A immortal and a Widow (Natas...

By SSA-Writer

12.2K 739 3

"I wish i had met you first" she said, unknowingly to that every wish creates a new reality. So what if Y/n B... More

The story of how i died
Hello brother
Pinky promise
Masked men
Scorch marks
They can't have gotten far
A 'simple' mission
It's a bloody clone
Trip to Iceland
Just wake up
I'm sorry
My first Asgardian
He's coming back to kill me
I don't know what to believe
Dear Natalia
Just let me explain
She's a hero in my story
The difference between a dream and reality
Another kind of life
The old me
She's sick
I do love her
I remember
I'm so damned hungry
In the back of her neck
She is my team
A part of the team
She proposed?
It's too early for this
According to plan and more
We need to prepare
Fashionably late
Invited party crasher
Have a little fun
Simple truth or dare
I left a letter
Your 36 hours have started
She's not here
His deep grey eyes that i loath
Long story short
I turned it off
Don't let him win
In her own reality
I have to go into her head
Weddingbells run
Unknown visitor
It's NOT real
I'm home
Let's plan Christmas
Christmas morning

Secret Santa

271 13 0
By SSA-Writer

Natasha pov

After all the food and celebration of Christmas, it's only the team left in the living room around the tree. All ready to exchange the gifts, both those from secret santa and the other presents packed under the tree.

"Steve, you start" Tony says, handing out another round of eggnog before sitting down in the circle or couches and armchairs. Steve is sitting in one with Clint next to him on the couch with Tony. Then in another couch is Bucky and Wanda who keep a little distant even though we all know what's going on. Then on the second couch there's us, me and Y/n. Loki and Thor choose to spend the day in Asgard which means they'll be gone for a few months.

"Right" he says, picking up the bag with his name on it. He opens it to find a Captain America shirt. "Oh come one, who had me?"

"What, i thought it would be fun" i say, admitting that it was me with a laugh.

"It is" Y/n agrees next to me and the others laugh as well. "Bucky, open yours" and he reaches for the small box with a flowerpatter and his name on it. He opens it and Wanda giggles next to him as she sees what's inside.

"Who bought me magnets?" Bucky asks, showing the rest of us Avengers shaped magnets that'll be perfect to put on his metal arm.

"I thought it was cute" Wanda says and the little anger that was in Bucky's face pales out as she picks up the one of herself and puts it on his arm. It's so adorable, the two of them and i can see that Y/n thinks the same.

"Okay, my turn" Clint says and Y/n throws the big box his way. He opens it to reveal a bow and quiver with arrows. A pink bow with a pink quiver and pink arrows . His smile falters before he start to laugh instead, with the rest of us.

"I thought you could use a new one" Bucky admits and Clint fires one of his plastic arrows for it to stick to his forehead with the suction cup end. Only for us to laugh even more at the sound of him pulling it off.

"Wanda, this one's yours" Steve says, giving her a little box. "Since you broke yours that week" he adds as she opens it to reveal a bowstaff. He doesn't specify but we all know what 'that week' was.

"Thanks Steve, and i think you're the only one taking this seriously" she answers with a laugh as she puts it back in the box.

"I think that most of us just joke because it's Secret Santa" Tony says before reaching for his own present. An Iron Man t-shirt. "I see you two went shopping together" he says, looking at me and Clint as we laugh.

"It suits your ego Tones" Y/n says with a laugh and Tony throws a box into her lap instead. She opens it to reveal a necklace with an A on it, like the one on the outside of the tower.

"I didn't know one could buy these. It's beautiful" she says, looking at the steel necklace.

"You can't... i made it. Open it" he answers and she does, opening the A locket to let it shine up a hologram of pictures from those two months or normalcy we had. "It's about thirty pictures or us all, you and Nat, me and you, you and Buck, all of us, you and Wanda sparring"

"Oh i want to see the sparring" Clint says as we all know what picture that is.

"Is it both her kicking me to the ground or when i kicked her? Because i won first" Wanda asks.

"But i won in the end" Y/n says with a smirk at Wanda. "So this is why i wasn't allowed in the workshop" she says, putting the necklace around her neck. "I do love it, thanks Tony"

"Now, Natasha's up" Steve says, throwing over a small blue satting box to me. They are all watching me with expectation and i don't understand why... until i open it to let it show me a golden ring with a diamond.

"It won't break, she said it was a popular model amongst women who work with their hands" Y/n says casually and i look up at her.

"What?" and even though i know exactly what it means. I thought she would wait longer, to let me live life a little more.

"I never thought i would have a home again, but when i met you i had just that for a few years. Then we parted ways but found each other again. And when you found me on the floor after killing Christpher, promising me that everything was going to be okay." she starts and even though i don't believe in marriage, there is a feeling of excitement in my stomach. "I realised that a home isn't a place, but a feeling of belonging. And you give me that feeling, so i would like for you to give me it forever..." Wanda helps by using her powers to move the table as Y/n gets down on one knee in front of me and the couch, taking the ring out of the box and holding it out. "So, Natasha Romanoff, would you like to give me the honour of becoming my wife?"

I don't answer, i just throw myself over her. My arms over her shoulders and my lips pressed against hers. I don't care that the others are watching and i wish she would have asked in private, but she asked and i don't have words. I hear the thud of the ring falling to the ground as we fall onto the floor, me landing on top of her. We laugh as we lay on the floor and i meet her gaze.

"Was that a yes or what?" Clint asks, even though she knows my answer already. And i don't care about the deal, sure she's still going to hold up to her end of it but... i get to marry the love of my life. That's what's making me happy and what i care about.

"That was a yes" i answer as i hover my head over hers, hands on the floor on each side of her face. Her head comes up to catch her lips on mine again. I feel the cold wind coming through the window as we part.

"I have one more christmas present though" she says with a smile and we sit up, still on the floor. "It's for all of you" and we all glanced out to where snow had started to fall. "It's not a real Christmas without snow"

"Spoken by one who's lived in countries where it actually snows for months" Tony snickers but we all still get up, i hold out a hand to help her. We each take blankets, me and her sharing as well as Bucky and Wanda sharing one. And we go out onto the balcony to watch the snow fall and the cold surround us.

"And you forgot this" she whispers in my ear as she holds up the ring.

"Then put it on my finger" i answer and she does just that. And the feeling of home she was talking about is exactly what i feel as we're standing out in the snow, a blanket around us as i'm in her arms. A feeling of belonging... a home. She is my home and i'm hers.

The end

I hope that even though it's very similar to my first one, that you liked it because i did. I've loved to rewrite it into another person. It was hard but i loved the process of that change. And i know that this is only halfway and i'm on my way to write the second part. In the end, it's only us will be the name of part two and will be a second book. I don't know exactly when it'll be published but follow me and you'll get a message when the next part is up... or you could just keep an eye open. Should be in next upcoming days, could be only hours. (Its up) And in the meantime i have a few others you might be interested in. And if you havn't read the first one, then you might be confused as to why it's so similar. Well don't read it, because it sucks as it was my first fic ever written. But i hope you enjoy the rest of your day/night/evening/morning and hope this was a good read.

Sincerely, your writer

Total word count - 56 864
Reading time - 4h 14m

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