I remember

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Y/n pov

I stand outside the door for a few seconds before knocking. Almost in an instant Wanda opens the door, letting me in. She leaves the second i'm inside the room.

"Here, you need to eat.. I know you're not feeling well but i will force feed you if you don't eat" i say with a smile as i place down the food on the little nightstand.

"You sound like Wanda" Natasha says with a soft laugh. I can see the remaining of tears in her eyes. With one look she carefully sits up and leans on the headboard and i hand her the glass of water. "Aren't you eating?"

"I ate when you were asleep darling" i lie, but i'm not hungry. If i had said that, she would think i'm transforming back into that monster they say i am. Which i am, but i don't need her to worry about that right now. "You know i would never leave you again, right?"

"Sure" she says, unsure.

"I wouldn't, even if i was the reason that you got hurt, because it would hurt so much worse if i left"


"Natasha, look at me, look me in my eyes" and she does. "Am i lying? I'm not leaving you until you tell me to leave" i gently kiss her remling lips.

"Promise?" she says, holding up her pinky and i smile. How can someone who's so serious, have such a soft heart. And believe in pinky promises. The badass Natasha Romanoff, a soft teddy bear. Who would have thought. I guess she can show more emotions here than in the Red Room. I remember it as such, but if she only knew.

"I promise, till death do us apart" i say, forcing out a smile, but i know that whatever monster i was, i wasn't alive. I continue to watch her eat until there's no food left. Then we spend the rest of the day in bed, cuddled together watching all the Twilight movies. We don't talk, just watch. After the third movie i got some more food that i made her eat and on the last movie, she fell asleep in my arms. The strange hunger comes again. I can almost say that we're like Edward and Belle,... there it clicks. What i used to be, what i am becoming once again. How i'm still alive and have been for the last seventy years.

The bloodsucking demon. Humans have a name for it, haven't they? .............Vampire


I can't believe my eyes as i stand on the other side of the road from the two super soldiers. I haven't seen them in forever, even though i've read about them and even seen the captain on the tv. When i got word that they were back i couldn't believe it, but there they are. I have no control over myself as i turn over the stress and jump up into the arms of my brother.

"James" i sign out in a breath and almost start to cry. He takes me off him for a part of a second, but as soon as he sees that it's me tears start to form in his eyes. Steve had gone a few steps before noticing me. I can tell how he prepared to fight before he saw Bucky's face. I take my eyes off my brother for a second to turn my face to him.

"Y/n? How are you here?" he asks suspiciously and i can't blame him. It's been 70 years since we last saw each other. And the last time i saw him in person was before i went out to find Bucky... and i never came back.

"We can talk about that later. As soon as i heard they had awoken you i jumped on the first plane here" i answer and it's actually the truth, i had been in Spain when i heard that a James Barnes and a Steve Rogers were fighting back in New York. And Steve had won. James lets me go and Steve pulls me into a hug, and i can't believe that the three of us are together again. We used to be inseparable.

"Cap, Metal arm, get your asses back to the tower now" i hear someone say in Steve's ear and he lets go of me to answer.

"Yeah, we'll be right there" he answers and gives me a smile as i go back to Bucky's amrs. One of the few places where i actually felt safe. The other is a place i'm pretty sure i'll never be in again.

"You're coming with us, i'm not letting you out of my sight again" Steve says and i don't argue. He thought i had died like Bucky. I hadn't told him i had gone, just left a note. He blames himself for that.

The short walk to the tower was filled with talk about memories and about the Avengers. There was Tony Stark, but i already know like everything about him. Thor who's an Asgardian, which reminds me that i think i know an Asgardian. Then there are two agents, Spiderman who is a teenager and then there is Wanda who apparently has powers which i personally think is pretty cool. At least i won't be the only freak with powers outside of strength and speed. The elevator ride was more quiet and as soon as we came into the living room everyone stares at me. Thor picks up his hammer, one of the agents picks up his gun, Wanda holds her hand ready to use her magic while Tony just stands and watches the scene unfold. I hide behind my brother even though i'm not scared, i have to act that way, no one can find out, not just yet anyways.

"Please don't, this is Y/n Barnes" Steve begins and they all freeze at my last name but don't put down their weapons.

"Since when are there two Barnes?" Tony asks and i can see that he still doesn't trust Bucky after what happened over a year ago. Not that I blame him, he has a good reason for it. And if he only knew the things i had done, he wouldn't like me either.

"She's my sister" Bucky says and they all stare in shock.

"JARVIS, could you get Nat up here please" Tony says to an AI who scares me when it answers. Wait, did he say Nat? No, it has to be someone else then who i'm thinking about. Women with the nickname Nat is pretty common. Natalie, Na...

"She has been notified" Bucky moves so that they can see me. So i just stand there while they apparently don't think i'm a threat anymore and put their weapons away. But just in reach so that they can use them quickly. I can feel how they all look at me, i still haven't spoken a word. My y/h/c falling down my head over my pale skin. Once it had been darker or even sunkissed. To the red in my eyes that have blackened since i haven't eaten in awhile. I had gone straight from the seven hour flight to my brother, and before that i didn't think about food because i was busy looking up how to get here in the first place. My first mistake.

"What now Tony?" i hear a female voice that i haven't heard in years, but still so reconizible. I turn my head towards the voice and am greeted with a shocked face with auburn hair and those emerald green eyes that used to look at me while i fell asleep in her arms. I couldn't believe my sight at the one person who knows me. It was her. "Y/n?" she asks with a smile sneaking up on her. I hadn't seen her in almost six years and was pretty sure that she thought i was dead... or just obliterated from existence.


"I go by Natasha now" she says with a smile before we run into each other's embrace. I don't care who's watching right now, i just need her close. Everything just feels whole once more in my long life but it gets interrupted by Tony who clears his throat to get our attention and it works. The beating of her heart filles my ears and the pumping in her neck where my head is right now is too much but i don't care. But as soon as i meet her eyes again everything seemed to stand still and she was scared of what she saw. I see my own reflection in her eyes and i quickly turn my head away from everyone so no one can see the cracks fading under my eyes. I take a breath even though i don't need to as the cracks disappear and my eyes go back to a burgundy red.

"Well, not what i expected here but let's get to the good stuff, shall we?" Tony says, gesturing to a conference room. No one else says anything as we all just follow him into it. Even after what she saw, Natasha's hand is intertwined with mine.

End of flashback

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