My Big Brother's Best Friend...

By writerboy242

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MBBBF volume one is based off true events of my life. It is set in the Bahamas and evolves around my big brot... More

Chapter 1:Encounter With The Crush
Chapter 2: Left Alone With Crush
Chapter 3: A Dream Come True?
Chspter 4: Saved By Terry
Chapter 5: Thug With A Charming Side
Chapter 6: A Day At The Beach
Chapter 7: So I Creep
Chapter 8: A New Face
Chapter 9: A Natural
Chapter 10: Curosity Kill The Cat
Chapter 11:Heart To Heart
Chapter 13: Tell Me Something Real
Chapter 14: Morning Wood
Chapter 15: Small World
Chapter 16: Two Plus Two
Chapter 17: Good Dick Don't Make It Better
Chapter 18: Let Me Make It Up To You
Chapter 19: A Thug That Cooks
Chapter 20: Unexpected
Chapter 21: Thug In Shining Amor
Chapter 22: Make Me Feel Safe
Chapter 23: Sudden Urges
Chapter 24: It Gets Real
Chapter 25: Buy My Shit Back
Chapter 26: What I've Been Waiting For
Chapter 27: Lets Do This
Chapter 28: Save By The Bell
Chapter 29: Up Up & Away
Chapter 30: West Palm Beach
Chapter 31: West Palm Beach Day 2
Chapter 32: West Palm Beach Day 2 Part 2
Chapter 33: West Palm Beach Day 2 Part 3
Chapter 34: Time To Go Home
Chapter 35:Persistent
Chapter 36: Tears
Chapter 37: Here We Go
Chapter 38: Ket To My Crib
Chapter 39: Blast From The Past
Chapter 40: My Personal Doctor
Chapter 41: Enough Is Enough
Chapter 42: Nigga You Crazy
Chapter 43: You Want Drive
Chapter 44: Bring It On
Chapter 45: Never Turn Your Back
Chapter 46: On That Night Shift
Chapter 47: The Hook Up
Chapter 48: Surprise Visit
Chapter 49: Broken Hearted Boy
Chapter 50: Bug A Boo
Chapter 51: Speachless
Chapter 52: The Answer
Chapter 53: Its Official
Chapter 54: I Feel Like Shit
Chapter 55: Drunk Man Sober Words
Chapter 56: Cold As Ice
Chapter 57: A Month & Half Later
Chapter 58: No Worries
Chapter 59: Sexy & He Know It
Chapter 60: Miami Day One
Chapter 61: Miami Day One Part Two
Chapter 62: Miami Day Two
Chapter 63: Miami Day Two Part Two
Chapter 64: Miami Day Two Part Three
Chapter 65: Miami Day Three
Chapter 66: Back To The Bahamas
Chapter 67: Change Of Heart
Chapter 68: Merry Christmas
Chapter 69: Open It
Chapter 70: Five Months After Christmas

Chapter 71: Finale

7.8K 235 67
By writerboy242

I was in the car and I know my parents were wondering why I was really taking it hard because I was crying I didn't want nothing happen to him and all of this really made me realize how much I really love and care about him. Well pulled up to the hospital and we parked in the parking lot and I was preparing myself to hear some bad news. I felt like I was going to identify my husband's body or something and my legs begin to get really weak I was scared. We reach to the hospital door and the smell of the hospital and the lighting just screamed death to me it didn't seem uplifting at all. Walking down the hall to the waiting room I can see many folks waiting and then I saw Terry and it didn't help me to see him at all because he was balling and crying. I walked up to terry and on the side of him was Monica and so I thought why the fuck was she here but hey she is his girlfriend.

Mom: Terry did you hear anything from the doctor as yet? ( she sat on the side and hugged him like a mother should)

Terry: The last time I saw that doctor is when he told me Chris might not make it and it got me mess up right now, I don't want my brother to die, no dread this can't be happening bey! (He begin to cry even more and so did I) You going alright lil bro?

Me: I looked at him with a sad and very worried face, no bruh and he can see I regretted not telling Chris I still really love him and this situation now that I don't know if I'm going to lose him or not, making me forget about the past and just remembering what we had aside from the drama.

Terry: That's the doctor there coming now, Doctor how is he?

Doctor: He is going to make it, we manage to get him to respond and he woke up but the nurse gave him something for the pain to sleep because he has a broken arm. There wasn't any internal bleeding but he did have a bad wound on his head which will heal in due time. He is a lucky and strong young man he will be up and strong in no time.

Me: Thank God! Can we see him? Please!

Doctor: well he should be on his way to sleep but not fully but I guess you can, only three of you though

Mom: ok Terry, Mjay and Monica you guys go ahead we will wait on you guys but give him a kiss for me.

Me: ok mom (as we walked to the room I was a bit nervous because I didn't want see him like this but I hope to use this a second chance to let him know how I feel even though things went kind of sour between us at least he would know and it will be off my chest. We reach to the room and his head was bandaged and he looked so helpless in the bed with his eyes close.

Monica: Baby, baby I'm here how your feeling ( Chris open his eyes but he was so drunk from the sleep medication that he only was mumblings) I baby I'm so glad your alright I thought I had almost lost my fiancé

Me: Fiancé! Huh? (I thought to myself what the fuck)

Terry: what yawl getting married and as he said that he looked at me. Congrats bro and you had me worried and crying like a bitch I love you nigga keep strong I will come and see you tomorrow yawl lets go and let him rest cause he is out of it. (Terry grabs Monica and they was leaving then he looked at me and said) you coming lil bro?

Me: Naw give me a second alone with him I coming

Terry: cool (Monica and terry left to go back in the waiting room)

Me: as they left I went to the bed and I stood right long side him and said I'm glad you ok, you had me worried and crying also bey. I'm also happy for you congrats on the wedding (when I said that I begin to tear up a bit then I got down low to whisper in his ear) Chris I never stopped loving you and never will stop, you always had the key to my heart nigga I only wanted you to know that then kissed him on his cheek and turned around and left. As I left I was heartbroken and mad at myself and was saying I should have never gave up on him because I was so set on that he hurt me some much times I forgot about the good and how he made me feel. He is getting married now an I don't like it but I got to accept it and I am going to move on with my life. Leaving the hospital with Terry and sitting in his car I realize what I wanted to do now, I wanted to take a Break from Nassau and go live with my sister for a while in Freeport and start school there and hopefully land a better job than the gas station. Beside with Terry moving out, I going off to give him and Shawn more alone time because I don't want be a third wheel in his place. Then I thought what about Dion and I thought I would always like him but I can't follow anyone I got to make my own plans. I told terry my plans on the way and he said if that's what I want do fine then I called my sister and she told me whenever I ready. I wanted to leave tomorrow just to get away from it all or just go for a trip and come back to get my stuff before college opens. When I went home I told my parents my plans and they were cool with it and they said it was my choice so I was going to leave just to take a trip and come back. So I called Bahamasair to make reservation for a evening flight tomorrow and I told my sister I was coming for a week or two just to get a feel of the place I never been there.

After all the crying I did and finding out he was getting ,married I was emotionally drained and I went straight to sleep feeling hurt about it but we weren't together so I shouldn't feel like this. When I woke up the next morning i gave Terry the money to pick up my ticket while he was going to visit Chris so I can pack some clothes. My flight was at 7 o clock tonight so I had well much hours to pack but I went to take a shower though I felt dirty. After a long bath I through on some comfortable clothes so I can back then my room door flew open behind me.

Me: Bro it took you long enough bey, you picked up my ticket bey? After about two minutes of getting no answer I turn around and it wasn't not Terry it was Chris

Chris: Where you going mjay?

Me: I moving to Freeport for a while but what you doing here bey you should be in the hospital resting and where Is Terry

Chris: Nigga was in the bathroom and he left the ticket on my bath and when I saw it I asked him about it and he told me you moving and I jumped out of my bed and he drove me here. I did felt when you kiss me on my cheek last night but I was so out of it I didn't here a thing so tell me now what you said?

Me: Bey it don't really matter anymore you getting married

Chris: Huh married, wtf! Who is getting married nigga?

Me: You and Monica, that's what she said last night when we was in the room
Chris: Nigga that bitch lying I don't want marry her

Me: Oh well I though (and he cut me off)

Chris: Nigga tell me what you said

Me: I said I still love and will always love you I won't stop (and I started to tear up because it came from the heart) I love you Chris

Chris: I love you too mjay, bey that's what I wanted to tell you every time I get near you. I want you back and I need you back in my life. I wanted to just hug and kiss you that day on the beach when you wanted us to get back together but that day on the beach I didn't mean any of what I said baby. I said it because I wanted you to do better for yourself and I felt like I was holding you back. I really missed you every night I was by myself all alone I'm thinking about you. I love you don't really do justice of how I feel about you baby your my life (he started to cry and he grabbed me with one arm close to him and I kissed him on his lips and he kissed me back.

Me: What about Monica Chris?

Chris: on the way here I broke up with her lol, they was a distraction to help take my mind off you, I didn't feel anything for her and Jenifer.

Me: Lmao you still is something else you just knew we would get back together huh

Chris: lmao I going to be real with you, I heard you last night and I felt great after that so when I heard you was leaving for good I had to come stop and get my baby back, what bout Dion nigga?

Me: We never had nothing going, it was just sex but I wasn't planning to go for good now, I just was going for two weeks and I was coming back

Chris: Baby I know that too that's why I got my bag in the car and ticket, I going with you.

Me: Omg! Chris you is something else lol you almost died and you still is live in the moment , I love that about you do so lets go, I guess Daddies back home!

Chris: Home for good and I love you too

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