We Broke. Will we Be Able To...

By leenaelizabeth4

42.4K 970 494

*Sequel to Improbable But Not Impossible* Daniel Howell and Philip Lester's lives were turned upside-down aft... More

Chapter One- I'm Fine, Trust Me.
Chapter Two- Mind Travel?
Chapter Three- Samuel Riley Howell
Chapter Four- I Don't Want To Lose You, Is That Too Much To Ask?
Chapter Five- Puncture
Chapter Six- I Don't Want You Here.
Chapter Seven- His Life Lays In My Hands.
Chapter Eight- Tell Me The Truth, Angel.
Chapter Nine- Date Night
Chapter Ten- Dan 'Dirty Teasing Hardcore Bitch' Howell
Chapter Eleven- We're Getting You Out Of Here
Updates Delayed D:
Chapter Twelve- Stupid Idiot, I love you.
Chapter Thirteen- Maybe It's Not So Bad After All.
Chapter Fourteen- Second Chances
Chapter Fifteen- Mixed Drinks, Mixed Feelings of Elation.
Chapter Seventeen- Ferris Wheel of DEATH! (According to Landen Miles)
Chapter Eighteen- AVENGERS
Chapter Nineteen- You Can't Run From Family.
Chapter Twenty- Don't Tell Me If I'm Dying, Cause I Don't Want To Know
Uh... Hey.

Chapter Sixteen- Plan, Activate.

1.8K 41 14
By leenaelizabeth4

Sixteen- Plan, Activate.


The feeling was back. The one of pure terror. I knew that I failed, my one job, the one that was my whole life goal and I had failed. He was going to kill me.

I pushed through the seemingly endless amounts of sweaty bodies and made my way to the kitchen. No one was there, and for that I was grateful. I slid down onto the ground and buried my face in my hands. I was going to die. Literally. He was going to kill me.

I probably should explain who he is. Some people refer to him as the Devil, and Satan. To me, he is my boss. I am, in fact, a demon. But I never wanted to be. I was born into this, something about my mother making an agreement with Satan to have me or something, I don't know, but now I was forced to kill him. To kill Phil. And I failed.

I couldn't do it. Aside from his good looks and charm, I physically couldn't. I had tried to, but something was protecting him. Or someone. I had heard about Philip Lester, obviously. The Human-Turned-Angel-Turned Human and his angel boyfriend. I had heard of the bonds they shared, but I would never have guessed that it would protect Phil from being killed.

Okay, I should point something out. I'm not a bad guy. I'm doing this to survive. Everyone for themselves, right? I don't want to kill Phil, hell I wouldn't if I could, but I had to. There is no way out. Trust me, I've tried. Killing myself doesn't work, nothing works.

"You okay there?" I glanced up to see a boy with bright, blue hair smiling down at me. His brown eyes twinkled and sat down beside me.

I nodded, "Yeah, fine." I wasn't gay, but I felt attracted to this boy. I don't know why, there are more attractive people, but something about him called to me. 

"Isaac" He held out his hand and I shook it.

"Landen." I smiled at him and then sighed, "Why aren't you out there enjoying the party?"

"I could ask you the same question. But, I don't like parties or people, so here is the best place to be." Isaac shrugged and then grinned at me.

"Then why did you come?" I asked, studying him. He had freckles splattered across his nose and cheeks, and a beauty mark just above his lip.

"Better than staying at home, I guess. Also, I hit post limit on tumblr." Isaac moaned and then jumped up before I got the chance to ask what tumblr was. He held out a hand to me and I took it curiously. Isaac pulled me up and then dragged me towards the front door.

"Where are we going?" I yelled over the thumping of the music. Isaac just shook his head and dragged me out of the door.

- - -

Isaac led me to a large house. It was nothing special, just an ordinary house with a small front garden. He unlocked the door, so I assumed it was his own.

"Are you gong to tell me what we're doing, or...?" I mussed, raising an eyebrow as he opened the door with his hip and stowed the keys in his pocket.

"We are going to watch some Supernatural, or maybe Teen Wolf, and then we are going to talk about our OTP's." Isaac glanced at me and then motioned me to follow him into the house.

"I... What?" Confused, I followed Isaac inside and into the living room where he sat on a large, leather couch. I sat next to him.

"You know, OTP's? One true pairings? Oh, come on. Do you have a life? Wait... Course you do, you don't have a tumblr. Oh, how I envy you." Isaac said quickly, sighing slightly. I stared at him and my face must have shown my confusion and horror because Isaac burst out laughing. "Oh dude, I have a lot to teach you."


My heard hurt like a bitch, and there was someone sleeping in my bed. I rolled out of the warm sheets and made my way towards the door, glancing behind me to try and figure out who I had slept with. No one I knew, anyway. I shrugged and made my way out to the kitchen, stepping over passed out people and bottles and cups of alcohol.

Phil was in the kitchen. Of course, he would be the only other one up, with him hardly drinking at all.

"Hi." Phil said softly, not looking at me, but focusing on his coffee that he was stirring with more force than necessary. "How was your night?"

I yawned, "Great. Yours?"

"Could have been better." And with that, Phil left. If it was any other time of the day, and I didn't have a massive hang-over, I would have followed him and asked him what was wrong. But right now, I was too focused on getting myself a coffee and having a shower.

I sat on the floor of the kitchen, sipping on the too-strong coffee and just staring at the cupboards. The coffee was slightly helping me wake up, and I started to realise how much of a jerk I'd been.

I mean, I had made out with Phil less than 24 hours ago, and then I decide to go sleep with some random stranger? Douche-y move, Dan. Well done. A+.

I groaned and got up and went to find Phil, to apologize for being a twat. I found him sitting on the balcony sipping on his coffee.

"Hey. Look, I'm sorry about-" I started, but was cut off when Phil literally growled at me. Like, more animal than human.

"Doesn't matter." He got up and stalked back into the house.

I sat there, shocked for a moment before I bit my lip. I needed a plan. One to get Phil to see that I'm sorry for being a grade A dick. And that plan starts....


Ahh, new chapter! I am sososososoosososososoosososososo sorry about not posting in FOREVER! I don't even know what happened. I found Teen Wolf, and then everything became centered around Sterek and I literally cannot go one moment without thinking about it. Idek. My mind is crazy.

So, I am so sorry about the long wait, but hopefully I will get back to posting again soon. I've just been distracted. Oh, and I started school and I have 1483792572 tests coming up and I'm moving on Friday and I have episodes to catch up on, and smut to read and you get the point. :3

Yah, so thank you for waiting! I love you all. Oh, and Landen isn't evil, trust me.

And I'm sorry, Isaac just happened, okay? I needed someone to play me, okay. Even if he is a guy, and in my mind extremely hot and a demon, he is still me. Yes? Okay, good. :D

OUTRO OF DARKNESS, THEN REDNESS, THEN WHITENESS! LEENA OUT! BOOP! *Brofist* Stay classy Danosaurs and Philions <3 PEACH!

Wow, it has been ages since I have written that :O I need to write more! Bye byeeeeesss.

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