Overlord Waifus X Male!Kitsun...

By TalentlessWalker101

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Just another Overlord fanfic. More

Act I: True Strength
Act II: The Great Demon Fox
Act III: A Fate Worse Than Death?
Act IV: A Touch Of Love
Act VI: A Lovely Dinner
Act VII: Reunion
Act VIII: Favorites
Act IX: Shame *Bell-Ring*
Act X: Bites of Love
Act XI: The Witch & The Fox
Act XII: Return To Nazarick!
Act XIII: Digging A Grave Is Easy To Do
Act XIV: A Fox's Way With Words
Act XV: One Hell Of A Throw
Act XVI: Carne Village Again
Act XVII: From Bad To Worse
Act: XVIII: Savior

Act V: The Fox And the Farmer

3K 106 28
By TalentlessWalker101



"Of course, Lady Lupusregina!"

"Light a candle. Vanilla."

"Right away, Lady CZ!"


"I... I greatly appreciate the suggestion, Lady Narberal! It will be considered!"

"It wasn't a--!"

Yuri smacked Narberal in the back of the head and she shut her mouth. Unfortunately, it was me she scowled at with her cold, murderous eyes. I hastily averted my gaze and continued on with my tasks. I cleared the dirty dishes from the table and loaded them onto a tray whilst the ladies enjoyed their desserts. Though, it seemed my presence soured Lady Narberal's parfait so she ate little. The same could be said for Lady Solution. Both ladies glared at me heinously whenever I came close. I always feared a strike but none ever came. But the intent was always there. 

It had been only a week since my employment to the Pleiades and so far... so good? I mean, I haven't been killed nor has anyone even slapped me. While it was apparent that the majority of my mistresses despised me and wished me dead or worse (actually, I'm certain the latter.) Their pleas for me to 'die' or 'visit Neuronist' were heard on the daily. 

Fortunately, I had Yuri. She was so kind to me and spent every free moment she could with me for the past week. She doted on me and pet me whenever I asked her to (or whenever she felt like it). She would bring me snacks and refreshment while I worked. A few days ago, she introduced me to this lovely little bar right here on the 9th Floor. The Sous-Chef was kind too, offering his aid in my culinary lessons and adding bartending to my skillset. Suffice to say, Yuri was easily my favorite among the six.

"More blood, Foxy!" 

"Of course, Lady Entoma!" I hurried to her side, masking my disgust as I filled her chalice with the thick crimson sludge. 

It's cow blood! It's cow blood! It's cow blood!

It wasn't cow blood. But ignorance is bliss sometimes. 

"Good boy." she said.

Before I could step away, her hand fell upon my head. Her touch was completely different from Yuri's. Her clawed hand covered in some sort of warm, moist exoskeleton. But, even more unexpectedly, she tenderly caressed my head just as kindly as Yuri ever had. 

Speaking of Yuri, the gentle sensation of Lady Entoma's touch had distracted me from her piercing gaze. Though, I was not the one it was being directed towards. 

"Tha-Thank you, My Lady." I stammered.

I averted my eyes but quickly brought them back to her, thinking she would be offended if I broke eye contact. My rosy cheeks were bared to all, unfortunately. Lady Solution and Lady Narberal were disgusted at the display. Lady CZ didn't care, and Yuri was fuming. 

As for Lady Lupusregina...

"Ooh! Ooh! Make him sit now!" she exclaimed with childish laughter. "No! No! No! Have him roll over!" 

"Be quiet, Lupusregina!" Yuri hissed.

Lady Entoma removed her hand and I bowed my head in thanks. She gave no response, instead thrusting a straw beneath her mask. By now, I had seen her shove some many things beneath her so-called face I would have to be crazy or blind to think it real. As for what she truly looked like: I had no idea and didn't pry out of fear of consequence. 

"Come along, Y/N, I think it's almost time for Hamsuke to have her lunch." Yuri stated.

"Yes, Lady Yuri!" I replied. 

Hamsuke's lunch wasn't for two more hours. But the dark glint in her eye told me that it was best to just listen rather than question. It was the first time Yuri's smile seemed... sinister. I had no clue what I could've done to sour her mood, but again, didn't pry for obvious reasons. 

Lady Lupusregina smirked a sly smirk. Chuckling deviously as she did so.

"Sorry, Yuri, but I'm forced to take him off your hands today!" she declared.

"Wha-What? What are you talking about?" Yuri demanded anxiously.

"Lord Ainz has asked me to take him with me on my visit to Carne," she answered. "See how he behaves around the humans and goblins and vice versa, ya know?" 

Yuri frowned, groaning as she did so. She looked to me, only to see I was neither concerned or worried... but curious.

"Humans? Goblins?" I mumbled. 

"Hey! You better not be scheming to rummage through their trash over there!" Lady Lupusregina snapped with a mocking grin. 

"I-I'm not, My Lady! And I am not a raccoon!" I answered. 

"I know, I know. Come on then," she said, rising from her seat. "Let's get a move on."

I nodded in obedience, which Yuri did not like one bit. Before I could follow Lady Lupusregina to the door, she snatched my wrist and held me in place. 

"Hold on! Just let me contact Lord Ainz and see if--!"

"Have some dignity, Yuri," Lady Solution interjected. "You could use a few hours without your pet."

Before Yuri could retaliate, I cupped her hand with mine. I smiled warmly at her, massaging her palm with my thumb like she had done mine so many times. Her concern was heartwarming. while I didn't fully understand the reason behind it; I was happy beyond words that she cared so much. 

"I'll see you later, Lady Yuri." I assured her. "We can grab dinner at Sous-Chef's bar! I-If you're interested?"

That reduced her negativity to ash. Her grip tightened on my hand for a moment; just for as long as she spoke.

"Always." She let me go with a hopeful smile. 


I followed Lady Lupusregina through the gate to the village. 

The entire settlement was on the move. Goblins gathered around the forming walls, sweating under the baking sun as they nailed every plank. Humans assisted, though most were doing common chores or tending to the vegetation. Children laughed and played their games whilst their elders made their lives a little easier. 

As we strolled through the village, I was drawing ever so closer to Lady Lupusregina and she was quick to take notice.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"No-Nothing, My Lady," I answered. "I'm just not used to so many people."

"Ooh... are you afraid their gonna gut ya?" She asked. "Boil your intestines like noodles? Grind your eyeballs to jelly? Fertilize their crops with your mashed up bone marrow?"

"Now I am..." I shuddered. 

"Hah! Yeah, well, find some different cover," she said. "Or I'll tell Yuri you groped me!"

She immediately laughed at my reddened cheeks and fearful whimpers.

"Please don't! I won't come near again! I swear!" I promised. 

She rolled her eyes and continued on laughing at me as we walked (a solid ten feet apa. rt). Eventually we reached our destination, a small hut in the center of the village. Standing at its side was a human woman, tending to her laundry hung on some wire. 

"That's the Chief?" I questioned.

I found it quite hard to believe that goblins would willingly serve a human master. I saw no chains or slave sigils upon the goblins so I assumed they were acting of their own volition. 

"Yep," Lady Lupusregina confirmed. "Best be good to that one! I saw her eat a direwolf's heart raw once!"

"What?!" I cried out.

"Miss Lupusregina!" 

I had alerted the Chief's attention and now she was hurrying over. I glanced at Lady Lupusregina, only to remember of what would happen if I tried to use her as a shield. Before I could find the courage to flee, the Chief was upon us.

"It's so good to see you," she exclaimed. "Oh! And you brought a friend?"

"Nah, just an underling," Lady Lupusregina answered. "This here is Y/N. He's uh... something-human halfling. I forget exactly what he is! His habit of rummaging through garbage does suggest--!"

"I am not a raccoon, My Lady!" I declared. "And I don't rummage through garbage!"

The Chief and Lady Lupusregina shared a laugh at my expense and dismay. Seeing my humiliated expression, the Chief forced herself quiet and extended a hand.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Y/N," Her smile was warm and sweet like apple pie. " I'm Enri! Enri Emmott!"

I returned the smile and bowed, which startled her immensely. She immediately demanded I raise my head before I could completely lower it. 

"No! No! No, you don't have to bow to me! I'm certainly not worthy of that!" she exclaimed.

"Awww~! That's my Enri, so bashful!" Lady Lupusregina mocked.

Chief Enri was quite lovely. She had a tomboyish charm to her that would at least entice the most stuck-up of noblemen. She was nowhere near as elegant as Yuri but her flaws a

"Say, Enri! Can you do me a solid and babysit this little guy while I run some errands 'round the village?" Lady Lupusregina asked. "He's house-trained, I swear!" 

She just couldn't speak without humiliating me in some way. I didn't even try to defend myself, only grumbling in place with red cheeks. Which... caught Chief Enri's attention, turning her own cheeks pink and forcing a smile upon her lips. 

"Oh, that's fine! But I do have some vegetables to prepare for dinner tonight," Chief Enri replied, turning her sights on me. "Would you mind helping me?"

"No problem, at all!" I answered wholeheartedly. "I just so happen to have enhanced my mincing skills recently!"

"....... Keep an eye on him," Lady Lupusregina said. "He'll sneak food if he gets the chance."

I said nothing. Only because we both knew she was right about that. 


"Wow! You're so fast with the peeling! I haven't even finished the second carrot!" Chief Enri praised.

"I have a very good teacher," I stated. "Anything but perfection is kind of a tick of hers."

I began to chop away as Chief Enri carried on with her peeling. Over the fireplace was a large pot of boiling broth. We were cooking a roast with vegetables for her and her little sister.

Chief Enri was quite the kind lady, I felt sort of silly for thinking she was some sort of violent monster. She clearly caught me stuffing bits of carrot every now and then and was generous enough to act like she hadn't. I also caught her, not sneaking food but glances. Every now and then I would turn my head, only to see her jerk hers downward and act like she hadn't been staring.

"My appearance doesn't bother you, right?" I inquired. 

"Wha-What? Of course not!" she exclaimed. 

"O-Oh... I only asked cause I saw you staring," I stated. "My teacher taught me to be cautious of shedding hairs so I promise none will end up in your dinner! If that's what you're worried about?"

"I'm not worried about that, at all!" she added. "I just... I like your tail. It looks like a fluffy H/C cloud! And your pointy ears, too. You look... cute."

Her smile vanished, her pink cheeks turning bright red with embarrassment just as mine did.

"Sorry! That was weird! I shouldn't have said anything!" she exclaimed. "Please, forgive--"

"You can touch it, if you like..." I interjected with a surprising offer. 

She was completely taken aback. For once, I was able to laugh at someone else's humility, despite it being someone who didn't necessarily deserve it.

"My... friend pets it all the time, as well as my ears," I explained. "I'm told it's comforting. So it's up to you, really." 

I continued with my work. I could hear Chief Enri chopping away behind me, a longer pause after each chop. Finally, I heard the knife drop against the counter followed by her soft leather shoes scurrying across the cobble. She stood behind me, still for a moment ads she contemplated whether or not she really wanted to.

But, at last, her soft palms kissed the tail of my fur. She tussled the fur and I squeezed my lips shut as to contain a pleasured moan. 

"Wow... it's really, really soft." she awed.

"I double condition..." I mumbled. 

Her caressing intensified, seemingly unbeknownst to her. She fluffed my fur and ran her fingers through the silky strands. Meanwhile, I was fidgeting with my fingers whilst continuing to keep my voice down. Her touch was delicate and loving, becoming ever more pleasurable as contact continued.

"Chi-Chief Enri!" I squeaked.

"Oh?! I'm sorry, did I hurt you?!" she cried, pulling her hands away from me.

I shook my head.

"N-No... no, I'm okay." I answered timidly. "Keep going... if-if you want."

And now, unbeknownst to me, my tail was wagging. That blasted tail made it impossible to have any kind of poker-face. Chief Enri was quick to put the pieces together and smiled upon completing it. Once more, gently, she grabbed my tail. Which proved far more difficult this time since it was wagging at a horse's pace. 

"So you really like this, huh?" she asked, giggling innocently.

"Just a little bit," I admitted. "You're very gentle. I appreciate that."

Her giggling continued as she rubbed my fur. 

"By the way, this friend of yours. Are they-uh... ya know, a woman?" she asked randomly.

"Ye-Yes, she is." I answered. 

"Oh! That's cool... very cool," she said unconvincingly. "I guess you two are pretty close then?"

"Yep," I smiled. "She's very good to me. I'm not very popular at work, to say the least. So I'm blessed to have someone like her in my life." She's my only friend, unfortunately."

The brushing came to a halt. My ears perked with concern and my heart was pricked with disappointment. But, for just a moment...

"Not anymore," Chief Enri stated. "If you'll let me, I'd love to be your friend!"

The wagging of my tail began once more as Chief Enri's fingers fell upon my ears. She massaged them gently, forcing an unintentional moan from my lips once more. 

"Yes, yes, yes!" I chanted. "I'd love that!"

"Wonderful!" she cheered. "And Enri is just fine, by the way! You don't have to address me so formally, ok?"

"Mm-hmm! Yep, yep!" I cried. 

I was utterly drunk upon her touch. Was this a power all women had or just a weakness of mine? 

Enri didn't let up. She smiled joyously as she rubbed my ears, growing more and more satisfied as I melted away. Her innocent smile turned slightly lecherous as I continued to fall under her spell. 

"You're so cute, Y/N!" she beamed. 

Thus, a new challenger approached without Yuri's knowledge.


I waved goodbye to Enri and closed the door behind me. 

"Lady Lupusregina! What a surprise! I wasn't expecting you so soon!" I exclaimed fearfully. 

I expected some form of stinging comment or maybe even an actual slap but received none. She just stood there, smiling her usual innocent smile. For some ominous reason, I shivered at the sight of her childish smile.

"Did you have fun?" she asked innocently.

"Yes! Ch-Chief Enri was so very kind," I smiled. "And I was as courteous and polite as expected of me!" 

"Good, good." she nodded with approval. "Let's head back to Nazarick, shall we?"

I nodded back and walked to her side. 

"By the way, something's been botherin' me." Lady Lupusregina stated."

"Oh? What, My Lady?" I asked.

"It's just... hm, I wonder what Big Sis Yuri will think of her pet being pampered by another woman? I have heard her mention she prefers nobody touch you but herself. Enri's too important to get the whip and you're going to be the one in her range... so, good luck." 

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