Long story short

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Wanda pov - Time left 15:23:12

"Can someone please explain to me what we are doing here, and why he's here?" Steve asks and he seems to be the only one who can't figure it out.

"Long story short. Y/n left, she's not a SHIELD. She's getting revenge on Christopher down here" i start explaining the short version, pointing to the cottage. "She asked us to not go after her but go to Loki who's... was the only person who knew her plan, where and what she was going to do. And he's been training her.

"We started off by giving her 36 hours but when Thor told us why she had been training with Loki we went straight to him" Tony continues. "And he's on our side now, so don't attack him no matter how much you may want to, we need him. Did i forget anything?"

"No, that's about it" Loki answers.

"So let me get this straight" Natasha begins, sounding angry. No shit, she is and has every right to be. "You didn't tell me that the love of my life is at the hands of Christopher fucking Monroe, the same man who starved her and married her to... use her and has tried to kill me multiple times?"

"When you put it like that, it doesn't sound so good i know. But we need to get down there. if my calculations are right, which they are, she has been down there the last twenty hours." Loki says, looking at every one of us.

"How much it pains me to say, he's right. We need to get in there now" i say, looking out over the dead road to make sure no one sees us. Even though the surveillance will see us, so we need to attack directly. Take them by surprise.

TW a little homophobia
Christoper pov - Time left <TERMINATED>

"I also heard that she's gay, that she now lives with a woman she meet in.. the red room" she looks at me as to see if she said it correctly, to which i nod. She really has a majestic russian voice. One of the things i miss about Armana... Y/n, her accent.

"Also another reason why i married her, to get that nonsense out of her head" i say, continuing down the hall.

"But her relation with her prodigy was after, did she have these interest before as well?"

"We've been walking for hours, how about some food" i say instead, changing the subject.

"That would be nice, walking in high heels does hurt after awhile" she says with a soft laugh, but there's something about that laugh that reminds me of someone. A laugh that i managed to get out of her some times. Last time though, it was more of a manic laughter.

"Right this way, Fraulein Tina" i say, gesturing down the hall to the kitchen. "Armana was a special person. Not human but not dead either. She's crazy, that i can tell you. So if you want to hunt her down, i suggest you don't. She's not something someone like you can deal with" i eye the woman in front of me up and down. But in her eyes, it's all blank. Like she's turned off her humanity. But that's not possible, only one person can do that and she does not look like this.

"Sorry to disturb you but there's something you need to see" an agent interrupts us and shows me a tablet screen. There they are, the team that broke her out in Iceland. The Avengers.

"You" i say, grabbing another agent's attention. "Take Fraulein Schmidt to the kitchen and make her whatever she wants"

"Is there something wrong?" Tina Schmidt asks, looking at me with somewhat worried eyes.

"I will see, then i will meet you there" i say before walking away. The whole bunker shakes as i an earthquake hits us. "What the hell was that?" i ask, entering the monitoring room.

"It seems like someone is attacking the base from outside" someone answers my questions. But i already knew that, i want to know how and why.

"I noticed that but how, go get Fraulein Schmidt and get her to a safe room, NOW"

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