I'm sorry

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Natasha pov

"You haven't eaten" i say to break the silence and she dares not meet my gaze. If she would just trust me enough to let me know what's going on in that mind of hers, not everything can be read in the eyes of death.

"Not hungry, you need to rest some more Natasha" she says as she gets up and out of the chair. I know you're right but that means you're leaving. I promised myself that i would never let you out of my sight, but there's nothing i can do now. I can't use the powers, they don't work on her.

"Wait, Y/n please" i begin, not knowing how to even ask her to stay, how to explain that i might not make it. She stands still in the doorway, waiting for me to speak. "Will you be here when i wake up?" i know the answer but i still ask it. Like i want you to break my heart.

"I once told you that i wouldn't always be around... now is that time Natalia. I hope that you'll understand one day and forgive me, but i won't be there when it happens. Maybe knowing that i'm out there and alive is good enough" she even says my name like that and meets my gaze. "I hope we meet again, in another life. Because i will love you as much as i do in this life, as in the next" it feels like the world has stopped, like there's no more time, just us. But there's no 'us' anymore.

"Please, i need you" i say quietly with tears in my eyes, knowing that you can hear me even though you're avoiding my gaze again.

"You need to learn how to be strong, because i'm doing what is best for you, for everyone."

"Please y/n, i love you" and that's the first time i've said it to her in six years.

"Soon there won't be a 'me' to love" and with nothing reflecting in her eyes, she adds one last thing before walking out. "I wish you the best"

Y/n pov

Dear brother, i will not regret coming here. I had to see you but it was a mistake that i need to correct. We both know Tony is right, i'm a liability. You all will be better off without me and i'm so sorry for what i've put you through the last five weeks. Please take care of Natasha, she needs someone there even though she might never admit it. She needs someone to wake her up when she's having a nightmare, or when panic strikes. I know these things might not seem like Natasha but i know her, i truly do and it'll take time. Just makes sure that she knows how much i love her but want her to move on in life. Please don't come looking for me, you won't find me. I'll be carefull, i promise. I will send you another letter when i know i'm in a safe place. I promise and love you brother.
May we see each other again.

Love Y/n Barnes

PS! don't tell anyone or show this letter to anyone, especially her

Bucky pov

"She's what?" Tony says angry, but i can't blame his reaction. "We just rescued her from Hydra and now... she just leaves"

"She stayed to make sure that Natasha was gonna make it" Wanda says and it's something we all already have figured out. If my sister loves her even half as much as Natasha loves her, then that's reason enough to stay awhile.

"What are we going to tell Nat?" i just sit there quietly as their conversation continues. Listening closely for every word, but not focusing on who's saying what.

"I'm sure she already knows, but she could become a danger to herself and others."

"Christopher Monroe is still out there, probably looking for her."

"He thinks we have her, so what if he comes here to look for her?"

"What if y/n stays in the city, then Natasha will have those powers and she can't control them. She might even go on a revenge spree" the conversation has now gone from my sister to the 'what if's' with Natasha.

"Buck, you've been awfully quiet here, she's your sister" Steve interrupts my listening. She told me not to tell anyone about the letter and to not go after her. It's a little hard when i can't tell them that she asked me that.

"We have to go looking for her" Clint says and gets my full attention.

"No" i snap and everyone looks at me and i realise what i just did. "I mean, she can take care of herself. That's what she's been doing for almost a century"

"Aren't you at least a little bit worried?" Thor asks and he has a point.

"Of course i am, i just got her back" i start but don't really know where to go so that i get to a point where they won't follow Y/n around. "But i also know that everything she does, she does for a reason. I may not always agree with them but if she thinks the right thing to do is leave, who are we to say otherwise"

"I still think we should at least keep an eye out for her" Wanda ends the conversation with a glare my way. She can see right through me, probably see it in my head. So i quickly hid the letter in the back.

As i make my way out in the corridor back to my room, invisible hands push me into the wall and keep me there.

"What is it your not telling us?" Wanda asks, holding hard with her magic. I've learned that few secrets can make it past her. But if there's someone who i can show it to, it must be Wanda. She's Natashas best friend, she'll take care of her.

"Left pocket" i grunt and without me feeling it she suddenly has the letter in her hand. She's quiet as she reads it and seems to realise something among the words.

"What's this supposed to mean?" she asks and i don't even know how to answer that, when i don't know myself. She lets me go and i almost fall down to the floor but keep my footing.

"I don't know, but her wish is for us to take care of Nat, just do that" i say before i walk off to my room, leaving the letter with her. I know i didn't have to tell her to do that but now i can tell Y/n that Natasha i going to be just fine. With time she will be.

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