A immortal and a Widow (Natas...

By SSA-Writer

12.2K 739 3

"I wish i had met you first" she said, unknowingly to that every wish creates a new reality. So what if Y/n B... More

The story of how i died
Hello brother
Pinky promise
Masked men
Scorch marks
They can't have gotten far
A 'simple' mission
Trip to Iceland
Just wake up
I'm sorry
My first Asgardian
He's coming back to kill me
I don't know what to believe
Dear Natalia
Just let me explain
She's a hero in my story
The difference between a dream and reality
Another kind of life
The old me
She's sick
I do love her
I remember
I'm so damned hungry
In the back of her neck
She is my team
A part of the team
She proposed?
It's too early for this
According to plan and more
We need to prepare
Fashionably late
Invited party crasher
Have a little fun
Simple truth or dare
I left a letter
Your 36 hours have started
She's not here
His deep grey eyes that i loath
Long story short
I turned it off
Don't let him win
In her own reality
I have to go into her head
Weddingbells run
Unknown visitor
It's NOT real
I'm home
Let's plan Christmas
Christmas morning
Secret Santa

It's a bloody clone

327 21 0
By SSA-Writer

Natasha pov

I was so deep asleep that i didn't even notice that they had all left, FRIDAY said they were away to put out a man fire. Yeah i didn't question it cause i don't want to know what that is.

"We're bringing someone in, can you prepare the white cell?" Clint had asked me over the phone and at first i took a pause wondering why, since that cell was built to hold people like Loki, Bucky and Steve.

"Yeah, i'll get on it" and that's exactly what i had done. Even though i didn't expect who they would put in there. Not daring to try and figure it out.

"Agent Romanoff, your presence is required in the white cell" FRIDAY says and that means they're back. But still i don't know why i was needed, since Wanda pulled me onto the sidelines for now. I can imagine it wasn't hard to get the others to agree to that.

"You wanted me?" i ask as i walk into the same room as Tony and Wanda. The rest must have gone off somewhere else. But instead of answering me or even look at me, they look through the glass window to a girl lying on the floor. There's something about her that's familiar, but not quite.

"It's Y/n" Tony says and i had already noticed the similarities but it's not you. I know it's not. It's in the way that her nails are painted blue under the blood, how her hair has highlights that Y/n's doesn't.

"No, it's not" they both look as me as if i've said something crazy, but i know that Wanda can sense it to. "That's not her, that's a clone"

"Okay, that means more explaining to the whole group, FRIDAy" Tony says as he continues to look at me. "You have some serious explaining to do now Nat"

Thos, Clint, Bucky and Steve all walk into the room where they all can see it lying on the floor. Their shocked faces do not hide what they are thinking.

"Why isn't she back to normal? I thought that was why you called Nat down here Tony" Clint says and there i have one question answered. Only 99 to go.

"That was the idea but then Natasha here said something that i don't think someone will explain multiple times" he answers but he's right. I have no intention of explaining it more than once.

"It's a clone of Y/n" I start as they all have their eyes on me. "When Monroe captured her twenty years ago, he didn't stop toruture her because she can't die and they wanted to make her like Bucky. A killer with no mercy at all, no humanity, no way to turn back. Two years later they came to the Red Room to train her and i got to see them getting married with my own eyes. She later took me and another girl under her wing to both protect us and give herself a reason to stay put." it physically pains me to even think about it. "That night, of the wedding, they did something to her. We could all hear the screams, but no one did a thing" i trail off at the memory of what they had done. "I don't know how they did it but suddenly she could be in multiple places at once. But it failed once she got out six years ago"

"So she was there for eight years, with you?" Thor interrupts me and i nod to answer. I have never told anyone the story of my years in the Red Room, not even to Clint. Not any specifics anyways. But Y/n had spent 8 years with me, whereas many of them were with Yelena as well.

"Because of what she is, they needed her to control the clones or else they would go rogue. And that would mean a thousand vampires on a killing spree" they all can't do anything but look at me after my explanation like it was something... normal

"So you knew what she is?" Steve asks, breaking the tension.

"Yes, but she never showed it because that's when she loses control or does a kill." Steve and Tony just look at each other, talking with their eyes and i don't even have the energy to translate it.

"So, that one is rouge?" Wanda questions but i shake my head.

"No, that one is being controlled by her" i say not daring to say her name anymore. "They must have something on her to make her do this, like..." before i can finish my sentence it moves, it's fingers spelling something in blood. Numbers... 36.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" someone asks but i don't know who. I turn my head to meet Bucky's gaze as well as Wanda's and they're both thinking the same as me. The containment cell 36 on Iceland.

"She's in Iceland" the three of us almost say in sync. "There's only one place inside of Hydra that's called 36 and that's located in Iceland." Bucky continues at the questioning looks. Wanda's gaze becomes a little frantic and she puts up a forcefield around it, containing it. And now i'm just as confused as the rest of them.

Y/n pov

"She's in Iceland" my brother, Natasha and Wanda say almost in sync . "There's only one place inside of Hydra that's called 36 and that's located in Iceland." Bucky continues at the others questioning looks. It blows up and i'm forced to open my eyes to the light. They know where i am now, and Christopher doesn't know i sent one of the clones. Probably won't even notice one is missing.

"Honestly, i didn't think you could bear it. You are apparently stronger than we first thought" the man in front of me says. His hair is grey and in a few years it'll have the same colour as his lab coat. Or if i get out of this chair it'll be coloured by his own intestines.

"Well you know what they say. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger" i answer, forcing a smile on my face. My reflection in the black glass across from me is tired and exhausted. I feel like my life is slipping away again, my eyes do not have a splash of red in them anymore but is filled with a golden brown instead.

"Yeah? Ready for another go now are we Mrs Monroe" The doctor says for my hate filled eyes to glare at him. I hate that they call me that, but that's who i am to them. Christopher's wife.

"I'm always ready" i answer even though i'm really not.

"You really are crazy"

"You have no idea" is the last thing i say before Bucky's scream echoes through my head again and tears start to fall down my face. But this time Natasha's and Yelenas scream came in as well and i let out an angry scream. I don't know for how long they've played their screams in my head but it's making me go crazy. The only thing stopping me now is that i know she's alright and that they are coming to me. I've distracted myself with trying to find a way to send a message and it's worked. But how long until i'll lose control now that i'm hungry. No, i'm not hungry, i'm famished. All these questions stirred together with the screams and make it even more unbearable. Please hurry up. I know that at least three of them will come for me even if i asked them not to.

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