Kindred Spirits

By helloluv06

417K 10.6K 1.4K

In which Caroline's older sister, Cassidy, has always known that she was mated to eight supernaturals based o... More

Summary and More
-Graphic Gallery
Main character...
1 - What's the plan?
2 - I have waited forever for you, darling
3 - I am not a witch
4 - You're so weird
5 - Only for you
6 - Do you love him?
7 - You'll kill her
8 - You're not just any girl
9 - He's still alive
10 - You either help me or die
11 - Run
12 - It's what friends do
13 - You don't think I'm beautiful?
14 - I won't let you
15 - It is almost over
16 - Will you miss me?
Main character...
17 - I was meant to possess power
18 - They're all dead
19 - Aren't you adorable?
20 - It's good to be home
21 - I could have killed her
22 - I have nowhere else to go
23 - You really love them, don't you?
24 - I miss my family
25 - I have my leverage right here
26 - He hurt me, Elena
27 - 400 bucks?!
28 - He is not my dad!
29 - I forgive you
30 - You seem like a perfect gentleman
31 - What did you do, Caroline?
32 - Easy there, little witch
33 - What, you didn't see this coming?
34 - The blood on my hands is your father's
35 - Quite contrary
36 - Get the humans ready
37 - No bones broken... I think
38 - I'm never going to be happy
Main character...
39 - I have to search for our mate
40 - It's a trap, Cassie
41 - You're a new face
42 - Then stay
43 - Hayley, was it?
44 - What did you do to Elena?
45 - I had no idea who I really was
46 - I'm giving you one last chance
47 - I'll always come back to you
48 - I want Katherine
49 - I know when something is on your mind, love
50 - He's better off dead
Main character...
51 - Are you pregnant with my child?
52 - A true angel
53 - You think you can stop me?
54 - What, you don't want to kiss me?
55 - I don't think you'll survive
56 - I can't breathe
57 - You will not believe the crap day that I'm having
58 - We need to have a little chat
59 - Marcel wouldn't do that
60 - Stay clear of witches!
61 - Resurrect your chosen ones
62 - Thanks for the concern
63 - I just thought you'd want to know
64 - You are my always, darling
65 - I'm still standing here, aren't I?
66 - Friends it is
67 - She knows what she's doing
68 - It was only a little bit!
69 - You should be resting
70 - Our time is up
71 - It's too soon
72 - I promised him
Main character...
73 - Mommy misses you
74 - Maybe someday
75 - You mean you don't recognize me?
76 - What have you done?
77 - I will not watch you die again
78 - This child is safe
79 - I'm still your mate
80 - My forever
81 - I wish that it could always be like this
82 - You must be Kai
83 - Guys, this is our best option
84 - What's with the pouty face?
85 - So, you're back to hating me?
86 - You put the life of my children in the hands of Mikael?
87 - You are my one and only, today and every day
89 - How far would you really go for her?
90 - Alex deserves to see the good side of the world
91 - I am aware of your power, Cassidy
92 - You're amazing, I love you
93 - You underestimate me, Dahlia
94 - You're safe with me
Main character...
95 - Cassie, it's time!
96 - I expected better from you
97 - Elijah, you used me
98 - Why do I feel like I'm gonna regret this?
99 - Hello, my sweet love
100 - Apology not accepted
101 - This isn't my home anymore
102 - How could you love such a disaster?
103 - Like hell am I letting you do this by yourself
104 - We were too late
105 - She is tearing herself apart!
106 - And here, I thought we were best friends
107 - You do realize that you're utterly insane?
108 - So, are we in this together?
109 - We're going to run?
110 - Meet your grandchildren
111 - You and your empathy problems
112 - You're going to have to do better than that
113 - You're fighting, because you want to live
114 - How could you do that to her?
115 - We have a problem
116 - They deserve what they're going to get
Main character...
Cassidy's children...
117 - Everything I do is for them
118 - It's been a while, angel
119 - Who is this little cutie?
120 - Just help her and we'll leave
121 - What has happened to you, Marcel?
122 - I'm worried about Hope
123 - You have no idea what true madness looks like
124 - You're the one chance we have
125 - Mom, is dad gonna die?
126 - Have a little faith
127 - She's getting stronger
128 - I can feel her love for you
129 - Always and forever
Main character...
Cassidy's children...
130 - My daughter
131 - I am still your father
132 - No chapter needed
133 - Subtle, isn't he?
134 - We leave in the morning
135 - She wants to kill us
136 - She was my little girl
137 - She was my mate, I will always love her
138 - Thought you'd never ask. Literally
139 - You love me?
140 - Ready as I'll ever be
141 - No one is a mistake, Alexandria
142 - Happiness is a choice
End of story special :)

88 - Kai could be a unisex name!

1.3K 49 42
By helloluv06

Book: Kindred Spirits
Chapter 88 (2x16)
Word Count: 2102

A/N: Raise your hand if you love Elijah! ✋️🏻


"I really want to help you, Bekah, but I can't do magic. I'm almost nine months pregnant, remember? I can't do much without risking siphoning from my baby instead of my vampirism whenever I cast a spell." Cassidy reminded, laying in bed.

"Please, gorgeous." Eva/Rebekah placed her hand on top of Cassidy's. "I wouldn't ask you if I wasn't desperate for answers. I know how bed-ridden you've been. But you won't have to do any magic, just research. No one can work their way around a grimoire quite like you can."

"Bonnie is right downstairs with Enzo, Hope, and Leo. You should try asking her for help." Cassidy slowly managed to sit up in her bed, a hand on her large baby bump. "Beware... Caroline will be up any second for her hourly check up on m--"

"Rebekah! We agreed no mates when it's Cassie's nap time! You're distracting her from her much-needed sleep!" Caroline scolded, hands on her hips as she barged into the room. Eva/Rebekah sighed, defeated, and went to leave, but Cassidy prevented her from doing so by grabbing her hand and turning to smile at Caroline.

"I appreciate that you're keeping me nice and healthy, Care, but can you please give Bekah and I a few minutes to talk?"

"Five minutes. I'm counting." Caroline huffed, turning and leaving. Cassidy sighed and turned back to Eva/Rebekah.

"You heard her. Five minutes. What've you got for me?"

"I'm having dreams... no, they're more than dreams. I came here hoping you'd have some witchy way to figure out what's wrong and help me fix it." Eva/Rebekah admitted.

"Dreams?" Cassidy's eyebrows shot up. "Not my specialty. But I do know a certain someone who is great with visions and dreams. I'll tell her to come over."

"This certain someone couldn't possibly be a petite little thing, about yey high, blue eyes, cute button nose, who took part in the Harvest ritual a few years ago, could it?" Eva/Rebekah guessed with a knowing look. Cassidy giggled and smiled, reaching over to grab her phone.

"The very one." She dialed Davina's number, holding her phone up to her ear.


"What happens to be the problem?" Davina plopped down on Cassidy's bed, snuggling into the pregnant heretic's side while glancing at Eva/Rebekah.

"I think the rightful owner of this body is waking up inside me, and she's angry." Eva/Rebekah muttered nervously.

"I could only buy so much time from Caroline before she'll come up again." Cassidy turned, wrapping an arm around Davina, who rested her head on Cassidy's shoulder in the bed. "Did you bring the books, Vina?"

"Every last one." Davina quickly sat up to grab her bag and pull out a few books. "These are some spell books that I stole from Esther after I invaded her 'headquarters' a few nights back, looking for anything that could help my magic grow. These spell books were the closest I came."


The three spent a good half an hour looking through the spell books, despite Caroline coming up every five minutes to demand that Cassidy get some rest soon, and eventually, they came up with no solutions or possible ways to prevent Rebekah's dreams of Eva Sinclair coming back into her own body.

"Thanks for trying, Davina, I appreciate it." Eva/Rebekah sighed and rose to her feet. She went to head to the door, but the second she tried to walk, Eva/Rebekah was suddenly overcome by a wave of pain as Eva fought to get control of her body again. Eva/Rebekah leant against Cassidy's bedroom wall to get her bearings as Cassidy and Davina both watched her in concern, but as soon as Eva/Rebekah tried to leave the bedroom again, she doubled over from the force of the next pulse of resistance from Eva.

Eva/Rebekah collapsed to the ground, knocking her head on the corner of the chair, causing her to fall unconscious.

"Bekah?" Cassidy exclaimed with worry. With a little help from Davina, the heretic was able to get out of bed and hurry over to Eva/Rebekah, unable to bend down to check if she was alright due to her baby bump getting in the way. Davina did it for her, checking Eva/Rebekah's pulse as Cassidy just stood back and listened for a heartbeat. She sighed in relief when she could hear a heartbeat and Davina could feel a steady pulse beneath her fingers.

"She's okay. She will wake up soon." Davina reassured, but she got no response. "Beautiful?" Davina rose to her feet again and span around, only to see Cassidy doubled over in pain, her arms wrapped around her stomach. Rushing to Cassidy's side, Davina's eyes were frantic with worry. "What's wrong? What happened? Is it the baby? Is it okay? What do I do?"

"I-I think..." Cassidy tried to control her ragged breathing. "I think my water just broke."

And sure enough, as Davina looked down, she spotted a pool of water gathering around Cassidy's feet and running down her legs. Davina tried not to panic for Cassidy's sake.

"U-um... this baby could be supernatural. Better not take you to an actual hospital." As Davina paced for a second, she suddenly stopped. "I know a witch. She was my mom's old friend but I haven't talked to her since the Harvest. She was always kind to me."

"What does that have anything to do with my baby being ready to be born?" Cassidy snapped, groaning in pain. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to yell."

"I don't blame you." Davina murmured. "This friend of my mom's, she is a witch and she used to be a nurse before she retired. The greatest nurse there was. Come on, she could deliver your baby."

"Is she far?" Cassidy panted. "Because I don't think I'll make it there in time."

"No, she lives in the quarter. I'll go grab a taxi." Davina told. "Klaus? Kol? Literally anyone?!"

"You called?" Kol appeared in the doorway with his usual smirk, but it dropped into a very worried frown once he saw the pain that Cassidy was in. He rushed to her side, and Cassidy grabbed his hand, squeezing it as if it would somehow stop the pain. "What is happening?! What's wrong? Baby, you're scaring me."

"She's in labor. I know a witch who can deliver her baby, but you're the one with the super speed. You can get there faster. I'll call Elijah and get him to meet you guys there as the father." Davina then quickly told Kol the address and the original vampire scooped his mate into his arms gently, and they were off.


Two hours. Two hours of pain, until it all stopped. Almost. Her lower stomach still ached, but it was bearable. Davina's mom's friend, Kathleen, was an elderly witch who stopped using magic once she saw what Davina was put through with the harvest. She was so kind and understand, and she delivered Cassidy's baby without any difficulties whatsoever. Elijah arrived in a hurry. He was off in a run the second that Davina told him he was about to be a father. Elijah and Kol stayed by Cassidy's side the entire time during the pregnancy. Davina exclaimed how much she wanted to be there, but she had to stay with Rebekah.

Hayley was off with her werewolves to practice with their new abilities after the ceremony, Marcel was handling witch business elsewhere, and Klaus and Freya were off preparing a family brunch. But having Elijah and Kol there made her feel like they were all there.

As Kathleen passed a beautiful baby girl into Cassidy's arms, the door to the room burst open and Caroline and Kai came bursting in, shoving each other out of the way.

"I was here first--"

"No, I want to see the baby--"

"I want to hold it--"

"It's not an it--"

"I'm the baby's uncle--"

"I'm the baby's actual aunt--"

"Dibs on holding first--"

"You can't do that--"

"Children, please." Elijah scolded the bickering vampire and siphon, not being able to hide his smile at being a father, an arm wrapped around Cassidy as he perched himself on the edge of the bed by Cassidy's head. "This isn't the time nor place for that. Not while she's sleeping."

"Yes, Elijah..." Caroline and Kai muttered in sync, before Caroline's eyes widened.

"She? The baby's a girl?"

"Yes." Cassidy spoke up, not taking her eyes off of the gorgeous baby girl resting in her arms.

"Oh, she's beautiful." Tears welled up in Caroline's eyes as she stumbled closer to the bed. "May I?"

"Of course." Cassidy turned to smile up at her younger sister, passing the sleeping baby into her arms. As Caroline gently rocked the newborn, a tear fell from her eye.

"I love her already..."

"Is it my turn now?" Kai whined like a child, but Caroline simply shot him a glare, keeping the baby close to her.

Moments later, the door burst open and in walked Hayley, Klaus, Freya, and Marcel, all bickering about who'd be the first to hold the baby, like Caroline and Kai had been doing minutes before.

"Not again." Elijah rolled his eyes.

"Don't worry, I'll handle those lot." Kol sighed, shooting Elijah a smile. "You enjoy the first moments of parenthood, brother." He then leant down to peck Cassidy's lips gently, walking towards the doors to end the bickering between Cassidy's mates.

Caroline handed the baby over to Elijah, ignoring Kai's complaints that he hadn't even held her yet, and Elijah fawned over his baby girl. His only child... his pride and joy.


Soon enough, all of Cassidy's New Orleans loved ones were gathered around her bed. Klaus, Freya, Rebekah, Davina, Marcel, Hayley, Kol, Cami, Josh, Jackson, Kai, Caroline, Enzo with Leo in his arms, Bonnie with Hope in her arms, and Elijah with the new addition to the Forbes-Mikaelson family still in his arms.

"Have you thought of any names yet?" Josh asked with a warm smile. Cassidy smiled back, brushing her hair away from her face that had stuck to her forehead from the sweat. She glanced over at Elijah as if asking for permission to reveal the name, and Elijah smiled at her, nodding, softly rocking his still-sleeping baby girl.

"We've thought of a few, but only one stood out." Cassidy informed.

"Is it Kai?" Kai grinned, getting weird looks from the others. "What? Kai could be a unisex name!" Bonnie whacked him upside the head, causing Hope to erupt into giggles. Kai shot Hope a betrayed look, rubbing his head, causing Hope to giggle even more.

"Do you guys wanna know the name of our baby girl or not?" Cassidy chuckled. Everyone immediately silenced, even Hope and Leo, to hear the name. "'Lijah and I have decided to call her... Alexandria Jenna Forbes-Mikaelson... you know, since there is a good chance I'll never see Jenna again without risk of her finding out about my kids and me."

"She would love that you thought of her, Cassie." Caroline smiled softly at her older sister. "Alexandria is a gorgeous name."

"Little Alex..." Kai sniffled, causing Kol to glance at him.

"Are you crying over there, mate?"

"Me? No, I'm not crying, Kelvin." Kai wiped his eyes. "I-I was... chopping an onion earlier. Hope was hungry..." He lied, earning laughs from everyone else.

"Come on, everyone. Let's give the little family their alone time." Freya grinned, walking out of the room, everyone else following. Cassidy scooted over so Elijah could sit on the bed beside her, passing Alexandria over to the baby mama.

"She's going to have your blonde hair..." Elijah whispered, gently stroking Alexandria's head.

"She's going to be as noble and as loyal as her father."

"She's going to have her mother's oceanic eyes."

"She's going to be a witch."

"She'll most likely inherit your siphoning ability."

"I hope so." Cassidy leant down to kiss Alexandria's head. "Most of my life, before I met any of you, I was ashamed of the magic inside of me. I don't want Alexandria to grow up like that. I want her to be proud of the magic she has, and she is going to be so powerful. So good."

"I don't doubt it." Elijah pressed a kiss to Cassidy's temple.

"Okay, okay!" Kathleen came hurrying in, a kind smile spread across her wrinkled face. "Time to feed her."

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