
By the_lit_teacher

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Amanda grew up in a peaceful town in North Georgia. She grew up being ignored by everyone at her school excep... More

Author's Note
1| Breakaway
2| Why her?
3| Weird Day
4| Friends
5| Homecoming
6| Butterflies
7| Making Moves
8| Pinky Promise
9| Perfect
11| Memories
12| Beauty in Chaos
13| Rogues
14| Spring Festival
15| Revelations
16| A Night to Remember
17| Graduation
18| Broken
19| Mission
20| Secret Protector
21| Graduation, Part Deux
22| Mom's Story
23| Questions
24| Ice cream & Truths
25| Moving Forward
26| The Return
27| Starting Over
28| The Whole Truth
29| Fact or Fiction?
30| Explanations
31| He Knows
32| The Visit
33| More Secrets
34| Training Day
35| A Day Off
36| Happy Birthday?
37| Traitor
38| The Plan
39| Mating
40| Connection
41| Fight Club
42| Shifting
43| Opal
44| Divine Intuition
45| The Letter Box
46| The Rescue
47| Face to Face
48| Healing
49| Initiation
50| Skip to the Good Part

10| Nerves

25 0 0
By the_lit_teacher

Amanda's POV:

"It's a trap! It has to be some weird senior prank! I'm excited, nervous, terrified, suspicious, and every other emotion I can't think of right now!" I all but scream into the phone at Sam. "What am I gonna do?! I can't believe I said yes! Ugh! I'm so stupid!" I shout, exasperated by the whole Bryan situation. Is it a situation? Is there something going on between Bryan and I? Why would he even be interested in me? I'm just a simple, plain Jane girl. He could have anyone he wants with his rock star abs and beautiful skin, and piercing grey eyes! I stop myself before I drown in self-pity.

"Girl! Please calm down! First, I think he's finally pulled his head out of his ass and noticed just how incredible you are. You know those jock types! Besides, Luke and I have known it for years! I guess it just took everyone else longer to realize it!" Sam says, trying to pull me from my personal ledge of emotions.

"I just hate feeling like the wool is being pulled over my eyes and at some point, someone is going to cry wolf!" I explain.

I hear Sam nervously chuckle into the phone. "Interesting expression, Mandy. But let's just take it one day at a time and see what happens. If he wants to spend time with you, then let him. What's the worst thing that could happen?" She suggests.

"The worst thing—the worst thing that can hap—I'll tell you the worst thing is I end up crushed and heartbroken by this beautiful man and I'm mortified in front of hundreds of people who have all but ignored me for most of my life! That's what!" I scream. I take a few breathes to calm down, but it is Sam's words that truly bring me back.

"Mandy, I love you! Luke loves you! Your mom loves you! You are surrounded by people who love and support you. I've seen him looking at you and I just have a feeling he wouldn't do anything to hurt you! Now, you're going and that's final so let's just get through the boring school week so we can enjoy a fun-filled party on Friday. Okay?" She asks.

"Okay" I pout. "And I love you guys, too!" I scoff as I hang up the phone.

As the week passes, Bryan has been very attentive and sweet. I feel bad sometimes for thinking there's something more going on, but I try to follow Sam's advice and just enjoy the moments. Bryan introduced me to his friend group, including James, Whitney, and Nick. I've even taken to sitting with them at lunch, which was nice to be included, but also garnished some weird stares. Bryan would find ways to touch me, whether it was moving a strand of hair out of my face, placing a hand on my leg, trickling his fingers down my back, or simply squeezing my hand. I honestly enjoyed his affection...it made me feel, dare I say, loved. I tried to keep my emotions in check, not wanting to fully invest in what was happening between us, but a part of me wants to free fall into him. But I am scared and on edge with the thought of how easily he could break me. I saw how heartbroken my mother was after she lost my dad and that type of pain only comes from a true connection. Could Bryan and I have that type of connection? Maybe. It is still too early to tell. But what if I fall too far? What if I reach the point of no return? What then?

I'm brought out of my daze as the lunch bell rings and I head to my afternoon classes. Before reaching the chorus room door, Bryan sneaks up behind me. I slightly jump as I was so in my head I didn't realize he was behind me.

"You okay?" He asks with concern clearly etched on his face.

"Yeah. I'm just nervous about the bonfire. And this performance coming up in a few months." I state slightly, looking down so he can't read my facial expression. He reaches his finger under my chin, pulling my eyes toward him.

"One, you're an amazing singer and performer, so you have nothing to worry about there. Two, the bonfire will be fun and I promise to make sure no one makes you feel uncomfortable. So no more with the nerves, okay?" He pleads.

Taking a deep breath, I simply nod. He gives me a peck on the cheek before we head into class.

The rest of the afternoon goes by quickly. I leave the pool and head to the locker room to get a quick shower before heading home. As I enter, I hear whispers. At first, I pay it no mind because usually, gossip doesn't concern me. But, I quickly dial in as I hear my name being whispered along with some pretty harsh words.

"I can't believe that Amanda chick has gotten her claws into Bryan. I mean he's a beta for crying out loud." What the hell is a beta? I think, but continue to listen. "She's just a weakling, an insignificant nobody! He could do so much better!" The unknown person's words hit me with a mixture of shock, sadness, and anger. Anger? Why am I angry? I shouldn't be shocked or angry that someone believed I'm not good enough to be with Bryan. Hell, I don't even think I'm good enough. But, that is my own issue to work through and no one will stop me from being with him, especially with how well he treats me. I was a little taken aback at my sudden acceptance of Bryan and the slight possessiveness of having him in my life. Not sure where that came from, but I kinda like it! Feisty!

As I round the corner of the locker room, I see the two girls that were whispering. Two of my own teammates, in fact. Laura and Claudia. I decide to take the higher road and simply smile and nod. I hear Claudia say in hushed tones "She seems nice and she's a damn good swimmer. Maybe he knows something we don't. Either way, it's none of my business." She gets up to leave. I can hear Laura scoff at Claudia's comment and I can almost feel her stare into me as I make my way to the showers to rinse off the chlorine.

Driving home, I shake off the negative comments and nerves as the clock gently reminds me how close to 5 pm it is. I asked Sam earlier what I should wear now that the winter months were gone and spring was slowly beginning to rear its pretty little head. She suggested capris with a cute top and a light sweater for after the sun went down. Once in my bedroom, I rummage through my closet to find a suitable outfit for the lake house. I glance at my full-length mirror and I'm quite content with my look. I leave my hair down, but bring a hair tie with me in case it gets breezy.

As if Bryan works for FedEx, I hear the doorbell ring at exactly 5 o'clock. I head down the stairs to see Bryan standing at the front door while my mother is speaking to him. As I look at his face, there seems to be a pained expression like something's wrong.

"Everything okay?" I question as I walk up behind my mom.

"Oh fine! Fine! I was just telling Bryan you would be down in a second and told him, if it got too late to stay out for the evening. I'd rather y'all be safe than sorry." She explains as she turns toward me, smiles, and places a sweet kiss on my cheek. "Now, both of you get out of here and have fun."

I smile at her and then at Bryan, who's face has lightened a little, but still looks regretful and maybe even remorseful? What's that about? I wonder, but again try to shake off negative thoughts as I am determined to have a good night.

As I close the front door, I can't help but notice Bryan's sad demeanor.

"Bryan..." my voice trails while waiting for him to snap out of his daze.

"Hhhmm" he responds, but doesn't look at me. My growing concern has the waves of doubt and negativity flooding my brain causing a scowl to appear on my face. However, I push my own thoughts aside as I step in front of him causing him to look at me for what felt like the first time.

"What's wrong? Did something happen? Did my mom say something to you? If you don't want me to go..." I couldn't hold in that last statement. His face snaps to mine as if being released from a thick grey fog.

"What?! Why wouldn't I want you to go?" He stammers.

"I don't know. You just seemed upset when talking to my mom, then you didn't really acknowledge me, and your face seemed disappointed..." I ramble before I realize he had his arms around me in a very warm and comfortable embrace.

"I'm so sorry Mandy. I'm sorry I made you feel that way. No, it's nothing. Your mom was very sweet and I just—I don't know. I guess I just feel bad because she's lost her mate and had to be a single mom, which had to be tough. Then that thought led to you growing up without your dad..." I quickly brought my hand up to his lips to stop his own rambling.

"Bryan, it's okay. I'm fine, she's fine. Yes, we both get sad, but who wouldn't, right? But, I don't want the past to ruin the present or the future." I reassure him as he takes my hand and guides me to his car.

As we drive to the Mayor's lake house, I replay our previous conversation and my brain stops on one word. Mate. Bryan called my dad, my mom's mate. What is that? Curiosity gets the best of me.

"Hey Bryan, what's a mate?" I asked turning from looking out the window to face him. The look of shock is evident on his face before he quickly covers it up.

"Uh, ahem, what?" He clears his throat and responds hesitatingly. 

"Back at my house, you said my mom had lost her mate. I've never heard that term so I'm asking what is it?" Feeling as though I've asked a taboo question.

"Oh! Oh that! It's just—uh—short for soul mate. You know, two people destined to be together. Like your parents were, I'm assuming." He stammers looking unsure of his own answer. Not wanting to push the issue as Bryan is definitely uncomfortable, I simply say "oh" and turn to watch the wilderness grow thicker out of his car window. I hear him sigh heavily behind me. We fall into silence until we arrive at the lake house.

Once we arrive, Sam and Luke pull me aside while James and Nick are talking to Bryan. Music can be heard coming from the back yard, where I assume the bonfire would take place. I keep stealing glances in Bryan's direction. He must have felt my stare as he would look over and smile.

"Soooooo, how's it going with Bryan?" Sam inquires.

"Ok, I guess. He just acted a little funny when he came to pick me up and I'm not sure if he was totally honest about what he was feeling. I don't know. It may just be my nerves talking. Also, not looking forward to any drama tonight." I sighed.

"Drama?" Sam looks at Luke, then back at me.

"What sort of drama could happen tonight? It's supposed to be a chill evening with friends," Luke explains.

"True, but not everyone here is MY friend." I glance over to the direction of Claudia and Laura sitting on a couch watching me interact with my best friends.

"What happened?" Luke asks through gritted teeth.

"Nope! Calm down! This is exactly why I was concerned," I state firmly. Sam quickly wraps her arms around Luke. He immediately calms down.

"No drama Mandy, but I want to make sure it stays that way," Luke explains. Reluctantly, I tell him about the locker room incident and what I overheard Laura say about me not being good enough for Bryan.

"And then she called him a Beta, whatever that is!" I roll my eyes, but catch Sam and Luke side glancing one another. "What?! What is it?" I question.

"Nothing...not sure what they were talking about. But enough about those caddy bishes! We're here to have a good time, so let's get you a drink and find a seat by the fire." Sam affirms as she leads me to the kitchen with Luke right behind me. Where's Bryan? I shrug my shoulders and head out back.

After my first drink is almost done and still no sign of Bryan, I decide I need to go to the bathroom and then I'd look for him. I ask Whitney where the bathroom is and she directs me upstairs. I find it and use it. After washing my hands, I flip the light off and head back into the hallway, but that's when I hear a familiar voice, but what it's saying has my heart beating faster and my blood running cold.

"You know I can please you better than she can! You know you want me. She's only human and can't do all the things I can..." the muffled voice is coming from one of the bedrooms. I can't hear any response.

"You can't resist me, Bryan. I've known you wanted me for so long now. You don't have to waste your time any longer with that pathetic loser, Mandy." I gasp at hearing my and Bryan's names and without thinking, I open the bedroom door. I see Laura standing there in her black lace bra and panties while Bryan, who is shirtless, is holding her at arm's length, but my mind can't fully register the scene before I turn and run out of the front door.

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