A immortal and a Widow (Natas...

By SSA-Writer

12.1K 739 3

"I wish i had met you first" she said, unknowingly to that every wish creates a new reality. So what if Y/n B... More

The story of how i died
Hello brother
Pinky promise
Masked men
Scorch marks
They can't have gotten far
A 'simple' mission
It's a bloody clone
Just wake up
I'm sorry
My first Asgardian
He's coming back to kill me
I don't know what to believe
Dear Natalia
Just let me explain
She's a hero in my story
The difference between a dream and reality
Another kind of life
The old me
She's sick
I do love her
I remember
I'm so damned hungry
In the back of her neck
She is my team
A part of the team
She proposed?
It's too early for this
According to plan and more
We need to prepare
Fashionably late
Invited party crasher
Have a little fun
Simple truth or dare
I left a letter
Your 36 hours have started
She's not here
His deep grey eyes that i loath
Long story short
I turned it off
Don't let him win
In her own reality
I have to go into her head
Weddingbells run
Unknown visitor
It's NOT real
I'm home
Let's plan Christmas
Christmas morning
Secret Santa

Trip to Iceland

299 20 0
By SSA-Writer

Steve pov

The whole Quinjet ride is of a different kind of silence, except for the plan being figured out around the table. Now we're in Iceland, just outside of Hydra containment building 36.

The plan - Clint, Nat go in by the side entrance unnoticed and open the doors for the rest of us. Buck and i will take care of the guards while Wanda and Tony make their way to y/n. Though i have a feeling it'll end with Nat and Tony going that way. Clint and Thor will have our backs with the cameras while Clint does Nat's thing with the information.

And remember, this is a rescue mission, our first priority is getting Y/n and us all out. Again.

We've been through it a thousand times, so i tap the button to open the main door of the jet. As it opens the whole plan is a go. Clint and Nat disappear, only for the door to open a few moments later and we start to sneak in. Not that that went as planned, five Hydra agents jump us at the end of the hall. Nat jumps down behind the agents as they notice us, and breaks some bones. I didn't get a chance to stay and watch as another group come our way. Wanda gets trapped with keeping them back as another group comes. To hell with the plan. I grab Nat's and Tony's attention instead and they start to run down the hall while the rest of us stay to fight off the Hydra agents and keep their attention to us.

Natasha pov

We met a few guards along the way, too few thought. The corridor down becomes colder and colder the further down we go.

"There, start checking cells" Tony orders and i would usually not take orders from him but this mission is too important to me. Saving Y/n, may get a chance to repay for the hundreds of times she's saved me and then i'm never letting her out of my sight. I continue thinking about all the good memories and everything i want to do with you as i check every last one of the left cells as Tony takes the right.

"Here" he says, dragging me out of my thoughts and blasts the door down. I don't believe my eyes as i turn to see her tied to a chair. Not even raising her head to look after the noise. That is the first sign that something is wrong. As i walk close feel the madness in the room, i use my fingers under your chin to raise your head. That's the second warning, her golden brown eyes looking straight at me and then a glare at Tony. Well she had told him to specifically keep me out of this.

"They've starved her, Tony you must carry her" he gives me a questioning look but just shrugs it off as he lifts Y/n up to carry her bridal style. In any other situation i would even have made a comment about him or think about how cute Y/n looks even through the exhaustion. All i can do is worry. Not about if you survive this, but that we got in too easily and now have to get out. I think you said that once, it's easier to get into Hydra then get out of it.

"Everyone fall back now" i hear Steve command through the coms, then a loud explosion above us and it's heard in the comms. Tony gives me a look that says we've got to go, NOW.

"Stay right there, you're not taking her anywhere" i hear a familiar voice behind us. I don't know what to feel as i turn around to meet his dead grey eyes. Well, yes i do know what i feel... It's a mix of rage and fear. A dangerous combo.

"Yes, she is" i say and he realises who is with the famous Iron Man.

"Natalia, good to have you home. Now come on honey, don't do anything stupid" Christopher says, pointing to the knife's in my hand. To think that he's not that much older than me.

"Oh i wouldn't dream of it. Tony, take her to the others" before i even finish the sentence i've send my knifes flying into the five guards beside him, killing them without hesitation. Tony has already disappeared and no it's just me and him.

"Oh dearie, i thought i told you not to do something stupid" a metal suff is no in a ferm grip in his hand.

"Then you shouldn't have taken Y/n" i say angrily as i pick up more knives in one hand and my bow staff in the other. For every knife i throw, i take one step back. Every knife is a perfect throw, but still he avoides every one of them... but one, which grazes his cheek. Y/n will be happy to find out that i've added a scar beside the one she made on his face. It feels like forever before he starts to walk towards me and i don't know what i'm doing anymore. I can feel it in my chest that she is slipping out of my hands. Just a few more minutes. For every blow with the rod, i block it with my staff. It's reflexes, instincts.

"Nat, get up here now" i hear Clint's voice in my ear. I know that they're all worried because of the whole non-sleeping thing. But i think he has the right idea as i start to feel hoe sore my body is becoming for every turn. But it's also like i can feel how i get weaker as she does as well. But before i use that very last piece of our bond to teleport, to her, i feel a sharp pain hitting my neck. I get to meet her concerning eyes before everything goes black. But ti's okay, because i know you're safe now. The last thing i remember is her strong arms catching me before i hit the floor.

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