We need to prepare

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Y/n pov

"Thor, may i have a word with you?" i say as i catch up with him in the corridor, at human speed.

"Sure, m'lady" he answers, slowing down his own steps.

"I wanted to ask you a favor, so that you could talk to the others about training my powers..."

"If it is what you wish, may i ask why you're asking me for it?"

"Because, my trainer would be Loki" i answer and he stops in his steps, one step behind me.

"That's why he's still here in the city? At your disposal?"

"Sort of, he lives in our condo on the other side of town"

"I am not sure that the team will agree to that"

"Then make them. I don't know, come up with rules. I need him to teach me" i really do, even though it's already begun... behind the team's back.

"Why do you need him? Why him specifically?" he asks and how can i explain that, i can't really say it's for killing and revenge.

"Because my powers come from the power stone and soul stone, that's magic Loki knows"

"But what do you intend to do with your powers" he meets my gaze and it's like he understands my intention. But now the underlying reasons to why... cause it's not all for Natasha, even though that's what everyone is going to believe. "Revenge?"

"Yes, but also because getting that includes taking down half of Hydra in the process" i try not to lie so much. I mean, the truth will come out eventually, it always does. But not just yet.

"And that's the part where you need me?" i nod. "Then i will do that, if you do something for me"

"Sure, whatever you'd like" i say, happy and sorta surprised that it actually worked. It almost feels too easy.

"Make sure he doesn't get into trouble, or cause any trouble in the meantime" he says with a laugh on his lips.

"Done, he won't get into or cause any trouble on my watch" i say and the two of us continue to walk into the living room. It's already five pm, which means that the party will soon begin.

"There you are, we've been looking for you" Wanda says, dragging both Nat and Pepper towards me. "We need to get ready" with a smile she somehow drags the three of us towards our rooms. "Now get your clothes and come to my room... and no fuss now" she says before pushing us into our bedrooms, taking Pepper with her into hers. I take what i need without questioning, which isn't much since i don't have an outfit. Loki didn't exactly pack a party dress. Maybe i can borrow something. So i walk out and my own bedroom and to Wandas, knocking.

"Come in" she says and i walk in on her changing, quickly covering my eyes as i hear Pepper laugh from the bathroom. "Sorry, i forgot"

"Yeah, i was wondering if i could borrow something from you. Loki didn't exactly pack party clothes in that bag" i ask as i hear her wander around the room.

"Sure, you can look in the closet, it's on your right" she says and i turn to my right to find another door. Seriously? A walk in closet, i am not surprised. But i walk around the dresses and some suits and pick one. A short black, off the shoulders dress.

"Now, i just have one final question" Wanda mumbles through the door as i start to change

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"Now, i just have one final question" Wanda mumbles through the door as i start to change. Putting on the dress whilst trying to not feel self conscious in how short and revealing it is. But i'm sure Nat will love it.


"Can you still get drunk?"

"Of course. I can get high, drunk and everything else Wands" i answer and hear the door open, but not to the closet.

"Is Y/n in here?" Natasha's voice asks.

"Yeah, she's in the closet" Pepper says and i can't contain my laughter as i realise what she said, neither can the others.

"I'll be out in a minute" i say, still laughing as i make the last adjustments to the dress. And it actually looks pretty good. It lines perfectly with my body and i open the closet door and walk out. Knowing that if i look into that mirror any more i'll regret the whole thing and just wear sweatpants instead, and then Tony will be disappointed.

"Damn, it looks better on you then it did on me" Wanda says, looking me up and down before wandering off to only the gods know where. Natasha just stares at me.

"моя луна и звезды? Is something wrong?" i ask, bringing her out of her trans.

"Yeah, you just look... great" she says under one breath.

"Natasha Romanoff, i swear to god. If you rip that dress i will kill you. It was expensive" Wandas' voice comes out of the closet with a pair of shoes. Matching to my dress. "Here, try these" she says and hands them to me as Pepper comes out of the bathroom. She's wearing a blue dress with her hair down in waves, with the back open.

"I never said i was going to rip it off her Wands" Natasha says innocently even though it's far from that

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"I never said i was going to rip it off her Wands" Natasha says innocently even though it's far from that.

"So, Y/n" Pepper begins as she sits down on Wanda's bed to put on her heels. "It's fun to meet, for real this time"

"Yes it is, you do make better food than Steve" i say with a laugh and she laughs with me as Wanda pulls Nat into the closet. "Don't tell him i said that"

"But i have to ask, you mix a lot of russian into your sentences. Like i guess they're nicknames, but what do you say" she asks and it's an interesting thing. Because i don't think about it. It's just that when you live in Russia for a twenty years, i guess that happens.

"Well, as you said, it's mostly nicknames. Or when i was to speak privately to Nata... Natasha" i correct myself again and even though i'm getting good at saying the right name, i still slip sometimes. "Like i call Tony a lot of things that don't need translating, but it's nothing mean. I call Nat 'love', 'darling', 'my moon and stars' and stuff like that. I just think we'd be considered to cheesy if i said them in english"

"Well, if i know the team correctly... which i do, that's exactly what they would think and would even tease about it." Pepper answers with a laugh and i can see that we could become good friends.

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