Road to Spider-man (The Road...

By WeAbL0rD

51.5K 3.8K 1K

Y/n L/n has returned as Spider-man, now with more challenges facing him. New Threats, New Enemies, New Frien... More

The Road Continues... (Prologue)
(Wakanda arc) Part 1
(Wakanda arc) Part 2
(Wakanda arc) Part 3
(Wakanda arc) Part 4
(Wakanda arc) Part 5
(Wakanda arc) Part 6
(Wakanda arc) Part 7
(Wakanda arc) Part 8
(Wakanda arc) Part 9
(Wakanda arc) Finale
(Friend or Foe arc) Part 1
(Friend or Foe arc) Part 2
(Friend or Foe arc) Part 3
(Friend or Foe arc) Part 4
(Friend or Foe arc) Part 5
(Friend or Foe arc) Part 6
(Friend or Foe arc) Part 7
(Friend or Foe arc) Part 8
(Friend or Foe arc) Part 9
(Friend or Foe arc) Part 10
(Friend or Foe arc) Part 11
(Friend or Foe arc) Finale
(S.I.L.K arc) Part 1
(S.I.L.K arc) Part 3
(S.I.L.K arc) Part 4
(SI.L.K arc) Part 5
(S.I.L.K arc) Part 6
(S.I.L.K arc) Part 7
(S.I.L.K arc) Part 8
(S.I.L.K arc) Finale
(Infinity War arc) Part 1
(Infinity War arc) Part 2
(Infinity War arc) Part 3
(Infinity War arc) Part 4
The Aftermath
(Infinity War arc) Part 1
(Infinity War arc) Part 2
(Infinity War arc) Part 3
(Infinity War arc) Part 4
The Aftermath
(TVA arc) Part 1
(TVA arc) Part 2
(TVA arc) Part 3
(TVA arc) Part 4
(TVA arc) Part 5
(TVA arc) Part 6
(TVA arc) Part 7
(TVA arc) Finale
The End(game)
(Training and Tinkering arc) Part 1
(Training and Tinkering arc) Part 2
(Training and Tinkering arc) Part 3
(Training and Tinkering arc) Part 4
(Training and Tinkering arc) Part 5
(Training and Tinkering arc) Part 6
(Training and Tinkering arc) Part 7
(Training and Tinkering arc) Part 8
(Training and Tinkering arc) Part 9
(Training and Tinkering arc) Part 10
(Training and Tinkering arc) Part 11
(Training and Tinkering arc) Part 12
(Training and Tinkering arc) Part 13
(Training & Tinkering arc) Finale
(A Very Spidey Vaca-ture arc) Part 1
(A Very Spidey Vaca-ture arc) Part 2
(A Very Spidey Vaca-ture arc) Part 3
(A Very Spidey Vaca-ture arc) Part 4
(A Very Spidey Vaca-ture arc) Part 5
(A Very Spidey Vaca-ture arc) Part 6
(A Very Spidey Vaca-ture arc) Part 7
(A Very Spidey Vaca-ture arc) Part 8
(A Very Spidey Vaca-ture arc) Part 9
(A Very Spidey Vaca-ture arc) Finale
(A Very Spidey Christmas arc) Part 1
(A Very Spidey Christmas arc) Part 2
(A Very Spidey Christmas arc) Part 3
(A Very Spidey Christmas arc) Part 4
(A Very Spidey Christmas arc) Part 5
(A Very Spidey Christmas arc) Part 6
(A Very Spidey Christmas arc) Part 7
(A Very Spidey Christmas arc) Part 8
(A Very Spidey Christmas arc) Part 9
(A Very Spidey Christmas arc) Part 10
(A Very Spidey Christmas arc) Part 11
(A Very Spidey Christmas arc) Part 12
(A Very Spidey Christmas arc) Part 13
(A Very Spidey Christmas arc) Part 14
(A Very Spidey Christmas arc) Finale

(S.I.L.K arc) Part 2

745 64 16
By WeAbL0rD

Y/n was seen walking with MJ along with her former bandmates, each wearing their own militia like uniform.

Y/n: "I cannot believe that Mary Jane is the leader of a rebellion. Way off from the garage band you guys started out"

Betty: "Actually we prefer the term 'Freedom Fighters' makes us sound less like the evil bad guys"

Reaching another alleyway, MJ approached a door that blended into the side of the building and began knocking in a specific pattern.

After a while the door opened slowly allowing MJ and the others to enter. They traverse a small narrow staircase, barely lit, until they reach another door, made of steel, to which MJ knocks once again.

???: "Password?"

MJ: "Open the door or I'll shove so far up when the sun doesn't shine"

Y/n: *shocked* "Jesus Christ-"

After MJ's threat, the steel doors crank open. Y/n was then met with a sight of a bar filled with members of the 'freedom fighters', with some Y/n recognized to be low-level thugs all grouped up and having fun.

Y/n: "What is this place?"

MJ: "This, is our base of operations"

Betty: "The Bar with No Name"

Y/n: "Is it called that because..."

Gloria: "The bar doesn't have a name? Yeah"

Betty: "To be fair, The Bar with No Name sounds like a good name for a bar"

Gloria: "Only you could come up with that Bets. Speaking off..."

Betty and Gloria then turn and points their weapons at Y/n, which are followed by the rest of the tenants in the bar.

Y/n: "Seriously!?"

Gloria: "Say the word MJ and we'll pump this sicko full of lead"

MJ: "Hey! No one is pumping lead into anyone!"

Betty: "Wait, really? Then why bring him here?"

MJ sighed before signaling everyone around to stand down, in which they did, albeit a bit begrudgingly.

MJ: "I actually needed to talk to you. Alone, if you don't mind"

Betty: "Woah!"

Gloria: "MJ, you sure? For all we know this guy could be one of those things we've been fighting"

MJ: "It's okay, I trust him"

Y/n looked into MJ's soft eyes before gesturing him to follow, having a bit of fun by playfully scaring Betty before heading to another room with MJ.

When he got inside, he saw dozens of layout of the different bureau of Manhattan, some with crossed out sections. Some tables having other blueprints and some firearms along with a few bottles of alcohol and soda.

MJ: "Have a seat"

Taking Y/n out of his quick trance, MJ points to a seat that's facing a desk as she puts away her firearm and takes off her bandana.

With her hair flowing freely, MJ sits on the chair behind the desk before facing Y/n who's patiently waiting for MJ to begin the conversation.

MJ: "Drink? I figured you'd be thirsty"

Y/n: "MJ..."

MJ: "I doubt we'll have the sodas we have in your dimension but I'm sure you'll like"

Y/n: "How about you serve me a nice pint of 'Why the fuck did you bring me here?'. I know that's exactly what I want right now"

MJ: *sigh* "She always did say you were a bit of a foul mouth"

Y/n: "She?"

MJ then reached under the desk, pulling out a phone before sliding it over to Y/n, who picks it up.

MJ: "You were everything she ever talks about sometimes, did you know that? Every time, when she's having a difficult time, she always mutters 'What would Y/n do?'"

With the phone in hand, Y/n was shown a string of messages that were shared by MJ and Gwen.

MJ: "Gwen never stopped believing in you. If New York's savior needed saving, she knew that you'd step up and do it"

Y/n: "What are you-"

MJ: "I thought you two had something special? Gwen trusted you with her life. So tell me, why didn't you answer when she tried reaching you? As her FRIEND, I deserve the right to know what's going on. So answer me. WHAT. HAPPENED?"

Y/n: "...I see how it is. Paint the ex as the bringer of all disaster is it?"

MJ: "Then why do it, huh? Why push her away?"


Y/n pulls down his mask in a one-swift motion before slamming his hands and the phone down onto the table and glaring into MJ's eyes.

Y/n: "I don't know what she said about me or what she told you about what happened. But whatever we're going through right now, has NOTHING to do with you. Got that?"

MJ: *shocked* "Your eyes"

As MJ stared into Y/n's piercing glare, she sees a sense of hurt deep inside of him. At the mention of his eyes, Y/n pulls back and leaves the phone on the table.

Y/n: "Screw this, I'm gonna leave. Do something else, like SAVING the city!"

When he reached over to open the door, MJ called out to Y/n one more time.

MJ: "Wait! There is, one more thing I need to talk to you about. And it's for the plans to save the city. Promise"

Y/n stood silent, pondering to himself before letting out a sigh and donning his mask as he walks back over to MJ.

Y/n: "How can I help?"

MJ directs Y/n over to a layout of Manhattan, showing off a few areas in the bureau that she had marked.

MJ: "S.I.L.K had outposts set up across Manhattan since this outbreak began, hoarding tons of supplies, supplies that the people need. We can only go so far drowning in soda and alcohol"

Y/n: "So, This 'outbreak' you think it had something to do with S.I.L.K?"

Y/n said as he points to a different board with the S.I.L.K organization being the main point of the web chart.

MJ: "It's a working theory, but I highly doubt they didn't have at least some sort of role in all of this mess"

Y/n: "And...what about Gwen? Where is she in all of this?"

MJ: *sigh* "That. I don't have an answer for. So if you want to figure out more from her're gonna have to contact her" 

Swinging across the city, Y/n makes his way to the outpost that MJ asked him to hit up. While traversing, he's seen getting into contact with Gwen, as shown by his H.U.D displaying that he's trying to reach her phone.

Gwen's voice: "Hi, you've reached Gwendolyn Stacy. Sorry I couldn't answer the phone right now, I'm still stuck at practice. Leave your message at the beep!" *beep!*

Zipping to the edge of a rooftop, Y/n began pacing around, nervously.

Y/n: "Hey...Gwen. It's me, Y/n...Look, there's no way to sugar-coat this but, the whole city's gone to shit. This, weird-alien-goo-thing, it's taking over people's bodies, not to mention a terrorist organization had set up outposts around the city and gunned these people down like zombies"

Reaching the corner of the roof, Y/n stood in place and continued talking.

Y/n: "Look, I figured you're gonna need all the help you can get so...that's why I'm calling. MJ and the others are in desperate need of your help...And, I want to talk to you. I know there's still the stuff that happened between us, but New York comes first, then...we'll see where this goes"

Y/n: " me back when you can. This city needs you, Gwen. God knows I do..."

After finishing his message, Y/n drops the call before looking out and seeing the S.I.L.K outpost standing before him.

Y/n: "Now. MJ said that this was one of the heavier security strongholds, something about heavier firepower and tanks"

D.A.R.C: "I've also found a server room inside the stronghold, it could hold the key to the answer we need, or at least a vague clue"

Y/n: "Good enough for me. But I think it's best we don't fight them head-on. Their body armor is no joke, combined with those tanks, I don't even want to sit around and think if I could even dent that, let alone if my webs have any effect"

Zipping to the outpost, Y/n perched himself atop a watchtower to oversee the entire stronghold.

Y/n: "Guess MJ's not messing around..."

Y/n saw S.I.L.K mercenaries patrolling around the stronghold in tight patrol patterns.

From a different side, Y/n spots 3 cages each holding half of an apartment's worth of civilians. Cold, and trapped in chain link cages.

Y/n: "They're treating those civilians like animals..."

Zipping to the Stronghold, Y/n lands on top of a watchtower, overlooking the entire stronghold. Seeing S.I.L.K Mercenaries scaring and abusing civilians, locking them in chain-link cages as they get patrolled with heavy firepower.

Y/n: "Looks like MJ was spot on when it came to refugee treatment"

D.A.R.C: "Their Surveillance Drones are also equipped with military-grade firearms patrolling the upper floors"

Y/n: "Always got to be drones"

Jumping into action, Y/n swings around the main building before sticking to the side of the wall.

S.I.L.K Mercenary: "I still can't believe the boss send that Freak to post up with us. Keeps giving me the creeps"

Y/n: "Hmm?"

S.I.L.K Mercenary #2: "Don't tell me you got pissed in your pants already?"

Intrigued, Y/n begins to crawl along the walls and continues to eavesdrop on their conversation.

S.I.L.K Mercenary: "You try and stay in a room with that Thing. See if you wouldn't get the same feeling I did"

S.I.L.K Mercenary #2: *scoff* "Whatever. All I'm hearing is a crybaby begging for his mommy"

S.I.L.K Mercenary: "Screw you, man"

As the mercenaries headed into a different route, Y/n maintained his journey till he reached the vent from which he took to venture further inside.

???'s voice: *muffled* "Report on the subject?"

S.I.L.K Mercenary #3: *muffled* "Spider-woman remains on lockup ma'am"

Y/n:  "Gwen?"

???'s voice: *muffled* "And what of my new speciment?"

S.I.L.K Mercenary #3: "Subject remains...elusive, ma'am"

???'s voice: *sigh* "Unbelievable...have the drones survey the city. I doubt THIS Spider won't just let his dimension be invaded without retaliation"

S.I.L.K Mercenary #3: "Yes, ma'am!"

Y/n: "I better hurry before they find out I'm right under their noses"

He begins to continue crawling through the vent in search of the server room.

Y/n: "You know, for a Criminal organization, they have some remarkably clean air vents"

D.A.R.C: "Indeed. Perhaps we should take inspiration from them for OUR workspace"

Y/n: "Hey! I can be clean, I just chose not to. Besides we're here"

Reaching a duct leading to the server room, Y/n exits the vents before dropping to the computer.

Y/n: "Alright, D.A.R.C, do your magic"

Plugging D.A.R.C into the computer, she began to access the organization's data.

Y/n: "Weapons...Defensive alloy...vehicles...Project Venom?"

Accessing the file, Y/n scoures through the files. Learning about an asteroid crash landing in an unknown part of land, an alien goo, before showing a profile background for Spider-Gwen.

Y/n: "They've been keeping a close eye on her for a while...Patrol patterns. Fighting prowess. Quips per battle? Huh...I quppied 5 more times than her"

S.I.L.K Mercenary: *muffled*  "What do you mean that Freak escaped!?"

Y/n's attention was taken away from the console and looked to the door leading out of the server room.

S.I.L.K Mercenary #2: *muffled* "Don't put your panties in a bunch will ya? It hadn't gone far yet. We'll split up and radio in if we ever spot it"

S.I.L.K Mercenary: *muffled* "Or get eaten in the process"

S.I.L.K Mercenary #2: *muffled* "Just shut up and get moving"

Hearing the footsteps grow quieter, Y/n looked back to the console to see D.A.R.C had gathered all the Intel they required.

Y/n: "Alright, now to get up on out of here"

Unknown to Y/n, a long and wavy tounge appears behind him before a slender figure drops from the shadows quietly. In a single moment, the figure lunges towards Y/n and pins him to the console, dragging their tongue across his masked face.

Y/n: *groans in disgust* "Seriously!? What the-Holy shit!"

???: *Dark chuckle* "Hello Y/n~"

Y/n: "!!!?"



Here we go bois!!!! Another item crossed off the bucketlist, I know Spider-verse is already out. But trust the madness, this 'bout the be my most entertaining creation yet.

But anyways, if you are enjoying Road to Spider-man so far. Don't forget to:

Vote, if you wanna

Share to your friends, if you have any

And I'll see you, when I see you.

Bye Bye!

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