Sk8 oneshots! :)

By lilah505

362K 10.1K 10K

โœจRengaโœจ This will also include Matchablossom and some Found family moments! ๐Ÿ’œ= Renga ๐ŸŒธ=Matchablossom ๐Ÿ›น... More

Flustered Reki
Don't listen to them
Cuddle time!
My epsiode 8 rant
Have you seen Reki?
Meeting Langa's mom
You're my happiness
You're wrong about Reki
So... epsiode 9
Haha epsiode 9
The last of my ep 9 rant
Reki and Langa are parents!?!
Jealous Langa
Telling the others
9.5 again!
You are my sunshine
Familes with kids eat free
Ramen date
Epsiode 10 just made my day
Thank you Episode 10 :)
The last of my episode 10 rant lol
Sicky Reki
Cuddles no matter what
Slow dancing in the morning
Makeout sessions
Happy Birthday Cherry!
Rant time about ep 11!
Ep 11 ahhh
Still ranting about ep 11
Ep 11 again
EP 11 IS *chef kiss*
Last of my ep 11 rant
Tending to wounds
Calm your nerves
What's a love hotel?
Self doubt
Episode 12 predictions!
Episode 12 rant!
Ep 12 ranting!
Still ranting about ep 12
Ahh ep 12
Omg ep 12!
Ranting about ep 12
Ep 12 again
Last of ep 12 rant!
๐Ÿ›น Miya's friend ๐Ÿ›น
๐Ÿ’œ Sicky Reki pt 2! ๐Ÿ’œ
๐Ÿ›น๐Ÿ’œ Guilt ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ›น
๐ŸŒธ Will you... ๐ŸŒธ
Reki and Langa are parents?!? Pt 2
๐Ÿ’œ Plans that never happened ๐Ÿ’œ
๐Ÿ’œ Dancing in the rain ๐Ÿ’œ
๐ŸŒธ Anniversary ๐ŸŒธ
๐Ÿ˜บ Angry Miya ๐Ÿ˜บ
๐Ÿ˜บ Flustered Miya ๐Ÿ˜บ
๐Ÿ›น A trip to Canada pt 1 ๐Ÿ›น
๐Ÿ˜บ Valentines day ๐Ÿ˜บ
๐Ÿ’œ I love you... ๐Ÿ’œ

๐Ÿ›น Explanation ๐Ÿ›น

906 23 2
By lilah505

This will be set after Langa's race basically after the S squad hug 🥹

After Langa's win the group would've been celebrating. Going to Joe's restaurant and partying until it was time to head home. They would've played board games, argued with one another while playing Uno.

But they couldn't. Not tonight. Tomorrow they'll celebrate, but tonight they needed answers from a certain red head.

Sure, Langa knew the reasoning for Reki's sudden disappearance and distancing himself, but the others didn't. They did know something happened between Reki and Langa they just didn't know the whole story. And Reki felt like they deserved to know.

After the race a lot of people congratulated Langa, praising him for his skills and how he beat Adam. After everyone congratulated him the group headed off to Joe's restaurant. Ready to hear what Reki has to say.

The car ride was quiet, the only sounds being from Miya playing his switch. Reki and Langa were sitting in the back, the red head was picking at his fingers, his knee bouncing up and down. He was beyond nervous at telling the rest of his friends the reasoning for his behavior. He was afraid of what they will say or think. He didn't want them to think he was weak.

His mind was racing with thousands of thoughts of how this could play out until he felt a hand hold his. He looked up and saw Langa looking back at him with a loving look only reserved for Reki.

"It'll be fine. They'll understand." Langa whispered in the red head's ear. Langa pulled him closer towards him wrapping an arm around him, hoping it'll comfort him and keep the thoughts at bay.


They finally made it to the restaurant. After Joe unlocked it they all went it, Reki took a seat Langa sitting right next to him while the others stood, expect Shadow who was still in his wheelchair.

Reki's heart was racing his thoughts from before coming back again. His foot starting bouncing up and down he hid his face in his hands not wanting to look up at the group. Langa put his hand on Reki's thigh reminding the red head he's here.

"Take your time, Reki. Don't rush yourself." Joe's soothing voice said. It managed to calm Reki down a bit as he slowly gathered himself, thinking of what to say.

"Okay. Okay. I'm ready." Reki mumbled. Face still hidden by his hands. He took a few deep breathes preparing himself for whatever will happen next.

"This... This isn't your guys' fault, okay." Reki started off. He didn't want them to think it was their fault, sure, what Shadow and Miya said flashed through his mind but he's fine with it.

"It... It started at S one night, after we returned from the hot springs. I overheard people talking about Langa, they mentioned me but just as the red head. T-They said I was unimportant, a lowlife, and how there was no reason to remember me and it... hurt..." Reki took in a deep breath, trying not to cry.

"I got upset and jealous. Everyone praises Langa for his skateboarding, they KNOW him. But... But they don't know ME. I was the one who taught Langa to skate, I made him a board to help him, I introduced him to skating. But they didn't know me and it got to me." Reki was starting to pull at his hair, Langa took notice and rubbed his arm to make him loosen it.

"I just started comparing myself to him. He's only been skating for a few months while I've been skating for years and he's better than me. I then started comparing myself to the rest of you. You're all so talented and amazing meanwhile I'm not. I'm nothing. I'm not talented like you and I'm not amazing like you." Reki was already starting to cry, he didn't care he just needed to let them know.

The group were all looking at Reki, surprised that he felt like that for awhile. That Reki started comparing him to them and how he thought he was nothing. To them Reki was just as special as the rest of them. They all planned on telling him when he was done.

"I-I tried to be on the sidelines and cheer Langa on but that wasn't me! I didn't want to be on the side I wanted to be next to him. And that wasn't going to happen. I actually returned my S pin cause I didn't want to be reminded of how amazing you all are. I didn't show up to school, didn't show up to Dope Sketch. I didn't want to be near Langa."

Langa moved his hand into Reki's hair, gently combing his finger through it to better help calm Reki down.

"I ran into my old skating group from S. They started saying how I was gonna come running back to join them again but I wouldn't they're awful. After that they beat me up..."

Joe, Cherry, and Shadow all curled their hands into a fist. Joe letting out a small growl. They wanted to go find the losers who beat up Reki and make them pay. Miya was surprised, he didn't want to think of what they did to Reki or how injured he was afterwards.

"It was weird though, I-I felt like I deserved it. Oka found me, he knew how I was feeling. He knew how great you all are and how I'm in a different league than you. He said I should be glad since we all have our differences and it's pointless to compare ourselves, but I couldn't accept that. I didn't want to quit and give up. Oka also told me about Shadow being in the hospital." Langa moved his hand from Reki's head to around him, pulling him closer to him. He knew what was next and how badly that scared Reki.

"I did go to the hospital but immediately backed out when I saw Langa. Miya found me in the elevator and wanted me to come with him but I couldn't. So, I ran away. I-I wasn't looking and just ran into the street and got hit by a car." Miya was ready to yell until Cherry quickly covered his mouth. Not wanting Reki to get startled.

"It wasn't THAT bad but I honestly thought I was a goner. When I woke up I was in a love hotel with that Snake guy. He tried to convince me to quit skating, that it wasn't worth it. At first I DID want to quit, I didn't see a point if I sucked. But... But when I heard him say how bad skating was and how it wasn't worth it, I couldn't take it." Reki was silently crying, he didn't bother wiping his tears since he still kept his face hidden with his hands.

"I told him all the reasons why I love skating. And how fun skating is when you're with your friends! How it's an incredible feeling when you're skating alongside someone. That... kinda snapped me out of my funk, I realized it doesn't matter the amount of skills I have all that matters is my love for skateboarding." A small smile formed on the red head's face, his tears slowing down. He felt better, like a weight was lifted off his shoulders.

"I felt like trash. Like I wasn't good enough or wasn't talented enough. Right now, I'm better but the thoughts won't go away. Occasionally I start comparing myself to you guys or just start belittling myself. I wish I wasn't like this, I wish I was-" Reki was slowly starting to spiral, until he was pulled up to his feet and he felt strong arms wrap around him.

Joe pulled the red head closer to him, he cared deeply about the kids they all somehow found a way into his heart. Right now, Joe wished he could switch places with Reki. He didn't want to see Reki go through this and he wished he didn't have to.

"Reki, you are extremely talented. You surprise me everyday, especially during your second beef with Adam. When you had wheels for the rain, that was genius. You faced him, you didn't back down especially when he brought out full swing kiss." Cherry said, gently petting Reki's head.

Just like Joe, the kids have grown on Cherry. Especially Reki. Cherry knew how Reki built boards but he was beyond surprised when he found out he built Langa's. He knew that kid had a talent for making boards, and don't get him started on Reki's smarts and how he's able to do mental math with no problem. Even correcting Carla once.

Reki was very resourceful. After witnessing the beef with Adam he saw how stubborn the red head can be. Not giving up even all the pain he went through. But he somehow managed to have fun.

"Okay. Okay. I'm good. I swear." Reki mumbled pushing himself away from Joe. His face now stained with fresh tears.

"You really are a slime. Everyone at S knows you're name. I'm surprised people didn't considering how out going and friendly you are." Miya mentioned. Reki was surprised he was actually able to compliment him, in his own Miya way.

"Okay. I get it." Reki mumbled, a small blush growing on his cheeks. He wasn't use to compliments or praise. It also doesn't help that Langa has made it his mission to compliment Reki all the time so the red head won't forget how amazing he is.

"Yeah! And if they don't know you're name, I'll make sure they do." Shadow shouted punching his hand in effect. "You got a lot of guts though kid. You don't know how loud I shouted when I watched Adam trip cause of you. Hell, you turned Langa from a guy who had to duck tape his feet to the board to being able to skate with no clips or anything." Shadow added on.

There was more Shadow wanted to say, like how proud he was of how far he's come. Reki was truly a badass person and Shadow respected that. And if anyone were to bad mouth the red head, Shadow may or may not beat them until they get some sense.

"Yeah. I'm great cause of you!" Langa exclaimed with a small smile on his face. "You're amazing, Reki." Langa added, softly gazing at the red head.

Reki is really regretting telling them. If he knew they'd react by praising him and telling him how amazing he is, he would've never told them. He was totally red now, he tried his best to hide it but the group knew.

"Don't sell yourself short, kid. You're just as amazing as the rest of us, maybe even more." Joe ruffled Reki's hair, making the red head blush even more.

"Okay! Okay! I get it! That's enough, please. I don't think I can handle any more." Reki pleaded with the group. He honestly wasn't sure if he could handle any more compliments, he would probably pass out if he got more.

"Fair enough. You'll get use to the compliments." Cherry smirked. He knew Langa was going to shower Reki in compliments.

From this moment on Cherry wanted to make sure he keeps a close eye on Reki. Not wanting to see Reki pull away from them again. The group can all agree that things were different without Reki. They've all gotten used to Reki's  presence.

"You should teach pinky how to make a board. So he can finally get rid of Carla." Joe teased, Cherry quickly whipped his head to glare daggers at the gorilla.

"I would NEVER get rid of Carla." The two started their usual bickering. Throwing insults left and right at one another, though they never meant it. It was how they love.

Reki felt amazing, it was weird. He was scared his friends would judge him, think he was weak or lame for comparing them to him. He was afraid they would actually confirm he wasn't talented like the rest of them.

But far from it, they squashed those thoughts and spewed out compliments. They were understanding and never once have they actually thought Reki wasn't talented. Though Shadow and Miya did feel some guilt, since they constantly teased Reki about his talent.

They both wanted to make it up to Reki, especially Miya. The red head was like a big brother to Miya, and Miya never wanted to see Reki leave them again. That's why he wanted to make up for what he said, but he wasn't sure what he could do.

Meanwhile, Shadow knew. He had the perfect plan.

I'm beginning to love the headcanon (not sure if it's canon lol) that Reki is actually super fucking smart but just doesn't apply himself or doesn't turn in assignments cause he doesn't get motivated. AND I LOVE THE IDEA OF HIM CORRECTING CARLA! I WANNA WRITE A ONESHOT ABOUT CHERRY TEACHING REKI ABOUT CODING! AHH CAN YOU TELL I LOVE REKI!

The group is also glad they got their sunshine boy back 🥹 also sorry for hardly updating. School has been a pain in the ass. But I'm almost done with the semester!

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