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Natasha pov

I know what i saw but i also know that she doesn't want me to see it. It did scare me and i think it hurt her that it did but i didn't mean to, i just didn't expect her to do it infront of everyone. How can fate have pushed her towards me, once again. When i had found the file that told me she was alive, i had mixed feelings. But I could only feel sad when i saw that there had been no sightings of her since i had gotten out myself. I really thought she was dead.

"So do you mind telling us how you're alive if you're Barnes' little sister?" Tony asks and what? Now i had missed something. The name i had gotten to know her by was Amarna Bennett and later Monroe, even though she told me it wasn't her real name but it was to protect the people around her.

"Big sister actually, i'm twelve minutes older than James" Y/n answers and that's when it clicks for me. Twins. Now that i know i can see it, the resemblance in their eyes, the way they both move. The moving bit can just be because both of them did train in the Red Room. I had thought about it when i first met Bucky again but didn't think of it. Wanda looks intrigued as Y/n's story is similar to her own in some ways. "Unlike my brother and Rogers i was not frozen, i was alive and running the whole time you can say" she continue but just get questioning looks. Even from her brother, but not from me. I have heard this story before, maybe not all of it but i trusted her that i twas all i needed to know at the time.

"In 1945, i was put in some kind of chamber by Hydra, like the one who made him... well him" she says, pointing over to Steve. Bucky lets out a shiver for his sister. "It hurt as hell, i can say that. But i died during it. Later i woke up in the hospital morgue and i was still dead, like i am now" she explains but no one seems to understand.

"She's immortal" i finally say and she meets my gaze, but what i see in her eyes is not what i expected. It's fear... and something else that i just can't figure out.

"So you're what? A vampire?" Clint asks sarcastically but she only stiffens at the word, laughing it off. I know from experience that she hates that word, it reminds her of the monster that she thinks she is. But we're all monsters here... somehow.

"No, i'm not, but i'm not fully human either. You could say i'm undead and have a hard time getting killed" she mixes in the truth in her lie and i'm the only one who can tell that. Not even Wanda can look into her head to see if it's the truth.

"So you got any other powers My Lady? Then immortality i mean" Thor asks interested in the mysterious woman who's joined us. I don't blame him, i was intrigued when i first met y/n too.

"Yes, actually. Ice like Elsa from that disney movie, mind manipulation and i'm partly shapeshifter" she answers, looking over at Wanda as her hair changes to her length, her auburn colour. After just a second there are two of her, two Wandas where one of them is Y/n.

"Cool" Clint mumbles to himself even though we all can hear him. I see a flash of red in her eyes as she shifts back into herself. A hard grip onto the chair that goes unnoticeable to everyone but me. Changing fully must have taken so much energy from her. Without thinking i go up to her and let her powers fuil me, and teleport us to my room.

"Right, the power sharing. I forgot about that part" she says in a strained whisper as she keeps her balance with her hands over my shoulders, letting my own hold onto her waist. I don't even stop her, so much that it might have been me. But our lips are pushed against each other and sparks fill my entire body. If she didn't control the magic, i would have easily frozen the whole room by now. I don't remember how to use it, it's just instincts and of course, Y/n needs to be around. One of her hands changes to hold me even closer while the other is holding in my hair. One step closer to her and we fall back onto my bed with her under me. I let go of our kiss and just look at her.

"I've missed you" i say as she tucks some hair behind my ear. "I thought you were dead"

"I know, i'm so sorry but it was for the best that way. I've missed you too Natalia and i hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me" she says and no matter how much i want to i can't just forgive and forget what happened. There are too many variables in that.

"I can't just forgive and forget just yet Y/n" i say as we sit up, me still in her lap. "But don't leave me again and i'll work on it"

"I will spend every day and night for the rest of your life to make it up to you" i can't stop that one tear before it escapes at that fact. 'Rest of my life' because when i die, she will still be young and have a hundred lifetimes left. Y/n kisses up my tear before embracing me in another hug and i give in so easily. I'm so used to that wall around my heart that i keep forgetting that it's there, and here she is after only fifteen minutes and have already made her way through it. There's no more coldness or rage filling my body, but warmth and happiness. Because no matter how mad i am that she made me think that she were dead, i'm happier that she's not and that she's back. Back in my arms... and i don't actually plan to let her go.

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