He's coming back to kill me

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Flashback - May, 1953 in Sweden (Contains Swedish text but also a translation)

"Tack, ha en trevlig dag (Thanks, have a nice day)" i say to the man in front of me as i close the door behind me. Such a nice lad John, taking a few minutes to help his neighbour taking the groceries up the stairs. Maybe i should pay him back somehow, maybe more than a weak peck on the cheek. I had heard how his heart skipped a beat the first time i did that. The hair on my arms rise at the feeling of someone moving in the apartment.

"Vem där? (Who's there?)" i say out into the small apartment. "Om du ska råna mig får du nog tänka om (If you're going to rop me, you might wanna reconsider)"

"Mind translating that? My Swedish is a little rusty" a male voice says from my couch, my hands finding the light switch and the man in front of me catches my eyes. His blackened hair with weird clothing. But that's not what catches my eye, his sky blue eyes. It's one of those features you could recognise anywhere.

"Who are you and what are you doing in my apartment?" i ask him and he frowns in pain as he intends to stand up, but fails.

"I'm pretty sure that's not what you said" i dare not move any close to home, i have to be close to the door in case he's one of them. But what kind of strategy is this? "I thought this apartment was empty, there was no name on the mailbox"

"Well i live here s..." i stop myself as i see the blood drenching his clothes and only coming out more from his chest as he stands up.

"Well, then i'll leave you to it" he says as he tries to walk away, but instead falls over the small table and to the floor. Before his head hit the floor, i catch him. But it's too late for my table. I have to lay him down on the couch again, compressing over his open wound with my cottee that i've taken off. I concentrate to make it cold, try and stop the blood flow. For some reason i don't hesitate in helping him with his wound. That's what i was doing when i toured with Steve. An extra nurse for every town and camp we were in.

"Hey, hey, take it easy" i say as he begins to stir. He stops and looks at me dead in the eyes. I stretch for my sewing kit beside the couch before i start again. Opening up to let me see the wound. A large gash over his chest that should have killed him, why haven't it? "Who are you?"

"Loki, son of Odin" he answers and i almost let out a laugh. I thread the needle to prepare myself.

"As in the nordic gods. Yeah, sure, and your brother is Thor" i laugh it off but as he only looks serius at me. "Oh"

"Who are you?" he asks me and i feel my hands grow cold.

"I'm Wictoria, and if you want me to stitch you up, you better stop moving" i hold two of my fingers above the wound, preparing to make it cold enough so that he doesn't feel it. "This might hurt" i warn before i start to sew but he barely even flinched. But the skin around the wound turns blue, but not because of the cold.

"That's not your real name, is it?" i shake my head at the lie he saw right through.

"No, it's not" i say, smiling to myself as i continue to stitch. Surprised that he's awake and talking with a wound like this. But i guess he's a god, so it makes more sense. "But it's safer that way, for the both of us"

"Why are you helping me?" he asks after a few minutes of silence and i really didn't think about it. I stretch the thread and cut it off with a little tie. Picking up the cottee again to clean off more of the blood.

"Yeah well, i'm not human either so i guess we have that in common." i answer with a sad smile. "As a human, i was a nurse. So i guess seeing someone wounded like this brings out that part of me. I guess it doens't matter who you are, as long are you're not a Nazi" i add with a soft laugh. He's so easy to talk to for some reason. I barely know him.

"Well, for that i will forever be in your debt Wictoria" he says and for a silent moment there's something in the way he looks at me. But the moment is over by a knock on the door.

"Wictoria, det är några här som söker dig (Wictoria, there are some here who's looking for you)" my neighbour John says from the other side of the door.

"Kommer (Coming)" i call out but as i intend to stand, Loki grabs hold of my wrists.

"Don't, it's not safe" he whispers and i know it's not, but i can't let any civilians get hurt in crossfire.

"I can't let more innocent people die because of me" i say and he understands that and before he lets go, the blood on my hands and my dress disappears. But i can still feel it, like it's just been cloaked. I go up to the door and open it, leaving him on the couch.

"Wictoria Johansson?" a tall man in some kind of armour stands outside the door, John is standing there behind him.

"Yes, what can i do for you?" i ask and still hide my hand behind the door and one in the dress. It feels as though the illusion is about to drop any secdon.

"I'm from Secret Services and we're looking for a woman who was recently seen entering this building. Her name is Y/n Barnes, she has h/c hair and red eyes, have you possible seen her?"

"No, sorry but i haven't. Not that i can recall anyway" i answer and he looks me up and down. A sound comes from inside the apartment that makes me turn my head to see Loki has made his way to behind the door. "I might have seen that woman on the street this morning, but i can't be sure if eyes and hair are all i have to work with"

"I understand. Are you alone, miss?" he asks and i meet John's gaze. He's studying me, my every move and my every word. The man is also studying me, studying my features. My blond/black hair, my e/c eyes and warm skin. Shapeshifting comes to good use at times like these.

"Yes" i start but then i hear the soft purr of a cat, feel it around my feet. "It's just my cat, Shadow"

"Well thank you ma'am for your cooperation, sorry to have discturbed you" he says before he walks away down the stairs he came up from. I take a deep breath and notice John staring.

"Vad handlade det där om? (What was that about?)" he asks and i step out of the door and only keeping it ajar behind me. "Vad ville hand med dig och varför var Secret Service här? (What did he want with you and why was the Secret Service here?)"

"Sluta med frågorna John, gå tillbaka in till din lägenhet och stanna där (Stop with the questions John, go back into your apartment and stay there)" i say as nicely as i can, meeting his gaze once again. An excuse, the dinner, he invited me in for dinner today. Use it. "Jag kommer över sen och svarar på dina frågor, okej? Bara gå in och stanna där oavsett vad (I'll be over later and answer your questions, alright? Just go inside and stay there no matter what)"

"Okej (Okay)" he answers hesitantly but takes his steps back into his own apartment. I take the same but back into my own. Closing the door and leaning against it as i feel the illusion that covered the blood fades away.

"That went well" Loki says sarcastically from the couch.

"He's coming back to kill me"

End of flashback

A immortal and a Widow (Natasha x reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang