Best Friends | Newjeans : Min...

By Ezkavan

194K 5.4K 3K

The superior alpha Minji fell in love with the inferior omega Hanni. Although Minji made a loving confession... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 12

5K 162 49
By Ezkavan

The cool morning breeze hits the curtain making it sway along the calmly blowing air, along with the rays of the glorious morning sun lighting up the room in a soothing sort of way.

There were some used condoms lying around the room.

And there, they were, staring into each other's eyes. Hanni covers herself with a blanket, feeling embarrassed and angry. While on the other side, Minji who seems to be in a good mood looks back at the other in a questioningly look.

Then, Hanni breaks the intense silence, "Do you have any idea what you have done? Why didn't you let me make my own decisions!?" Hanni angrily shouted at the puzzled Minji.

"Why? What kind of question is that?" Minji said as she apologetically laughs at her and not knowing what she has done wrong to Hanni to make her that angry.

"Haah! And you have the audacity to laugh?" Hanni sternly looks at the other.

It is impossible to know what she thinks behind that smile...

Hanni thought to herself before continuing, "It is a very simple question." She then tightly grips onto the bedsheet out of frustration.

We have known each other for over 10 years now. And i still have no idea what she thinks.

"I don't get it." Said a clueless Minji.

Hanni bites her lips, feeling more angrier at her.

"I would like to mark you." Minji straightforwardly declares her wish, again with the authority and power she holds over her.

"For what other reason could it be?" Hanni tightens her grip onto the bedsheet, feeling powerless and weak.

Not long before throwing a pillow straight onto Minji's face, "HOW COULD I LET YOU MARK ME!!???"....*BAM!

"Hanni, calm down." Minji said as she quickly blocks the thrown pillow.

"Calm me down? You are an alpha, so it's easy for you to say! If we did mark, what do you think would happen next!?" Hanni finally vents her anger out...
"LISTEN WELL! KIM MINJI! For a low-class omega like me to be marked is a luxury." Hanni furiously shouts as she points her fingers at Minji, "YOU AND I ARE JUST FRIENDS AND YOUR FATHER IS MY GUARDIAN!"

Ah! Those words were enough to make Minji completely ruined and broke to pieces...

Minji wasn't saying anything until she violenty throws the pillow on the floor making Hanni startled and surprised.

"Well! I don't sleep around and have sex with my friends!" Minji replied, anger evident on her low tone as she coldly looks at the shocked Hanni.

"We do not sleep with each other..." Hanni replied as she bites her lips out of frustration, but she herself knows it clearly too, that 'this thing' between them was much more than a 'thing' happening between friends. But, she had to... She had to make herself believe that 'this thing' between Minji and her was a mere mistake and nothing more.
"This was....just a.... mistake..." Hanni lowly mumbles as she turns her head downwards, not daring to look at Minji.

"Urghh! A MISTAKE!!???" Minji was even more angrier, she then quickly rush over to her as she tightly holds both of Hanni's wrists, "If this is not sex! Then what is it!!?" She angrily shouted at the other.

Hanni forcefully shoves her hand away, "I've already warned you!!!" She too angrily shouted back, "HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I TOLD YOU NOT TO CROSS THE LINE!!?" She then continuously beats Minji with a pillow, venting her anger out, "TELL ME! WHY DO YOU KEEP DOING THIS!?? WHY???"


Minji took hold of the pillow as she heavily breathes, "Haa... You betrayed me..." She lowly mumbles as she hardly grips onto the sheets of the pillow, "YOU BETRAYED THE TRUST BETWEEN US..." Minji turns her head away, not even wanting to look at her.

"What!?" Hanni asked.

Minji then leans nearer, joining their foreheads together, and stared the soul out from Hanni's eyes before lowly mumbling again, "YOU BETRAYED THE TRUST BETWEEN US."

Hanni was even more lost by the other's words.

"Are we really friends? Just good friends?" Minji asked as she holds Hanni's wrists, "Have you always seen me that way?" Minji added, her eyes shows how hurt she was at this moment.

"Of-of course!" Hanni replied as she tries to break away from the tight grip.

"Everytime we do it when you're in heat. You think we are just friends?" Minji is so hurt to the extent that stabbing her a thousand times would be nothing compared to this.

She then slowly extends her hand, gently lifting Hanni's chin up, "At least...I... Don't think of them that way..." Minji whispers closely but was audible, she leans in closer, their lips only inches away.

No, do not say that...
I've never thought of you as a friend Pham Hanni.

[Flashback - Minji's father threw Minji's favourite teddy bear inside a trash can as he coldly looked at her feeling disappointed.

"Tsk! This is rubbish! An alpha doesn't have soft spots, you hear me!? If you're soft, you are not fit to rule!" He angrily said to Minji much to Minji's annoyance.

Minji looked at the teddy bear that was thrown away, feeling pissed off and not wanting to pay any attention to her father.

But, unbeknownst to them, Hanni was there, hiding behind a wall, and listening to everything.

After they're gone, she immediately ran to the trash can and picked up the teddy bear. She wiped the dirt off of it and washed it.

Ever since then, the teddy bear has always been with her.    ]

Minji knows that.

Please stop....
I like you... No, i love you...
I want to mark you.

Minji leans in closer and closer.

"Shut up." Hanni murmers.


"SHUT UP FOR ONCE! GO AWAY AND LEAVE ME ALONE!" Hanni furiously shouted at her as she continues to beat her up with a pillow.

*Bam! .... Bam!... Bam...


"HANNI!" Minji snatches the pillow away, worriedly looking at Hanni.

Hanni hides her face, not wanting to see her.

Then! A loud bang was heard.... Just like the previous one, Minji's face was turned to the side, yet again with the same red marks visible on her cheeks.

Hanni slaps her. But soon realized what she has done and looked at Minji with horror.

Minji gently rubs her cheeks as she turns around, "Let's talk later, when you're calm. See you tonight." Minji lowly said as she walks away.

The door was shut, then soon came a popping sound from Hanni's notification but Hanni wasn't bothered by it, she was more worried at Minji, she felt sorry as she knew her action was wrong.

"Ah! I ruined it...
No, this is better! I can't keep being sk weak" She lowly mumbles as she holds herself closer as if she's the only one whom she can rely on.

Onto the notification...
{From Danielle : Can we meet today? }


At the park,

"I'm going to move into the dormitory..." Hanni said.

"Really?" Replied a hype Danielle, feeling excited.

"I still have some things to organize, but I'll hurry up to get it ready." Hanni said forcing a smile for Danielle.

"Yes, registation for the semester is just about to begin!... As for organizing, you mean Kim Minji, Sunbae?"

Hanni looks down with frustration, "Ah! Is it that obvious?"

"Well, you went with her yesterday." Danielle replied.

"I am so sorry about what happened. I've been so busy lately." Hanni deeply apologizes as she fidgets her fingers.

"No, it's alright. Although, it makes me curious. Sunbae, by any chance... You...
Are you dating Kim Minji?" Danielle nervously asks.

"No, we don't have that kind of relationship." Hanni replied.

Yes, i have nothing to do with Kim Minji.
I should not have to.

"Ohh~ Seriously!? What kind of relationship do you have?" Asked a curious danielle.

"Were just... Best friends." Hanni reluctantly replied as she tightly grips on her soda can.

"But they don't look like besties..." Danielle thought to herself as she was more lost than ever.

"So Sunbae? How do you feel about sharing a room with me?" Danielle politely asked.


"My roommate is leaving next semester. If we ask when we sign up, we can share a room!" Danielle excitedly exclaimed, sweetly smiling at Hanni.

She then leans in and whispers something to Hanni, "Also, wouldn't you feel more comfortable with me since I'm a beta?"

She leaps happily, "So? How do you say?" Danielle said showing her charming eye smile at her.

Hanni sigh in relief and smiles back, she still doesn't get how a girl she just knew can be this kind and caring.

"Yes, let's do that." She replied.


A/n: Okay! I think that'll be all for tonight coz I'll be going back to my studies and for that purpose, I've turned the chap a little longer than usual for y'alls to enjoy.

If I'm not too worn out, i might update more or maybe go straight to bed😂

Anyways, thanks for all the love and support.

With love,

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