The Life of Hayes Grier's Twi...

By justinershepherd

48.1K 842 354

Justine's life sucked for years, because two of her older brothers picked on her everyday since she was in 5t... More

The Life of Being the Younger Sister of the Grier boys
Chapter 1
Not an update
Chapter 2
chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
I'm so proud of Hayes!
Taylor Caniff
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 15

1.1K 23 24
By justinershepherd

Thanks for 7k ilygsm sorry i haven't updated in a while, i have been trying to update my other stories.

I woke up in the middle of the night to Decklan crying, i laid there for a few minutes, then he stopped crying, i need to get use to this. I snuggled up into my blankets and fell asleep.

I woke up to alarm going off, i looked at my phone to see that it is 7:00. I groaned then turned it off and got ready for School. When i walked back into my room, all ready for school i saw Decklan's bouncer in my room. There was a note on it.

Justine & Hayes,

The boys have an interview today, Skylynn is at school, but Nolan and Decklan are in their rooms, i called your school, and they said it was fine that you guys brought them with you, have a great day love you


Okay then. I walked into Hayes' room to make sure he was ready, to my surprise he was. "Hey, can you change Decklan, while i change Nolan?" I asked poking my head through his doorway. He looked up from his phone and nodded. He got up, and walked into Decklan's room.

"Hey Nolan, it's time to get up." He looked over at me, then slammed his head back onto his pillow. "C'mon bud, you and Decklan have to come with Hayes and I to school." His eyes lit up, and he jumped out of bed and ran towards his closet.

He grabbed a pair of khakis, and a black t-shirt that said 'U mad bro?' in green and white lettering. I laughed when he handed it to me, then i grabbed a pair of underwear for him. I took him to the bathroom and made him use the bathroom, then helped him get dressed.

When he was all dressed we walked downstairs and got our shoes on, then grabbed a couple of muffins. Hayes came down 5 minutes later with Decklan pasted out in his car seat and his diaper bag.

I was wearing a black long sleeve shirt, and pink and blue ombre shorts, and Hayes was wearing his red shirt (Merch) and Khakis. We made sure we had everything for us and the boys, then we walked out to the bus stop and waited.

This girl walked up to us, and gave me a dirty look. She's obviously new. "Hey cuties!" Haley said walking up to us with Melanie following behind us. Hayes kissed her, and i hugged her. "Haley!" Nolan squeal raising his arms indicating that he wanted her to pick him up.

"I swear your siblings are the cutest." Haley said putting Nolan on her hip. "I know right, did you see the new video?" "Yeah, and Hayes you are so stupid, well the people who didn't realize that you said your birthday wrong are, but yeah." We just started laughing and the girl just watched us.

"Aw! The baby!" Melanie squealed when she noticed Decklan. "Aw, he's so much smaller in person." Haley said tickling his feet. "Not to be rude but why are you taking them to school with you?" The girl asked. "Our brother and his friends had an interview, then our other brother went somewhere, then our Parents have work, so we have to take them today." Hayes said.

She just nodded "Which one of you is older?" Hayes pointed at me, and i smiled. "But i still act like i'm older." "He does..." We talked for awhile until the bus came. I found out that her name was Kayla, she was pretty cool. "Woo! Hayes get some!" Some idiot yelled when he saw the car seat.

"It's my brother moron." "No it's not! i see your mom all the time, she was never pregnant!" "She adopted him, Morons i swear!" Hayes was pissed. The bus eventually started moving and we drove to the school since we were the last stop.

Nolan had his face glued to the window, he's never been on a bus before. When we reached the school, the bus driver made everyone wait for Hayes and I to get off. We waited for Melanie and Haley, then walked to the patio and sat at a table.

"Excuse me? Where are your parents?" Mrs. Eiben asked, ugh she's so rude! I'm so lucky i don't have her. "Work, the principal said we could bring them to school with us." Hayes said trying at act smart. "Little kids aren't aloud in the classrooms, so I'm going to have to take them with me."

"You touch them and we call the cops." Hayes said smacking her hand away from the car seat. In returned she slapped him, so of course i called the cops while Haley and Melanie videotaped it for proof. Let's just say she got fired.

*Baby starts crying* Hayes took him out of the car seat, and calmed him down. "Hand me the bottle." Hayes said looking at me, so i grabbed the bottle and gave it to him. He sat down and started feeding Decklan, which was freaking adorable, he is such a good big brother.

I just stood there and watched him feed Decklan, and Nolan dancing like a weirdo with Haley, until someone covered my eyes and whispered. "Surprise." I turned around to see Shawn standing there with a huge smile on his face. I jumped onto him and wrapped my legs around his waist.

"I missed you so much." I said squeezing him as i tight as i could. "I missed you too baby girl." He said then kissed my cheek. "NO PDA!" Some teacher said walking over to us. "What's wrong with that? It's freaking goals!" A girl yelled. everyone was looking at us. "Holy crap that's Shawn Mendes!"

"Haha to them you and Hayes and Just the twins that go here, but they see me as as all of the fans do." I laughed, then unwrapped my legs and he put me down. "Shawnie!" Nolan yelled running up to us and jumping, so Shawn can catch him and play with him, like he always does.

"Hey Nol, how have you been?" "Good, i have a new little brother!" Shawn looked at me confused. and I pointed to Hayes. He looked at him, then he realized what happened. "Can you sing me a song?" Nolan asked giving Shawn puppy dog eyes. He chuckled then thought for a minute and started singing.

A lot of the girls were surrounding him, I even saw a girl touch his butt, he made an uncomfortable face, then continued singing, cause Nolan was slowly falling asleep. The bell rang and he carefully shifted Nolan so that he was cradling him in his arms.

"Guess what." Shawn whispered while i grabbed my stuff. "What?" "You're suppose to guess." "Ugh, fine, are you going to spend the whole entire day with me?" I said with hope. He smiled and nodded. "Yes!" He just laughed and we walked to first period.

"Mr. and Miss. Grier why do you have a baby and toddler with you? and a smoking hot boy." "Excuse me?" Shawn asked kinda creeped out cause the teacher is like 46. "Did i say that out loud." Everyone nodded. "Sorry Ma'am but he's too young for you, plus he's taken." Hayes said smirking at Shawn and I.

She rolled her eyes at him, and he just laughed. I sat down and Shawn sat on the floor next to my desk looking down at Nolan smiling. I looked over at Hayes, to see if staring at Decklan as in waiting for him to wake up. I swear Hayes would use a baby to get out of anything, especially a test.

Eventually Decklan woke up, but instead of crying he just stared at Hayes and smiled a gummy smile. Hayes was kind of freaking out a little bit, cause he is the first person Decklan smiled at. "Mr. Grier do you care to tell everyone else why you are disrupting class?" "My brother just smiled at me, and i'm the first person he smiled at!" He got up and started dancing like an idiot and Decklan started gurgling.

I looked back at Shawn and he was already looking at me. He winked and made me blush. From Hayes' outburst of excitement, Nolan woke up, and got up and crawled onto my lap. "Hey babe." He looked up at me and smiled. "I love you sissy." "I love you too." I said kissing his nose, causing him to crinkle it.

"Is this what it's like at home?" The teacher asked. All three of us older kids looked at each other and laughed while shaking our heads. "Not when we have a Cameron and Taylor in the house, i mean Taylor's a little more responsible, but they are both trouble makers. "Tay is Cwazy, wait no Cam is." Nolan said laughing.

"So who are Cameron and Taylor?" The teacher asked, causing most of the girls to gasp. "They're like our older brothers, yet they aren't related to them." Hayes answered. "And you think Hayes is trouble, wait till they come later, they said they will only be here for an hour, then they will leave, maybe with the little ones, but most likely not unless Nash or Will are with them, cause i wouldn't trust them alone with little kids. Especially Cameron."

"Oh dear god.""Eh, i think Taylor has babysat his little brother successfully." Shawn said walking over to and picked the baby up. "Yeah, but his brother was like 4 or 5." He just shrugged and made silly faces, causing Decklan to gurgle. "Out of all of the guys, i wouldn't trust Cam or Tay. Everyone else i would, well maybe, i don't know about Catah."

"Why did you say Catah instead of Carter?" Hayes said acting like a Newborn (Fake fans) "Cause it's a joke!" i said sassily, Whoa i spend too much time with Skylynn. "Catah stop it!" Shawn said. Only the Magcon fans plus us were laughing. "Why is everyone laughing?" Jake asked.

"Cause they get the joke." "What's the joke?" "Well, Carter always scares his mom, and she always says either 'Catah stop it or Catah why you do that?' so we say it a lot randomly...These boys have changed my life so much." I said laughing at the thought of how much my life has changed, most of the girls agreed.

After awhile Nolan started to get really hyper and started running around the room. "Nolan Kaden Grier sit down." Hayes said sternly, which was kinda weird cause Hayes is never serious. Nolan just stuck his tongue out at him and continued to run around.

"Nolan sit down, or you can't play with Sky when we get home." He immediately stopped and walked over to Hayes and sat down on the floor. "And that's how you get him to calm down." I said laughing a little. "That was so adorable! Nolan must love his big sissy right?" Shawn said looking at Nolan.

"I love Skylynn, she's weally fun too play with." All of the girls 'Awed' along with a few boys. I guess again we will have a free day. "Here, Justine." I looked down and carefully took Decklan out of Shawn's arms.

"Hi Decky." I said in a baby voice while he stared at me with his big eyes. (He's only 2 days old, so his eyes are like a dark blue, so technically he doesn't have an eye color yet.) "I Love you so much! I will always protect you." I said then kissed his forehead and he smiled.

The next thing you know Cameron and Taylor come bursting through the door. Cameron was giving Taylor a piggy back ride. A minute or so later Nash walks in like a normal person. "Bandanna boy and Dallas shut up." I said and they looked at me. "What did you say little girl?" Cameron said jokingly.

"i hate you so much." I said laughing. I'm literally surprised that they haven't been kicked out yet. Nash was just standing there laughing in the front of the room with his phone in his hand, most likely checking social media.

When Nolan looked up from Hayes' phone, which he was playing on, he saw Nash and ran over to him. "Nashy!" Nash put his phone away and picked him up. "Hey buddy, aren't they crazy?" He said pointing to Taylor and cameron who were just being retards. Nolan giggled and nodded his head.

"Taylor Michael..." I got cut off by Taylor covering my mouth...haha idiot. I licked his hand, but instead of being a normal person and Removing it, he started rubbing it all over my face. "Taylor!" "What? you licked me." "So you had to rub it all over my face?" "Yeah." He said it like it was normal.

"Benjamin why do we know such weird people?" Hayes glared at me, then shrugged his shoulders. "Taylor and Cameron calm down and start acting your ages, Nash is younger than both of you and he just walked in and stood in the front like a 17 year old, Shawn is 16, and is just sitting here, you guys are 19 and 20 now start acting like it...until we get home, then you can be yourselves."

"But we don't want to!" Cameron whined like a 3 year old. "Stop acting like Nolan, well worse cause he's been pretty well behaved today." They rolled their eyes, then walked to the front and sat down and started playing on their phones. "Sorry, they don't know how to act at school." Nash said then started whispering things to Nolan, which was really cute.

"Ugh it's so hot in here!" Taylor yelled throwing his head back. Cameron whispered something in his ear, and he smirked. and what do you think he did? Yes, he took his shirt of, then threw his shirt at me. I took it off of my head and threw it back to him. "Put your shirt on, we don't need to see your ribs!"

"No! No! No! Keep your shirt off." I looked to see Kayla drooling over him. Okay then? Hayes, Shawn, Nash, and I all gave Taylor 'the look' He sighed then put his shirt back on, just to have Cameron take his off. Why could've Nash just come alone? "Put yo shirt on Nashty!" Nolan said trying to be serious but failing miserably.

"Um, sweetie it's Nasty." "No, it's Nashty, trust me." Nash said laughing. "All these words you guys changed." I said laughing "Whet Bae?" Shawn said acting weird. I swear everyone but the teacher is laugh, she is so confused. *Bell rings*

Everyone gets up and leaves for lunch. "So how was the interview?" I asked Nash as i hand Shawn the baby. Getting a few dirty looks in the process. "Eh, they kept asking if i was dating this girl named Kylie, then they asked about you and Hayes and if you guess were taken, it kind of pissed me off." I just nodded and hugged him.

"i missed your hugs." Nash said looking down at me sadly. "I missed giving you hugs." (Remember how him and Hayes were jerks to her, yeah Her and Nash never really talked to each other about it.)He side hugged me and kissed the top of my head.

"Sibling goals!" Some girl yelled as we entered the Cafeteria and went into the line to get food. "You're my wittle baby!" Nash pretty much screamed at the top of his lungs, while having arms wrapped around me, and rocking me back and forth.

"You're such a dork." "I'm sorry...for being such an ass these past years, i regret it so much, you're my little sister, i should have treated you like a princess, while i treated you like a servant." I laughed at the end, but nodded. "Just know that i'll always protect you." "I know, cause siblings should always stick together, even if they don't get along, they should still be there to stand up for one another."

He kissed my head again, then we got our lunch and found the table that Shawn was sitting at with the two idiots, holding the baby. I sat down next to him, and he leaned over and kissed my cheek, while feeding the baby at the same time. Decklan was just looking up at Shawn like he was trying to see if he likes him or not.

Soon Hayes joined us, and we ate our lunch. A few times some girls would walk up to us and ask for autographs, and of course the guys signed their binders or whatever. Hayes and I just sat there and ate, cause no one ever wants our signatures, which we are fine with, cause it means that this school doesn't care that we are famous.

When lunch was over, Cameron checked us out, then we went home. I'm kinda happy to get away from hell...i mean school, who am i kidding i mean hell. All four of us younger kids ended falling asleep, while Nash went into Skylynn's school and grabbed her, then drove home.

I woke up in my bed, and looked around. Shawn was asleep on the couch i have in my room with Decklan asleep on his chest. And Hayes and Nolan were still asleep by the foot of my bed, and next to me. I got up and took a picture of Shawn and Decklan.

'After school nap<3 @ShawnMendes you are so freaking adorable with little Deck. I Love you so much!' I posted it on Instagram immediately getting tons of comments and likes.

1.Who's the baby? (the numbers are there instead of usernames)

2.Aw Decklan is so cute!

3.I wish i had a boyfriend like Shawn.

4.The baby is her little brother.

5.Did she have a baby?

4.^^No it's her brother.

5.Oh, how do you know?

4.They all tweeted about it.

6. Aw! that is so cute!

7. Aw, he fell asleep with the baby.

8. Why does he have a baby?

6. ^^ Nash just tweeted saying that

Justine, Hayes, the baby, and Nolan

fell asleep in the car, so Shawn must

have sat down on her couch with him

and fell asleep.

I heard Shawn groan, so i looked up and he was smiling sleepily at me. "Hi." "Hi." I walked over to the couch and sat down beside him and rested my head on his shoulder and softly ran my hand over Decklan's little head. He doesn't have much hair, but the hair he does have is really soft.

"I love you." Shawn mumbled against the back of my head as he kissed it. "I love you too. You are so adorable with Decklan and Nolan, it really surprised me to wake up to see you asleep with Decklan in your arms. "I don't even remember falling asleep. I walked in here after Taylor carried you, Nash carried Nolan and Cameron carried Hayes in here. I sat down with Decklan trying to calm his down cause he was crying, so i was singing to him, and i guess we both fell asleep."

"You do have a magical voice, i mean i could be having the worst day ever, then listen to you sing and it's all better." "Aw, Justine, you're making me blush." "You look cute when you blush." "You do too." "Doesn't everyone? i mean it's so cute when guys make their girlfriends or best friends who are girls blush." He just nodded in agreement.

We just sat there and talked until we heard voices downstairs. Knowing the voices i got up and ran downstairs. I snuck up on the short blonde and jumped on his back. "Ah! God child you scared me!" Jack said then laughed. "I missed you so much!" I said jumping off of his back. "I missed you too." He said pulling me into a hug.

"Oh, Justine this is my girlfriend Nikki." I looked over towards Gilinsky and next to him was a really pretty girl, she had blonde hair just like me, but her's was curly while mine is straight, she also had blue eyes. I smiled at her, and she smiled back. "It's nice to finally meet the girl Jack is always talking about."

I gave him a weird look "Why do you talk about me?" "Cause you are like a little sister to me, and she always asks about my family." I just nodded and laughed. "I hear that you use to be in cheer leading." I looked back at her. "Yeah, i would still be in cheer, but i' always with the boys when they go on tour, so i can't really sign up anymore."

"I guess i' not getting a hi, or a hug." Gilinsky said acting hurt. I rolled my eyes and ran up to him and hugged him. He then picked me up and spun me around. "Stop before i throw up!" I screamed. He slowed down and since i was dizzy, he let me rest my head on his shoulder and held me like a little kid.

"So how has life been?" Jack J asked randomly. "Good." Nash said. "Please play Horses with me!" I heard Skylynn beg from upstairs. "We can't right now." Taylor said, then Skylynn grunted and stomped back to her room.

The next thing you know the baby is crying and Shawn is walking down the stairs. "Are you hungry lil buddy?" "I think he needs a diaper change, Nash change his diaper." "Ew why me?" "Just change his freaking diaper." Shawn laughed as he handed Decklan to Nash.

Nash walked up to the nursery. "Who was that?" Johnson asked. "Oh, our mom adopted a baby." "Aw, what's his name?" Nikki asked. "Decklan." "Aw, that's a cute name." *Nolan screams* I quickly raced up to my room to see Nolan curled up into a ball on the floor crying.

"Nolan are you okay?" I asked picking him up. He immediately clung his body onto mine and cried into my shoulder. "I-I hit my -Head." "Okay, let's go get some ice." I rubbed his back and carried him to the kitchen. I'm surprised Hayes didn't wake up.

I sat him on the counter and put some ice in a sandwich baggy. I put a cloth around it, then put it on his head. I picked him up and laid him on the couch, and put Frozen on for him, i swear this kid is obsessed with Anna.

When Skylynn heard it playing she ran down and sat down next to Nolan. "It's okay, i always fall and it hurts, but it always goes away." I heard her whisper to Nolan. "I love you Sky." "I love you too." Aw! they are too cute! I know for sure that they will always be there for each other.

"Okay, the baby is in his room asleep." Nash said walking into the kitchen.I wonder where Taylor and Cameron are. I walked up the stairs and checked their rooms, Nothing. I slowly opened Skylynn's door and started laughing when it was fully open. They were sitting on her floor with a little tea set, and all dressed up, she even did their makeup.

I immediately started taking pictures. "Delete those now!" Cameron yelled. "Ha, not happening." I quickly ran out of the room and into my room and jumped on my bed waking up Hayes. "What happened?" I showed his my phone and she smashed his face against my bed and started shaking from laughing.

"Guys i'm home!" Hayes and I got up, i jumped on his back, then we went downstairs. "I love seeing my twins like this." Our mom said smiling at us. She started cooking dinner with our step dad Johnnie, so everyone else either talked with each other or watched TV.

I swear Nolan must have barely gotten any sleep last night, cause he is already asleep, and dinner hasn't even been served yet. I picked him up and carried him to his room, then went right back downstairs and ate dinner.

After dinner i went up to my room and decided to make a cover of 'Lego House' by Ed Sheeran.


Hey guys, it's Justine, and i'm going to sing 'Lego house' by Ed Sheeran, enjoy.

I'm gonna pick pieces and build a lego house, and when things go wrong we can knock it down.

But three words have two meanings, there's one thing on my mind

it's all for you, and it's dark and a cold December, but i got you to keep me warm.

Towards the middle of the song Hayes came in and sat down next to me. I edited the video, then posted it. 'New video in 20 minutes #Justinesnewvideo' I tweeted, then did a little following spree. "Wanna watch a movie?" Hayes asked laying down and looking up at the ceiling. "Sure."

I got up and grabbed a random movie and put it in. I laid down next to Hayes and rested my head on his chest. "Why aren't we home schooled?" Hayes randomly asked. "Well, the school year ends next month, so it's too late now, but maybe we will be next year."

"Dude, we're almost 15, one more month." "Oh yeah! I feel old now...ugh the years are just flying by." "Haha, we're only 14, we have about 80 or so years left." "i know, but we are already 14, almost 15, what happened to those two crazy kids who would walk up at the crack of dawn and watch TV until everyone else was awake? Now they are teenagers, who would rather stay in bed all day cause the world is so cruel, and our beds are the safest place."

" I don't know, i kinda do miss being the youngest in the house, i miss getting into trouble with my best friend since day" "Shh...the movie's starting." We both laughed then watched the movie.

Hayes' Pov...

We were watching 'Life as we know it' when all of a sudden i hear heavy breathing, Yup, Justine was passed out. I use to love watching her sleep when we were little, cause she was never snores, sometimes you can't even hear her breathing when she's asleep, which scares me a lot.

I decided to watch the rest of the movie, then go to my room. When it ended, i turned Justine's TV off, then quietly left her room, and went to my room. I changed into a pair of basketball shorts, then decided to just go to bed, even though it was only 10:14.

Hey babes, how have you been? Good? that's great...I get to go to my dad's house or the lake house, idk yet...WooHoo! a whole weekend with a girl/boy aka my step brother, my weird step mom and my dad, that's so amazing! note my sarcasm, i'm only going to get out of the house, plus i don't want this guy who likes me to try to talk to me, he's really creepy and makes me want to puke.

Oh, so yeah i added my friend Nikki into the story! I swear i actually do ship her with Jack J. They would be so cute together! But yeah I love you guys! -Justine.

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