Royal Blood

By queen_ransome22

29K 1.4K 413

Being in the royal family always has it perks. Everyone fears them, adore them, and criticize them. The Alba... More

Royal Blood (Interracial)
The Start


611 33 10
By queen_ransome22

🔆 Adaleah 🔆

My heels clicked every walk I took trying to get to Landon's room. The video of the argument with his parents went viral within a second. The media was buzzing about the situation and Mr. Hugo told me check up on him since right now, he may need his best friend.

Well he needs more than just me. Honestly he needs the guys he hangs with. I walked up the stairs and when I got to the top, I was out of breath. Whew, those stairs be taking me out.

I walked towards his room to see the chamberlain doing his job and he noticed my presence. "Yes ma'am what can I do for you?"

"Is Prince Landon in his room? I'm Adaleah, his assistant." I gave a smile but I was still out of breath. I stood up straight trying to catch my breath. The chamberlain gave a no head shake, telling me that he's not in his room.

"You mean to tell me I walked up them stairs with my heels on and he's not even in his room?" A frustrated groan slipped from my lips as a chuckle slipped from someone else's.

Turning around, I saw Landon and Grayson standing still at the stairs. Amusement is playing on Landon lips as Grayson rolled his eyes at his friend for finding my pain amusing.

"Landon, being amused is something that should be a least of your worries right now." Grayson spoke giving his friend a frown at what he did.

Landon waved him off, "Please give us some space to talk. Peter you may go." He looked over at the chamberlain who I now know as Peter bowed and quickly left his door. Grayson gave him an unsure look but he pat his shoulder. The two of them shared glances at each other before Grayson shakes his head with a eye roll, following the path of going back down the stairs.

Landon gesture his room to me as the both of us walked towards it. He opened the door, leading us both inside of it. He went towards his closet, taking his top half of the suit off.


"I know what you're going to say Adaleah. Mr. Hugo told you to come and check up on me didn't he?" He went towards his closet putting his jacket back on the hanger.

"Yes." I simply said and he chuckles unbuckling his belt and pulling it out of his loops of his dress pants. "But I told him I wouldn't be enough to help you, but he still insisted that I did."

Landon paused with his belt in his hand and looked at me. "Adaleah you're more than enough. Why'd you think he sent you?" He walked inside of his closet as I felt a smile trying to come on my face.

He's making me feel a different way, a way I never experienced with Willam. My stomach had butterflies in them, my heart started racing, and my feet were killing me. I started shifting one leg to the other as my feet were trying to give out on me because they were hurting.

"Adaleah are you okay?" I heard Landon asked as I looked up to see that he gave a concern look. He noticed that I'm shifting leg to leg. I chuckle, waving him off wanting him to be concerned about me right now. I need to be concern about him.

"It's fine. My feet are killing- Landon!!" I shrieked as he picked me up bridal style laughing at how I answered him. He walked towards his couch on the other side of his room, sitting me down on his couch. He sat down next to me and lift both of my legs on his lap but as soon as I tried to move them he firmly gripped my legs with his hand.

"No," He unlatched one strap of my heel and smiled. "Your feet are hurting so I want you sit back and relax." He unlatched the other strap and took both of my heels off.

I turned away, not wanting to get embarrassed by Landon seeing my feet. I usually polish and cut them but I just cut them this week. "I know they're ugly Landon so please." I moved them from his lap without looking as I heard a light laugh from him. He put my feet back on his legs.

"Yes they are Leah. They're like wolf claws." He chuckled, "I need to get you my sisters nail technician number."

My heart dropped, feeling insecurity sinking into my body. Landon is talking about how ugly my feet are. What about William? Does he think the same way about them?

"Hey." I didn't notice Landon had moved from his position until his hand lift the bottom of my chin to look him in his eyes. His memorizing blue eyes. "I was just joking. Your feet are beautiful, Ma chérie." He softly says, looking into my eyes as I was looking into his. I could feel the tension so I cleared my throat, looking elsewhere. (My darling.)

"So what was that video about Landon?" I questioned, looking elsewhere but I could feel his hand leaving my chin quickly with a frustrated groan. He moved away from me which made me pout just a little. But I quickly stopped myself from feeling his fingers attached to my chin and those blue eyes staring into mine-

"Adaleah, it's so frustrating that my parents think-" I zoned out again when I noticed his features of his face and his body language while he's talking about his parents. I wonder what his features looks like when he's making love to someone?

"Right Adaleah?" He faced me with his blue eyes dazzling and his not out of shape body towards me. I hated that I didn't hear anything. So instead of asking what he said, I just agreed with what was said.

"Yes of course." I smiled hoping that I didn't say anything rude to his question he just asked.

He gave me a sad look, which is telling me he did say something negative. "So you agree with my parents Adaleah? You think I'm a screw up?"

I finally moved out of my position frantically grabbing his hands. "N-No I don't Landon. You're not a screw up."

"But you just agreed to what my parents said about me." His eyes stared into mine with a sad look. Then he looked elsewhere, "Maybe you're right. I mean I kicked you out of my life and I stopped talking to you when we were younger."

"Landon no that's not true." I grabbed either side of his face, letting his eyes look into mine. "Yes you may be an asshole at times, you may be difficult at times, but you are not a screw up. You are who you are and your parents can't change that. Yes you kicked me out of your life, but I forgave you Landon. That was in the past this is now."

He put his hand on mine and closed his eyes with a smile as I smiled, seeing by my touch is calming him down. I really wanted to tell him about my feelings towards him but I didn't want our friendship to be over. I'm still seeing William.

He opened his eyes with a smile still on his face and he gently removed my hands from his face. He stood up, holding his hand out for me to take. I gave him a confused look trying to figure out what he wanted me to do.

"What?" I questioned as he chuckled rolling his eyes playfully. Instead he grabbed my hand, intertwining our hands into each others. We started walking as he lead the way but I don't even know where we're going.

"Where are we going Landon?" I questioned, as we still walked towards his room door. "I don't have any shoes on."

He stopped and turned around to look down at my feet. "Wait here." He pulled away from our intertwined hands and walked away from me. I turned around, seeing him come back with slides in his hands. He bent down and gesture me to give him my feet to put in the shoe.

"Landon? I can't wear your shoes! They will definitely slice my head off!" I said causing him to roll his eyes playfully again with a chuckle. He looked up at me and smiled.

"I already told you ma chérie, they won't do that. I will protect you before that happens." He gestured for me to stick my foot out and I sighed, giving in. He slipped one slide on as I try to keep balance and then the other. "Alright Cinderella you're done."

He stood up as I chuckled at what he called me. He put our hands together again but I pulled away. He gave me a confused look but then a soft look came onto his face. "Forgot about William."

"It's not that-"

He waved me off, opening the door. "It's okay. I understand. Come on."

The both of us walked out of his room and he closed the door behind me. He lead the way, walking down the stairs as I followed with the shoes flapping while I walked down the stairs.

When we got to the end of the stairs, we walked towards the back. "Landon where are we going?"

He said nothing but we ended up at the stables. My eyebrows bunched in confusion as he pulled the door back for the night air to consume the building with the horses inside their temporary homes. He turned on the lights and we walked inside seeing some of the horses sleeping. But there is one that's still up.

And the one that's still up is Allstar. He carefully went over towards his horse, petting him with a smile. "Allstar I was hoping you were still up buddy. You missed me?"

The horse neighed as he scratched the sides of him. I smiled noticing that Landon is not that bad of a person. Maybe this should be the time-

"Hey Leah? Can you help me?" I heard Landon questioned as I got out of my thoughts and looked up to see him looking at me with his blue eyes, smiling.

"Yeah." I smile back, following him into the stable to help him with Allstar. The both of us got Allstar out of his stable. Landon lead Allstar outside as I held onto the saddle following them.

He stopped him and grabbed the saddle from my hands that brushed against his. He carefully put it on Allstar and he went on the other side of the building, leaving Allstar and I alone. I walked towards Allstar and begin petting the horse who seemed to like how I pet him.

"I'm ready." I overheard Landon coming back from the other side of the building. He had two apples and I stepped aside so he could feed Allstar apples. He got on Allstar and held his hand out for me to take.

"Landon, I can't. I have on a pencil skirt." He rolled his eyes playfully, still holding out his hand.

"No one is going to see your panties now come on." He continued to smile still holding out his hand. I rolled my eyes, grabbing his hand and he helped me get on Allstar. "Leah? You might want to get closer to me and make sure you wrap your hands around my waist."

I chuckled, "Why are you going to make Allstar run fast?"

He turned his head slightly to the side where I could see half of his smile. He make a clicking sound from his mouth which Allstar started moving. I wrapped my arms around his waist as we moved. I also pulled my body close to his.

"No, I just wanted you to be close to me." He says and before I could say anything he made Allstar run faster so I couldn't talk. I knew he could feel the glare I made at the back of his head.

After what felt like a long ride, he finally stopped at a nice view of what looked like a castle. But I looked again and noticed that it's the town of Saldavia. It was nice to see the town lit up with the castle lit up as well that sat up on the mountain gated in.

"Wow." I whispered, looking at the beautiful scenery. I slowly walked towards the scenery to look at it. "Landon this is beautiful. How'd you know this is here?"

He walked a little further than I did and sat down. I followed his actions and he chuckles, turning his head to look at me. "It's nice right? Our ancestors own this land. A land that has been in our family for generations." He touched the grass with a smile. "Still, I feel like I shouldn't be in the presence of it. I'm the unwanted son."

"Landon your parents love you. Even if you think they don't, they do." He scoffed, shaking his head at what I said.

"I wish I could see it that way but I can't Ma chérie. Anyway, I think I'll be the least of their problems. They have more matters to be concerned for. Starting with Golden boy, Theo."

"What did he do?" I questioned with a confused look on my face, wanting to know what Theo did. I've heard him call him Golden boy a few times and I remember that he said something about Theo having secrets in the throne room, but when he said golden boy this time, it seemed different. Like he knew something about him that no one else knew.

"It's not a bother." He waves me off, looking straight ahead at the town of Saldavia. "It's not important."

I was going to ask more questions but I decided against it since it's none of my business. I wouldn't want to get crossed up in their family business. But then I thought about Nadia. I met her leaving the castle with her Mila.

"I saw Nadia leave with Mila in the castle. Was everything okay?" I questioned as I could see that Landon body language changed. "She told me that she had to leave because of other matters in her country."

Landon sighs, "Yes. She had... other matters at her county she had to take care of." He turned his head from me not making eye contact at all. "I also think it had something to do with what that bastard Sebastian said to her."

He must be talking about what happened at the event a few weeks ago. "What did he say to her?"

"He said some hurtful, disgusting things to her and he said some things about you too when you weren't present."

I remembered what he said about me in the throne room, but I didn't know he said some other things about me. "He did?"

He nods his head, "I don't like that bastard and I hate that my sister is married to him." He scoffs, "And I think he use to abuse Syd but she won't admit it."

"He told Nadia the only reason why every man wanted her, because she's a slut that opened her legs for anyone who had a dick." I scoffed, frowning at the thought of Sebastian saying that from his bitch ass mouth.

"So I punched him because I knew Nadia wasn't like that. That dude is literally the definition of bad news." He scoffed, "I hope he get what he deserves too."

"He will." I spoke, causing him to look over at me. "In dues time he will."

I could see a smile forming on his face looking over at me. I gave him a confused look. "What?"

He just smiles, "Nothing. I can't take in my best friend's beauty?"

I rolled my eyes playfully, turning my head from him. "Landon stop. I'm nothing to look at." I could feel my head being turned by fingertips touching my face once again. We were so close to each other that we could kiss.

"You're everything to look at Ma chérie. If I could wake up to you everyday in bed, I would hold you into my arms and not let you go." Our eyes connect and I could feel my heart beating out of my chest.

We were about to do something so reckless but so passionate. I couldn't help but to think about what would happen next. But I couldn't think next because as soon as our lips planted each others, I didn't think of anything else.

We were kissing in sync as the rhythm of my heart beat feeling this escalating. I felt his fingers move from under my chin to either side of my face. The passion of us kissing just felt so right. But it's so wrong.

I pulled away from the kiss and opened my eyes to see Landon opening his eyes with his eyebrows furrowed with confusion.

"Landon, we couldn't." I spoke in a soft voice. He closed his eyes and sighed as his jawline clenched, putting his forehead on mine.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't help it ma chérie. You're the definition of everything I want in a Queen. You always been my passion ever since I laid eyes on you." He spoke causing my heart to beat, feeling swell to even hear such things from him.

Landon is confessing his love to me. Love that I want but knew we couldn't pursue. I'm not even royal material because I'm a villager and let's not forget that I'm black. It's forbidden to be with someone with my status and race.

"Landon, you know-"

"I don't care what anyone says about us, Adaleah. You are my Queen. You will always be my Queen." He opened his blue beautiful eyes to look at me. I wish I could confess my feelings towards him but I couldn't.

William is my boyfriend and I-

"Adaleah I know you don't feel the same and I know you're seeing William. But I really had to get that off my chest because it kills me inside that your love is with someone else." He looked down as our foreheads still stayed on each others. I could feel my heart break hearing this from him but I knew we couldn't.

So I did what any other girl whose in love with her best-friend would do. I lift his head up to look at me and I planted my lips on his. I put my hands on either side of his face and we kissed in sync once again.

I pulled away, putting my forehand on his. Sighing, I couldn't help but to think of what I'm doing now. I said I wasn't going to do it but hell, why not?

"Landon I-" but before I could even get in my confession, his phone started going off. He sighed of frustration, taking his phone out of his pocket looking at it.

He groaned of frustration, "It's Syd calling." He looked at his phone once more and threw it aside on the ground. He looked back at me again. "What were you saying ma chérie?"

"I was saying-" His phone rung again and I paused what I was going to say to him, seeing that Syd is calling him once more.

"Landon, Syd is calling again. It might be important." I looked over at the phone and he sighed.

"Syd can wait. What you're about to tell me is important." He said and I shake my head no. "Leah, she can wait."

"But she's your sister Landon. It might be important." I said and he sighed of frustration, pulling his forehead from mine and getting the phone from the ground, calling her back.

"Syd, I'm busy right now can you call back?" I could hear his eldest sister through the phone and she sound like she's fussing and cussing at him in french. He rolled his eyes, hearing what his sister had to say. He closed his eyes and shakes his head hearing his sister on the phone.

"Yes, I'm coming. Can I just- Okay! I'm coming!" He pull the phone from his ear, opening his eyes to look at it in disbelief. He looked over at me with a sad look. "Syd wants me to come back to the castle Asap."

I nod my head, understanding that whatever it is, it's important. "It's okay Landon I know you have important tasks at hand."

"It's not important. You're important to me right now." Landon looked me in the eyes as I sighed, standing up. His eyes followed my actions and I held my hand out for him to take.


"Come on Landon, you need to go see what's going on." I cut him off, still holding my hand out for him to take. He finally took my hand and interlocked them as we went over towards Allstar.

The ride on Allstar was quiet and we made sure we put him back in the stables. I was going to walk myself back to the headquarters but he insisted that he walked me back. We finally made it to my room and I stopped at the door.

"Thanks Landon." I smiled, "I hope the rest of your night gets better."

He chuckles, putting his hands in his pockets. "My night got better because of you Ma chérie. You're one of a kind."

"Thank you Landon. But I need to get my shoes, so I'll get them in the morning." He nods his head with a chuckle.

"You can keep those. I don't really need them." He said and I chuckle, looking at the big slides on my feet.

"Landon I can't even wear them. They're big." He chuckles, looking down at the shoes.

"It's okay. Keep them." He looked back up at me with a smile. "Goodnight." He smiled and just like that, he's down the stairs but I could help but to follow him.

"Landon!!" I spoke, seeing him by the door. When he turned around, I grabbed his collar shirt and pulled him towards me to kiss him passionately. The kiss took him by surprise but then he relaxed and his hands found their way to my back.

We pulled away, resting our foreheads together. "Goodnight." I spoke causing us to smile at each other. We pecked lips once more and we finally said our goodbyes until tomorrow.

He left out of the door as I closed it and locked it. I blew some air out and ran a hand down my face, trying to figure out what I need to do.

I like William, I really do but I like Landon more. At this point, I'm stuck between what to do.

A/N: You guys.... I know you all are mad at me and I'm sorry. I just couldn't find it in myself to write anymore. My passion for it has been fading away. Anyways, I hope you guys like and I'm going to find a way to get my inspiration back.

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