Eric Lets Go

By JaisLover4Ever

91.9K 2K 381

Dauntless has created an image for Eric after an incident during his initiation and no one knows the real him... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 13

2.2K 58 15
By JaisLover4Ever


I make my way through the dark halls of Dauntless and finally reach my destination. I reach for the door nob but pause when I realize I'm still smiling about this morning. I take my hand back, take a deep breath in and release it. I close my eyes and remember the night that changed me forever. I remember the douche bag who did it. I think about losing Sophia. I open my eyes, now angry, give my body a quick shake, and open the door to a room full of no more than 10 people.

"Eric!" Max greets me with a wide grin. "We've been waiting for you." I acknowledge everyone with a nod and sit down. I turn to Max and nod for him to keep going. "This morning we have decided to change up the meeting a little bit." I look at him confused but say nothing. "Eric this is John," he says as he clasps his hand on a well dressed man's shoulder. He looked about 45 and wore black and white meaning he was Candor. Ugh. Dumb smart mouths. I nod to him anyway and reach my hand to shake his extended hand.

"Nice to meet you," I mumble.

"Pleasure is all mine, Mr. Eric," he smiles.

Max motioned to the other two girls in the corner who were giving me flirtatious looks. "These two ladies are here to be witnesses for this event," I looked between everyone's smiles and started to be really confused. If there's a Candor man here that means paperwork. If there are witnesses that means big official event. Pretty girls means Max is trying to set me up. The rest of the leaders are here so it's really official.

"The hell? Are we having a wedding or something?" I half laughed thinking it was rediculous but half worried it was real. What else could be happening?

Max let out a deep laugh and said, "No, Eric. Today, we have decided to finally upgrade your position to leader. No more leader in training, just leader."

I smirked to hide the big grin that wanted to show. I've worked pretty hard for this position and now I'm getting it! Everyone in the room was clapping for me. "It's about time you've decided," I mumbled, still smirking.

"Yes. Well, we all wanted to make sure the time was right," he turned to the other leaders who all nodded their head in agreement.

"Well, thank you all," I smiled at them. Finally realizing what was happening. I got up and shook Max's hand and then Lauren's. Then I turned to Aaron and Sarah, and shook their hands. They all smiled widely at me.

"Also, we will make the announcement tonight at dinner," Aaron spoke up.

"Sounds great," I said, trying my best to keep my smirk from growing to a smile.

John motioned me to sit down next to him, so I did. He passed a couple papers my way and pointed to a couple places telling me to sign there. After I signed everything, I shook everyone's hand again. Except, while I shook the 2 girls hands, they winked at me akwardly. The brunette was very pretty but I have my own beautiful brunette at home so I just walked out when it was all done, excited to tell Sophia the good news. Later, we are going to celebrate.


I bought a bottle of champagne, flowers, and steak before returning to the apartment. I got back to my place and I walked in to find not only Sophia, but the other initiate Anna. Why is she here? It wasn't until they both looked up at me surprised that I realized Anna had tears streaking her face. Sophia whispered something to Anna and then made her way towards me. She motioned me to the kitchen so I took the signal and followed her. I set the bag of things on the counter and faced her. I tried to hide the bag from her but it didn't really matter because she didn't seem to notice it anyway.

After a couple seconds of silence she sighed heavily and said, "I know you're not happy she's here and I'm sorry. I don't know how she knew I was here but she's not doing to well today." I was confused at what she meant and I could care less about it but she's here and I probably won't have any luck with getting her to leave. She continued talking by simply saying, "She's pregnant." Now, I could care less about whether she's pregnant or not but something told me it wasn't the time to argue with Sophia.

"And?" I asked impatiently. This was suppose to be our night.

She glared at me, "Eric! She's pregnant and young and-"

"And initiation is almost over so she and whoever the dad is can get on with their lives then!" I cut her off.

She looked at me in disgust, "Eric," she growled, "You don't even understand," her voice was getting louder, "she's scared and pregnant!" She annunciated the words like I was dumb.

"You don't have to say it like I'm dumb! I think I know what being pregnant is! But I don't get why it's such a thing to get angry and upset about! It's just a kid!" I yelled. She opened her mouth to say something but closed it as soon as she heard what I said. I thought about what I had just said and realized how bad it sounded. "Sophia," my voice was soft now, hoping I didn't ruin anything, "I didn't-"

"You know Eric, I don't even care. I just hope you don't act like this when you have kids of your own," she wasn't yelling anymore but I felt the disgust and anger with every word. She walked out of the kitchen and into the living room where she continued to comfort Anna. I growled in frustration and slammed my hands onto the counter. Why do I always screw up!? I scolded myself. Ran my hands over my face, through my hair, and then back over my face, where I let them linger. Registration hit me that she mentioned me having kids of my own. To think about that is great but it's better when I picture her beside me with our kids. I've never had a doubt in my mind that I've wanted to spend the rest of my life with her, it's the whole commitment thing I've had trouble with.

I release my hands and put the steak in the fridge and hid the champagne and flowers in a cabinet until the time was right. I head into the living room where Sophia and Anna are hugging by the door. "Come get me after you tell Jake the news. I want to know what happens," Sophia says to her. Anna nods and stumbles out the door. As Sophia shuts the door, I take my jacket off and hang it up. "You dropped something," she said coldly, bending down to pick up a piece of paper that fell from my jacket. Confused, I took it and it said: Come to room 145 for a good time ;) and a little farther down, in different handwriting, it said Come to room 112 for an even better time :). I tried to think of where I would've gotten this but I had no idea. I stood there motionless and it was clear to Sophia something was wrong. "What is it?" Her voice snapped me back.

"Nothing," I went to throw it away but she took it from my hand. She read it and looked back up to me, fear and shock crossed her face but was covered with anger. "Sophia it's not what you think!" I tried to explain.

"Eric? What's been up with you lately?" Her voice was quiet. Dangerously quiet.

I was at a loss of words but managed to say, "I haven't even been around any. Girls. Today...." as I said it I remembered the 2 girls from this morning. They must've stuck that in my jacket when I wasn't looking. She gave me a challenging look so I said, "Sophia, this morning at the meeting, there were these 2 girls flirting with me but everytime I looked at them I thought about the beautiful girl of my own that I have here. Not once did I think about wanting them," I explained to her. There's no way in hell I'm losing her to those 2 dumb girls.

"Explain this note then!" She waved the note in my face.

I grabbed the note and ripped it to shreds and dropped the small pieces to the floor, "They must've snuck it into my jacket because I had no idea it was in there!"

"Oh! Because you don't feel someone tug at your jacket or even get the slightest hint that something like that is bound to happen?!" She yelled sarcastically.

"I don't know, Sophia! I don't think about these things when I have you to think about!" I don't know what else to tell her.

It looked like I had swept her off her feet, by the way she looked at me, but then she rolled her eyes, "How do I know you're not just lying to me?" She snapped.

"I guess you'll just have to trust me," I shrugged, not knowing what else to say. I just hope this all works out so we can still celebrate tonight.

Well guys, here's another chapter! I hope you like it because I think I do. The more you vote and comment, the more motivated I get and then the faster I update. I'm not going to update my next chapter until I get 5 answers to this question: Who is the hottest guy in Divergent? I'd say Four in the movie but in real life it would be Jai Courtney. Thank you to all my followers and continuous readers and voters. If you are just now reading, welcome to the party. Remember, the faster 5 of you comment the faster I update. Also I started writing a Uriah love story but I don't want to post anything yet until I know people will read it so also please comment and let me know because I have a good feeling about it. I also wanted to tell everyone that I have finally decided to not have a war. Please continue to read, share and comment! Thank you!

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