Scorch marks

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Tony pov

There is a pounding in my head and a high pitched noise in my ears. On my left i see Y/n trying to get out of her seat in a panic. That's when i see the man in the suit bow down next to me. I close my eyes to make it seem like i'm unconscious.

"Long time no see Armana" the man says and the hundred new questions in my head makes the pounding even more excruciating.

"Please, don't touch him" she pleads out and i wonder if this is the danger she said where out there, unknown to the rest of us. "He's got nothing to do with this, i beg of you"

"I like you begging" he says and there is something affectionate laced with his words. Like he cares for her enough to not let her die but hates her enough to not let her live either. "Boys, get her out"

I hear how the car door gets ripped open and i open my eyes at the last second, to let them meet hers. Those red eyes, the eyes of a killer they tell me.

"Tony, tell her not to look for me, don't let her come after me" Y/n's voice echoed through the pounding in my head, but her lips didn't move. It was like she spoke to me in my head. But the men continue to pull her away from the car. She doesn't fight back, not really, not in the way i somehow know she can. The man in a suit wraps his arms around her like he's happy to see her. I can't see it but i hear the electricity, before she goes limp in his arms. I pull to try and unbuckle my belt to get out but it's stuck. By the time i actually get out, the streets are empty. No civilians, no men in black armour, no one but me. And the Quinjet making its landing in the crossing.

"Stark, what happened?" Wanda asks as she's the first to land next to me. Holding my arms to keep me upright. A handkerchief appears in her hand and she presses it to my head where it runs warm. I hadn't even noticed i was bleeding.

"Where's Y/n?" Natasha asks as she sees the empty car, then looking at me and i remember what she had told me. Or what i think she told me, through her mind. Or maybe it was just her eyes who were doing the talking. But now the rest have made it to me, except for Clint who's still in the jet. Probably just stopped to pick us up.

"She told me about dangers"

"What kind of dangers?" Steve asks but doesn't even look at me, just the seat where she sat.

"Dangers we couldn't imagine, the reason why she didn't come back until yesterday. It wasn't safe" i think i'm about to say something else but my eyes catch the spot where i had seen her body go limp. The ground has been scorched, like a high electric charge or a fire had gone over it. They all follow my line of sight as i had gone quiet.

Natasha pov

I follow Tony's line of sight towards a black spot on the ground. My heart skips a beat as i recognise the scorch mark. Something that strikes a fear in me when very little actually does.

"What is it?" Thor asks me as i start to make my way over it. Please don't let this be real. I bend down to let my fingers scrape the surface and i feel it. I feel it in my bones. A feeling i haven't had in a very long time, and have wished to never feel again. There's only one weapon who makes these kinds of marks, and there was only one person who ever dared to use it on her.

Flashback - 13 years ago

"Put her down" Armanas voice echoes through the corridor and the man holding me up by my neck puts me down. "Now run along, or do you have a death wish?"

"No Mrs Monroe, i'm sorry" there is genuine and deep fear in his eyes before he runs away down the hall.

"Thanks, but i can handle myself" i answer cocky and she turns her gaze to me. For the untrained eye, it's a mentor looking at her trainee. But i know better, it's filled with affection and protectiveness. Of course, she's still my mentor... but more.

"I know, so why didn't you fight back?" she asks and it's a good question. Maybe i just wanted to be saved. Love is a dangerous feeling in our line of work, that's one thing she told me when i admitted it to her. And when I said i didn't care, and she smiled.

"Wife" the angry voice of her husband, Mr Monroe, shouts down the hall. Armana stiffens but then relaxes to an emotionless state, i follow her example.

"Yes husband" if you miss it, one wouldn't hear the hate laced over the word. "What can i do for you?"

"I'm here for your... her" he says as he sees me next to you. I avoid eye contact and look down at the floor.

"Might i inquire to why?" Armana asks and i feel the protectiveness coming over her words. But i know that if she continues to protect me, she'll hurt instead.

"No you don't" he answers and i have the feeling of punching him in the face for speaking to her that way.

"Well, then you don't need her. Natalia, go back to training until i say otherwise" i meet her gaze at first and there is something glistering in the corner of her eye. But i do as i'm told and start walking. But when i come around the corner, i stop, and listen.

"I guess i'll have to test my new weapon on you instead" panic strikes my whole body and i feel the electricity in the air around me. But there's no scream, no cry for help. She won't let him have the pleasure but i feel a tear slip down my cheek. I can feel it in my bones and as i glance back at the place. They've leff... but a black church mark on the floor, from her.

End of flashback

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