciel's first date_
Chapter 6_Michael and Chronoa_
Chapter 7_Lemon and Rimuru's evolution_
Chapter 9_The start of the journey_
Chapter 10_Ciels Report_
Chapter 11_Ciel's toy_
Chapter 12_The attack_
Chapter 13_Birth of a new demon lord_
Chapter 14_He knows_
Chapter 15_The Demon lord's_
Chapter 16_Walpurgis drama_
Chapter 17_A dog?_
Chapter 18_The meeting_
Chapter 19_The Sewer's_
Chapter 20_Going out with a bang_
Chapter 21_The couples antics_
Chapter 22_Evolution Festival_
Chapter 23_The white pigeon_
Chapter 24_The Letter Of Invitation_
Chapter 25_A bad memory_
Chapter 26_A Really Hot Lizard_
Chapter 27_Uneasiness_
Chapter 28_I'll make it right_
Chapter 29_Changing sides_
Chapter 30_{Armageddon}_
Chapter 31_Vampire's wish_
Chapter 32_Becoming one_
Chapter 33_How did she know?_
Chapter 34_The reveal_
Chapter 35_A Small Taste_
Chapter 36_Prep work_
Chapter 37_The Fun Part_
Chapter 38_The Funnier Part_
Chapter 39_Sparks of War_
Chapter 40_The Lifeless Sea_
Chapter 41_Competition_
Chapter 42_Angels Fall To Depravity_
Chapter 43_Sky fall_

Chapter 8_Ciels resolve_

2.7K 84 45
By Dinejro

3rd POV:

There is a seemingly endless void. But if you look closely you can see six small floating islands. Everyone of each has an invisible barrier that protects them from the infinite void. Each island has its own set of buildings, each one having its purpose. And every island is connected with a stone bridge apart from one that is 1500 meters away from the others.

But if you look even closer, you can see a figure elegantly sitting and waiting for someone to arrive. The figure is drinking tea and is in deep thought. But suddenly someone calls out its name.

Rimuru POV:

"Good morning Rimi." I hear an angelic voice say to me. I turn around and smile. Its Ciel. My eternal partner.

(She finally woke up. But it looks like her legs are still shaking from last night.) I think to myself and offer her a seat. But she denays.

"I am still recovering from last night, we did it for two days straight, so my pussy and ass are still a bit sore." Ciel replays with a blush on her face. She then uses gravity manipulation and starts floating in a sitting position.

"Anyway, what I wanted to talk about today was the next stage of the plan." I start to say but stop as I see that Ciel wants to say something.

"I just wanted to say that I finished modifications of the katana you made." As she says this she places a katana on the table.

The hilt and the blade of the katana were darker than a black hole. But when I or Ciel hold it the blade starts glowing purple.

I made the katana after the success of the project {Training}. The goal of the project was to use the skill {Parallel Existence} to train multiple body's all at the same time to gain an enormous amount of experience in a short amount of time.

The project consisted of two teams. Team learners and team fighters. The learners consisted of four body clones. Two were learning all the sword styles ever written and the other two were using that information to create their own.

While the fighters consisted of 10 body clones. They were split into pairs of two, one of them had the role of the receiver and the other was a bot. In short, the receiver would use the knowledge that the learners provider and gain fighting experience by sparing with the bot. While the bot would randomize its style, weapon, and way of fighting.

It took me some time to get used to all the information and battle experience that was sent to me. But after some time I got used to it. The project takes place in my imaginary space. The place where this is happening is called the [Fighting Grounds]. But I did stop the project after 200 years. Since the imaginary space doesn't have a normal time flow the 200 years of the project running got me an equivalent of 80.000 years of fighting and 50.000 years of training experience.

It was after the project's success that I got the idea of making a weapon. I felt most comfortable with a katana so that's what I decided to make. It was hard but I managed to convince Guy to give me some Hihiirokane and complete the weapon in only 2 weeks. It mainly focuses on durability, I wanted to make a weapon that could withstand the full power of {Turn Null} the ultimate compressed energy. It also has a special ability. It can gain an infinite amount of mass and size. I can make it as big as a mountain or smaller than an atom. It can be as light as a feather or as heavy as a neutron star.

"I was able to put it in a separate part of the imaginary space that was full of turn null energy. This made the metal Hihiirokane evolve into Void steel. It is now able to withstand the full power of {Turn Null}." Ciel says with a proud smile on her face. I take the sword and put it in its sheath.

"Awesome I'll test it out after I explain the plan. Now back to the main topic. The next stage of the plan is far more complicated than the first. In a few hundred from now, you will set out of hearing with one goal, making a new puppet." I say to Ciel.

"..." Ciel was confused.

"Here is the short version, I will order Chronoa to manipulate Chloe. She will be slowly taking over Chloe's body making her do everything in her power to suppress her. After some time every idea Chloe subconsciously gets will actually be an order from me. When this happens I will order her to take care of the storm lizard. She will seal him in a cave in the Jura forest. Then we wait...After a few hundred years it will finally be your turn. You will then travel to the place where Veldora will be sealed in and look for something specific. A monster created from Veldoras leaking magicules.

After you find it you will connect to it and give an ego and the memoirs of an Otherworlder. You will make it think that it just got reincarnated in tho another world. After we get to this part you will contact me informing me of the successful mission. Any questions?"

"Yeeee I got a few," Ciel says while raising her hand. She's so cute.

"When I go to Veldora's cave to find the new puppet will I be able to leave a parallel existence with you?" She asks with a serious face.

"No, you won't you will have to...(Place an explanation as to why Ciel can't use the parallel existence here.)" Rimuru.

"Oh...Okay then..." Ciel says with a sad face.

I stand up and walk over to her. I kiss her on the lips and say to her. "You don't have to worry about me.

You will always be able to come to visit me when your puppet master won't be asking for your assistance." I then hug her for a few minutes and then pull away.

"And we still have a lot of time before you have to leave for your business trip," I say with a smile on my face as I give her another kiss.

~~300 Years later.~~

Ciel POV:

It's been 300 years since Chloe sealed Veldora. I am currently preparing to leave and go to Veldora's cave. Well... I was supposed to leave 30 minutes ago, and yet I'm still here. Wanna know why...it's Rime.

"Are you okay? Are you sure? Did you make sure to--"

"Rimi!! I told you that everything is fine, I'll be contacting you as soon as I find the right puppet. Okay?" I say snapping him out of it. Even do I like the attention and care he is giving me I have to be the grow-up here. I slowly walk up to him and give him a long passionate kiss.

"You just sit tight and wait for me okay? When I return I'll be very tired so I'll need some on to take care of me." I say with a seducing smile.

"Looks like someone forgot who has the pants in this relationship."He says with a smile. He then kisses my sweet spot and gently rubs my crotch area making me moan. He then pulls away and leaves me craving for more.

"Shouldn't you be leaving right now?" He says with a grin on his face.

"You are so mean... See you later." I say with a pout on my face.

"Fufufu...I'll miss that face. See you later my little cutie." Rimuru.

I blush and leave.

~~2 minutes later~~

I am currently concealing my presence and flying towards the Great Jura Forest with a scared face.

What exactly am I scared of? I'm scared of leaving Rimi alone with that Crimson shit. Even do Rimi doesn't show it, whatever that bastard did to him left an emotional scar on him. I asked him about it once and he said there was nothing for me to worry about before quickly changing the topic. After that, I left it alone. I didn't want to force him into anything so I decided to wait for him to tell me when he is ready. But I'm not completely clueless.

You see it happens rarely but Rimi sometimes asks to be alone and tries to drown his trauma in alcohol. He lowers his resistance to poison and gets completely drunk. I once decided to go against his wishes and went inside the room he was in.


I had never seen him like this before. Rimi is wearing a black jacket and a grey T-shirt. He is barely consensus and very obviously drunk. He is pointing his finger at me with an annoyed look on his face. Surprisingly, he is still conscious as this amount of alcohol would kill a human on the spot.

I grab a glass and pretend I'm only here to drink since my poison resistance is active it shouldn't be a problem. After 14 shots (not knowing how many he had before I came) Rimi start talking. He was only able to tell me a small part of what happened before he passed out. But what he told me shocked me to my very core.

Primordials are known for their horrible torture methods. It is also believed that the only people who could withstand the torture from a primordial and keep their sanity are "The true dragons" and the other primordials. The mere act of Rimi being able to keep his sanity, only made him more amazing in my eyes.

*Flashback end*

But there was a cost for keeping his sanity Rimi was left with deep emotional scars. He would wake up from sleep mode shaking and sweating. He sometimes emits killing intent that if I didn't suppress would definitely reach Guy putting him on guard. Or I would find him in our room crying. It always broke my heart seeing him like this yet the only thing I could do is be there for him.

But he has been getting a lot better ever since we started dating. But I believe that Rimi will only be able to move on from his trauma after the day he defeats Guy and completes his revenge. And I swear on my soul that I will make that day happen.

As I'm thinking this I realize that I've reached my destination. I land in front of the cave entrance and teleport in. And after 30 minutes of searching, I finally find what I'm looking for.

"Hi there little fella. You are a man named Satoru Mikami, a human who got reincarnated into a slime." I say with a mischievous smile. A put my hand on the little blob and disappear.

I am currently inside the slime's soul that I just created. During the time Rimi was working on the project {training} I was busy as well. I was really interested in the inner workings of the souls so I decided to research them. After some time I was able to recreate a soul using the energy {Turn Null}.

The research was also used for the project {Ekosistem} but you don't need to know about that one just yet.

Netflix "Breaking the 4th. wall noises."

So that being said this soul was just created so it doesn't have any memories or personality so it is currently a completely dark space. And the only thing in it is me.

"(sigh)...Time to get to work." Ciel.

*Hi guys it's me again. Even do it may not look like it the point of this chapter was to start explaining Rimuru's motives and expand his character. I never really wrote anything emotional nor did I ever have any kind of depression but I hope I did a good job. (By the way, the next chapter will have the "puppet Rimuru" and if any of you guys have a good idea for his name please comment on it.) See you in the next chapter.*

(2064 words)

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