Weddingbells run

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Summer of 1943 - after Steve's transformation, before capturing by Hydra

Y/n pov

I know this should be the happiest day of my life, but somehow i'm not that happy. There is no real smile on my lips. it's like there is a missing puzzle piece.

"Come one queene, we don't have all day" Steve says, also entering the room. He stops mid step to look at me.

"Wow, you look amazing" he says with a whistle

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"Wow, you look amazing" he says with a whistle.

"Thanks Steve, you're quite dashing yourself" i say, turning around in my big dress.

"Everything okay?" he asks, as i'm not smiling my face off.

"I just thought he'd make it" i answer, shaking my head. Not wanting to talk about it. Not wanting to talk about how many i wish could be here today but can't.

"I can't believe you're getting married, who would have thought" Steve says with a small laugh on his lips. "You ready?"

"Yes, i just need my flowers" i say, turning back inside the door. There, on the table lies my white flowers. "Now i'm ready"

The classic 'here comes the bride' starts to play as we start to walk down the aisle. With the super soldier at my side, instead of my father... my late father. If only he and mother could have been here. But as i meet his green eyes, Daniels forest green eyes, i melt and put on that smile that everyone expects me to have. He looks so handsome in that suit. As captured i am by him he seems to be of me. As i get to the altar, Steve hands me over to him. I give the flowers to Hanna who stands on the side of the altar. She and Peggy give me a soft smile before he takes my hands in mine. Happiest day of my life.

"Dear beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the union between this young man, Daniel Thomas Bennett, and this young woman, Y/n Diana Barnes" the priest begins and continues but i stop listening, realising that this IS the happiest day of my life. At least for now, who knows what the future might hold. I'm going to get to spend the rest of my life with my true love. After a while everything goes quiet and is looking at me.

"What?" i ask as a blush spreads on my face and the church is filled with soft laughter. I had been so deep in my thoughts that i didn't realise it was my turn. Daniel smiles and i can see how he understands how deep in thoughts i were, making the priest repeat himself.

"Ms, the vows"

"Right" i say with a soft laughter myself. "I Y/n, takes thee Daniel, to be my wedded husband, to have to and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health. To love and cherish, from this day forward until death do us part. According to God's ordinance; i thereto i pledge my fatih"

"And now, by the powers invested in me by God, it is my honour and delight to declare you husband and wife. Go forth and live each day to the fullest. You may deal this declaration with a kiss" and Daniel brings me into his arms, pressing his lips against mine and everything is right with the world. I have my brother, my best friend Steve, Peggy and Hanna, and now i have my husband.

"I now present to you for the first time. Mr. and Mrs Bennett" we both turn to the crowd as they start to cheer.

"I love you Daniel" i whispers into his chest, quiet enough so that no one else will hear but him.

"I love you too Mrs y/n Diana Bennett" he kisses me again before we start to walk back down the aisle. I smile at my new name. We eventually get into the car that says Newlyweds on the back. A tear falls down my cheek, but not for the reason it should. He's a soldier, they have more important things to do. Even though practically everyone around me are a part of that army, only one of them aren't here.

"Are you okay darling?" Daniel asks to my tears as the car starts to roll out towards a little village by the lake where the party is being held.

"Yeah, i just wished James would have been there. He's all the family i've got" he takes my hand in his, making me look at him.

"Well now you have me, and soon you'll have more family than you could ever wish for. I promise" i laugh at his words, kissing him again. Watching the lake light up by the lights of our party and the sunset. Everyone had taken a faster route and was already there. So we are greeted again by applause and even more cheering. There are even more people here than at the church.

"I'm so happy you're a part of our family now Y/N" my new father in-law Arthur says, holding my hand.

"Me too" and my mother in-law Dorathy pulls me into a welcoming hug, with me giving back the same energy.

"Mind giving me the honour of giving me the first dance Y/n?" Arthur asks, gesturing with his hand.

"Of course" i answer, grabbing his hand. He takes me out onto the dance floor as the music starts playing. It's so magical.

"What is it my child?" he asks and i notice i had started to cry.

"I just wish my parents could have been here" i say and that's that. More quiet dancing until Steve interrupts.

"Mind dancing with me now?" i nod and Arthur gives me over to him.

"I never thought we would see you like this?" he says, starting to dance me around the floor.


"Happy" and he means it. Ever since our parents died i had become less happy, having to take care of my siblings and everything. Since i'm the oldest. "I guess there's only one thing left now" he says but before i can ask him about it, someone starts talking on stage.

"And now it's time for the father daughter dance" he says and everyone looks at me. Because everyone knows there is no one there to dance with me, he can't exactly dance from the grave. That man steps off the stage, he mustn't have known. But it's too late, the dance floor has been cleared and a tear is on it's way down my cheek as the music starts to play.

"I guess that's my entrance" a familiar voice says behind me. I turn around, jumping into my brother's arms.

"You made it" i say, burying my face in the crook of his neck. He takes me out of his embrace, taking my hands to go with the music.

"How could i ever miss my twin sister wedding"

"Best twelve minutes of my life" i say jokingly, he gives me that soft smile. He embraces me again but keeps moving to the music.

"Mother and father would have been proud" he says and i let out a sob into his shoulder.

"I love you James, you're all i've got left now. Don't leave me again"

"I love you too Y/n, and i'm not leaving because you're all i've got too you know"

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