My Big Brother's Best Friend...

By writerboy242

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MBBBF volume one is based off true events of my life. It is set in the Bahamas and evolves around my big brot... More

Chapter 1:Encounter With The Crush
Chapter 2: Left Alone With Crush
Chapter 3: A Dream Come True?
Chspter 4: Saved By Terry
Chapter 5: Thug With A Charming Side
Chapter 6: A Day At The Beach
Chapter 7: So I Creep
Chapter 8: A New Face
Chapter 9: A Natural
Chapter 10: Curosity Kill The Cat
Chapter 11:Heart To Heart
Chapter 13: Tell Me Something Real
Chapter 14: Morning Wood
Chapter 15: Small World
Chapter 16: Two Plus Two
Chapter 17: Good Dick Don't Make It Better
Chapter 18: Let Me Make It Up To You
Chapter 19: A Thug That Cooks
Chapter 20: Unexpected
Chapter 21: Thug In Shining Amor
Chapter 22: Make Me Feel Safe
Chapter 23: Sudden Urges
Chapter 24: It Gets Real
Chapter 25: Buy My Shit Back
Chapter 26: What I've Been Waiting For
Chapter 27: Lets Do This
Chapter 28: Save By The Bell
Chapter 29: Up Up & Away
Chapter 30: West Palm Beach
Chapter 31: West Palm Beach Day 2
Chapter 32: West Palm Beach Day 2 Part 2
Chapter 33: West Palm Beach Day 2 Part 3
Chapter 34: Time To Go Home
Chapter 35:Persistent
Chapter 36: Tears
Chapter 37: Here We Go
Chapter 38: Ket To My Crib
Chapter 39: Blast From The Past
Chapter 40: My Personal Doctor
Chapter 41: Enough Is Enough
Chapter 42: Nigga You Crazy
Chapter 43: You Want Drive
Chapter 44: Bring It On
Chapter 45: Never Turn Your Back
Chapter 46: On That Night Shift
Chapter 47: The Hook Up
Chapter 48: Surprise Visit
Chapter 49: Broken Hearted Boy
Chapter 50: Bug A Boo
Chapter 51: Speachless
Chapter 52: The Answer
Chapter 53: Its Official
Chapter 54: I Feel Like Shit
Chapter 55: Drunk Man Sober Words
Chapter 56: Cold As Ice
Chapter 57: A Month & Half Later
Chapter 58: No Worries
Chapter 59: Sexy & He Know It
Chapter 60: Miami Day One
Chapter 61: Miami Day One Part Two
Chapter 62: Miami Day Two
Chapter 63: Miami Day Two Part Two
Chapter 64: Miami Day Two Part Three
Chapter 65: Miami Day Three
Chapter 66: Back To The Bahamas
Chapter 67: Change Of Heart
Chapter 69: Open It
Chapter 70: Five Months After Christmas
Chapter 71: Finale

Chapter 68: Merry Christmas

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By writerboy242

We were home and I was un packing my stuff and I went into Terry's room to get the envelope of money from him and I told him I want borrow his car I going to carry this by Chris. He laughed at me and says you going make up an I said no or well I don't intend to I just going to give him his money back and let him know everything is cool. So I took off my clothes and just throw on a black wife beater and black jersey pants lmao well I like to tease man, let him see what he was missing lmao a lil torture he deserved it don't you think. I got in the car and turned it on 100jams radio station they were playing Shawty by plies I loved that song. I rapped it all the way to Chris house and when I pulled up his car was home and there wasn't any light on so I thought he probably went to bed. I got out the car and knocked on the door and I heard him shouted out who it is from his room and he heard him rumbling then heard his footsteps to the door. I shouted that it was mjay and he quickly opened the door and when I saw him I looked from feet up. He only had on boxers which had a lil open slit I could see his dick poking out and I looked up to his abbz looking rock hard and wet then I looked at his face.

Chris: Wow I never thought in a million years you would be at my door step bruh

Me: Bruh you know I would come to bring back this money

Chris: mjay that money is for you I aint going to take it back

Me: you still stubborn

Chris: You still cute, so I guess things aint change nigga lol

Me: Lol I guess not (Then a girl voice shouted Chris baby come back to bed and who is that out there) I see you don't waste no time bruh

Chris: I aint like that you know it just

Me: Lol bruh you got to explain nothing to me we cool man, friends right?

Chris: I guess yo but mjay I got tell you something (I cut him off and the chick walk out the room)

Me: Nigga we cool man no need to explain yourself (chick came to my door)

Chick: Hi

Me: Sup with you man sexy

Chick: I'm good you know you

Me: I cool

Chris: Monica this Mjay, Mjay this Monica

Me: Nice to meet you beautiful (I aint going to lie she was I got a thing for pretty chocolate girls and she had a Kim Kardashian body dam, I got to hand it to him he got taste.

Monica: Nice you meet you too (Chris looking at me hard)

Me: Well I guess I going to keep the wybe bruh I guess and thanks you, I'm going to be out (I dapped him while he looking at me hard like he wanted to say something) see you later beautiful and later bruh (I turned around and got back into Terry's car and was putting on my seat belt and Chris was still at the door watching me drive off. I finally left and I felt good that I faced him and actually talked to him am growing up and I loved it he did look good though. I reach back home and went straight in my room and I stayed up tell 12am Monday morning its Christmas Eve then I finally went to sleep. When I woke up my parents wasn't home I guess they went to work but my mom usually come and wake me up to let me know they gone. I woke up and wet inside Terry's room.

Me: Terry mom them gone bey

Terry: they get called to work bruh lol Christmas Eve is still a regular day you know.

Me: I here that bruh, lol a I can't borrow your car again am I going to be right back man I going to the store to get something, and you want book two hotel room for tomorrow downtown so we can be right out there for Junkanoo and then after Junkanoo we still could have it to chill for that day. I am going to give you some money to book it at the Hilton nigga.

Terry: Nigga you balling then?

Me: Yea bruh, I going to spend this money right man and have a good Christmas like Chris say have a good Christmas

Terry: I guess he didn't take it back huh

Me: no bro but I did meet his new girl Monica, she sexy man one thing about him he got taste

Terry: my boy don't waste no time but to me he trying his hardest to keep busy to stop thinking about someone I know

Me: who?

Terry: you nigga! Lol

Me: Whatever call the place man lol I coming right back I going to the fabric store to get one big red bow tied lmao its for a gift I got for someone lmao

Terry: Lmao you kinky shit lmao, lil bro I don't know what to say about you

Me: Nigga just go call and book the room

As Terry went on the phone I left and went to the fabric store to get the fabric and then I went to Chris liquor store not to show out or nothing but just to buy some Christmas room because normally we have a drinking session while my mommy cook. She starts cooking from 12 o'clock and at that time we open presents, shit I forgot I didn't wrapped the presents I bought for everyone. I went into Chris liquor store and there was Monica.

Monica: Hey mjay how are you

Me: I right here man getting this liquor together for the get together at my house, how you doing and give me 2 bottle of Hennessey, 2 bottle of absolute and 1 grey goose and 3 bottles of Trivento wine.

Monica: Dang this going to be a party, where at your house

Me: Yea man you and Chris should come man tell him mjay say come to dinner tomorrow for Christmas cause I know he probably going to whip up some bad ass food at his crib lmao.

Monica: probably but here is your change and your rum and yea I will talk him into coming.

Me: Cool then talk to you later (I Left the shop and as I was leaving Chris was coming out his ride) Sup nigga

Chris: I good mjay , what you doing here

Me: Just getting some rum for our lil get together you know we do it every year bey

Chris: Yea I know

Me: you coming?

Chris: do you want me there bruh

Me: Lol bey come, it's just a party, good food and Christmas love man bring your girl Monica

Chris: Ok I will pass through, you so happy these days man

Me: Yea man, what happen to you why you look so down something on your mind?

Chris: Yea I got a lot on my mind , mjay I , smt never mind I will come to the party I guess I going to see you tomorrow bruh, going to link you

Me: Ok bruh ill see you then , later

I left and drove home thinking what really is happening to Chris I hope he ok, seem like he got something on his mind and don't know how to say it but hey I guess he will get over it. When I reach home I see terry then had pizza on the table lmao this nigga don't waste no time man. We ate and then I went in my room and locked my door to wrap the presents so no one will see what I got them and this shit I got expensive but we will open them tonight at 12 like we normally do. I was in my room for couple hours good and I was just wrapping presents then I fell asleep when I wrapped the last one. I was knocked out cold and didn't wake up until about 10.30. Then I got a knock on my door and I went to open it and it was Dion.

Me: (pulled him in my room and locked he door and jumped on him I missed him) I fucking miss you bey I aint going to lie

Dion: I missed you two nigga that why I came to see you, and dam nigga plenty gift in here bruh (he picked up the to read the names and he notice none had his name on it) Nigga where my gift

Me: Nigga real talk don't worry about it when I text you, and tell you I have it you must come for it, I aint wrap it yet ok (he grabbed me and started kissing me ) Dion what you doing

Dion: Lmao just tasting you lmao, you looking good

Me: Boy you is something else bruh

Dion: lmao yea bro, our relationship weird remember but what you been up to today?

Me: Just doing this and I went to go get some rum for tonight and shit you staying over tell 12?

Dion: yea nigga for sure my aunt going church any way so yea man, where the drinks?

Me: in the cooler in the kitchen

Dion: well nigga, get terry them let's get this party started man lol I what get drunk drunk

It was after 10 so we went In the front room and got the Hennessey and started drinking man. We were shotting and drinking heni and coke If you don't drink it you need to start this the shit man our try it with red bull. We drink and crack jokes until our parents reach home with 4 wrapped gifts in their hands

Mom: Yall boys drinking, who say yall can drink?

Me: Mum come on now it's Christmas and we almost off age, the legal age to drink in the Bahamas is 18 not 21 lol

Mom: Yea 18 or not I still could cut your ass to lmao

Me: Oh mom wont you relax

Terry: Yea mom relax

Dad: Yea baby relax lol boys will be boys

Mom: ok lol

Well mom went to cook and we stayed there drinking and getting hammered and my daddy even joined, it was 12 and we shouted merry Christmas to each other and I crawled in my room to get the gifts I bought and gave them out I was drunk,. My mother brought me ass box which probably had clothes in it cause the always by clothes but am great full cause I didn't what anything but I looked in the box there was close then in between the close was a Car Key!!! OMG...daddy where it is!! Where it is in the drive way!! I ran outside to see a Honda accord navy blue with frost tents I went crazy jumping up and down. I was so happy!! Merry Christmas To Me!!

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