University of the dead//BTS


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"You need to kill me before I turn into one of them" "I hope you won't forget that decision" "GET AWAY FROM H... More

Chapter 1- Vaccine
Chapter 2- I can't
Chapter 3- Monster
Chapter 4- Safe for now
Chapter 5- Suspicious
Chapter 6- Unexpected
Chapter 8- Accusations
Chapter 9- Twists and turns
Chapter 10- Arrested
Chapter 11- Alibi
Chapter 12- Propose?
Chapter 13- Secrets
Chapter 14- Is it possible?
Chapter 15- A new lab
Chapter 16- The journal
Chapter 17- The plan
Chapter 18- In danger
Chapter 19- Confession
Chapter 20- Chaos
Chapter 21- The rebirth catalyst
Chapter 22- No escape
Chapter 23- Not giving up
Chapter 24- Safe?
Chapter 25- The truth
Chapter 26- Confrontation
Chapter 27- Fire
Chapter 28- The end...?

Chapter 7- Suspected (?)

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The idea is too strange for  me to accept. I still haven't recovered from the shock when someone knocks on my front door. The knocks on my door startle me. I approach it slowly, shivering.

Y/N- Who...who is it?

Jungkook- It's Jungkook. Are you okay? I've been so worried.

With a breathe of relief, I open the door.

Y/N- Jungkook, what are you doing here?

Jungkook- I heard about what happened, and I wanted to make sure you're alright.

Y/N- I'm...I'm fine. A little shaken, but fine.

Jungkook- Do you want to talk about it?

Y/N- To be honest, I could use a friend. Please, come in.

Jungkook- So what's going on?

A lump in my throat prevents me from saying anything. A tear rolls down my cheek. When did I start crying...? Jungkook approaches me and wipes the tear off my cheek.

Jungkook- Whatever it is, you're going to be okay, Y/N. I promise.

Y/N- I'm sorry. I fell like I'm going to crack under the pressure. And I'm usually very good with pressure.

Jungkook- I know. You're having a difficult period. Have you thought about going on a vacation?

Y/N- Hahaha.

Jungkook- I'm being serious. At this pace, you're going to burn out.

Y/N- And you think a weekend at the beach will cool me down?

Jungkook- A weekend? I'm talking about taking the whole month off. Relax, travel, exercise, take up a hobby

Y/N- You've got to be kidding.

Jungkook- It's not that impossible if you think about it. We could go visit some of the most famous tourist locations in the country. What do you think?

Y/N- That sounds fun. I've always wanted to go on a road trip with friends..

Jungkook- Right? We could go to all sorts of martial arts tournaments, and--

Y/N- Woah, there. Don't get you hopes up.

Jungkook- I'm sorry. I got carried away. I guess I've been feeling a little restless lately.

Y/N- It's a lovely idea to think about, but...I could never leave without knowing that maybe, just maybe I might save the whole world if I keep working.

Jungkook- Priorities, huh?

Y/N- Yes, there's too much going on right now for me to just run away from it all.

I bet I'd look super guilty in the eyes of the police if I disappeared.

Jungkook- Well, my point was only that you need to take care of both your body and mind. Stress kills, you know that?

Y/N- I do, but thank you for reinforcing the idea. Thinking about that is surely not going to cause me even more stress.

Jungkook- Y/N-...I'm not joking. If you want to continue with your tough girl act, fine. Just remember that it's okay to be vulnerable.

I barely manage to string a few words between sobs.

Y/N- I-I k-n-now....t-thank you, J-Jungkook.

Jungkook- Alright. Now, it's okay if you want to cry, but let's try breathing the way. I showed you, inhale...and exhale.

Y/N- You're a lifesaver, you know?

I few deep breaths is all it takes for me to get my confidence back. Jungkook flashes a smile.

Jungkook- Are you going to the lab?

Y/N- I don't know. I don't want to, but I think I should. I still have work to do, right?

I won't tell him I'm afraid I'd look guilty if I didn't show up.

Jungkook- That's the spirit! But if you feel like you are in danger att any time, you come straight to me okay?

Y/N- I will, Jungkook.

Someone knocks on my door again, and I freeze.

Jungkook- Are you going to answer that?

Y/N- I don't think I have the strength.

The knocks turn into furious banging.

Jungkook- Persistent, aren't they? I'll go see who that is.

Y/N- Be careful!

My curiosity gets the best of me and I follow him to the door.

Taehyung- Who the hell are you?!

Jungkook- I could ask you the same thing. You seemed intent on breaking the door.

Taehyung- Where is Y/N?

Y/N- It's alright, Jungkook! He's a friend.

Jungkook moves away letting Taehyung in.

Y/N- What brings you here, Taehyung?

Taehyung- It looked like this guy was trying to break in, so I wanted to make sure you're okay.

Jungkook- Hey!

Y/N- Iappreciate your concer, but I'm fine.

Taehyung- You don't look fine though. You look like you've seen a ghost.

Y/N- Not a ghost... a monster.

Taehyung- What?

Y/N- It doesn't matter. Taehyung, this is Jungkook, a fellow student and a very good friend of mine. Jungkook, Taehyung is my neighbor.

The two men acknowledge each other with a nod. And then Taehyung throws himself on my couch like he owns it.

Knock Knock

Jungkook opens the door and blocks the passage again.

Jungkook- Who are you?

Jimin- I'm looking for Y/N. I'm fairly sure this is where she lives.

Y/N- Let him in, Jungkook! Gosh, I'm so glad you're here Jimin.

Jimin- I wasn't aware you were expecting me.

Y/N- Guys, this is Jimin, my lab colleague. Jimin, these are Jungkook and Taehyung, my friends.

Jimin- Y/N told me about you.

Taehyung- Interesting, because she didn't tell me about any of you.

Jungkook- Do you think you own her or something? She doesn't have to tell you everything!

Taehyung turns to face Jungkook, his eyes narrowing as if he was going to start a fight. 

Y/N- Let it go, Jungkook.

Jungkook- I just hate his types. Controlling jerks convincing they're protecting helpless women from their male friends.

Taehyung- That's because you look like a common thug.

Jungkook- Excuse me?!

Y/N- Cut it out, Taehyung. You're the oldest person here so act like it.

Jimin- As entertaining as this emotional outburst is to an outside viewpoint, can't you show some empathy instead? She's been through a lot in the last couple of days.
Y/N-, have you talked to the police yet?

Taehyung- Wait, why would she have to talk to the police?

Jimin- Because they came to my place and asked all sorts of question. About where I was last night.

Y/N- So they suspect you too?

Jungkook- "Too"? So they do think you had something to de with it?

Taehyung- Something to do with what? Will someone explain what's going on here?

I let Jimin explain what happened two day ago and I finish the story with last night's events. Taehyung and Jungkook both listen attentively, but I can see the doubt on their faces.

Jungkook- This is's impossible. How do you expect us t believe it?

Jimin- I don't. There is no reason to believe this monster is supernatural in origin. The only thing that is obvious right now is that the attacks are very real and that everyone at the lab is in danger.

Taehyung- If Y/N believes it's real, then I believe it too. She would never lie about something like that.

Taehyung, thank you.

Jungkook- I didn't say she was lying. Look, I think it would be a good idea for you two to go back to the lab, keep working on that cure, and act like you had nothing to do with the disappearances.

Jimin- We didn't have anything to do with that.

Jungkook- I didn't mean to imply that you did. All I'm saying is that--

Y/N- We should avoid looking guilty, got it.

Jungkook- Right. While doing that, the three of us can begin our own investigation into what happened.

Taehyung- Hold on. You think you can tell me about all of this and just expect me not to get involved? I want in.

Jungkook- You're not a student, are you? How could you possibly contribute to the investigation?

Taehyung- You'd be surprised. Besides, someone needs to take care of Y/N. I'm not going to let anything happen to you.

Y/N- I can take care of myself. But I think Taehyung is right. It doesn't hurt to have another ally.

Jungkook- Alright. I'm already late for my class, but...we should head out.

When we arrive, a silence that speaks louder than words fills the hallway. Everyone's eyes are on us. Staying calm will be more difficult than I imagined.

Jungkook- I have to go to my class. Call me if anything happens, okays?

Y/N- Okay. Thanks, Jungkook.

Jimin- He seems like a nice guy.

Y/N- I'm glad you think so. I don't think Taehyung feels the same way about him.

Jimin- Envy is a powerful emotion.

What does he mean by that? What could those two possibly envy each other?

Y/N- Somehow it doesn't seem fair  to involve him in all of this.

Jimin- He's worries about you. And like you said before, we need allies.

Y/N- I guess so...

I just don't want any of them to get hurt.

Jimin I'll meet you at your desk. There's something I need to show you.

Y/N- You're going to leave me alone?

Jimin- Only for a moment. I'll be right back.

Jimin leaves and I walk into the lab, wishing I could run away instead. As it turns out, I didn't have to worry. I'm greeted by an empty lab. It's like everyone just disappeared...but the computers are still on. As I pass between the desks, a colleague's screen catches my attention. That e-mail's subject line mentions my name.

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