Intertwining Fate (Akame ga K...

By Sora_Flashing12

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We shared everything. Our dream. Our will. Our love. The only thing we can't share is our Fate. If we're all... More

Chapter 1 The Two Assassins
Chapter 2 The Day it all Began
Chapter 4 Challenge! Kill the Viceroy
Chapter 5 The Battle of Hakurou River
Chapter 6 Encounter
Chapter 7 The Hitman
Chapter 8 A Dark Cloud
Chapter 9 A Bitter Cry
Chapter 10 Remains
Chapter 11 Secret Arts
Chapter 12 Yearning
Chapter 13 Tombs Raid
Chapter 14 The GraveKeepers Curse
Chapter 15 The Sister's Reunion
Chapter 16 Truth
Chapter 17 Escape
Chapter 18 The Broken Promise
Chapter 19 To Each His Own Love
Chapter 20 Confession
Chapter 21 Assaulted
Chapter 22 A Fierce Battle between Life and Death
Chapter 23 Mourning
Chapter 24 Raid's Preparation
Chapter 25 Melee Under the Moonlight
Chapter 26 Awakening
Chapter 27 The Capital's Darkness
Chapter 28 A Talk
Chapter 29 Unexpected Reunion
Chapter 30 The End of Hatred
Chapter 31 Teigu

Chapter 3 First Mission

647 22 2
By Sora_Flashing12

No one's POV

The children gathered at the hideout. After a long time of waiting, training, since child to know teenager. The elite 7 was finally given their very first mission by their father, Gozuki.

Gozuki: Now all of you! The preparations are in place, and it is time for you to go on your first mission!

Cornelia: Papa, you mean-

Gozuki: That's right. Today's killing won't be the typical practice partner, the Danger Beast Rousie Monkey. It will be human.

Poney: The day has finally come!

Gai: I can't wait to show off my skill!

Poney and Gai shiver with excitement. Poney clench her hands tight, while Gai slams his hands together.

Green(mind): We're finally going to take on a human opponent...

Cornelia(mind): I'll just take care of it the way I usually do.

Akame(mind): My first mission must be a success!



Gozuki: Now, I know that with your skills you wouldn't lose to most people anyway. Just do it how you do during practice. Besides, you're in possession of Shingus.

Ryu: Shingus?

Gozuki: That's right, that is the name of the weapons you've been given.

One thousand years ago, the first emperor who established the Empire fashioned forty-eight weapons called Teigus to protect the nation forever. Each was a super-weapon that made lavish use of forgotten arts and legendary Danger Beast materials in its crafting. Then, 400 years later, the Emperor at that time attempted to make his own versions of Teigu.

He loathed the idea that he would never surpass those weapons of antiquity. However what he created were weapons not equal to the Teigus. In a fit of humiliation, the Emperor sealed the Shingus away. He did this regardless that their performance was outstanding, despite not measuring up to the Teigus.

Gozuki: The weapons that you all possess are those very same Shingus.

Ryu and the others all examines their weapons. Ryu looked at his revolver from its holster, twirling it around his finger before caught it with his hand and aimed down the barrel.

Akame: This...

Ryu: To think our weapons hold that much power. But why are you telling us now, Father?

Gozuki: Because, the missions you have been assigned allowed you to have been bestowed with these national treasures. These very missions are crucial and nobles causes, so be proud! Your actions will save our great Empire!

Ryu: Then what about you, Father? Is your weapon a Shingu as well?

Gozuki lifted the blade over his shoulder, no name given yet as he stepped down closer and closer to his 'children.'

Gozuki: This is a Teigu. If you work hard, you might be given Teigus too. And by the way... if any one of you fails in your first mission you will not be forgiven. This is extremely important work we do, making people happy. Someone who can't even do that is no child of mine.

Silence and nervousness showed on everyone aside of Ryu and Najasho. Starting now, their lives will be put on the line when completing their mission. Gozuki taking notice and smiling as he takes out seven envelops.

Gozuki: I'm giving each of you your own target. Cooperation is prohibited. Open your individual envelope later. All the details of your mission are written inside.

Cornelia: What's our time limit?

Gozuki: Bring your target's head here by tomorrow morning. They're all bad guys who are trying to disrupt the Empire so don't miss.

All of their targets were convicted criminals that would be allowed to survive against these assassins they'd be acquitted. Of course for every rule, there had to be one exception. Not that any of them could possibly know with the slow corruption that wished to infiltrate their minds.


Ryu walked to his designated target, where he'll be facing off against his target. He reached an opened area near the mountain where he saw all 8 of his tergets.

Ryu: So I'm guessing you're all my targets.

Target 1: Hey look! A brat!

Target 2: I don't care who he is. Anyone who comes near us gets cut down—

Ryu: You talked too much...

The moment those people finished their sentence, 4 bullet hole were already placed in their heads as 4 of them were drop dead. The other 4 was stunned at what had happened. It took them a moment to realized what really happened, before rage consumes them.

Target 5: You bitch!

Target 6: Die!

The last remaining 4 target charged towards Ryu. They were worried about the gun that Ryu was holding. The Prometheus Gun. A gun Shingu that can cause the trajectory of it's bullet to twist and turn is capable of an array of different form of firing. When used many times in a row, it's accuracy declines, making the timing of it's user crucial.

Ryu: This is why I prefer close combats.

Ryu fire his guns once again while rushing towards his targets at blinding speed. He took out a knife out of his back hidden pocket so fast that he threw them at one of the targets face. The other two ran, but Ryu already fires two shots, using its ability to change the Trajectory of it's bullet towards the mans forehead so it strikes them in one shot.

Target 8: W-Wait please spare me!

The last target could only fall backwards horrified at the slaughtered. He was surprised to see a child barely in his mid teens could move so fast, a kill all of his allies without the slightest hint of hesitation. Seeing that it would be pointless to ran, he started begging for his life.


However, Ryu didn't say anything. His eyes were cold as if he had flip a switch. He was far different that the Ryu who would always relaxed and smile gently at his comrade. He pressed his Prometheus Gun towards the targets head and only say one word.

Ryu: Eliminate...

With that, one single BAM fill the air as the final bullet struck the side of the targets head before he slump on the ground. Ryu let out a sigh as he looked around to see if there was anyone else.


Seeing all his dead opponent made Ryu all the more emotionless. He didn't feel any sense of achievement at all by killing all these people.

Ryu(mind): This is the right thing. I kill so the people could be happy. But, I don't feel any sense of happiness at all.

Najasho: Well, that was a sloppy performance.

Ryu: ?

Ryu couldn't help the feeling of shock as he turned to see Najasho, a bag slung over his shoulders and he saw the bottom stained with blood. Ryu didn't even sense him until the last minute. He could easily sensed Gai and the others, but only Najasho of all people that he couldn't sense. It was no wonder why he was ranked first out of all 7 of them.

Najasho: Dad seems to have given us similar missions. Even our location was closed by.

Ryu: Are you here to criticize me? Save it when we get back.

Najasho: You aren't fit for long range combat. The way you fight doesn't fit well with your own weaponry, and you've been able to get used to it for more than enough time now. You're using your own bullets to cover yourself when your accuracy suffers each time you switch Prometheus' trajectory. Why not mention anything about it?

Ryu: Well your a sharp one. And as for your question. No one seems to had a problem until today apparently-

Najasho: Take this.

Najasho tosses something to Ryu as he instinctively catch it. Ryu saw that Najasho had tossed him a blade. Ryu unsheathed it to check for the quality and he was somewhat surprised.

Najasho: It's no Shingu, but having a weapon that's better suited for you.

Ryu: You can't be serious. This katana belongs to you. I can't take it.

Najasho: You're supposed to be someone who can grapple the difficult concepts like me and Cornelia, if you're going to be unreliable in a fight, as the Captain of this team, I need to fix that.

Ryu: *smirk* And what exactly do I need to give back in return, 'chief?'

Ryu said sarcastically, but all Najasho did was turn away, Ryu's smirk falls away as Najasho waved goodbye.

Najasho: Just keep being someone that I know I can rely on, and we'll be even, Ryu...


Ryu rapidly blinked, unable to processed what happened. Najasho had actually called him by his name and not with his usual 'Shrimp'.

Ry: Bastard...! You can't just be nice for once and leave like that!

Najasho: *smirk* Hmph! See you later, bro.

Najasho walked away leaving Ryu for good as Ryu grumble in annoyance before sighing.

Ryu: Why you— Whatever, I need to get these heads back for this mission to be done.

Ryu slowly unsheathed the new katana blade he received from Najasho and cut off the targets head so he could show them as proof that he had finished his mission.

Ryu: I wonder how the others are doing though...


Ryu and Najasho were the first ones to return, and of course Najasho instantly went back to reading that book after the two of them finished giving their reports. Ryu sat down calming himself down after the first mission. Times passes as the others began to return back to the hideout. First was Cornelia. Next was Green. Poney comes in fourth after Cornelia and Green. Gai being the fifth to return. And last was Akame, who had just returned from what it looks like the cruelest mission she'd ever had.


Later that night, Gozuki  had cooked up some feast for the completion of Ryu and the others first mission. He raised his glass into the air and declared...

Gozuki: Statistically speaking... The rate of death for the first mission is high... Every one of you succeeded in your first mission! Great job! I'm impressed! Tonight we feast! Eat all you want!!

In front of them was a banquets of food. Ryu and Najasho were first and he was also the one who prepared them all. Gai stuffed his face with meat. Najasho just eat as normal as he could.

Poney was laughing with Gozuki who is congratulating her. Cornelia and Green were talking about their first mission with a huge smile on their face by how a great success they had been. Only Akame was down. She hadn't even touch her food. She couldn't even get enough of an appetite to eat. To which the amethyst eye boy took noticed. Ryu stared at her empty and sadness eye.


He couldn't blame her for being downed. Akame's target was a girl named Martha. Martha was a girl living in Rousei Village where she owned an eatery. She care for Akame at some point during Akame's training, having developed a fondness and love for her as if she was her own child. Martha in particular would cook meals for Akame and enjoy teasing her and encouraged her to be more feminine, giving and having Akame wear more girly dresses and accessories and even giving her a dress for free.

Gozuki chose Martha to be Akame's first target because of their close relationship and told her Martha was a spy for the Revolutionary Army. When Akame confronted Martha and asked if she was indeed a spy, she denied the accusation before trying to stab Akame with a dagger. She then claimed to indeed be a spy for the Revolutionary Army. This forced Akame to counterattack and gravely injure her. Akame then asked how Martha knew about her training. Martha said she knew because she was a spy and attempted to kill Akame once more to strengthen Akame's resolve as a killer. Martha was then decapitated by a tearful Akame and her head brought back to Gozuki. While she died, she thought that she really did love Akame.


Akame then stood up, going outside to stare at the stars. Like Martha would do with her when she was younger. Even just seeing the stars made Akame remember her times with Martha even more.

Ryu: Akame, you alright?

Turning around Akame saw Najasho and Ryu walking towards her, with genuine concern being shown on the latter's face.

Akame: Ryu... Chief...

Najasho: They already gave you a clean bill after that poisoning right? So what are you so down about?

Akame: It's an odd feeling... When I think about how Martha's not here anymore. I feel like she'll be in the eatery when I go to town again...

Najasho: You can't bring back a life that has already been lost. You should know that by now.

Akame:...You're right...

Najasho: You did something you should be proud of. Father said so, didn't he? Shrimps shouldn't grapple with difficult concepts. Just keep doing what you're doing. That job is for me, Ryu and Cornelia.

Akame: Chief...

He starts walking away back into the cabin, waving off at us nonchalantly.

Najasho: Come back when you've flipped your switch. You not eating will cause a natural disaster.

Ryu: That's... certainly one way to comfort someone...

Akame:...But would you really have it any other way?

Akame looked to her side to see Ryu's surprised look before he rolls his eyes and smiles.

Ryu: No. Not one bit.

Ryu sat down next to Akame and grabs onto her hand.

Ryu: I'll stay with you until you feel better. So you don't have to worry.

Akame:...Thanks, Ryu.

Akame said before she leaned her head onto Ryu's shoulder as the two of them watch the the star and the moon shines the night sky together.

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