Intertwining Fate (Akame ga K...

By Sora_Flashing12

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We shared everything. Our dream. Our will. Our love. The only thing we can't share is our Fate. If we're all... More

Chapter 1 The Two Assassins
Chapter 2 The Day it all Began
Chapter 3 First Mission
Chapter 4 Challenge! Kill the Viceroy
Chapter 5 The Battle of Hakurou River
Chapter 6 Encounter
Chapter 7 The Hitman
Chapter 8 A Dark Cloud
Chapter 9 A Bitter Cry
Chapter 10 Remains
Chapter 12 Yearning
Chapter 13 Tombs Raid
Chapter 14 The GraveKeepers Curse
Chapter 15 The Sister's Reunion
Chapter 16 Truth
Chapter 17 Escape
Chapter 18 The Broken Promise
Chapter 19 To Each His Own Love
Chapter 20 Confession
Chapter 21 Assaulted
Chapter 22 A Fierce Battle between Life and Death
Chapter 23 Mourning
Chapter 24 Raid's Preparation
Chapter 25 Melee Under the Moonlight
Chapter 26 Awakening
Chapter 27 The Capital's Darkness
Chapter 28 A Talk
Chapter 29 Unexpected Reunion
Chapter 30 The End of Hatred
Chapter 31 Teigu

Chapter 11 Secret Arts

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By Sora_Flashing12

No one's POV

This was before Ryu and the Elite Seven received an S.O.S from the support team of assassins. A group of support assassins were formed. It was a group who didn't make the top 7 that happened at the survival test many years ago. They were given special drugs that had enhanced their bodies. But unlike the Elite Seven, the drugs power is only temporary. With that, Kurome, who was Akame's younger sister and two more other team were trapped, with a mission they could not complete.

They were trapped inside a huge cave for now. Some of their teammates had already passed away with needles all over their bodies. No matter what she do, Kurome couldn't wake her up.

Natala: Are you okay, Gin?

The first one to spoke in their predicament was a boy named Natala. It was the same boy that Ryu had saved during the survival test and the one that Ryu told to keep on living. Natala was a young man with short, blond hair and blue eyes. While he was alive, he wore a zipped-up jacket with a belt with several pouches attached to it, as well as regular pants and shoes. He carried his spear-like weapon with him.

Natala. Kill Rank no 9.

Gin: For now.

Said the girl who was sitting next to him panting heavily. Her name was Gin. Gin was a young girl with silver hair worn in a long ponytail. She wore a sleeveless trench coat with a dark belt, black tights, boots and gloves.

Gin. Kill Rank no 10.

Kurome: It's too late for Barle... she's already dead.

Kurome looks very similar to her sister. She has short, black hair in a twintail style and black eyes.

Kurome. Kill Rank no 8.

Natala: I wasn't expecting the Gravekeepers to be this severe. We should retreat!

Kurome(mind): Sister!

All Kurome could think was her sister, Akame. With their enemy clearly outmatch them, not just in strength but in numbers too. Kurome and the support team had no choice but to retreat and wait for help. If they continue to stay, there's no possibility that reinforcement might come on time, nor if the enemy finds them first. So they prepared themselves for the worst.

Gin: I'm okay. I can move normally again.

Natala: Alright. Then let's head back to base quickly.

Kurome took out a map with a vague idea of where they were, there were too many ways to try to get out of here but too much risk from going anywhere if they wanted to actually live.

Kurome: Which route should we take?

Natala: Any way we go, we'll need to make a dash for it. This is the enemy's turf.

Gin: That'd probably be better than moving stealthily.

Natala: First we need to get out of the area, then-

Storm: You're not going anywhere, you're my prize.

Kurome, Natala, and Gin stopped, another Gravekeeper in their path, but for now he was on his own.

Storm: You guys are awfully bloodied, even if you tried to hide I'd be able to follow you from your scent.

Natala: Kuh! We've been found!

Kurome: We need to take him out quickly or he'll call for his friends!

Storm: Friends? There's no need. I can handle all of you on my own. Once I'm through with you, I'll have seven heads and my rank will go up.

Storm took one of the skulls around his belt to show them, the three of them reaching for their strength enhancing pill ahead of time for the probable battles ahead.

Natala: Let's move in sync, take your pill ahead of time. We may have to fight a few battle before we can get out of here.

Storm: Having to take drugs to strengthen yourselves is so pathetic I could cry. I use the secret art of the Gravekeepers passed down for generations, there's no way I'm going to lose.

Kurome and her two other team charges. Their first clash against a Gravekeepers forced them all back. They were moving in perfect sync, but they were still forced back. Kurome got a grasp of his secret art. It's as if he's becoming more like an animal by the second. The way Storm could control his hair like a shield or a needle makes him look like a porcupine.

Storm: Ooh! You're the toughest guys I've ever had to take on.

Gin: He's really strong...

Kurome: But he still needs to give everything he's got in order to block our attacks. Let's get our breathing completely in sync. That way, there's a narrow margin for us to win.

Storm: You sure about that?

Again they rushed forward. Kurome and her team were able to attack first this time, they were moving in succession of attacks forcing Storm on the defensive for a bit.

Gin(mind): Alright. We can beat this half-wit...

Gin grinned to herself thinking they had cornered their enemy, before she got struck in the leg by a few needles and then Natala when he grew worried for her.

Natala: Shit!

Storm: The moment your teammate got hit, you left yourself open. So naive.

Natala: Gwah!

Storm: You're the only one left now!

Storm sent another needles of hair towards Kurome, but she deflected the needles perfectly, an expression of surprise on Storm's face as he began to rush blindly towards Kurome.

Kurome: I've seen that attack up close twice now, and I can already tell your swordsmanship relies on brute strength alone, so I can easily read through it.

With one strike from Kurome, she managed to slash Storm's torso.

Storm(mind): I didn't think she'd strike me first.

Storm fell to the ground, lifelessly. But in actuality, he was feigning his death. Since the GraveKeeper were harder to kill than the typical human... Storm could easily counter Kurome the moment she let her guard down. But Kurome wasn't that easy to trick. She quietly approached behind him and stabbed him in the back, a last gasp leaving his lips before he died.

Kurome: I knew you were still alive.

But the moment she let her guard down, new opponents had appeared.

???: What's this? Storm's been killed?

Kurome quickly tried to attack back, my arm being captured and forcing my weapon out of my grasp while both Natala and Gin were already captured themselves after getting injured earlier.

???: That's what he gets for trying to hog all the booty for himself. I knew he'd be nothing more than a bit player.

???: You did us all a favor.

???: These guys still have plenty of life in them, maybe we should capture them. There's plenty of good ways we could make good use of them.

Kurome(mind): No, please! Sis, where's Akame?!

That was on Kurome's mind as one drop of tear fell on her face, thinking of her sister's face before she loss consciousness.


Two days have passed since Ryu and the Elite Seven had coped about Cornelia's death. Then receiving a new mission from their father Gozuki about the support team being captured, made Akame a bit restless.

Akame: Kurome's gone missing.

Standing atop of a cliff, Akame and the rest of the Elite Seven were at the rendezvous point where their next mission were about to take place. They gathered there so they could discuss their plan of attack, but Akame just couldn't keep still. She was restless. 18 confirmed dead, with another 7 missing with either possibility of capture of death being possible. Well it was no surprise, since her little sister are at a life or death situation. Green saw her restless state and went to confront her, but Poney beat him to it.

Green: Th...

Poney: If she's only missing, then it means that there's still hope.

Ryu: The faster we finish this, the faster we can confirm. Just don't do anything too risky.

Akame: Right!


Green could feel his moment to impressed Akame was just taken from him as the color drain from his body. Akame stood there and could only hope for her sister's safety. Seeing Ryu and Poney standing next to her gave her some comfort if ever so slightly. The battle against the GraveKeeper had only just begun.

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