
By the_lit_teacher

1.3K 9 4

Amanda grew up in a peaceful town in North Georgia. She grew up being ignored by everyone at her school excep... More

Author's Note
2| Why her?
3| Weird Day
4| Friends
5| Homecoming
6| Butterflies
7| Making Moves
8| Pinky Promise
9| Perfect
10| Nerves
11| Memories
12| Beauty in Chaos
13| Rogues
14| Spring Festival
15| Revelations
16| A Night to Remember
17| Graduation
18| Broken
19| Mission
20| Secret Protector
21| Graduation, Part Deux
22| Mom's Story
23| Questions
24| Ice cream & Truths
25| Moving Forward
26| The Return
27| Starting Over
28| The Whole Truth
29| Fact or Fiction?
30| Explanations
31| He Knows
32| The Visit
33| More Secrets
34| Training Day
35| A Day Off
36| Happy Birthday?
37| Traitor
38| The Plan
39| Mating
40| Connection
41| Fight Club
42| Shifting
43| Opal
44| Divine Intuition
45| The Letter Box
46| The Rescue
47| Face to Face
48| Healing
49| Initiation
50| Skip to the Good Part

1| Breakaway

116 2 0
By the_lit_teacher

Amanda's POV

"Deep breaths, Amanda, deep breaths...this rollercoaster ride is almost over." I whisper to myself. I take a deep breath in and let it out slowly as I sit in my yellow Jeep wrangler staring at the front door of Hillcrest High School, which stands tall with its dark red bricks and slender windows surrounded by foothills and tall pines. "Last year, you got this! Then, we can begin our greatest adventure....college!"

Don't get me wrong, my high school has great teachers, lots of programs, and plenty of interesting people, but I've been sort of an outcast for most of my educational career. I'm not bullied per se, but mainly, ignored. I'm not deformed or anything! If anything, I would consider myself a plain Jane with a bubbly personality and several talents that bring notoriety, but does little to affect how most people interact with me. I guess I've grown accustomed to being invisible and unnoticed, except when it comes to singing and swimming. That should make me a part of the "cool" kids, right? Nah. Most of the jocks are pretty tight knit and keep their distance from me. Even my own teammates. Again, they will congratulate me on a well swam race, but the conversation dies there. For the most part, I shrug it off and focus on myself, my close friends, and, of course, my mom.

My mom and I have lived in this little town in North Georgia settled around the base of The Blue Ridge Mountains since I was around 8 or 9. Honestly, those couple of years were a bit of a blur. It's a beautiful town with lots of scenery, but for the most part, secluded and quiet, which I love, since I prefer the countryside to the city.

My mom, Amelia, is the best mom in the world and works extremely hard to provide a comfortable and protected home. Sometimes, she might be a little too protective. She is a wonderful chef and works for the Mayor's office. She is basically the go-to caterer in the area and is constantly cooking for big wigs, corporate events, and huge parties thrown by the mayor. I'm so proud of her accomplishments, especially raising a teenage girl on her own. Sadly, my father was killed when I was almost 9. I still have very fond memories of him, but no one will talk about his death. When I used to ask my mother about it, she would get all misty-eyed and say it's the one story she can't bare to tell. I felt horrible about asking every time, so eventually, I just assumed it was a tragic accident that left her broken hearted. Not wanting to cause her any more pain, I just dropped it even though I really wanted to know.

This year has started quite like any other. I walk through the doors of Hillcrest, silently passing by the other students unnoticed, most of whom barely acknowledge my existence. I head to my locker when I see my two best friends, Samantha and Luke, walking towards me. They have been together for over a year now and they are so cute! And even though they are dating, they have never made me feel like a third wheel. I love them for that!

"What's up guys?! I missed you over break! How was your training camp?" I said excitedly. I wasn't able to hang out with them for much of the summer since they were both sent to some training camp this year. They didn't tell me many details, but they did call a few times and even wrote to me, which I thought was super sweet!

"Ugh! It was so brutal! Between the Georgia heat and the 3-a-day workouts! I think I died a few times!" Samantha raves.

"And what was this training for again?" I questioned with a chuckle. Before answering, Samantha and Luke give each other a side glance. "Let me guess...you can't tell me?! I'm starting to think you guys are in some secret society or the CIA!" I laughed.

Nervously, Luke responded "No, no, nothing like that." I give him a suspicious smirk, but know there are some things he and Sam will never share.

"Ok then! I'm not gonna give you guys the 3rd degree. I'm just glad your back! Missed you guys. Anywho, we better get to class or Ms. Beecher will skin us alive and feed us to the wolves." I said jokingly. Again, Sam and Luke give a side eye before laughing along with me.

As we walk to class, I notice someone staring at me. I nervously connect with the steel grey eyes of Bryan Tiller. At first, I assumed there was someone behind me, but on a quick glance back, there is no one else. What's his problem? He's never noticed me before. As I walk passed with Sam and Luke, I shrug it off, as maybe he was just deep in thought.

The rest of the morning was pretty typical and quiet. I only share classes with Sam and Luke during first period, so I easily maneuver through 2nd, 3rd, and 4th without so much as a glance from other students. After 4th, I swing by my locker to switch books for my afternoon classes, which include gym and chorus. But first, I meet up with Sam and Luke in the cafeteria for lunch. As I head to our table, I again feel eyes on me. What's going on today! I sit next to Sam and scan the room. It doesn't take long for my eyes to connect with a familiar set of grey eyes.

"Is Bryan okay?" I asked quietly to Sam.

Instantly, Luke and Sam seem to tense up.

"Yeah, why?" Luke asks.

"Well, this is the second time today that I've caught him staring at me. Earlier today in the hall and now here. At first, I thought maybe he was just zoned out, but look. And don't be obvious about it!" I whisper shouted. But in true Sam and Luke style, they were abundantly obvious. I drop my head in embarrassment.

"Really guys?!" I say exasperated, feeling my face heat up.

"Well, he does look a little...intense. Maybe it's just a coincidence that it happens to be in your direction," Luke explains.

"Yeah, maybe he's on his man period!" Sam jokes.

I chuckle, but still feel a bit uneasy. I keep my head turned so as to avoid any other eye contact, but I feel his stare. Of course, a part of me wants to turn and look, but my nerves won't let me take that chance. Bryan is built, plays football, and could crush me to pieces if he wanted to, so avoidance and distance are my best friends right now.

Sighing "I just don't want any trouble in my last year. I want to have fun, hang out with you guys, graduate, and remain unnoticed!"

"It's hard for you to remain unnoticed when you're so awesome, but I get what you're saying." Sam looks at me knowingly.

The bell rings to end lunch and I say goodbye to Sam and Luke. I won't see them again until after school. I head down the main corridor to chorus. I love singing and harmonizing. It feeds my soul, which seems to speak in lyrics and melodies. Our instructor, Mr. Randall, clears his throat to get our attention. I look up to show that I'm listening.

"Alright ladies and gents, you know each year we put on two shows. One at Christmas and our Spring Music Festival. This year, we will be collaborating with the drama department to put on a musical to be determined. Ms. Bell and I are kicking around a few ideas before making a final selection." A few gasps, cheers, and giggles are heard around the room. I feel mixed emotions between excitement and dread. I love performing, don't get me wrong, but when you're trying to keep a low profile, solos or roles in a play are not where it's at! "Alright alright, settle down. I know many of you are excited and some may be feeling a little uneasy." Mr. Randall looks at me. I gulp. "But, this may be the best time for a few of you to break out of your shell and show your true talents." He says without looking away from me. I gulp again. He can't be serious!

After chorus, I rush to gym, which is different here at Hillcrest, due to the fact that our athletics teams are usually very competitive and hard to beat. Most students can choose what type of gym they would like to attend. We have everything from swimming, aerobics, weightlifting, and indoor/outdoor sports depending on the season. Since I swim for school, this is my absolute favorite time of the day. It's my last period and I'm able to swim away the stresses of the day.

Entering the locker room, I pass a group of cheerleaders, but again, I am ignored. Some days it bothers me because I feel so out of the loop. I feel like there's another universe happening around me and I'm intentionally kept in the dark. On other days, I'm completely okay with it. I typically shrug it off and mind my business.

I go to my gym locker and quickly change into my royal blue one-piece razorback Speedo swimsuit with a Timberwolf on the front. It's our uniform, but I can use it for gym as well. I let my long wavy brown hair down from my ponytail and take a look in the mirror before heading to the pool deck. My emerald green eyes shine and I allow myself a small smile at my reflection. I may not be a fashion model, lord knows I have too many curves for that, but I'm cute in my own right. I throw on my swimsuit cover and soffe shorts and walk to the pool deck.

The warm air and smell of chlorine hits my nostrils. For most people, it's a little strong, but for me, it means I'm home. The water has always been my safe haven, my sanctuary, my peace. I walk over to the bleachers to drop off my coverings. I hear the chattering of two lifeguards and see a few swimmers at the other end of the pool. I hear a whistle blow and see some other students heading to their designated areas. When I look across the water, I'm surprised to see many of the football players playing water polo. Must be some type of alternative practice since it is Georgia and the dog days of summer just ended. I shed my outer layer, I feel as though I'm being watched, but as usual, I refuse to look around. I'm desperate to enter the water.

I adjust my goggles and take the platform. I slowly count to three and take my mark. Go! I dive in just as I would in a competition, but I do not race at my top speed. Since this is just gym class, I take it easy. I start with freestyle to warm up my arms and legs. I begin to hum the song we were singing in chorus. I'm transported to an entirely different world. The cold water against my warm muscles. The rhythm of my breathing. The sound of only water and my own hums fills my ears.

After a few laps, I pick up speed and transition to butterfly. I feel my arms skim over the top of the water and back down. I elongate my arms and allow my legs to pulsate my body through the water. I am taken from my peace when the bell sounds for the end of school. I stop at the poolside to catch my breath. Suddenly, I'm hyper aware that someone is watching me. I remove my goggles and lay my head back to float. I stretch and calm my nerves before heading to the ladder. I grab my towel and wrap it around me. It is when I go to empty my ears of any excess water that I once again see Bryan.

He looks almost like a statue. If he wasn't breathing so heavily, I wouldn't have thought he was real. I stop and look at him more closely when I realize he's pissed! His angry expression sends a cold shiver down my spine. I then notice James, the Mayor's son, and Nick, another friend and teammate, talking to Bryan. Since I'm nowhere near them, I can't tell what they are saying. I'm assuming he's pissed about their water polo game and they are trying to calm him down. Who knows with them? Without a care, I return to the locker room to change and then make my way to the Senior parking lot. I've had enough of this weird day.

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