Dear Natalia

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Bucky pov

I see the letter lying on my bed and i know they're from Y/n. I rush over to them and open the one with my name on it. Tears almost starts to form in my eyes as i read the words, laughing at the drone thing. The other letter is for her, Natasha. I know Wanda won't let her read it, so i have to find a way to get past her. I know i shouldn't help Y/n, but she's my sister. Clint might help me, but it seems like i'm the only one who understands her. Well maybe not everything but the most. Not even Steve understands why she does things. But i guess it's a twin thing. Some kind of idea is forming in my head, but i will surely get caught.

Natasha pov

"Miss Maximoff, lunch is ready" FRIDAY says over the speakers and Wanda gets up without a word and leaves. That's her routine, sitting with me, watching movies or just letting me stare out into the night. Getting lunch, watching me eat. She won't let me shut everyone and everything out, so i go with it. It's been two weeks but there's just something that doesn't sit right with me. Something that Y/n had said before she left, and i knew she heard me. The door opens and i sign.

"Wanda, you really need to..." i start before i raise my head to meet Bucky instead. "You're not Wanda"

"Observant" he answers before he stretches out his hand, holding a piece of paper. "Take it before she comes back"

"You know she won't let me read it" i recognise the handwriting on the front. "I'm not even sure i want to read it"

"She made me promise to make sure you read it, said you're the only one who can" he says and walks closer to my bed. "Please" i hesitate but the last words you had said makes me take the letter out of his hand. Faster than i can comprehend, he's already out the door. But as soon as the door closes, it opens again in the next second. The hand with the letter quickly hides it inside one of the pillows.

"What did he want?" she asks as she puts down a tray of food on the desk. But i don't really feel like eating right now.

"Just wanted to see how i was doing" i lie and she believes me, i wouldn't.

Eight hours later

"Do you want me to stay tonight?" she asks, brushing some hair out of my face.

"No, it's okay" i answer but she hesitates before going out with a goodnight, closing the door behind her on the way out. I'm too scared to read the letter, even though it's already in my hand again. With Y/n's words stuck in my head, i open the letter and start to read it.

Dear Natalia
I know everything must seem weird at the moment, i feel that too. And maybe you can never forgive me for leaving but it was the right thing to do. You will see that one day. You almost died because of me and i don't think i would ever be able to forgive myself if that had happened. I have caused too much pain in your life i would only bring more if i had stayed. I know that you think you need me but just look back at the past six years and you'll realise that you don't. You are a strong, independent and dangerous woman. You have friends around you and they are your family. I also know that you saw me and Loki, we are just friends since long before and there is nothing between us. I just want you to know that. I will always love you and want what's best for you, but this is so hard to explain in writing. So, if you feel comfortable in it and want to, meet me at the playground where Y shot her first perfect arrow. Whenever your ready, i will be there but i leave the city on sunday. You don't have to and i don't expect you to show up, but i want to explain myself to you, without an audience. Just you, don't tell anyone else if you decide to meet me. My brother will help you get out of the tower if that's the case. I am truly sorry Natalia.
Love Y/n

Some tears fall down onto the paper and i noticed i had begun to cry again. This can't be real, can it? Why would you want me to meet her if she left because of me? I know i shouldn't but if i'm gonna lose, i wanna know why. Cause if i know why, i might actually be able to do it. Even if the reason is stupid, the only reason i got hurt is because she got herself kidnapped. And i don't care if i get hurt anymore, after everything she's done for me. The least i can do is let her explain. And i have until Sunday before you're gone for good, it's wednesday.

"Gods, what am i gonna do" i mumble to myself, as i sit down on the bed again. Staring out the window at the night city below me. Somewhere out there, she's lying, knowing i read her letter. Not knowing if i'm going to meet her. But the thought of Loki being in her company makes me sick. I don't care for how long they have known each other, he still tried to conquer earth. It makes me wonder what side Y/n would have started and ended on if she had been here, but i guess she ran far away from that fight. It's almost midnight but i still decide to make my way out of my room and down to Bucky's. I need answers.

A immortal and a Widow (Natasha x reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt