Pinky promise

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Y/n pov

I don't know what the others thought about us teleporting out last night but it seems like they just went on with their lives in the tower. The others must think i was the one who teleported us, not her. I wonder how much she has told them about what happened in that place, how much does Barton know. If i had more tears to spill i would be at how happy i am right now. Even when i know how dangerous it is for her to know that i'm alive. I wanted to show her i was alive when she got out, but it still wasn't safe. Hydra was still after me, but not the Red Room as she had taken it down. But no matter how many times Steve has debunked Hydra, they are still there... and after me. They do have their reasons for wanting me dead, pretty good ones as well and none of them has to do with the fact that i got away in 1945. I feel a warm body against me under the sheets. Arms around my waist. Even after what she saw, she's not scared. I had kept that under wraps before, not showing her but she knew... know of my special diet. She knew but hadn't seen it. I look over at the clock on the night table on my side. It's midnight, so the others must know more by now. I wonder if she's told them how we know each other yet. I have more questions than ever, last time we saw each other i was running away leaving a bloodbath behind me, literally. I had wished i could have taken them with me... both Nat and Yelena, but there was no way we could all run without them finding us again. I detach myself from Natasha without waking her up and walk out of the room. Little surprised she didn't wake up from that but i guess i was lucky now.

"What are you doing up at this hour?" a male voice asks from behind me. It's Tony, i can hear how his mechanic heart is doing it's work. I almost vamp out, as i like to call it when i go into vampire mode. For some reason it's hard to keep it under control right now, usually it's just with the people i love or am close with. If i had known that i would find something more to stay for than James i would have eaten before i got here.

"Couldn't sleep, you?" i ask as i continue walking into the kitchen where Tony is sitting.

"Couldn't stop wondering about you"

"I'm flattered Tony Stark but i'm not sure your my type" i say with a tone and i hear how he clenches his fist.

"I've heard about you from Fury" he plays it off but i stiffen at his words. Fuck it, Fury. I thought i had made it clear as day to him when i told him no in the 90s, then when Steve was found, however he found me. "Like how you were offered a job with SHIELD and declined it... multiple times"

"I had my reasons. And they'll remain mine" i let out a sign as a glass of red liquid appears in my hand. For someone else it would look like strawberry smoothie or a soda, but for someone like me. Food, or yeah, human blood.

"What's that?" he asks as i turn around so that i'm now facing the large windows out into the city and not Tony.

"Food" i answer lightly before i chunk it down. In hope that he doesn't see the cracks below my eyes in the reflection of the window. But drinking reheated blood out of a glass is not as filling as drinking it from the vein of a living being. I turn back to him and put down the glass, turning it to dust and gives Tony a smirk as i ask. "Where's my brothers room?"

"Down the hall to the left, almost all the way down. His door is hard to miss" he answers and i start walking that way.

"You don't like me very much do you?" he shakes his head, not denying it. "Why?"

"I don't know you" he answers honestly and i don't blame him for that. None of us say anything more as i instead start to make my way down the hall towards my brother's room.

Natasha pov

I wake up with a jerk at the sound of an alarm. My body is alarmed that i'm all alone in the bed, Y/n's not next to me. I can't focus as i quickly put on my suit instead and make my way out to the kitchen. Everyone is coming in more tired than me.

"Where is Y/n?" i ask and startle Tony as he didn't see me enter.

"I don't know, but i'm sure she's fine" he answers and nods for me to sit down. I know he's lying about where she is but i know she can take care of herself, even though i don't want to let her out of my sight.

"Stark, suit up, we're leaving now" Steve says and i see her standing in the hall as Bucky comes out before her.

"I'm not on the list for this mission" he only answers before continuing to drink his coffee. Y/n comes up next to me, not close enough to actually touch me but still close enough so that i can feel her... not warmth but, i don't know, it's something.

"Good luck" she whispers with a smile and i can't stop the little smile upon my lips.

"Will you still be here when i come back?" i have to ask. There are a lot of variables to think of when you've lived such a long life like Y/n. It makes a lot more enemies than it makes allies.

"I made a promise, didn't i?" she says and holds out her pinky finger, making me let out a small laugh. I feel how the others are watching us but i don't care anymore about that. I know they're surprised to see more with such warmth but it's something they'll have to get used to as long as Y/n's staying. I hold up my own pinky and she intertwined them with that charming smile of hers.

But something strikes me as we leave. It's that if i lose her again, to anything, it'll break me more than it did the first or second time. Let's call it third times the charm. Because if i have to suffer through a third time... it will be my last. That is how much of an impact Y/ Barnes has on me and my life. She holds both the thread and the scissors.

A immortal and a Widow (Natasha x reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя