It's Me (Second book of Call...

By percabethforever0414

96K 4.8K 1.8K

Omega got his wish. He got Annabeth back, and that was all he could really wish for. Then. He can't stop hi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter Sixty
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70

Chapter 22

1.3K 65 21
By percabethforever0414

Malcom's POV

I watched Annabeth and Omega talk in front of the cabin door. I lifted an eyebrow as he pecked her on the forehead, and dissapeared.
She came in wearily, and took off her shoes while coming in. She was wearing a dress. After she washed and dressed, I stepped in front of her.
"Do you like Omega?"
I stared at her.

She was being truthful.

I could tell. When I asked about Percy, she would stutter and say no so loudly my eardrums would burst. And she would turn tomato red.
She was saying the truth.
"Don't you remember? I'm waiting for Percy."
"You can stop waiting for someone thats dead."
"He isn't dead." she snapped. "He's just.... Lost."
"Lost for 1000 years at a place where nobody can find. Yeah."
She scowled at me and jumped inside her bed.
"Don't talk to me!"
I sighed and shook my head. I went on reading my book.

The way he showed up at the Athena cabin. The way he kissed Annabeth on the forehead.
He was trouble.
And I was always right about troublesome guys. I yawned and stretched. I should be sleeping too now. I went into bed and closed my eyes, hoping for a dreamless night.

Hope for something you could hope for.

Sweet Dreams.

I huffed and looked at the pendent. It was okay. So thats where he was using it for. I left the big house thinking about what I should do during free time. I sighed.

It was about time I visited Annabeth.

I bought a flower from the Demeter cabin and walked to her grave. Annabeth's ashes were swept into this one jar, and.buried in the ground. I stopped in my steps when I saw a figure at Annabeth's grave.
He was crying.
His shoulders shook with his sobs. He didn't say anything, but I knew what he meant.

I'm sorry.

I could hear him.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

When the sobbing stopped, I saw him hand pendents on each and every one of the graves. He left, and I came out from my hiding place. I put the flower in front of her grave first and examined the necklace. It was pretty, clear and sparkling. It was made of the same thing that ours were made of.
To protect.
Facinated, I reached out for the necklace, but drew my hand back when a sharp pang of pain/Loving that now/ tingled up my arm. I looked up to see Percy glaring at me with angry sea green eyes. I shivered and nearly took a step back.
He stepped forward.
"You can't take that necklace." He said calmly.
"I was just trying to see it."
He took one more step.
"Have you ever heard don't touch."
I scowled.
He took one last step, and he was standing right next to me, his mouth next to my ear.
Chills ran up my spine.
I couldn't move.

I couldn't blink.

I couldn't breathe.

"I wanted to kill you so bad..." he whispered. "Right when you said her name." my eyeballs strained to take a glimpse of him. His expression was blank.
"You should thank the whole camp. And me. You should know why."

"You should be thankful that you're Annabeth's family."

he left the graveyard, and it was when he dissapeared I could breathe. I coughed and gasped, trying to get air in my lungs. I scowled once again.

He was powerful.

Too much.


Percy's POV /still dream guys/

I wasn't in a very good mood.

After seeing Malcom, and using my powers again, my head hurt like hell. I didn't really meet my parents. I just stayed at her grave. I sighed and ruffled my hair. I knew I shouldn't of done that to Malcom. I shook my head and went to my cabin, just wanting to rest. I flopped in my bed and winced as I did. My ribs hadn't healed completely. I didn't have enough ambrosia or nectar. I sat up and massaged my temples when the headache didn't go away.

Okay. I really need some ambrosia.

I stood up and went to the bathroom cupboard. I rummaged around and found tylenol and a square of ambrosia.
That was all.
I ate the ambrosia in one bite and gulped down the pill with it. I just layed in bed for a while, wishing for the pain to go away. Every breath I took, my lungs hurt. My head still hurt, but my ribs seemed to be okay. I groaned and flipped over, thinking about getting more ambrosia. I couldn't go to the big house. It was too close to the infirmary. I couldn't go there. I would usually teleport, but now.... I didn't think I could teleport in this state.
The Stolls?
I shook my head. No I couldn't ask for help-
I gasped as my vision turned red and a wave of pain overwhelmed me.
The Stolls.
I put on a facade of calm and went to the Hermes cabin with a pouch of drachmas. I peeked inside the Hermes cabin and some eyes went to me but left as if I was invisible. I went inside awkwardly, and looked for Connor or Travis.
Someone tapped me on the shoulder.
I whipped around to see Connor grinning at me.
"Need something?"
I rubbed the back of my neck. I felt all the stares.
"Can we go out first?"
He nodded.
We went out behind a tree.
"Can you get me some ambrosia or nectar? As much as you can, but not enough for it to show."
he furrowed his eyebrows. "you could just ask for that. And you're not bad at stealing at all. You know, with that teleporting th-"
He scanned me. "You're hurt." he poked out.
"Come on."
"So you can't teleport."
"Can't you do a favor for me?"
"It's because you made this, right?" he held up the pendent that was on his leather string.
I scowled. "I don't use my powers while doing arts and crafts." I lied.

"Then what about that trident."

I flinched. "What trident?" my voice was sharper than a knife.
He stood his ground. "The trident had fingerprints." he accused. "And its hard to make things like this with hands."
"So help me." I said flatly. "I know you could do this for me."
He sighed. "I'll do it with Travis. Don't worry. Lets meet in your cabin."
He left the tree, and I was left there to drown in my pain. I crouched down and hugged my ribs and gasped for air. Thankfully, nobody could see me. I took a deep breath. I needed to go to the Posiedon cabin. I tried to stand up, but crouched down after a endeavor.
Why did it hurt so much?
Maybe I should of gone to the infirmary. I shook my head. No. I didn't want to show them my scars. They would ask. About the scars I get every night. I didn't want to pull attention. But I couldn't walk through camp like this. And it was a far way to my cabin. I sighed. Just once. I teleported to my cabin bathroom, in the bathtub. I turned on the water and sat under it. It felt a bit better. I sighed and leaned back. The sharp pain in my ribs became a dull throbbing, and my headache nearly went away. I heard knocking. They were here so soon?
I sighed and stepped out of the shower, and the pain worsened again. I again put on a poker face and opened the door. Travis and Connor gave me a big sack. I looked inside it to see ambrosia and nectar.
"Uh.... Percy..."
I looked up. Will was behind them.
I scowled. "You got caught."
Will shook his head. "They told me. That you were hurt."
"I'm not!"
"Than why do you need ambrosia and nectar?"
"For other times when I get hurt."
"You can get it yourself by teleporting."
I glared at the Stolls.
"Look. I'm fine. I just needed ambrosia for a headache. Happy?"
Will crossed his arms. "Don't lie."
"Get out." I slammed the door in their faces and slid down to the floor. I took out a square of ambrosia and ate it. The pain was still there, but it had weakened into a pain that was enough to hide. I took a deep breath and stood up with the sack. I put most of the nectar in the bathroom cupboard, and the ambrosia in the desk drawers. Maybe I should of asked them for painkillers too. It would work better. I couldn't eat too much ambrosia. I pursed my lips. Maybe it would be okay enough now to teleport. I peeked out the crack of the door to see if they were still there. After checking, I went out and nearly tripped on something. I scowled and looked down to see a big bottle full of white pills.


I went back in and closed the door behind me. I washed it down with water, and I could barely feel the paib anymore. I noticed a note was in the bottle.

I wont ask.
Come to the infirmary.


I sighed and put the note on the table.

He wouldn't ask.

Maybe I would go after lunch.


"So. You came."
I scowled.
"Come on."
Will led me to the newly made rooms that were private. Mostly for people who are badly hurt and need to rest for a long time. He led me to the end of the hall and went into the room. He patted the bed.
"Sit down."
I sat down, soaking in my surroundings.
"Where does it hurt?"
"I broke my ribs on the quest. And have a headache. Thats all."
"Then why is there blood on your shirt."
I cursed under my breath when I saw a stain on my shirt. It was from a scar obviously. Didn't know when it reopened.
I shrugged.
"Take off your shirt."
I scowled.
"I wont ask."
I sighed and took it off slowly, being careful about my ribs. Will rubbed his face when he saw me.
"You didn't come to the infirmary till now."
I nodded.
He took a deep breath.
"I really can't do much. Just be careful. And don't teach swordplay for a while. Or train."
"But I have a lesson today."
"Tell them you can't do the lesson."
"Tell them that your sick."
I looked down.
He sighed. "Then don't overdo yourself."
I nodded.
He gave me a paste and a few rolls of bandages.
"Put this on your scars every day. Keep those clean. And as I told you, don't overdo yourself."
"Okay." I put on my shirt.
"You can come anytime." he said while I left the the room.
I went to my cabin, feeling much better after knowing I had somewhere to rely on. When did I have the class?
I had about 30 minutes till then.
Might as well go early.
I went to the arena and set up a few dummies. Mrs. OLeary jumped up next to me and licked me. I smiled slightly and patted her. She nearly seemed to read my mood. When I was in a good mood, she would jump on top of me. Mostly now, she would just lick me. She panted at me with a sheild in her mouth.
"I'm sorry. Need to practice. And it takes too much energy to play with you. I need to teach sword fighting."
She whimpered. I paused.

It had been a long time since I played with her.

I sighed and took the shield and threw it a few times. We played tug of war with a rope till some of the campers came. I wiped my sweat with a towel. I rested for a while with Mrs. OLeary panting and sniffing me. I hoped I wouldn't need to do much for teaching. I was having the Ares cabin.

Just my luck.

I took a swig of water and stood up as it became 4. I took attendence and found out that three didn't come. I couldn't teach anything till then, so I let them warm up by reviewing manuvers. Most of them grumbled at that, but quieted at Clarissies sharp words. I noticed she was wearing the pendent. She scowled at me when she caught me looking at her. I lifted my eyebrows and looked away as the three late ones came. One came running in. Two came in slowly, hands in their pockets.

Bad day.

"Okay, so we're going to learn this-" I showed a manuver with Clarissie. "It's pretty difficult, so you will need to practice a lot. If you have anything to ask, ask me. Okay? Now pair up-"
A half raised hand stopped me.
"I already know that."
"Lets learn something else."
"John- you will-"
"Clarissie." I glanced at him. "Well then, lets see how well you do it."
He came up and I stood there with my sword. He did it skillfully. He was good.
"Well done." I complemented. "But the others did not learn yet. You need to wait."
"But you can train with me."
I faltered. He just wanted to go ahead, I knew he meant nothing bad.
'Don't overdo yourself.'
But he was a good swordsman. I could tell. And there wasn't many chances like this.
"Okay. The rest of you- pair up." I glanced and John.
"So. John?"
He nodded.
"Lovely. Should we start?"


"I think you should work on that. The disarming. It's too easy to block."
"It worked on others..." he said, panting.
I examined riptide. "It doesn't work on me. And for other teachers, they're not as nice as me. Just do what they say."
he nodded.
"You can practice. Whatever you like. I think you know what you need to do."
He paired up with someone else, and I watched the others and corrected them. I sat down to rest for a while.

Suddenly, everything shook. The world turned upside down. A sudden wave of pain moved though me, and I barely hid the pain.
Don't overdo yourself.
Clarissie sat next to me.
"You okay?" She asked gruffly.
I raised an eyebrow.
She scowled. "Well-"
"I'm perfectly fine Clarissie." I lied. "Odd that you ask."
"You don't look like it."
I stood up. "I'm fine." I repeated.
I walked over to the rest of the Ares kids.
"Okay. Come over here."
They grouped together, mumbling and nudging each other.
"Great job. Hope you now atleast some of what we learned today." I glanced at John. "John? Will you stay for a while?"
He nodded and came up to me when the others filed out.
"I hope you get to improve. You're a good swordsman, but I know you have many weak spots."
he smiled. "It looks like you have no weak spots at all."
"I have one. Just one. But its too big. Its just like defending everything but your heart."
He nodded. "Thank you."
"Great job. You should go now."
He left and I sighed and sat down. Clarissie sat down beside me.
"You really don't have to go to the infirmary?"
I just wanted to be alone now.
I went out of the arena with Clarissie yelling at me.
"Don't you ignore me Jackson!" she held me by the shoulder.
I glared at her. She faltered.
I was cut off by a sudden pain in my lungs. I choked on my words.
"Look. You seriously look sick."
I ignored her and walked off to my cabin.
"Don't lie. I can tell."
I walked faster.
I will not fall down.
We were getting some attention.
I would not fall down.
Everything turned upside down and flipped.







Love Drama.

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