Illicit Love

By SecretWriter2022xx

1.8K 80 3

♡︎♡︎ How can love be so easy for some and not for others? Can you meet someone who truly feels like 'The One... More

Authors note
Seventeen - wedding
Thirty one


32 1 0
By SecretWriter2022xx

Theo Pov

It's been 12 hours since Amelia was kidnapped and I feel like my heart has been ripped out of my chest, within half an hour we had taken over the floors above Caramella Queens with men from my firm along with men from the mafia.

I watch everyone either on the phone or tapping away on computers and laptops, you name it they've got it set up but I can't understand anything that's being said as everything sound muffled as though my head is under water. A frown appears on my face as I know I should be hearing voices of everyone talking either to each other or on a call, nor can I hear the clicking on the keyboard'.

I begin pacing around giving my head a shake hoping to clear it.


What if I don't get to see her again?


After all the shit I caused and when I finally gave her she gets taken from me!

"THEO" multiple voices yell making my head jerk

"What?" I growl glaring at them before I realise "have you found her?" I question them hopefully.

"No son, they haven't! Why don't you go lay down because you weren't reacting to us for a while there" Dad offers with worry clear on his face.

"Fuck no! I need to find her"

"Theo you ain't any help when you're just pacing and spacing out" Kai comments shaking his head sadly.

"I'm fine" I snap before walking over to the table where the computers are "anything?"

"Not yet sir" A nervous voice says making me clench in anger

"Well fucking find something" I yell making a few of them to jump, I'm not proud of scaring my staff but my woman and babies are my main concern. "She can't have disappeared off the face of the earth"

How could I have let her be taken

"Fuck this" I grunt walking out the door ignoring calls behind me as I rush up the stairs to the girls old apartment opening the door I ignore our moms with their hopeful eyes, going into Amelia's bedroom.

I begin searching her room, for what? I'm unsure but hope to find something to help me find her.

Hunting through everything drawer after drawer, box after but until I have one left. Opening the lid my hands begin to shake as my breathing quickens the feeling of raw pain takes over making me drop to my knees box in hand.

The first thing I see is a picture of a young version of myself holding a baby Amelia in my arms, I let out a hoarse chuckle at the look on my face. I had a huge smile on my face gazing down at a baby Amelia with as much happiness and love a child can have.

Putting the picture down I find more picture of the two of us over the years and each one it's clear to see the love between us that I didn't know existed of course once she hit 18 the innocent love changed to something much deeper and it's obvious.

I guess that's why our families weren't surprised instead it was myself and Amelia who was making it forbidden.

I find all letters and printed out emails I sent her over the years making my heart clench realising how much they obviously meant to her.

Hey spitfire,
I miss you so fucking much, call me mushy or whatever you want but I don't give two shits. I miss you and I'm not ashamed to admit that.

It's crazy how much can change in such a short period of time and how sudden it can happen. The moment I saw you at the school that day I was a goner, no matter how much I tried nothing seem to work as my heart had already decided and that was that it loved you, I love you Amelia Romano, always.


Feeling something wet hit my hand I look down only the realising it was a tear.

"We are going to get her back" I hear Gio say from behind me.

"How could this happen?" I say voice cracking looking up at him "I need her Gio, I can't live without her. All these years of us wanting each other but something always got in the way mostly my own stupidity. I won't be able to live without her"

"You're not going to, my sister is one of the strongest women I know. She will fight to make sure she and the boys get home to us, everyone is doing everything they can to find her"

"It's only been hours and I'm breaking man" I tell him honestly "my heart feels like it's been ripped out my chest"

"So does mine, but to make sure we get her back we have to block everything out. We need to work together to find her and the fucker who took her" he growls before looking down at the most recent photo of us "use the love you two have to keep you going man," he says patting my back.

Wiping my face and giving my head a shake "You're right" I tell him "Lets go find my wife"

Amelia Pov

24 hours after being taken.


Life is like a rollercoaster so many ups and downs. When something good happens you feel on top of the world and the luckiest person on earth but when bad things happens, no matter how big or small you can't help but ask yourself...

why me?

What did I do to deserve this?

Is this some sort of karma?

But in reality it doesn't work that way because it's usually bad things happen to the good while the bad are living there best lives, also sometimes things can happen purely because of who you associate yourself with or due to a relation to someone and also sometimes you can be in the wrong place at the wrong time and vice versa!

The point being is NO ONE can predict or stop certain events however it's your reaction to it that will shape the rest of your life, nothing worth living comes easy and that is why I need to decide how to react right in this moment, I have two choices to live or to die and I choose the former.

Instead of going crazy like I did as soon as I woke in this dark cold room, I try to look around to find anything that may help me. I need to keep my anger in check because that will only make things worse, I don't know who has taken me or why and I don't know if they know what I can do so for now I will pretend I can't do anything.

The most important thing is keeping my boys safe so we can all go back home to our family.

If that means I need to play this psychos game then so be it.

I sit up straighter when I hear the door being unlocked but keep my head down.

"Good you're awake" the person says in a robotic voice making me look up to see he has a mask over his face. He has a tray in his hand with food "eat"

I give him a dubious look making him chuckle "I can assure you nothing is wrong with the food, you are quiet compared to how I heard you were yesterday"

"How can I take your word? I'm in hear chained to something, I was kidnapped and I have no idea why" I say meekly "I want to live, I know me acting crazy won't help me accomplish that"

"You are right to think that" he says crouching to my level "but I don't harm women or children, I am just here to make sure you're healthy. I know you are pregnant and I want to make sure it stays that way"

My stomach lets out a rumbling sound making it clear how hungry I am. He lifts the bottle of water stepping back lifting his mask making sure I don't see any features and takes a drink then does the same with the food. "See nothing wrong with it"

"Thank you" I mutter as I slowly eat but keep an eye on the person "why am I here?"

"That I cannot answer" he says with a shrug

So he isn't the person in charge, I try to sneakily look around as I slowly eat the bowl of...god knows what it is but he catches me. "No point" he mutters shaking his head "you won't get yourself out" he chuckles with the creepy robot voice changer.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Someone growls before storming into the room "they won't be happy you chatting away with their prisoner" he sneers using another voice changer I couldn't tell if they were wearing a mask as they kept in the shadows.

"They told me to feed her so I am" guy number 1 said before walking towards gut number 2.

They begin to whisper back and forth making me only pick up a few 'he, she, they, Romano, wrong, worry, alive' which doesn't really help at all.

"Finishes?" Second guy mocks making me glare at him before quickie dropping it.

"When can I be told what you want and why I'm here" I ask but just as predicted none of them speak before they walk out together.


Think Amelia think, who could it be?

My stalker maybe?

An enemy of my family?

I strain my eyes and ears for anything that could identify where I am or who has taken me.

What is it they want?

Not even a minute later a crackly voice comes through the speakers "the time has come" it's starts as the door opens and someone unlocks the chains from me.

I watch as they walk back out without uttering a word. "In a minute or so the door to your room will buzz indicating it's open, you will then hear the countdown once it hits zero we will seek you out. If found then you will die, if you can make it for 12 hours without being caught then you win. Let the games begin" they say with a scary laugh.

Who the hell are these psychos

"Mommy loves you both so much, I will do everything I can to make sure we get back to daddy safely." I mutter rubbing my bump as the door buzzes making me jump up and dash to the door.

Lets do this Amelia'I think to myself with a determined nod as I make my way through the door keeping ab eye out for anything that could possibly help me.

I'm startled as screams break out around me before a gunshot rings through.


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