My Best Frienemy(Exo-Baekhyun...

By wehotweyangyang

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Supreme Student Council President and the Genius Stubborn girl.. The SCC president who's being strict and a... More

Author's note
♪Chapter 1♪- The Beginning
♪Chapter 2♪- Meeting Sehun and the star ranking
♪Chapter 3♪- The Life of No Star
♪Chapter 4♪- Jang Geurim's Revenge part 1
♪Chapter 5♪- Jang Geurim's Revenge Part 2
♪Chapter 6♪- Meeting Kai and the Miss Good-For-Nothing
♪Chapter 7♪- He stole my first Kiss!!
♪Chapter 8♪- Rules and Regulations?i don't think so.
♪Chapter 9♪- I'm Baekhyun's slave
♪Chapter 10♪- My Knight and Shining Shimmering Armor
♪Chapter 11♪- Sehun is InLove
♪Chapter 12♪- Double or trouble Date
♪Chapter 13♪- The Terror Sister
♪Chapter 14♪- What a day!
♪Chapter 15♪- Mystery Guy
♪Chapter 16♪- Kidnapping Baekhyun
♪Chapter 17♪- Give Baekhyun Back!!
♪Chapter 18♪- The Sleeping Snow white and the Prince
♪Chapter 19♪-The Section 1's Tea Club
♪Chapter 20♪- The two of us in the dark
♪Chapter 21♪- Home visit
♪Chapter 22♪- Save the last dance for me
♪Chapter 23♪- Fiancè?!
♪Chapter 24♪- Promised of Each other
♪Chapter 25♪- Avoiding Him.
♪Chapter 26♪- Baekhyun's revealation
♪Chapter 27♪ - Acceptance or Rejection?
♪Chapter 28♪- Her Realization
♪Chapter 30♪- The Past.
♪Chapter 31♪- First date
♪Chapter 32♪- Meeting his Father
♪Chapter 33♪- Betrayal
♪Chapter 34♪- His real Identity.
♪Chapter 35♪- Christmas preparation.
♪Chapter 36♪- Christmas day
♪Chapter 37♪- She's Back
♪Chapter 38♪- The Cursed of Jealousy.
♪Chapter 39♪- Lovers Quarrel
♪Chapter 40♪- Into the dark: I Put My Life in Your Hands
♪Chapter 41♪- Reawakening Memories
♪Chapter 42♪- A bid of farewell
♪Chapter 43♪- Missing Baekhyun
♪Chapter 44♪ - First heartbreak.
♪Chapter 45♪ - I found her at last.
♪Chapter 46♪- To Lose Is To Win
♪Chapter 47♪ - Common lies
♪Chapter 48♪- The Pain of Broken Heart
♪Chapter 49♪- His Reason
♪Chapter 50♪- Bittersweet
♪Chapter 51♪- Long Lost brother
♪Chapter 52♪- Irreturnable Relationship
♪Chapter 53 ♪- Her precious friend
♪Chapter 54 ♪- The night of the Fireworks [Part 1]
♪Chapter 55♪- The night of the fireworks [Part 2]
♪Chapter 56♪- Wish upon the Lantern
♪Chapter 57♪- Operation:Saving Geurim
♪Chapter 58♪- The real war begins
♪Chapter 59♪- Prefinal
♪Chapter 60♪- Final

♪Chapter 29♪- Geurim's Decision

1.5K 72 19
By wehotweyangyang

29: Geurim's Decision

"Byun Baekhyun . I like you!!!I really really like you!"

He didn't answer , he just look at me with no emotion. What's wrong with him? he should be surprised by that now . Is he deaf? Should I tell him again?

"Yah !Did you hear what I said? I said I-I like you!!"

he's still not responding . I'm already look like a fool in here .Aish I shouldn't tell it if this is what will he respond me.

"You like me?"  he suddenly speak , I nodded right away   "You like Kai too?"

I frozed for a second.I can't answer him. Yes I like him ,but I like Kai too .

What am I doing?  I feel like a bad person for liking two person at the same time . I Don't know what to do.

"Wait ..where are you going?"  he turn his back on me.

"I can't force you to answer that .. Just face me when you already knew who do you like the most between Kai and me. Don't worry , I won't expect too much anymore."

He said before he walk away .  i can't speak after what he said . I really need to make a decision right now , but how ? It's hard to choose.. I don't want to hurt their feelings.

Should I just jump in the building so  that I can't think like this ? I really don't know  what to do...


"You already said you like him?"

"Yes...But he let me chose between the two of you..." I took a deep sigh and make a sip my coffee.I asked Kai to talk with me, The School were already close since it's Christmas vacation so We're here at the coffee shop to talk about what did that stupid president Responded me the other day.

"Who did you choose?"

It took me a few second before I answer him

"No one..Kai..It's hard to choose.. I like him .. But I like you too.. Isn't it stupid ? I'm look like a bad person.

Aren't you mad at me?"

he gave me smile , a smile that means he's not mad. I really need to choose already before I loose the both of them.

"Geurim..You loved Baekhyun.."

he stated ,that make my brows met.  He just smiled at me again.   " I already new. You always think of him even though i'm the one beside you.  Your smile is different when you're with him.  Geurim You just like me ,but you love Baekhyun.. "

What is Kai Talking about? I don't understand him. Is he telling me to choose Baekhyun over him?

"Anyway. I don't intend to give you a headache..please don't be angry at me , but I want to say that ,It was all my plan to make you fall inlove with me"

I look at him with "What are you talking about look?"  , so does it mean he don't really have a feeling for me ?   . I Think I want to cry now..

"I'm sorry Geurim.. I only did it because I want Baekhyun to tell you what he really feel for you.. He always lipped tight  everytime he plans to tell you ,So I have to make a move"

"what's this?"  He gave me a key, now what am I going to do with this ..

"It's a key isn't obvious.. Drive the car and go Catch Baekhyun.."

He's really crazy ..I don't even know how to drive a car.. And what does he mean by Catch Baekhyun

"What are you talking about ?"

"Today is his flight to Singapore, he will transfer there for good..He said to me that he won't go if you stop him..I guess this is the time to choose Geurim .Is it me ? or Baekhyun ? If you choose me , you won't be able to see him anymore ."

I won't be able to see him anymore ?No..No way! i'm going crazy if he leave, If he leave then I will gonna lose the most important person in my life, I will going to lose the stupid ugly president who always here to protect me..

[Play I do (Cherish you) by: 98 degrees while reading this part]

A tears suddenly falls down from my eyes when I remember  him.  That time when we danced together,when we face the enemies together and when the time he saved me inside the horror house .. If he leave ,I won't be complete anymore . Kai is right I loved Baekhyun , he was the one who always there everytime I need someone. The one who really care for me.. And here I am ,so numb for not realizing it..

I'm sorry Baekhyun, I'm really sorry.. Please give me a chance..

It's  already decided .

I choose Baekhyun...

I don't want him to ! I want him!I need him!

"Kai...please take me  to the Airport..I know you gave me a key but I don't know how to drive it."

I started to beg like a little kid on him , what's the use of the key if I don't know how yo drive .Stupid Kai!

"Give me the key."   He handed his hand happily.

"You're going to drive for me?"

"Since you already realized your feeling.  I'll drive for as a reward. "

"Thank you Kai...."  I hug him for the last time. I can't believe it...finally i'm relief ,I'm happy that eveN I chose Baekhyun, Kai is still  here for me. I'm just sad that his feeling for me are not real.

"Let's go now ..Before it's too late.."

We hurriedly went to his car. Woow Its a Saffiro sports car. I bet it's really expensive ,Oh well I forgot , Students from S.A are Rich ,except me hohoho.

Oh my!This is not the time for this .We need to catch him up or else I won't be able to see him again "Kai hurry up!!"

"I'm trying okay!!Don't worry we will catch him."

I started to get panic , what if we won't catch him up? what if ..What if he already left ?

"Oh come on ,stop crying..

we're almost there!!"

I hold my cheeks and there is really a tears. I'm crying for him. I'm crying because I don't want him to leave .

I step out the car  right away after we arrive to the airport ,I didn't wait for Kai anymore and run directy to find him .

Luckily I saw him walking on the way to his luggage. He's really leaving !

"Baekhyun!!!Baekhyun!!!"  He didn't turn back on me , I think he didn't hear me because he's wearing a headphone ,so I run towards him as fast as I can ..  "Baekhyun!!!Baekhyun wait..."  I hold his arm right away ..

"Geurim..What are you doing here?"

I didn'T answer him and just hug him out of nowhere. Thanks God ..Thank you because I was able to catch him . Thank you so much . I know he was surprise in what just I did but I don't care , I want to hug him . I will going to hug  until the plane left without him. I don't care if people are already looking on us .

"What are you doing?"

"Baekhyun Please don't go !stay with me..I won't let go until you say you won't leave .."  I hug him more tighter to the point that I burried my face on his shoulder.

"Geurim... let me go ..."

"No !I won't!!!" 

"I need to go...bye!"

He remove my hand ,took his luggage  and start to walk away.

No..I need to do something.  I can't let him go ..  

"Baekhyun I choose you !"  He stop from walking , so I run towards him. "Please don't go.. This is what you want right? I choose you . I realized that You're really the one I liked ,no, i Think I already fall inlove with you .  I just like Kai but ....Baekhyun ..I love you..please don't go..Don't leave me ..You still have a promised. That you will going to protect me no matter what, but how can you protect me if you leave .Baekhyun please don---"

I didn't continue anymore because i'm bitterly crying already. God. I never Cried like this infront of Kai , only to that stupid president ..

I stop from crying when He wipes my tears.  Hold my both cheeks and wipe it more with his thumbs . "Stop crying ...."  he suddenly hug me that makes my eyes widen. This electricity feeling,my heart that beats so fast, only prove that he's really the guy I liked .   "Stop crying please.. I really hate to see you crying ,especially if the reason is me.."

"okay .I will stop crying ..but telll me first that you won't go. You won't leave."

he let me go from his hug "I will not leave ,only if you kiss me ."

my eyes widen as I pushed him away "Are you crazy? There's too many

people , and they're already looking at us."

"Okay ..Bye the----  0_0"  

I grab and kissed him before he plans to go away ,Okay world , Goodbye . I'll take plastic surgery right away and change my face so that the people here won't recognize me. "OKay ,i already Kissed you so don't you dare plan to go or else i'm going to kill you!!"  I said while blushing. Waaah it's so embarassing !people are already looking on us . And this stis stupid is just smirking evily. Okay I regret that I kissed him.   "Yah !  What are you smirking at?! you're too much you know!! You stole my first kiss ..and now I gave you my 2nd kiss!!"

"Ahmf..Actually its our third kiss.."

"eh?"  3rd kiss? but I don't remember anything  about the 2nd kiss..

"Don't mind about that anymore..." he hold my hand "Let's go back .."

I nodded smiling. We happily walk together on the way to Kai's car .

I never been so happy like this before .

Its was the 2nd day of Christmas vacation back then , when I realized my feeling for Baekhyun .


Tobe continued

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