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Five days earlier (End of november)

Y/n pov

"Godday, how can i help you?" a woman asks from the other side of the glass desk.

"Yea, i'm looking for an engagement ring"

"Well, we have all sorts of them. What do you think he'd like?"

"I think she would like something old and classic, but still pretty simple. Oh, and doesn't break easily"

"Do we have a price limit to hold onto?" she asks and i shake my head. Tony might be rich but after 70 years, i'm filthy rich. Especially since Howard gave me some money in 1951 before i moved to Sweden. Nevermind how he found me or knew i was alive. But she leads me to another table of rings, picking one up and showing it to me "Well than i think this ring would be perfect, it's popular amongst people who work with their hands. It's real gold and here, these hinges on the rock are almost as sturdy as the diamond. Only a real hard blow would break it even though it looks thin" and it's the perfect one, she will love it. I just know it, even with the whole not believing in marriage thing.

"It's perfect, how much?" i actually didn't expect it to be this easy, but the ring was calling to me as soon as i saw it.

"6,300 dollars" she answers as she packs it into a blue satin box. I take out my card and put in the pin. That's cheap, even for me.


"Good luck ma'am" she says before i exit the store. And even though she's technically already said yes, my hands are sweating. Because it's not what she wants. But i don't want to turn her so this is the compromise. She wants to spend entierny together, i want that written on a piece of legal documents even though it'll only be in the life we live here. And who knows, maybe we'll do it again in the next few hundred years. And as i'm walking my way back to the tower, Loki or Laufey comes up next to me.

"Did you find what you were looking for?" he asks and i smile, nodding. Giving him the navy blue satin box with a nervous smile.

"You think she'll like it?"

"I think she will be mad that you went out without any of them to get a ring, even if i came with you" he says, making me stare at him with worry. "But yes, i think she'll love it Y/n"

"Good, now i just have to ask. It has to be perfect"  the panic of nervousness comes as i take his arm, making him stop in a step. "What if she says no?"

"Didn't you make a deal? Which she agreed to"

"I know, but what if she changes her mind and doesn't think it's worth to be turned, or when she finds out what i'm going to do. I mean, i'm planning to kill someone, and even though that man is Christopher, it's still murder"

"She's an ex assassin, her friends are a arrow shooting agent and a former weapons maker..."

"Okay, point taken"

"Just stop worrying so much, i'm sure it'll go great"

"It has to go perfectly Laufey, not just great, perfect"

Natasha pov

"Where have you been?" i ask as she enters our bedroom. I'm sitting on the side of our bed in my training clothes.

"Just doing some window shopping for Christmas presents" she says with a smile and panic fills me. "Остынь, дорогая (Chill darling), it was online and i was just out back"

"Do i need to remind you of who's still out there, i thought we had a deal about you going out alone" but instead she just sits down to straddle me, hands cupping my face.

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