She proposed?

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Natasha pov

"So are you gonna tell me why Y/n and Tony are spending the rest of the day in a lab together?" i ask as soon as Wanda enters the room and sits down.

"Wow, not even a breath" She laughs. "Buddy system, a present for you since she's staying and you want us to get along. It was Steve's idea."

"And when are you spending your hours with her?"

"Who said i am?"

"Please, this buddy thingy is for the people who don't like her, which includes you, Tony and maybe Thor because of Loki. Steve and Bucky are already her family, Clint likes that he has another archer on the team and me... well i already love her" she just looks confused and impressed at me.

"Tomorrow... i'll be hanging out with her tomorrow"

"Just please try and be nice to her, she means the world to me"

"I just don't understand, even after what she did?"

"Yes, because she did it out of love, she's not leaving again. She promised that she'd be with me till death do us apart"

"She proposed?"

"God no, she just promised to only leave me if death comes to take her home" oh how poetic it sounds.

"You know she's already dead right?" i hadn't thought of that, but she is. Technically Y/n is dead. Before i have the chance to say anything else an explosion is heard from under us, filled with the sound of the fire alarm. Without thinking i grab Wanda's hand and teleport us down, taking the most energy out of me. Were down outside of the lab where Y/n and Tony come out running, laughing as they collide with the wall.

"That went well" Y/n says with a laugh as she tries to cough.

"Well, next time maybe i should listen to you" Tony laughs coughing as some robots stuff out the fire.

"There will be no next time if this is what happens" i say and they notice me and Wanda. As she gets up and walks up to be i become aware that i'm still in my pj's. My pink, almost white, trousers and grey t-shirt with a panda on it. But in the last step she turns to face Wanda.

"What is she doing out of bed?"

"After the fire alarm she grabbed my hand and teleported us down" she explained, giving her a look. "What happened?"

"Well the simple explanation is that this тупица used a water cooling system on a technical device" Y/n says, pointing to the still laughing Tony. They look at each other and she starts to laugh again. It really looks like you're friends. "Go back to rest моя луна и звезды, i'll come by later" she adds, placing a kiss on my cheek and we're back in the medbay. Fuck, the only bad thing about being able to teleport with y/n, is that she can control it more than i can. But i warms my heart that she's becoming friends with my team... and that they're giving her a chance as well.

"See, if Tony can be friends with her i think you could give her a chance" i say and before she can answer, the energy loss sends me into another deep slumber. One without dreams , one in peace and without nightmares of memories haunting me. Just peaceful sleep.

Y/n pov

I had heard what Wanda and Nat were speaking about before the explosion, about the proposing thing. I had eaten with Tony, who has actually become my friend after today. But i'm making my way to the medbay to get Natasha back into her own bed. She hates the medbay bed, it's the only thing she whines about.

"Ready to go to sleep in your own bed?" i ask as i enter the medbay and Natasha smiles at me. The smile makes me light up more than Christmas morning. But the proposing and marriage thing stays in my head. "Come one" i say, helping her out of the bed.

"What's on your mind?" She asks and as we walk. It's not usual for any one of us to hide what we're thinking, we just know the other is thinking something without knowing it really. If that makes sense.

"I'm just wondering of how i'm going to survive the night without you"

"What do you mean? Where are you going?" I can see the worry in her eyes, feel it in her body.

"Chill принцесса, Tony has made up a room for me" she just looks at me as we enter her bedroom. She looks like a five year old who's not allowed to sleep in her parents bed. "You need the rest and my room is literally right across the hall" i say, nodding towards the door on the other side of the corridor.

"And why exactly can't you sleep here with me. Like you've done for the last week"

"Because you need to rest, but i also need my own space" i smile at her frown. "I'll sleep in here when you've recovered" i help her down on her bed but just as i'm about to leave she pulls me back by the hand. Letting me land on top of her and smacking her lips onto mine.

"I can recover in your arms" she mumbles against my lips and oh jeez, we sound like newlyweds. She stops kissing me, meeting my gaze.

"What are you thinking about?" she asks and i know she can see my trail of thoughts in my eyes.

"Just the future" and something flashes in her eyes so i force myself to correct my sentence. "Our future" i throw away any thought of that for the moment as i pull myself up.

"You know there's only one way for us to have a future right? And not one that lasts a few years, but one that lasts forever." and i can't believe her words.

"I'm not going to turn you, you have no idea of what a bad idea that is"

"I don't care, I want to spend eternity with you y/n. I love you"

"I love you too, and that's why i won't do it"

"Come one, we'll be together forever"

"Forever is a long time Natasha, I promise you that you will regret it. Maybe not at first but after a few decades you'll know what I mean, when you've watched everyone you care about die."

"I'll still have you, that's all i want. I don't want us walking down the street and have something think i'm your mother, or worse, grandmother"

"Okay, let's make a deal. If i turn you then you must marry me" i give in to her persistent tone.

"Come one, you know i don't believe in marriage"

"Then i won't turn you" it's a simple deal, a compromise.

"Okay fine, i'll marry you if you turn me"

"You'll marry me before i turn you"

"Then let's get married"

"Not until you've gotten to experience a little more of life"

"I've already got 30 years of that"

"And I only got 27. Plus if i'm gonna marry you i'm gonna do it properly" I breathe out and she falls down on her pillow. "Goodnight, i love you" she says as i get up, kissing her on the forehead.

"I love you too" i say before i walk out of the room, into the room across. It looks like a copy of Nat's, just a smaller mirror. I fall into the bed, ready to fall asleep, ready to have a day with the person who probably hates me the most in the whole tower. But i also think about the deal... i don't want to condemn her to this life. It's different when a clean soul is turned, but when an already blackened soul is turned... it could end badly.

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