Betrothed to the Cold Prince...

By eatinmochis

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A childhood betrothal takes place between Min Y/N, the daughter of a highly influential family and the Prince... More

Chapter 1:: The Betrothal
Chapter 2:: Plans
Chapter 3:: Forgiveness
Chapter 4:: Nothing like him
Chapter 5:: Hidden Smiles
Chapter 6:: The Bullseye
Chapter 7:: Beautiful
Chapter 9:: Himself
Chapter 10:: Soft spot
Chapter 11:: Blush
Chapter 12:: Forehead Kisses
Chapter 13:: His Princess
Chapter 14:: A Miracle
Chapter 15:: Pieces
Chapter 16:: Closer
Chapter 17:: Again
Chapter 18:: Doomed
Chapter 19:: Secrets
Chapter 20:: Pretty
Chapter 21:: Love
Chapter 22:: Snow in Paris
Chapter 23:: Feverish nights
Chapter 24:: Loving Flaws
Chapter 25:: Love of life
Chapter 26:: Life and Death
Chapter 27:: Enclosed pain
Chapter 28:: The One

Chapter 8:: Rings

1.5K 76 27
By eatinmochis

Author's POV: 

"Mina!" You grinned as soon as she came into your view. She immediately hugged you, making you stumble back. Your mother and father had huge smiles on their faces.
"I missed you so much!" She said, kissing your cheeks as you giggled, "I missed you, even more, love." 
"Hey. You're getting married! How come I come so late?!" She frowned, "You're 2 weeks early." 
"Still! Late." 
"It's not even a marriage, chill bro."
"You're getting married 2 weeks after the engagement." Your mother's statement made you choke on your saliva as you frowned, "What the hell?!" 
Mina chuckled, "I was informed before you! Eheh!" 

You gasped, looking at everyone in disbelief. 
"Well, you'll be rushing the next 2 weeks after the engagement so... hold tight." 

You sighed as Mina got inside, talking to your parents. You were deceived, in your own house. 

—A week later

"This dress looks good." The Queen smiled as you awkwardly stood there, not understanding why you were there. Your mother smiled, "I didn't know you'd look so good in blue."
"Good thing we didn't bring Taehyung, or he'd die right now... look how she glows!" 
"My hyung's about to be attacked with real beauty." Jungkook gasped as you chuckled, "Thanks..."

As awkward as it felt, you didn't really mind getting compliments. Though you'd escape this if you could, really. 
Jungkook slowly sneaked in a picture of yours and sent it to Taehyung.

Jungkook: Hyung, your bride is glowing. 

Taehyung left him on seen almost 1 minute after the photo was sent.

Jungkook smiled, knowing he did care after all. Otherwise, seeing the chat notification, he'd never check it if he didn't care. 

But his smile came to a halt when he heard a high-pitched voice, "GUYSSSS I'M HERE!" 

He frowned, seeing a girl wearing all funky clothes entering the room. She had the brightest smile radiating pure clownery and he was rather confused. She gasped when she saw the queen and the others, coughing awkwardly. Greeting everyone, she sat down quietly. Turns out, she was his future sister-in-law's best friend. 
He didn't like her one bit. 
"How noisy... look at my sister-in-law... and look at her." He whispered, sighing. 


Taehyung stared at the picture Jungkook sent him. The blue gown you wore looked so beautiful on you. He couldn't help but swallow hard. He really wanted to see you in real. 

He turned off the phone, gulping. His new art piece was done. 

He gulped, looking down. He had always felt quite dead. Ever since he learnt things about the real world, he's felt as if he was a blank stone from the inside. Because after all the heartbreak he's gone through, he didn't really care about more anymore. And sometimes, this feeling of being used to something made him feel so blank. As if he didn't feel anything. 

But these days, he felt new things he's never experienced before. He felt excited and happy, suddenly confused and angry. 

The time he saw the paparazzi attack you, he felt so angry. He had later on called the cops on them, no one knew about it though. The time he heard you compliment his smile, he felt happy and somewhat confused. As if you had touched his insecurity. And it made him feel exposed. And not to mention the time you looked so beautiful, just by being yourself, he felt excited and happy, his heart beat louder and he felt himself being mesmerized by how beautiful you were. 

But he also didn't want to indulge in those. 

The photo he had stolen that day was in his drawer, right beside the art piece he finished not too long ago. Unlike many other art pieces, this one had more vibrance to it. 

His usual art pieces are constituted of dark grey and white colours. This one had some pinkish glow in it mixed with blue and orange. Not much, but just a little. 
He wondered what mood he had been in when he did these. It was usually after he had hung out with you. 

"Am I dragging her down with me by marrying her? It's mother's request but..." He sighed. You hadn't opposed when he said that there was no way other than the marriage. He wondered why. Did you also have a reason? He was curious. 

He would ask you for sure. Just 2 weeks away... And a month in total. He had known you for 2 and a half months now. But you were one heck of a person. You spent so much time with him, online and offline, he had developed a soft spot for you now. You had seen him smile with his teeth showing. You made him smile so many times, when he was on his bed and when he was showering and he suddenly remembered your confused face or the funny face you made. Or one thing you had said... he was smitten. 

And deep down, he knew it too.

—Time skip

"So you knew about it or something?" You asked, waiting for Taehyung to reply from the other side of the call. You were on a call with him tonight and you were curious about some things... about the reason for this marriage and more. You needed to talk to him about it all. 
"Know about what?" He asked.
"That we're getting married within 2 weeks after the engagement?" You didn't hear his reply, "Really?" 
You sighed, "Woah... can you tell me when we're getting married? My mom had told me it was a serious reason and that it was not just about political gain. Do you know?" 

He didn't reply for a moment. He cleared his throat, "I think... it's for... a good reason."
"So you know?"
Not hearing any reply, you sighed, "So you do know but you're not ready to tell me. Okay, I guess." You shrugged, "Wow. I'm getting married without knowing why. Great. Should I just flee the country as you said?"
"Now you're considering it?" You heard his question and smiled, "Of course."

"Should've fled when I told you so." He spoke as you sighed, "Ugh... I regret it now."
"Have you eaten?" He asked. You hummed, "Yeah... Mina is home. You might meet her soon. You know, the engagement party's dress is so fancy I think... it's not very fancy but again, it is. I don't know. It's simple but I like it."
"So you have mixed feelings towards it?" He asked.
"Yeah, how did you get it so fast?"
"I don't know."

"Surely, they say... introverts are the most intelligent. People don't know it 'cause they're always quiet." You chuckled. You heard a soft puff from the other side and wondered if he just laughed. 
"Did you laugh?"
"Huh? No.." You heard the panic in his voice and giggled, "Wow... okay. I would love to hear you laugh one day though." 
You heard him fake cough and smiled a little. He was shy, wasn't he? 

"Well... you see... I'm kinda worried and all..."

You were about to say something more but before you could, Mina barged in with her ultrasonic screaming and funky songs, making you sigh. You hung up and ended up gossiping with her later on, though back in your head, worry prevailed. 

—The day of the engagement

Blue and white-themed flowers everywhere, some pink roses sparkling here and there. The beautiful beige-themed lights shone brightly. 
The Queen and King sat nearby on a throne and Taehyung waited there, standing quietly. You were beside him, looking anywhere but his handsome figure. He looked so beautiful, god. 
You felt yourself melting. But no, this was public. 

So many guests, all wearing the fanciest attires. And the reporters clicked all pictures they wanted. You glanced at Taehyung, not knowing why you wanted to see his facial expression amidst all this. 

Your palms were sweating and your heart beat so loudly. You were scared. You were going to be engaged. This... wasn't what you wanted at all. 

Taehyung noticed your behaviour and walked towards you, tilting his head, "Are you okay?"
"Huh?" You looked up at him. He looked at the reporters and then at you, "Are you scared?"
"I..." You gulped. 
Suddenly, your parents came in and the chaos started. 

Soon, Mina was around, clicking pictures with anyone she found while Jungkook was trying to stop her from causing attention. They both didn't seem to get along at all. 

You looked at the camera, posing with the other people. So many random people came and congratulated you while dismay was reflected on their faces like transparent water. Yet, their mouth left lies you really didn't know what to do with. Taehyung simply nodded to everything they said with a blank face and you wondered how he did that. Like... no fake smiles at all?
You raised a brow at him, mentally asking. And he raised his brows in return, making a 'Nope I don't know' face. You smiled a little but covered it up seeing the reporters looking all questionable. 

"Show some public display of affection... will you?" You heard your mother whisper and frowned. 
"Mother?" You were in disbelief as she sighed, walking away. Taehyung must've heard that. You awkwardly looked at him to see him avoiding his mother's gaze. The Queen was saying the same thing in silence. 
"Are we both victims of this?" You asked. He shrugged, "No idea, I don't want to know either." 
"Okay then. Don't mind whatever I do. Only for the show, I'm assuring." You whispered and walked near him, placing a hand on his chest. 

You felt him freeze and thought he was going to move away but he didn't. 
His heartbeat was so loud, you wondered what was wrong with him. Almost as if your heartbeats synced at this moment. 
You smiled at the camera and whispered, "Pretend we're in love. Otherwise, we will get doomed tonight." 
You felt him huff out some air that hit your hair. He cleared his throat, looking at the camera. You didn't expect this at all but one of his giant arms sneaked around your waist, pulling you closer. Your breath hitched but your eyes remained darted to the camera. Probably looking like a fish's eye. 

He leaned in closer to your face, whispering, "This?" 

Taehyung kept his head straight, facing the camera but his eyes automatically wandered back to you just beside him, with him, in his arms right now. 

And he really wanted to smile. But he didn't. 

He'd been good at that, hiding smiles and faking glaring faces. Even when he wanted to smile. Though he failed so many times due to you, right now, he wouldn't smile. Not in front of this huge public waiting to chew him out with any chance they could.

"Closer, please." The cameraman spoke as you raised a brow at him, wondering what the hell 'closer' would mean. Your bodies were already so close. Could they be any closer?

Well, yes. He proved it by pulling you even closer, making your chests meet. 
"That's too close." You whispered but he didn't reply, he simply tightened his hold on you, "Just play along before they ask you to do a kissing pose." 
You choked on your breath hearing him and he hid his face behind your head, trying not to laugh at your reactions. 
Man, you were so adorable even with that graceful awareness coating your world. 

And for the last pose, Taehyung made you face him. One of his hands rested on your cheeks as he looked right into your eyes. You felt tingles all over your spine just by his one stare. His deep brown eyes were so beautiful, you could somehow see your reflection in them because they sparkled in this light so well. 
Your gazes went from each other's eyes to lips, making both of you swallow hard. You looked down and licked your lips, tasting your strawberry gloss. 

Taehyung frowned a little, feeling that action irk something in him. 
The cameraman continued to click the perfect pictures, and the world saw whatever was happening on the stage. But the reality and depth that lay in this situation were known to only you both. 
Taehyung moved his thumb very slightly against your cheek, making you hold your breath. Okay, what was he doing? Was this going to be recorded? 

"Your hands on my chest." He whispered as you slowly let your hands rest on his chest, it felt a little strange but you liked this, unexpectedly. 

He leaned in closer to you, pulling you closer and in a swift motion, you could understand what he was doing. The kissing pose. 

A part of you felt anxious but for some reason, you didn't oppose the idea of his lips on yours. His lips hovered over yours, his hot breath fanging on your lips. He looked at your lips from up close and then at you. So close. 
Just a little more and his lips would be on yours. Your lips trembled a little, waiting for his lips to touch yours but they never did. Because after a few clicks, he pulled away. 

He looked at you, "The pictures will come out good I think." 
"You think?" You looked at him in disbelief as he tried not to smile. He cleared his throat and when you turned to look in another direction, you saw the maids coming with decorated trays covered in silk. There were the rings you'd be exchanging.

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