
By Madeforchocolate

44.3K 1.3K 131

"You work for me, I own you" "You will never own me" (TW: blood, gang, guns, blood, mental breakdowns, sa, sh... More

The devil I know
Take me home
Pied Piper
Yes, and?
Chocolate eyes
Drunk & Duty
Bromance on another level
Drinking Dramaqueen
a party he won't forget
Ferris wheel
tree branch
Roze koekenspel
Dreaming is a luxury
Broken heart
Hotel room nr. 129
Secrets of the Past
Cafe in the corner
Hidden side
House on a Hill
Broken Compass
Moving On
Quick author note!


1.2K 41 2
By Madeforchocolate

When Porchay wakes up he realizes that he is slowly going up and down. He opens his eyes and sees that he's laying on top of someone.

He looks down to see Kim's sweet face staring at him.

"Goodmorning," he says.

Porchay feels his heart beat twice as fast as normal. He kissed Kim.

After the kiss, they walked back to the car, and then they drove home and after that...

Porchay realizes that he doesn't know anything after that. Everything that happened after that is a black void for him. Did he fall asleep?

Kim sees Porchay trying to find out what happened.

"You fell asleep," he says casually. "So I dragged you inside."

"Oh," says Porchay quietly. How could he fall asleep? That's super embarrassing. He quickly stands up.

"Where are you going?" asks Kim.

"I'm gonna eat breakfast," answers  Porchay as he walks towards the kitchen. "Do you want something too?"

Kim smiles. "of course," he says

Porchay grabs a frying pan and grabs some eggs. Kim is staring at him while he is busy frying the eggs.

Kim smiles watching Porchay cook. It's different here than when his cooks do it.

It just isn't as good to know that it's been made by some people who only do it because they get paid for it. They don't do it out of love. Porchay does. He can't help but feel like he doesn't want to leave. Ever.

He is busy in his thoughts when his phone starts ringing. He picks up and waits for someone to answer.

Porchay wants to ask him something but sees him being on the phone and keeps himself quiet.

Kim's expression suddenly changes. He starts to look worried. Porchay wants to ask if something's wrong but Kim already hangs up and walks towards the door.

"I'm sorry, something came up." He says and leaves. Leaving Porchay behind.


Time is sitting on one of the chairs at a big company. He patiently waits for Tay to come out of the meeting room.

After around 20 minutes, Tay leaves the room along with some other businesses man. Time walks towards him and kisses him.

"Hi, sweetie." He says. And Time smiles. "Did it work out?" He asks. Tay's smile disappears slowly.

"They don't want to collaborate." He says.

Time stops smiling for a moment but then smiles again. "Don't worry, next time maybe they will."

As they walk towards the parking lot a stranger walks up to them. "Time!" He yells and throws himself onto him.

Time turns into a tomato and pushes the guy off him. "Wha-" he tries to ask the man what he is doing but the man interrupts him.

"You never told me you came to visit me." Said the man smiling. Time backs up and at that moment the man notices Tay. "Who is this guy sweety? He asks. "I'm his boyf-" Tay tries to answer but time interrupts him. "No one, come Tay let's go."

They walk towards the car leaving the strange man behind.

"Who was that?" Asks Tay. "Just someone says Time with an awkward smile. It was like he just lost a tooth.

They remained silent for the rest of the car ride. The only sound was the engine of the car, the loud traffic, and the radio playing a Bruno mars song.


Tankhun is busy hyping up 2 frogs who are racing in the pond.

Sort of. Porsche is watching it in silence, he's tired of babysitting Tankhun but he doesn't have much either way. It's this or death. Even though death doesn't sound as bad as an idea.

Pete left them alone too to visit his grandma. Big took his place which didn't make anything better. He hasn't moved from his spot next to the pond ever since Tankhun started watching frog racing, which was 3 hours ago.

Porsche stands up from his chair and walks over to Big. "What's up?" He tries. Big turns around, facing him. "Nothing."

Porsche sighs, "aren't you bored?" He tries again. "This is my job." Answers Big calmly. "But isn't it time for a break yet?" Asks Porsche again. Big gets irritated and turns around. "I don't need a break." Porsche sighs even louder than before. "But the boss needs to give his employees a short break at least every 2 hours."

Tankhun has gotten tired of the frogs in the meanwhile. He walks up to the 2 and pouts.

"I'm hungry." He growls. "Order McDonald's."

20 minutes later one of the bodyguards arrived back at the mansion with the McDonald's. Tankhun runs outside and takes it out of the bodyguard's hand.

He also allowed Porsche to join in as a thank you for the party. Big joined in after a big discussion between Porsche and Tankhun. 

Kinn is starting to act normal again, he orders Porsche to get drinks again and Porsche is gonna join him at a party again, as a bodyguard of course. He did have to promise that he won't drink again. 

Nothing out of the blue has happened besides that. Tankhun keeps begging Porsche to take him to the club again. Porsche of course wanted to but Kinn keeps stopping them. maybe it's because he almost got killed there once when they met for the first time.

Tankhun has no idea about that and even if he would. he wouldn't care probably.

¨ let's dye our hair!¨ screams Tankhun out of nowhere. he jumps up. ¨ let's dye your hair blue Porsche! and your hair purple.¨ he screams too Big. ¨and my hair... red!¨ 

Porsche wants to protest but Tankhun is already busy running to his room to get some hair dye.

When Tankhun arrives back with a bunch of different hair dye colors, Porsche wants to run away. but he doesn't really have a choice. he sighs and gives in. hoping that he won't end up looking like a smurf.



I'm so sorry for not updating in a while. my phone keeps randomly turning off, making it hard for me to write. I have tried everything to make it stop but it doesn't work. does anyone have any tips?

Luv ya<3

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