Ruin Me - The Vampire Diaries

By MarinaAzevedo5

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Sasha Gilbert is Jeremy Gilbert's twin sister and Elena Gilbert's little sister. She is the type of person th... More

Season One
Season 2
Season 3


711 11 1
By MarinaAzevedo5

The Vampire Diaries

S2 Ep 19

Elena had fallen asleep on Sasha's shoulder. They had spent the night in the cellar waiting for Elijah to wake up, but he was sure taking his time. Sasha sat there looking at the vampire who she had considered a friend, that was before he kidnapped her. She was just starting to fall asleep when she could've sworn that she saw Elijah twitch. She sat up making Elena wake up with a groan, expectantly she watched Elijah. Suddenly his body convulsed up and Elijah started gasping. Sasha quickly got up and rushed to his side placing her hands on his chest as his body kept convulsing.

"Elijah", Sasha tried to get his eyes to focus on her. Just as quickly as his body started shaking it stopped still.

"Is this normal?", Elena whispered to her sister.

"I don't know", Sasha replied with a shrug of her shoulders. She reached out her hand to Elijah's chest but his back arched rolling onto Sasha. Elena grabbed her sister to take her out of harm's way.

Elijah got up and you could hear his bones snapping. "I can't- I can't breath", he gasped. "What's happening to me?".

"I-", Sasha began but didn't know how to finish it, she was worried for Elijah. He used his vampire speed to get out of the room but it was as if he ran into an invisible wall. Sasha grabbed onto his wait to try and keep him steady. "I can't- I can't be in this house".

Sasha looked toward her sister finally understanding what the problem was. "He wasn't invited in".

"Help me get out of this house", Elijah gasped once again before running out of the room and bumping into another invisible wall. Elijah used his vampire speed to rush up the stairs so Sasha and Elena had to run after him. They stopped in front of the open door where Elijah was crouched down but he was breathing normally and his body wasn't convulsing.

Elijah ran up towards them but since he was invited in he wasn't allowed in. "What happened?", Elijah asks angrily.

Elena simply sushes him and points upstairs at where the brothers are. "Not here", she mouths. "Can we trust you?".

"Can I trust you?", Elijah whispers back. Sasha understands his reluctance after all they did stab him in the back, but she knows how to show him that they can be trusted this time around. Sasha grabs the Original dagger and hands it to Elijah.

The three of them get in the car to be away from the Salvatores and for Elijah to feed on some blood bags and regain his strength. Elena was in the driver's seat while Sasha sat in the back analyzing Elijah's every move. Elena parked the car on the side of the road and looked at Elijah expectantly.

"You look better", Sasha cut the silence not standing it anymore.

"Where did you get the dagger?", he asks them.

"We'll tell you everything, but you have to promise we will work together", Elena told him.

"Your ability to make demands has long passed", Elijah replied.

"No demands", Sasha explained, "We're offering you our help. And in return we want yours".

"And why should I even consider this?", Elijah asked skeptically.

"For the same reason, you haven't killed me. You need my help to kill Klaus. And we need you.", Elena replied. This was the only part of the plan Sasha didn't like, using her sister as bait. Elena's phone starts buzzing, which can only mean that Stefan and Damon knew that they had undaggered Elijah.

"Yes, I'm fine", Elena says into the phone when she picks up. "He's right here. No Stefan, Elijah and we need some time alone". Sasha couldn't hear the other side of the conversation, which was a bit unfair since she was pretty certain that Elijah was listening in with his vampire hearing. Elena turns to Elijah and answers Stefan, but it's all for the older vampire's benefit. "Elijah is a noble man Stefan. I can trust him. He knows I'd be incredibly stupid to betray him again. It's my decision Stefan, please respect it". Elena hangs up the phone and places it in Elijah's outstretched hand.

Sasha's phone decides to buzz at that exact moment, and subtly she sneaks a peak at the message notification. "You better tell me where you are right now Sasha", Damon had texted. Sasha rolled her eyes but before she puts her phone away it starts ringing. "Yours too, Sasha", Elijah's stern voice says. Sasha looks at his no-nonsense face and relents her phone to him.

"He's here", Sasha states, not wanting to keep discussing trust between them all.

"Klaus's here?", Elijah asked shocked. Sasha didn't like the fear she heard in his voice. She now knew what it felt like to deal with Klaus and he wasn't even in his own body.

"He's taken over Alaric's body.", Sasha explains.

"Of course he has", Elijah sighs. "One of his favorite tricks.".

"Well if you know any of his other favorite tricks maybe you should tell us?", Sasha forced a laugh, but it did little to lighten up the mood.

"I need a change of clothes", he simply announced. Sasha and Elena exchanged looks since neither of them had brought men's clothes with them. "I know a place", Elijah told them when he saw the panicked look on their faces. And so, Elena drove them to the Lockwood's house.

It was Carol Lockwood that opened the door for them. "Elijah? Elena? Sasha?", she asks confused, "What are you doing here? What happened?".

"I've had a bit of an incident, Carol. I'm hoping you could help", Elijah tells her.

"Well I'm on my way to a meeting -", she starts but Elijah walks up to her and compels her to let them in. "Of course. Anything you need", Carol smiles at them.

"Thank you", Elijah walks into the house, "Well, first things first. I'm going to need a change of clothing".

Carol nods and goes in search of a new suit for him. "How did you know she wasn't on vervain?", Elena asks him.

"He was probably the one who took her off it", Sasha says to herself but everyone hears her.

"Yes, yes I was", Elijah smiles down at the younger girl. "It was right before you and your friends killed me. Twice". Sasha looked down at her feet feeling bad for being there when her friends killed him. She thought the two had bonded and even though Elijah was trying to kidnap them Sasha still felt bad. "Now if excuse me, I will be down shortly". Elena and Sasha walked together into the living and sat on the couch, waiting for him.


"So I assume the Martin witches are no longer with us?", Elijah asks once they are all sitting down.

"No", Elena replies sadly. "I'm sorry".

"And Katerina?", he asks, "She would've been released from my compulsion when she died".

"Klaus took her", Sasha informs him, "We think she might be dead".

"I doubt that", Elijah gives her a sadistic smile that makes the hairs on her arm stand up, "Not Klaus's style. Death would be too easy for her after what she did".

That could only mean that Klaus was torturing her. Sasha was going to make sure they saved Katherine as well. No one deserved to be taken hostage by that man.

"I don't understand", Elena begins, "You say that you want Klaus dead but you still made Katherine pay for betraying him".

"I have my own reasons for wanting Katerina to pay", Elijah replies with a finality to it. "There was a time where I would have done anything for Klaus". Elijah starts retelling the story of Klaus meeting Katherine and Sasha sits there listening to every word. She was fascinated by it. What stories they must have lived all these years, Sasha felt bad but she wanted to know all of them. She was listening so intensely that it takes her a few seconds to process what Elijah had just said.

"Wait, what?", Sasha asks interrupting him.

"Yes, Klaus is my brother", Elijah explains simply as if that little piece of information wasn't of monumental proportions.

"But -", Sasha begins but doesn't even know how to finish her thought.

"Yes, I'm a little behind on the times but I believe the term you're searching for is OMG", Elijah takes a sip of his tea, and Sasha is left with her mouth gaping open in shock at this new family tie or at his attempt of a joke, she didn't know exactly which one it was.

"There's a whole family of Originals?", Elena asks Elijah as he gets up from the couch.

"My father was a wealthy landowner in a village in Eastern Europe. Our mother bore seven children", Elijah continues with his story.

"So you had human parents?", Sasha asks trying to formulate a family tree for them in her head.

"Our whole family was", Elijah answers her but it just leaves the younger girl more confused. So how did they become vampires? "Our origin as vampires is a very long story", he says like he could read Sasha's mind. "Just know that we are the oldest vampires in the world, from us all other vampires were created.".

"Yes, I understand", Sasha also gets up and starts pacing the room trying to put her thoughts into a clear line of questioning, "But Klaus is your brother and you're planning to kill him?". She would never betray her family the way Elijah is, no matter what they could do.

"I need some air", Elijah states, sidestepping her question, "I'm still feeling a tad dead. Come". Elijah walks towards the door leaving no choice to the sisters but following after him.

"So as you've seen nothing can kill an Original", Elijah says as he walks down the backyard steps. "Only the wood from an old tree. A tree my family made sure burned". Sasha's hope deflated at that. It would have been handy to have a stake made from that tree.

"That's where the white ash from the dagger comes from right?", Sasha asks, connecting the dots.

"Yes. The witches won't allow anything truly immortal to walk the earth. Every creature needs to have a weakness in order to maintain balance.".

"Well, sun can't kill an Original so why is Klaus so intent on breaking the sun and the moon curse?", Sasha voices her thoughts out loud.

"Right", Elijah smirks, "The curse of the sun and the moon. It all sounds so biblical don't you think?".

Sasha looks at her sister confused, "What's so funny?".

Elijah smiles before telling them the story of how him and Klaus invented the legend of the sun and the moon curse and intertwined it with many different empires so the whole world would think it was true.

"So the entire thing was made up?", Elena asks, not understanding their reasoning.

"Yes. The easiest way to discover the existence of a doppelganger or to get your hands on some long-lost moonstone is to have every single member of two warring species on the lookout for it".

"Wow", Sasha was impressed by how smart they were. "So what does Klaus want with Elena?", Sasha asks, not quite understanding why her sister was in danger if the curse didn't even exist.

"There is a curse. Just not that one", Elijah explains. "The real one is much worse. It's a curse placed on Klaus.".

"What do you mean?", Elena asks getting irritated at how evasive Elijah is being. Her phone starts ringing in Elija's pocket.

"Klaus has been trying to break it for the last a thousand years and you are his only hope".

"So what is his curse?", Sasha asks, more curious than ever before.

"Your phone will not stop with its incessant buzz", Elijah removes the phone from his jacket and passes it to Elena.

"Stefan- What's wrong?", Elena has an agitated voice that puts Sasha on edge, "No, no, no. I'll be right there.".

As soon as she hangs up Sasha asks "What's wrong?".

"Klaus went after Jenna. We have to go to her", Elena explains.

"What? Is she ok?", Sasha asks barely holding back her fear. Elena simply nodded her head in reassurance waiting for Elijah's reply.

"That wasn't in today's arrangement", Elijah replies.

"She's the only family we have left Elijah, please", Sasha tried to make him see reason. She didn't want to lose his trust by leaving but Jenna was everything to her.

Elijah saw the hurt and desperation in the girl's eyes, he hated that look. He wanted to protect her. "We'll come back. You have our word", Elena interrupted his train of thought.

"That doesn't mean anything to me until you live up to it", he replied looking at Elena. Elena simply nodded her head before walking back to her car, Sasha went to follow her but Elijah grabbed her by the wrist gently stopping her. She turned to look at him, barely containing the emotions brewing in her eyes. "It will be alright. She'll forgive you, you are family after all", Elijah told her, after all, he was an expert on that subject. Sasha nodded at him before following after her sister.

The girls arrived at the Salvatore mansion and rushed into the living room to find Jenna crying on the couch. Sasha reached out to her but Jenna moved away shaking her head. Sasha felt like someone had stabbed her heart.

"I'm so sorry", Sasha whispered.

"We never meant for any of this to happen", Elena tried explaining.

"When I was little, your mom used to tell me bedtime stories. Stories about vampires. I never imagined that it was all true.".

"It is. We should've told you", Sasha tells her before sitting near her on the couch, this time she didn't move away.

"I thought that if you didn't know you'd be safe", Elena gives her reason. "But things got so out of control and everything we did to keep you out of it blew up in our faces".

"Who else knew?", she asked angrily. Neither girl replies in guilt "Jeremy?", Jenna guesses. The girls' silence is enough of an answer. "John?", they both slowly nodded their heads.

"We were just trying to protect you", Elena tries explaining again.

"Protect me?".

"I'm so sorry. We will tell you everything", Elena tries again.

"No, you girls don't understand, I'm the one who is supposed to be protecting you guys and Jeremy", Jenna tells them with sadness.

"I know but there is nothing you could've done", Elena replies.

"No, this is like- This is so- I don't know how-", Jenna struggles to find the words. Sasha reaches out for her hand and grasps it. "Why didn't you tell me?", Jenna asks angrily. The girls didn't have an answer. "I'm scared", she whispers.

"I know", Sasha gives her a reassuring squeeze knowing how her aunt is feeling at that moment. Both Elena and her reach for her aunt and hold her to them. The three just sit there holding on, knowing that it's what they all need.

After a while, Jenna calms down enough to ask for a room to rest in. Sasha and Elena show her one. As they are leaving the room they notice Stefan standing outside it looking worried.

"Is she gonna be ok?", he asks.

"She's in shock", Sasha replies.

"We tried to tell her as much as we could but we barely scratched the surface", Elena explains.

"I'm so sorry. It's all my fault". Sasha can see how much the guilt way on him.

"No Stefan, it's mine", Elena reassures him. "We have to get back to Elijah". Elena grabs onto Sasha and the two walk away.

"Wait, wait no", Stefan stops them.

"We promised that we would return", Sasha tries explaining to him. "We can't break that promise". Elena moves closer to Stefan trying to reassure him. Sasha starts to feel uncomfortable butting into their private moment so she moves towards the door.

"What do you think you're doing?", Damon walks into the entryway with Andie in tow.

"Going back to Elijah", Sasha explains trying to move past him but Damon speeds up to her blocking her path.

"No", he simply says, as if he has every right to command her.

"Damon, please get out of the way", Sasha tries again but he holds her back.

"If either of you so much as tries and take a step out of this house-".

"Damon, easy", Andie interrupts him.

"Stay out of this Andie".

"Let them go", Stefan argues, him and Elena had moved towards the commotion. But no matter who was talking Damon and Sasha didn't break eye contact.

"Are you kidding me? We just got them back". Damon tightened his hold on Sasha's wrist making her flinch. Stefan moves in forcefully grabbing his hand.

"I said to let go", Stefan threatens. Sasha shrinks away from their argument, something difficult to do when Damon is still holding on to her wrist. She hates it when the two fight.

"That's twice today you stood in my way. I wouldn't try a third", Damon shoves Sasha's arm away before turning back around and leaving the three of them by themselves.

"Are you ok?", Elena rushes to her sister, examining her.

"Yes. Let's just go Elena", Sasha replies not really wanting to relive that interaction. But before the two walk out of the house, she turns back towards Stefan and mouths "Thank you" with a small smile.


Sasha entered the Lockwood's house and made her way towards the living room. Today had certainly been an interesting one.

"Welcome back", Elijah points out when he sees them.

Sasha gives him a small smile before sitting down on the couch. "Tell us, what is Klaus's curse?", Elena gets straight to the point.

"You know, my family was quite close. But Klaus and my father did not get along well", Elijah starts before making his way next to Sasha and sitting down. Sasha was all ears. "When we became vampires we discovered the truth. Klaus was not my father's son. My mother had been unfaithful many years before. Klaus was from a different bloodline. Of course, when my father found out he hunted down and killed my mother's lover and his entire family". Sasha was appalled at their father's behavior, was this really the man that had raised them? No wonder Klaus was such a psycho. "Not realizing, of course, that he was igniting a war between species that rages until this day".

"Species?", Sasha asked aloud. Elijah gave her a knowing look. "Do you mean the werewolves?". Elijah nodded with a smile. "So you're saying that Klaus's real father was a werewolf? So what does that make Klaus? A werewolf or a vampire?".

"He's both", Elijah simply replies. Sasha slumps down in her seat not believing what she just heard. Elena was still standing up but she was now pacing around the room. "A hybrid would be deadlier than any werewolf or vampire. Nature would not stand for such an imbalance of power. Therefore the witches saw to it, that my brother's werewolf side would become dormant".

"That's the curse he wants to break?", Sasha asked curiously.

"He wants to trigger his werewolf side. If allowed he could sire his own bloodline, build his own race. Endangering not just all vampires, but everyone".

"But you helped him", Elena points out, not believing for a second that Elijah would betray his own brother like that.

"I helped him because I loved him", he explains. "That's changed now. He must die".

"We have the dagger. We can stop him", Elena says excitedly.

"When a werewolf gets hurt by silver, he heals", Sasha says out loud recalling one of the many legend books she read about werewolves when Tyler became one.

"Yes", Elijah looks at her with admiration. "An Original can only be killed by white oak ash on a silver dagger. The dagger does not work on him".

"So what are you saying? Klaus can't be killed?", Elena asks not wanting to have undaggered Elijah for nothing.

"There's one way to kill any supernatural species. At the hands of the witches themselves", Elijah explains to them.

"If they can channel enough power", Sasha once again answers for Elijah.

"But it would kill them", Elena counters not wanting to endanger her best friend.

"The curse must be broken during a full moon when Klaus is in Transition. That's when he'll be at his most vulnerable. A witch with enough power can kill Klaus", Elijah tells them.

Sasha and Elena shared a look, it was now or never. "What if we told you we know a witch that could channel all that power?", Sasha asks him.

"Then I would tell you that there's one more thing you should both know.". Elijah tells them the story of how he had found a way to save Katherine in the sacrifice but Klaus had rejected his plans.

"You found a way to save the doppelganger?", Elena's voice is pure hope.

"Yes, Elena. I did. Unfortunately Katerina took matters into her own hands first". Elijah grabs the girls' jackets for them. But Sasha can't help but notice the bitterness and sadness in his voice.

"You cared for her didn't you?", Sasha asks him.

Elijah leveled Elena with a gaze before looking back at Sasha. "It's a common mistake I'm told. It's one I won't make again.". He leaves before Sasha can comment on his words. She looked back at her sister, feeling for the first time ever a hint of jealousy. Sasha had this deep fear that no one would ever love her like people loved her sister. It was something she tried her hardest to keep locked up inside her because it was her sister, after all, someone who she loved deeply. But Sasha also saw how everyone just naturally gravitated towards Elena and no matter how hard Sasha tried no one ever picked her in the end.


Elena drove them back to the Salvatore boarding house to discuss the new plan with the brothers. Sasha kept on telling herself that everything was going to be ok but when the three of them opened the door it was impossible not to hear the fight starting in the living room. The two girls rush towards the commotion in time to see Stefan and Damon trying to strangle each other.

"Stop", Elena commanded. The two brothers leveled each other with a glare before letting go of one another.

"Now you invited him in?", Damon asks her incredulously.

"We renewed the terms of our deal.", Sasha explains.

"Really?", Damon asks sarcastically.

"The two of you will come to no harm at my hands". Elijah walks forwards in a threatening way. "I only ask for one thing in return".

"What?", Damon asks angrily, clearly not wanting to do any favors for the man in front of him. 

"An apology". Sasha can see the skeptical faces of both brothers, and knowing Damon this was not going to bode well for anyone. 

Stefan is the first to walk forwards. "I'm sorry for the part I played in your death. I was protecting Elena". 

"I understand". Everyone turned to look at Damon and waited for an apology. 

"The sacrifice is going to happen, Damon. Bonnie will be able to kill Klaus without dying and Elijah knows how to save my life", Elena explains to him. "I told you I'd find another way".

"Is that true?", Damon asks in a deceptively calm voice.

"It is", Elijah simply replies. 

"And you're trusting him", Damon asks a bit more forcefully. 

"I am", Elena replies. 

"You can all go to hell". Damon looks at everyone in turn with a death glare, making Sasha cringe when it's her turn. They were all on the same side Damon should be happy they had found a solution to their problem. 

"He's angry with me right now. But he'll come around", Stefan promises Elijah. 

"Perhaps", Elijah replies. Sasha just hoped that he did come around because if they wanted to fight against the oldest vampire in the world they need to stay united. 

S2 Ep 20

They were all sitting around the living room at the Salvatore mansion discussing their plan with Elijah. Well everyone except Damon who refused to acknowledge them since last night. 

"Tonight is the full moon", Elijah explains, "We should assume that Klaus is prepared to break the curse".

"Elena said that the sun and the moon curse is fake?", Stefan asks, just as in shock by the news as the girls were yesterday. "That it's actually just a curse placed on Klaus". 

"Klaus is a vampire born of the werewolf bloodline. The curse has kept his werewolf aspect from manifesting. But if he breaks it he'll be a true hybrid", Elijah explains. 

"Then why are we letting him break the curse?", Damon asks finally joining them all in the living room. "We can kill him today. With Bonnie".

"No", Sasha replies starting to get angry at him. "Bonnie can't use that much power without dying". 

"I'll write her a great eulogy". 

"It's not an option, Damon", Elena says more forcefully than her sister. 

"Alright, how do we break this curse?", Stefan tries to bring the conversation back on track. 

"Well the ritual itself is relatively straightforward. The ingredients, so to speak, you already know.".

"The moonstone", Sasha says out loud. 

"A witch will channel the power of the full moon to release the spell that's bound within the stone. After that, Klaus being both a vampire and a werewolf will sacrifice one of each.", Elijah explains. 

"And where do I fit into it?", Elena asks. 

"The final part of the ritual.", Elijah retrieves the box he brought with him. "Klaus must drink the blood of the doppelganger to the point of your death.". Sasha reaches out for her sister's hand and squeezes it tightly. 

"And that's where you come in", she says a lot more calmly than someone who was possibly about to die. 

Elijah opens the black box and removes a beautiful glass jar that contains an ugly greenish liquid inside. "This is an elixir that I acquired some 500 years ago for Katerina. It possesses mystical properties of resuscitation".

"So I'll be dead...", Elena starts.

"And then you won't", Elijah finishes for her. 

"That's your plan? A magical potion with no expiration date?", Damon asks angrily. Sasha doesn't know how to feel about Elijah's plan yet. It was really risky, especially since no one could say for certain that this elixir would work. But it was the only plan they had. Sasha also felt this weird connection with Elijah. It was like they had been friends for many years and she could trust him. Despite his little tryst, when he kidnapped her, Sasha still felt like she could trust him. "You want to come back to life, what about John's ring?", Damon asks Elena. 

"Those rings only work on humans. The doppelganger's a supernatural occurrence", Elijah explains. "Odds are the ring won't work". 

"I'll take those odds over your elixir", Damon replies haughtily.

"They're the exact same odds Damon", Sasha counters. Damon levels her with a glare. 

"What if it doesn't work Elena?", Damon tries another line of attack. 

"Then I guess I'll just be dead", Elena replies too nonchalant for Sasha's liking. That was not what they had agreed on. 

"Wha-", Damon starts before looking to Stefan and Sasha in turn, in search of some sympathy for his clause. But he didn't find any. Annoyed at everyone, Damon turns around and leaves. 

"Do we know if Klaus has everything he needs to do this tonight?", Elena asks, trying to diffuse the tension in the room. Just because Stefan and Sasha weren't complaining about her decision didn't m mean either of them agreed with it. 

"Klaus has been waiting to break this curse for over a thousand years. If he doesn't already have everything he needs, my guess is that by tonight he will", Elijah replies. 

Stefan gets up to go check on Damon outside, leaving the girls and Elijah in a silent room. Sasha didn't really have anything to say. It was a risky decision on her sister's part. Yes, they might be able to kill Klaus, but with every passing minute, Sasha was rethinking the decision. 

"You'd think he'd understand why I'm doing this", Elena comments out loud. 

"Why are you?", Elijah asks, sensing Sasha's silent conflict. 

"I'm the key to breaking the curse. Klaus is here because of me. If I don't stop him, he's gonna hurt people", Elena looks towards her sister and gives her a small smile. "It's that easy". Sasha smiled back knowing that Elena was doing all this to keep their family safe. 

"You know that there's a possibility this elixir won't work", Elijah confesses to them, but Sasha was already aware of all the risks. 

"I know the chance I'm taking", Elena defiantly replies. 

"Get out!", Jenna's voice interrupts their conversation, followed by the banging of a door. "Get out!". Elena and Sasha make eye contact before getting up and rushing toward the commotion. 

Sasha comes to a grinding halt when she sees Ric standing at the door with Jenna pointing a crossbow at his heart. Sasha's heart starts beating a mile a minute, what was Klaus doing at the mansion? 

"It's me, I swear. He let me go", Ric implores, looking at Elena and Sasha for support. 

"Prove it", Damon stoically says, having arrived with Stefan. 

"Ok, uh, the first night you and I spent together Jeremy walked in right when-".

"Ok. Alright", Jenna interrupts him, face flaming, "It's him". Sasha cringed at the image, poor Jeremy.

"Why did he let you go?", Stefan asks suspiciously. 

"He wanted me to deliver a message. The sacrifice happens tonight". 


Charlotte walks in through the doors of the Grill. Her eyes do an automatic scan of the room looking for that familiar blonde head. Things had been peculiar between her and Matt since Care compelled him. Obviously, Charlotte hated the fact that she was lying to him but Matt was also acting off with her. She couldn't exactly pinpoint what he was doing that was abnormal, it was just this gut feeling she had. 

Finally spotting Matt clearing off a table, Charlotte walks towards him. Putting her arms around his waist she whispers in his ear, "I've missed you". 

Matt jumps up startled and breaks away from her embrace. "God Charlotte you scared me". Matt laughs it off and reaches out for her again. Charlotte lets him kiss her lips, but for a second there she could've sworn that he was genuinely scared of her, just like he was that night. "What are you doing here?".

"I thought we could hang out for a bit", she gave him the brightest of smiles. Maybe if she did that enough all her worries would go away.

"I have lunch break in an hour", Matt replied animatedly. 

"Sure! I have some errands to run so I'll meet you in an hour", Charlotte kisses him before leaving. She's nearly to the door when she realizes she was supposed to ask Matt to come over for dinner with her family. Charlotte turns back around, searching for him once again. But, strangely enough, she spots him sitting down and talking to Sheriff Forbes. It isn't the weirdest scene she has witnessed, especially since vampires and werewolves entered her life, but it was weird. Charlotte could see that they were talking about something important from their intense faces, but it was impossible to get closer without them noticing her. Charlotte turns around and walks out of the Grill. Something was definitely up, her gut was always right, so she texts Sasha before deciding to keep a closer eye on Matt.


"So you don't remember anything that happened?", Stefan asks Ric while he paces around the room. 

"No. It's like I blacked out and work up 3 days later.", Alaric sighs before continuing, "Katherine was there".

"She's under compulsion. Damon snuck her some vervain but she can't leave until Klaus tells her she can". 

"Where is Damon?", Sasha asks the group. It is like she has a radar for him, whenever he isn't in the room Sasha just knows it. 

"I saw him go upstairs", Jenna replies. 

Sasha makes a move to go upstairs to check on him but an arm blocks her path. Sasha looks up with confusion at Elijah. He simply nods his head no and the two of them watch as Elena gets up from her chair and heads upstairs. Sasha slumps against the vacant chair feeling a bit betrayed by Elijah. She should be up there talking to him but instead, she was downstairs feeling this overwhelming sense of fear. Fear that she was losing Damon before she ever even had him. Something that left her conflicted because there were more important things than a boy's attention right now. 

"So what else did I do?", Ric asks scared. 

As Stefan and Jenna recount to Ric what Klaus had done while in his body a commotion sounds from upstairs. When Stefan tenses to listen in Sasha knows something is wrong. Without thinking, Sasha runs after Stefan to Damon's room. Sasha rushes into the room and stops in her tracks when she sees Elena on the floor with blood dripping from her mouth and Stefan fighting with Damon. She drops to the floor to examine her sister with shaky hands. If the blood wasn't for her, that could only mean one other thing. 

"What did you do?", Stefan asks Damon.

"I saved her life", Damon simply replies. "You're so bent on dying at least this way I know you'll come back", this was meant for Elena. Sasha looks at him with tears and disgust in her eyes. How could he strip that choice from her sister? Sasha grabs Elena and pulls her into her arms, maybe if she held her Sasha could fight all the bad things coming for Elena. 

"As a vampire. She'll come back as a vampire", Stefan shouts back. 

"It's better than nothing else". 

"How could you of all people take that chance away from her?". Sasha silently comforted Elena while she let Stefan deal with Damon. 

"No", Elena moaned loudly, looking at Damon with hatred in her eyes. 

"Go ahead, wish me an eternity of misery", Damon tells her. "Believe me, you'll get over it". 

Stefan rushes at Damon and shives him against the wall his inhuman strength. "Stefan", Elena shouts at him to stop. In the blink of an eye, Damon has a massive broken piece of wood shoved against Stefan's throat. "Admit it. You just wished you had the balls to do it yourself", Damon spits in his face. Stefan growls before punching Damon. Sasha flinches at every single punch not standing the violence. Both her and Elena get up to try and stop the fight but Damon falls to the ground. Sasha sighs in relief that the fight is over but Damon turns around and stabs Stefan right in the stomach. Sasha gasps before rushing towards them and shoving Damon away from Stefan. 

"Get out of her!", Sasha screams at him. Wanting a reaction from him, anything from him. 

"What the hell is going on here?", Ric asks as him and Jenna walk into the room. 

"Just get him out of her", Elena tells them while she tries to remove the steak from Stefan. 

Ric tries to grab Damon but he just shoves them off before grabbing Sasha by the arm and pulling her towards him until they are face to face. "Stop putting me on a pedestal", he growls before shoving her to the floor. Sasha tries to contain the tears that gather in her eyes as she looks at Damon exiting the room. When Stefan groans it brings her back to the moment in time to wipe her tears and focus on her friend. 

When Stefan gets his blood Sasha leaves him and Elena to talk, not wanting to butt into their conversation. She walks into one of the corridors and leans against it just trying to breathe or else she'll let her thoughts spiral out of control. Closing her eyes she starts taking deep breaths. 

"Is everything ok?", Elijah's voice startles her. When she meets his eyes she tries to force a smile. But she sees his eyes travel down to her arm. When she looks down Sasha sees that the top of her arm is starting to bruise where Damon grabbed her. Sasha tries to hide her arm but it's too late. Elijah grabs her arm softly. "Did he do this to you?". 

"It was just in the heat of the moment", Sasha stammers knowing that Damon doesn't always behave like this. "He didn't mean it". 

Elijah gives her a pitying smile. "Even if he didn't mean it, you deserve better". Elijah goes against his nature and pulls her into hir arms gently rubbing her back. Sasha is stunned at first but after a few seconds, she lets herself go and lets herself be hugged. Sasha didn't want to admit how much she needed that. 


Charlotte had been anxiously waiting outside the Grill for Matt to come out. Sasha had been MIA all day, but with all this Klaus drama it was to be expected. Charlotte just didn't know if she should just tail Matt and see where he went or confront him about everything. 

She still hadn't made a decision when Matt walked out of the Grill and spotted her. 

"Hey", he smiles tensely before leaning down to kiss her forehead. "Do you want to go be my place?".

Charlotte looked at his blue eyes, the same eyes she had been in love with since she was a kid. She had finally gotten everything she wanted, and she wasn't going to let some lies ruin it. If he wanted to end things then he should say it to her face. "I overheard you with Sheriff Forbes earlier". 

Matt's smile falls from his face, he looks around them nervously before grabbing Charlotte's hand and leading her towards the back entrance of the Grill. "Look, Charlotte, I can explain. I-".

"Why did you lie?!", Charlotte interrupted him, shoving his hand off her.

"Why didn't you tell me in the first place?", Matt shouted back at her. 

"We were trying to protect you. And considering the reaction you had they were right", Charlotte huffed.

The two were breathing heavily just staring at each other. "What does Sheriff Forbes want?", Charlotte asks finally breaking the silence. 

"I don't know. She just asked me to keep an eye on Caroline for her", Matt confesses. 

"She's still the same person. She still loves you and never wanted to hurt you".

"Are you?", Matt shot back, still upset that she lied to him and then tried to tell him to forget about everything. 

Charlotte felt like he had slapped her. "Of course Matt. I never wanted to lie to you. But it wasn't my secret to tell". Charlotte tries to reach for him but Matt just flinches away. "Matt, please. If Sheriff Forbes knows she might try and do something to Caroline. We have to stop her". 

"She's her mom, she wouldn't do anything to Caroline", Matt still wouldn't budge. 

"She's a woman who hates vampires, she might not be thinking clearly". Charlotte tries to get through to him. 

"So what should we do?", Matt asks finally seeing reason. 

"We need to call Sasha and tell her what's happening. In the meantime we need to find Caroline and make sure that she is aware of the situation". Charlotte smiles at Matt feeling like they finally got rid of their issues but when he doesn't smile back she knows that they are far from done. 


Sasha had left the Salvatore house when she got Charlotte's voicemail. She didn't want to panic anyone and so she left without saying a word. Charlotte wasn't picking up the phone now but from her last voicemail, she should be at the Grill with Matt. When Sasha enters the restaurant Charlott is nowhere to be found. She walks closer to the bar since it is on a platform and will have the view of the entire restaurant, but still nothing. "They must have left", Sasha thought to herself before grabbing her phone and shooting her friend another text. 

"You seem lost", a voice interrupts Sasha's thoughts. She turns around only to be met by the most gorgeous man ever. When she cranes her neck to look at his face she sees curly blond hair and beautiful eyes. She tries to not make a complete fool of herself but it's hard when she registers the accent. 

"Uhm- Just looking for a friend", Sasha manages to get out. From the smile he is trying to hide she can only imagine what scene she's making.  Sasha goes back to looking at her phone assuming the conversation is over.

"I could help you if you want", the man adds startling her. 

"Oh- uh", Sasha stammered. The man was probably the most attractive one she had ever seen but she felt a little uncomfortable with his offering. But she shook herself knowing she was just being paranoid after all the recent events that happened to her. "I'm just waiting for my friend to text me, really I am fine". Sasha gave him an assuring smile. 

"Well at least let me buy you a drink love", he replies giving her a smolder that could probably make any woman get undressed immediately. 

Sasha blushes at his obvious advances until his sentence registered. "Love" hit her the wrong way. Where had she heard it before?

Klaus looked down at Sasha, his smile growing by the second, looking at her figuring everything out. She was very smart, he'd give her that. Klaus had used that nickname on her when he was in that creepy history teacher's body but for her to put two and two together was truly impressive. It was worth blowing his cover for her. He didn't exactly know what it was about her, but every time he saw her he had this urge to deviate from his plans to play with Sasha.

Sasha knew precisely where she had heard it before. Taking a step back she looks up at the man, his beauty should've been the first tip-off, after all, all vampires are deathly attractive. "Klaus", Sasha tries to calm her racing heart. She doesn't want to show him how scared she is. She starts looking for a way out when a body blocks her from Klaus. Damon puts his arm around Sasha's waist protectively and Ric stands next to them. They must have been having a drink at the bar and Sasha didn't notice them. Sasha leans into Damon's touch feeling safe again, even though Klaus's watchful eyes left her on edge, it was like he couldn't take his eyes off her. 

"Klaus", Damon says with disgust in his voice. 

"In the flesh", he smirks at Damon but in reality, he's trying to hide his annoyance at the way he touches Sasha. "Thank for the loner mate", this is directed at Ric. 

"Any reason you stopped by to say hi?", Damon asks. Sasha looks in between both men not liking the swirling testosterone fight. 

"I'm told you and your brother fancy my doppelganger", Klaus looks at Sasha trying to gauge her reaction at that. But from the sound of her blood, she was too scared to react to his jab. "Just thought I'd remind you not to try anything you'll regret". 

Damon laughs dryly before tightening his hold around Sasha. "Thanks for the advice. I don't suppose I could talk you into a postponement by any chance, huh?". 

Klaus laughs, shaking his head. "You are kidding. He's kidding right?", he asks Sasha and Alaric. 

"No. Not really", Alaric answers. 

"I mean, what's one month in the grand scheme of things?", Damon asks again. Sasha looks at Klaus expectantly waiting for his answer. But from the look in his eyes, it wasn't good. He leans in closer to Damon and Sasha.

"Let me be clear. I have my vampire. I have my werewolf. I have everything I need. The ritual will happen tonight. So if you want to live to see tomorrow, don't screw it up.". Sasha had to do something, this was her sister. But Damon's hold on her prevented Sasha from going at Klaus. Klaus simply smirked at her and walked away. 

"We have to do something", Sasha exclaimed. 

"You're gonna screw this up aren't you?", Alaric asked Damon. 

"If he doesn't have a werewolf he can't do the ritual", Damon told them.

"What do you need us to do?", Sasha asked not wanting to sit around and do nothing. 


Damon's plan consisted of going to Alaric's apartment where Katherine was being held and asking her for help. Something Sasha wasn't keen on since Katherine wasn't the most trustworthy person, but she trusted that Damon would do everything to save her sister. 

Alaric opens the door to his apartment to a smirking Katherine. "Look whos dumb enough to come back". 

"Well someone had to invite me in", Damon announces. 

"Damon, would you like to come in?", Alaric asks him. Damon makes his way inside the house followed by Sasha. 

"Are you trying to get me killed?", Katherine exclaims before shoving Damon.

Damon uses his vampire speed to pin Katherine to the wall, choking her. Sasha takes a step back at the violence. "I gave you vervain, I'm here to collect. We got it from here Ric".

"Are you sure", Alaric asks Sasha more than Damon. 

Sasha gives him a small nod. "Yeah only one of us needs to get blamed for this", Damon replies. "Get back to the house and stop Elena from handing herself over". 

Katherine shoves Damon off her. "Get blamed for what?", she asks both of them. 

"We need to know where Klaus is keeping his werewolf", Sasha tells her not leaving her spot near the door. 

"Why? What are you planning?", Katherine asks suspiciously, and with what Sasha can only identify as fear. 

"A dead wolf equals no ritual", Damon replies. 

"No. You can't interfere, Damon. Klaus will kill you and everyone you've ever met". Katherine looks at Sasha with pleading eyes, hoping that the girl will put some sense into Damon. But Sasha stays silent. 

"I just need to delay this thing", Damon explains. 

"No. No way". 

"You should like this. It's gonna buy you another month of your pathetic life". 

"Right. Except I'm not the vampire he's planning on sacrificing". 

This gets Sasha moving. "What?".

"Yeah, he's got Caroline Forbes and Tyler Lockwood, therefore, I'm in the clear". The nonchalance that she delivered that was the complete opposite of the absolute panic Sasha was feeling. She looked at Damon praying he knew what to do. 

"And where did he get that idea?", Damon asks angrily. 

"Hey, I'm just trying to stay alive long enough to get myself out of here". Sasha walked towards Katherine feeling an anger she never felt before. How could she have just sacrificed two innocent people for her own life? Sasha didn't know exactly what she was planning on doing but she didn't get a chance to see either way because Damon stopped her. 

"What if I told you Elena had vampire blood in her system?", Damon asked trying to diffuse Sasha's anger. 

"What?", Katherine asked looking at each of them in turn. 

"Imagine how much fun that'll be competing with Elena for Stefan's love for, well, forever", Damon told her. 

"The tomb", Katherine finally concedes. "He's got them in the tomb". 

Damon looked at Sasha but before he even got a chance to say anything she exclaimed, "I'm coming with you don't even think about telling me no". Damon sighed before following after Sasha. 

The two make their way to the tomb. "Don't even think about getting in my way", Damon tells Sasha angrily as they walk through the woods. 

"I just want to save my friends ok?", Sasha argues trying to keep up with his long strides.

Damon shakes his head. "If you get hurt I'm not saving you".

"Which one are you trying to save?", a voice interrupts them from behind Sasha. They stop dead in their tracks looking back to see a man with a buzz cut. "The blond or the wolf? Did you really think Klaus would leave them unprotected?". 

Damon takes a slight step forward putting himself between Sasha and the man. "Wishful thinking", he shrugs. Damon speeds up to the man, knocking him to the floor, he starts choking him but he is no match to the witch who makes him fly through the air. 

"Damon!", Sasha shouts before running towards him. The witch uses his powers to keep Damon down. Sasha can't stand his groans of pain and knows she has to do something. She rushes at the man but he easily grabs her by the hair and throws her to the floor. 

"Stay down", Damon says in between screams, not wanting her to get hurt. Shots suddenly fill the air and the man goes still before falling to the ground bleeding. Sasha looks up to see Charlotte holding a shotgun with a very stunned Matt behind her. 

"Are you insane?", Matt screams at her.

"No, just a better shot than you", she hits back before shoving the gun at his chest and rushing towards Sasha. "Are you ok?", she asks worriedly. 

Sasha looks at her a bit stunned before throwing herself at Charlotte. "Oh my god! You could've gotten killed! That was so cool! But so dangerous!", Sasha exclaims not knowing if she should laugh or cry, she was probably doing a bit of both. 

"What are you doing here?", Damon asks panting, having recovered from the spell. He is looking suspiciously at Matt. 

"Where are they?", Matt replies. 

"Listen, man, not a good time to play hero", Damon tells him, also looking at Charlotte. 

Matt reloads the gun and holds it up to Damon, "Where are they? What have you done to them?".

"Matt!", Sasha shouts before getting up, "Put the gun down". 

"I'm just here to rescue her, ok?", Damon puts his hands in the air and starts walking slowly towards Matt, using his vampire speed he grabs the gun and hits Matt in the head with it before anyone has time to process what happened. 

"Damon!", Sasha exclaims.

"Matt!", Charlotte shouts before rushing over to him on the floor. She places his head gently on her lap, "What the hell is your problem?", asks Damon angrily. 

"You're lucky he's friends with her", Damon nods at Sasha, "Or you would already be dead". Damon unloads the gun and crouches down to examine the bullets. "Wooden", he murmurs. "He knows?", Damon asks angrily turning to the girls. When both of them stay quiet he simply throws the gun on the floor, "We'll talk about this later". 

"I'm going to save Caroline and Tyler", Sasha tells Charlotte. 

"It's ok, go. I'll stay here with him", Charlotte assures her while brushing Matt's head, and checking on his wound. 

Sasha goes after Damon into the tomb. The tomb gives her the creeps, remaining her of the last time she was inside it. The two make it to the end where they see Caroline and Tyler chained to the wall. 

"Sasha? Damon?", Caroline asks. Sasha goes to Tyler hugging him as hard as she could and despite his chains, Tyler pulled her into him too. 

Damon crouches down beside her removing her chains. "C'mon, let's get you out of here". Damon helps Caroline get up and Sasha waits for him to release Tyler. But when he starts walking away with Caroline Sasha throws a pebble, the closest thing she could find at his head. 

"No! We are not leaving without Tyler!". Sasha and Damon have a war with their eyes, but eventually, Damon relents.

"It's getting dark soon. How fast can you get away from here?", Damon asks.

"I need to get to my family's cellar", Tyler tells him. "I can lock myself up". 

"I'll help him", Caroline adds. Sasha gives Caroline a smile of gratitude. 

Damon lowers himself so they're at eye level. "Don't make me regret this", he says before using his strength to remove the chains. 

The five of them walk back up toward the ground where Charlotte is helping Matt get up. To Sasha's dismay, it is already a lot darker. They needed to get Tyler locked away fast. 

"Did you hit him?", Caroline exclaims looking at the bruise already forming on Matt's head. 

"He had a gun with wooden bullets", Damon replies with what he thinks is an excuse. 

Suddenly Tyler falls to the ground groaning. Sasha rushes to him with concern, "Tyler?". 

He gently pushes her away from him. "It's starting". 

"Argh. Grab boy wonder here and let's go", Damon states. Sasha follows after him while Caroline and Charlotte help Matt walk. 

"What's happened? Is he ok?", Matt asks worriedly. Tyler isn't looking good. 

"He better not wolf out on us", Damon warns Sasha, before getting a phone call. When Damon stops walking alongside them Sasha goes to check on him. But from his face, Sasha's worst fears are coming true. 

"No", Sasha whispers. Klaus had Elena. 

"Sasha", Damon starts reaching for her but Tyler falls to the ground moaning. You can hear his bones cracking in the silence of the forest.

"Tyler", Matt exclaims. The scene is disturbing, you can see the bones breaking and re-shaping themselves under his skin. Sasha thinks she's going to be sick. 

"I don't know if I can hold it off much longer. Get out of here", Tyler shouts at them. 

"Tyler it will be ok", Sasha says in a shakey voice getting closer to him. 

"Go!", he screams back at her. 

"We've got time. We're almost there", Caroline adds trying to calm him down.

"It's been happening faster.".

"It will be ok", Sasha takes a step closer to him but Tyler's eyes go yellow and he lunges at her. 

"Sasha!", Charlotte screams in fear.

Sasha tries moving backward but before Tyler can hurt her Damon throws himself between the two, letting Tyler crash into him. 

"No!", Sasha screams, seeing Tyler try and bite Damon. Caroline restrains her from running to Damon. He uses his strength to throw Tyler off of him. Sasha runs to him when Caroline lets go of her. "Damon?".

"I'm fine", he tells her angrily. 

"Get out of here!", Tyler shouts in fear. 

"Get to the Lockwood cellar. If it held him in, it'll keep him out", Damon informs them. "If it doesn't use these. It will buy you a couple of seconds.". He gives Charlotte the wooden bullets from Matt's shotgun. Sasha tried not to think about shooting her best friend. "You're coming with me", Damon tells Sasha. 

Sasha nods before looking at Charlotte. "Please be safe". Charlotte nodded at her friend. 

"Go!", Damon shouts making the three of them run toward the cellar. He turns to Sasha and reaches out his hand. "Hold on tight". Sasha grabbed his hand and he pulled her into him before using his vampire speed to run out of those woods. 

Damon drops Sasha with Stefan before rushing out again. "Wait!", Sasha exclaims before he can rush out. "Where are you going?".

"I'm going to fix this", Damon tells her before leaving.

"Please be careful", Sasha whispers to the wind before turning around and joining Stefan. 


Charlotte, Caroline, and Matt are running through the woods so fast that the branches are leaving scratches all over their bodies. 

"C'mon. Down here", Caroline tells them when they reach the cellar doors. They run down the stairs and close the door just in time to hear an inhuman growl. 

Matt looks at the rotten wooden door. "Is that gonna hold?".

"No", Caroline replies before running farther into the cellar and closing another door behind them. "Help me with the gate!". Charlotte and Matt rush after her, helping Caroline close the gate to the cage. They can hear the growling and Tyler destroying all the other doors. Charlotte can't stop the shaking in her hands. All of a sudden a massive wolf with vivid yellow eyes enters the room. 

"Tyler? It's me Caroline". But Tyler only growls back more viciously. "Tyler?". 

But Tyler lunges at them 


chapter word count: 94000


Sorry for the SUPER late update. I haven't been up to writing and then I went back home for a few days and moved countries again. I just started a new job in Denmark which I'm super excited about. But here is the new update and with this chapter, there is just one last one before the end of season 2. I hope to write that one before the new year's but we'll see how much I procrastinate until then. I'm also working on the trailer for season 3 that I'll post on my tiktok. 

This chapter was quite long but I feel like it was shit. Because I kept stopping and starting I lost all train of thought and I feel like it's not the most cohesive chapter, and I'm sorry for that. I absolutely love writing every interaction between Klaus and Sasha. I have such big ideas for those two. And the relationship between Elijah and Sasha is definitely one of my favorites. I am scared for the next chapter because you know what happens in these last two episodes. Thank you so much for reading.

See you guys next chapter. <3

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