She is my team

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Y/n pov

"Natalia" i shout out as i catch her in the air, carrying her to one of the beds. Helen and Tony join me as i continue trying to contact her, but nothing.

"What happened?" Helen asks, starting to connect her to a computer.

"She just collapsed" a steady heartbeat is heard from the monitor but Natasha lies still on the bed. "I think it's a power dampener. They'd given me one as well, but as soon as i got out i cut it out."

"It must be the reason she's feeling ill. That power you share takes out a lot, right?" Tony says as he draws some blood from her arms. I just sit there, holding her hand.

"Yeah, it's why we share it. One person can't wield it alone... and since i can't die, i'm the perfect anchor to the power." it all becomes to clear now. "They needed someone and they knew that if i was sired to someone i cared about, i would do anything..." my voice dies out and they both understand as well.

"Um, Y/n, you might not wanna make an ice rink in here" Tony says with that tone that i hate, pointing to the floor below me. From my chair i have frozen the floor around me.

"Why is there a trace of someone else's blood in her system?" Helen asks after a few more minutes, making my head snap up. Oh right, that little detail.

"That's mine" they both look at me to make sure they heard right. "Blood from people like me has healing abilities. If i knew they were draining her, i wouldn't have given it to her"

"Well, that makes so much sense" Tony comments sarcastically and i roll my eyes at him.

"Just get that damn thing out of her or i will" i say, more as a threat than a request. But they both can feel my worry in the cold air around them. I can't lose her. Not only because i love her... but because i'm not just her anchar, she's mine. That way, if she dies... so will i. The one difference will be that i'll be taking half the city with me.

"Then i'm going to need you both to step out and let me work" Helen says to both me and Tony.

"Keep me updated" i say, respecing that she needs no distractions in the room. Before i exit i meet her gaze, "Thank you Helen" and she answers with a smile. Tony doesn't understand why we need to leave but follows me out. Before anyone has the chance to stop me, i almost fly up the stairs and to the top. I have someone i need to talk to. A certain Asgardian, my Asgardian.

"Loki?" i call out into the wind on the roof. "Loki, come on, i know you can hear me"

"And to what do i owe the pleasure of being summoned Y/n" he says from behind me, as i turn around he notices the tears in my eyes. "What happened?"

"They're draining her, Loki, you know what'll happen to me if she dies. I need you to teach me how to use my powers" i say and he seems surprised by the request. "They come from the powerstone and the soulstone, so you could... have to teach ne how to use them"

"Your team will never let me"

"They are not my team, she is my team and i will do whatever there is in my power to make sure she makes it out of this" i take a breath.

"Still, they won't let me help you. Not with your motives"

"I'll make them, it might take some time, but they'll come around" somehow. "And when it comes to my motives, no one will ever question them because they will never know"

"You already have a plan, don't you?"

"Yes i do, it started forming a long time again." A sickening grin makes it upon my face. "And when i'm done... his head will hang on a spike while he watches the empire he built, burn down to the ground" Loki has a similar sinister smile on his face and i realise why they have every right to call him the enemy... and me a monster. But i guess some are a little more crazy than others, someone had to be and it just happened to be the two people who never seem to die whatever they do. An unstoppable duo, that's what we are.

A immortal and a Widow (Natasha x reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora