Upgrade U

By onikasfavebarb

184K 11.1K 6.4K

Beyoncé's is the Queen Pin of New York and runs many other states including Houston. Not many people can put... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
thank you!

Chapter 8

2.7K 167 109
By onikasfavebarb

Beyoncé's POV
December 15

"Who's your best friend, Titan?" I asked my godson as we approached the entrance to the preschool.

"Mora and Jay." He chirped.

"Well who's your best friend, Mora?" Nicki asked her daughter.

"Umm...Nila and Titan." She responded.

Nicki and I were walking the kids to their preschool as we did yesterday. I purposely asked Kelly if I could take Titan just so I could talk to her again.

The day after I took her home from the strip, she told me not to come pick her up. She said she felt sick and didn't want to pass whatever it was on. So her car had been at the club for 2 days before she told me that she'd gotten it herself.

When I saw her yesterday, she seemed fine so I wasn't too alarmed. She was definitely keeping her distance though, she visibly stood a few feet away from me when we talked.

"Ok, I love you Mora. Have a good day, baby." Nicki pecked her daughter's head whilst waiting for me to say bye to Titan.

"Bye, kid. Make your godmother proud, I guess." I ruffled his hair.

"That's not how you send your child off to school." Nicki cackled at my interaction.

We watched the two kids run into their preschool, hand-in-hand. I watched Nicki coo at the cuteness before she averted her eyes to me. When she noticed that I was already watching her, she immediately looked down.

"Don't get shy on me now, Barbie."

She almost broke her neck, looking back at me. She squinted her eyes and crossed her arms before speaking.

"Don't call me that, BK." She mocked me and I chuckled.


We both started walking back towards the parking lot. When we reached her car, for the first time, she didn't get in her car straight away. She turned to face me instead.

"Thanks for picking me up the other day."

"No problem. Like I said, if you need my help text me and I'm there." I shrugged whilst admiring her.

Meek was grimey for having another family without her knowledge.

"My boyfriend would definitely not be up for another woman helping me, especially you." She sighed whilst leaning on her car. She winced for a second before standing back up straight, thinking I didn't notice.

"Your boyfriend would have a problem with a friend helping a friend?"

Friend was a stretch.

"Well, he barely likes my best friends and you're clearly a lesbian." She chuckled whilst subtly rubbing her arm. She must've felt like she was revealing too much because she stopped herself. "Sorry, why am I giving you this info?"

"What do you mean by clearly?." I furrowed my brows. She fought a cackle whilst watching me.

"Look at the way you act and the way you dress." She said, as if it was obvious. "Plus, you're clearly attracted to me."

I examined her facial expressions every time she talked and it looked like her face hurt. I was definitely over-analysing.

On another note, she reminded me a lot of Gianna when I first met her. She was reserved and kept to herself.

"Earth to Bey." She waved her hand in my face.

"Sorry, what were you saying?" I shook my head.

"I was asking if you wanted to meet up later, before we picked up the kids." She skeptically spoke. "But like, only if you don't mind. It's just that I have some free time and-"

"Sure. Give me a time and place and I'll be there. Well, I'll try to be on time." I interrupted her.

"Oh ok, cool." She unsuccessfully hid the smile on her face.

She opened her car door and started the car up whilst rolling down her window. Once it was down, she waved over at me and reversed out of the parking lot. I stood there for a few seconds before going to my own car.

I didn't know what was wrong with me but my head was definitely not in the game. So once I got in my car, I drove to my warehouse.

When I got there, I was greeted by Wayne and Chris who asked me to escort them on a drop across New York. 3 of my more experienced boys came along with us too. It must've been important if they asked me to come.

We piled into one of the company Escalade's which were specifically designed for drops and pick ups. They were bullet proof with thick lining to prevent any other types of attacks.

Ever since the first attack, I heightened security and hired a whole new security company for around the clock surveillance and protection. Not only for me but for my family.

When I first got in the game, I thought I was invincible and no one could get me. Until they got me and they got my child and girlfriend. So I'd matured a lot from then but still kept the same mentality, in some aspects.

It wasn't until we got closer to the pick up zone that I realised the type of pick up it was. Wayne threw a .40 at me with an extendo clip attached. I thanked him and grabbed a bullet proof vest from the other side of the Escalade.

Once it was on, I made sure all the bullets were in the chamber of my gun before we all hopped out and started shooting.

Wayne was the main shooter and Chris was the designated driver.

"Cover us!" I shouted over the commotion to my boys and they did just that. Wayne and I pushed forward and shot every last person that was in the safe house. But we didn't shoot the women. All the women were half naked and stumbling, even through the shootout.

That gave me another reason to justify the raid since the owner of the trap was obviously exploiting the female workers.

"Where are you taking me, Tune?" I mumbled as we snuck down one of the hallways. He shushed me and I rolled my eyes but still stayed close behind him.

"There's an office door on the other side of this pillar." He whispered and I momentarily peered over to see the door. I nodded my head for him to continue. "In there is some of our stolen firearms from the warehouse in south and and a nigga who owes HIVE $100,000 in cash."

He did a count on his finger and shot the doorknob off. When we got in, there was a man getting topped by the desk and the woman ran out when she saw the guns.

"Winston, my man." Wayne smirked whilst approaching the man with his gun to the man's head. It's like something clicked in my head and I remembered who it was, for two reasons.

"Oh this the guy that robbed HIVE#4?" Wayne nodded and I turned my attention to the man in my chair. "You robbed my favourite warehouse and thought you could get away with it?"

The man looked unamused before speaking. "Why would a female be running an organisation like that? Maybe that's why you got robbed." He shrugged and I hit him with my gun.

His nose started leaking and now I was the unamused one. When he was shouting profanities at me, I shot him in the leg.

"Shut up, I hate whiney people." I cleaned the blood at the edge of my gun on his shirt. "Now you're going to tell me who you work for and where my money is."

"Bitch!" He challenged. So I shot his other thigh.

"Nice, but that didn't answer my question."

"Why would I tell you any of that? I work for myself."

"I find that hard to believe." I rolled my eyes whilst walking around the office. There were picture frames of what looked like his family and I knocked them all over. "You have a beautiful wife, does she know that you give her recycled dick?"

"That's neither yours or her business." He spat.

"Well I don't take lightly to infidelity." I commented then looked over at Wayne. "Do you, Tune?"

"Not at all, BK." He agreed. Then I shot the man in his arm. As I entertained my self with the man, Wayne walked around opening every drawer and cabinet in the office until he came across a painting. Behind it was a safe.

"The passcode?" I asked, with the gun pointed to the man's head.

"I'm not telling you that-"

"I'm gonna start shooting at vital organs in a minute." I interrupted as I pointed the gun towards his liver.

"Wait, wait, wait." He raised his viable arm. "1234."

Wayne and I both laughed before he typed the code in. The vault opened and in there sat 3 guns and about $1000 at most. I pointed the gun back at him.

"Where's my money?"

"I don't got your money." He groaned out and I shook my head before shooting his other arm.

"Who has my money?"

"32 greenwood avenue." He muttered out.

"I hate snitches just as much as cheaters." I shot his shoulder blade. "Tune, pass me some paper."

He took some paper from one of the drawers and passed it to me. I grabbed a pen from his own cup and wrote a very explicit message on the paper.

My money better be on my doorstep before sunrise.


I then grabbed a stapler gun and attached the paper to the man's shoulder blade. He loudly cried out in pain and I just ignored it. Wayne took all the guns and the little money as we exited the office.

As we exited the trap, we walked over some bodies on our way to the door. We were almost there until I felt something pierce through my skin. I felt it before I heard it. When I turned, I saw man on the ground with a gun that was aimed at me and I immediately shot his body, watching it jerk every time a bullet entered him.

When I looked at my arm, I was bleeding a lot. I kissed my teeth before putting pressure on the wound. Wayne rushed me to the car where one of the boys wrapped my arm in a random cloth they found.

"Tell Dr Poole that we're on the way." Wayne called out to me from the front back seat. I took my phone out and threw it to him. He started messaging Dr Poole then he stopped.

"Some woman just texted you talm bout some is 2pm good and maybe at that cafe near the preschool." He mimicked the voice of a woman.

It took me a moment to realise what he was talking about.

"Oh. Nicki?" He nodded. "Tell her that's cool."

It took no time for Chris to arrive at my private doctors office. Wayne jokingly escorted me up and pretended that I was some old woman.

Dr Poole looked over my wound and cleaned it out for me. Then he covered it in alcohol and bandaged me up. By now it was something past 2, so I was definitely late to meet Nicki.

I left Wayne and Chris a while back and was on my way to meet Nicki. I didn't know which cafe so I went to the closest one to the preschool. When I spotted her car, I knew I was in the right place.

I parked my car. As I was about to leave my car, I spotted an upset Nicki leaving the cafe with a frustrated look, settled on her features. I quickly hopped out and waved her down.

"Wait, Nicki!" I shouted her over and she stopped and looked at me before rolling her eyes.

I jogged over to her before she got in her car.

"I'm sorry I was late, I had to sort out some last minute business. I'm so sorry." I apologised. Her eyes shifted from my face to my arm which was visibly bandaged. I couldn't try hide it if I wanted to because I was wearing a wife beater.

"What happened to your-" She pointed to it.

"I got stung by a really big bee." I jokingly responded and she wasn't amused. My smile faded when I realised she didn't find it funny.

"No, seriously." She looked concerned.

"Someone shot at me." I shrugged. Her eyes widened and her mouth hung open.

"Are you okay? Oh my g-"

"I'm fine , I swear. Let's go pick up the kids." I distracted and she got in her car whilst I got in mine.

She drove behind me to the preschool and parked next to me when we got there. We both walked out and walked towards the entrance. There were already some parents here, waiting on their children.

"Why you all the way over there?" I noticed how she kept her distance again. She looked at me before looking back at the entrance doors. "Oh, it's like that?"

She chuckled and shook her head.

"It's like nothing." She rolled her eyes and folded her arms whilst glancing over at me with a smirk sat on her face.

We both turned our heads back when we saw a stampede of children running out of the preschool. Zamora and Titan seemingly racing each other. Titan won by a foot.

"That's not fair, you cheated." Zamora pouted and Nicki consoled her daughter. Her daughter wrapped her little arms around her mothers neck as she was picked up.

"It's ok baby, you'll win next time." She pecked her daughter's face. Zamora nodded and turned back to face us.

"I'm sorry, Mora." Titan said, clearly feeling guilty.

"Don't feel bad, champ. A win is a win." Nicki snapped her neck to screw me with a scolding, motherly look. I almost cowered into her gaze until I realised I was a grown woman then I cleared my throat.

"Can we go to the park?" Titan asked as he grasped my hand. I looked over at Nicki.

"We can't go today, sweetheart. Mora and I have some things to sort out." She looked down at my godson as we walked back towards our cars. "Maybe next time."

"Deal." Titan chirped and I smiled.

We both buckled the kids into their car seats and walked over to our driver seats.

"Bye, Bey." She smiled whilst getting into her car.

"Bye, Nicki."

We both pulled out of the parking lots and drove our separate ways. My babysitting duties were up so I went and dropped Titan off. Plus my arm was killing me so I had to go take some type of medication before I croaked.


After finishing the book, it made me realise how unserious Bey is😭😭even though I'm the one writing her character, it's still funny


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