Illicit Love

By SecretWriter2022xx

1.9K 81 3

♡︎♡︎ How can love be so easy for some and not for others? Can you meet someone who truly feels like 'The One... More

Authors note
Seventeen - wedding
Thirty one


44 2 0
By SecretWriter2022xx

Don't you just love when you have a day off and do nothing but relax or even a quiet day at the spa getting pampered.

I do, I love those peaceful days *sigh*

But today is most definitely not one of those days Instead I am pissed really fucking pissed!

I have been feeling better recently, I've been following Dr Carrs orders taking it easy and eating as much as I possible can to try get my weight up and I have actually been feeling so much better and I am now 20 weeks 6 days pregnant. I had my scan 2 days ago and thankfully the babies are doing great and he is happy with my progress, my mom & Cara found out the genders but I decided against it because it felt wrong since I've still spoken with Theo.

Luciano said I don't need to worry about it right now but I still feel guilty, to be honest I'm surprised because he was against me now telling Theo straight away but he quickly changed his tune.


But then one thing ruined that because now I'm just so fucking angry.

Yesterday I received a call that there was issues at Caramella Queens back in New York that's required our immediate attention, meaning myself & Cara had to fly back last night.

Now we are sitting in our apartment with our dads, my older brother, Vincenzo, Kai, James and a couple of guards.

What's going on you ask?

Well to start with someone tried to break into CQs but the guards that still stay in the apartment right above the shop managed to stop it though the person or persons got away.

Then we found out that there has been fighting amongst some employees and don't mean just verbally, actual physical fighting and it happened in front of customers.

"There is something else" Luciano says with a look of fury in his eyes making me groan.

"Principessa" dad says softly with a look of worry mixed with anger

"Yes?" I ask confused but also worried by the look in all their faces, I turn to carry only to see her looking confused also.

"There has been some things getting sent downstairs" dad says through a clenched jaw

"What do you mean?" Cara questions

"Flowers, chocolates" he says before looking back at me "an notes"

"Notes?" Me & Cara ask in unison.

Before he has a chance to answer the door opens and in walks Theo, shocking me.

Everyone gets up to greet him but me, I can't move, my mind has went blank.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Kai asks with a chuckle giving her brother a hug.

Luciano goes over to greet him, giving him a man hug before punching him in the stomach making me gasp as everyone looks at him in shock.

"I deserved that" Theo croaks

"And this" dad says before giving him a hard slap to the jaw "you are lucky that you are you" dad mutters patting him on the back smirking.

Chase looks between the three of them with a from "What the fuck is going on."

Theo ignores him and everyone else as he walks towards me.

My eyes fill with tears because my hormones are a bitch and I feel nervous because he is about to get the shock of his life.

"Hey spitfire" he whispers as he kneels down beside me.

"H-hi" I croak "w-what a-are y-you d-doing here?" I stutter looking anywhere but his eyes because I'm about to break

I watch as a soft smile appears on his face making me frown but that quickly falls when I feel his hand go under my hoodie spreading it over my small bump.

I gasp and look at him shocked as the tears fall faster, he lets out a noise between laugh and a cry as one of the babies kick against his hand.

"My family" he says shakily making me look at him confused

"I'm sorry" I cry which causes him to take me in his arms.

"Shh baby it's ok"

"" I can't get my words out properly. "Your baby"

"Calm down spitfire it's ok" he coos "I'm not married baby and Tiffany's baby isn't mines" he whispers so only I can hear.

"What?" I ask shocked

"I love you Amelia so fucking much! I fucked up so many times over the years but I'm praying to god that you will find it in your heart to give me another chance to deserve your love and let us be a family" he says loud enough that everyone heard him, I see that truth in his words and give him a nod making a smile break out on his face.

Grabbing the back of my head he pulls me forward attaching our lips in a soft innocent kiss.

"Hold the fuck up" Lorenzo says "someone want to tell me what the fuck is going on"

"Yeah what he said, is Tiffany having twins?" Kai asks making me frown then smile as Theo kisses my head.

"Well fuckers, you're going to be uncles in 4 months time" Luciano says nonchalantly making me gasp

"For fuck fake" Luca groans shaking his head

"What? They were going to hear it anyway"

"Yes from them" Cara snaps glaring at him making him smirk.

"Wait what?" Lorenzo asks

"Huh?" Vincenzo uttered confused

"I'm not married to Tiffany, Luciano, dad and Luca helped me out with that. I kept around her as I was planning on waiting until the baby was born but I couldn't take it. A month ago I got a call with results that I wasn't the father, hours after that call I got a call from Luciano" Theo explains making me glare at my oldest brother

I look around seeing the guards have left so it's only family here, I stand up facing them and lift up my hoodie just enough to show my bump "surprise" I say blushing as dad, Luciano and Cara snort laughing as Theo chuckles softly beside me.

"What?" The others say still confused as chases eyes widen and a smile appears on his face

"Stupid idiots" Cara huffs "Amelia's stuffed with your nephews"

"Nephews?" We all say shocked but for different reasons.

"Ooops" Cara mutters embarrassed as a smile appears on my face with tears falling once again.

"We're having boys?" Theo asks hoarsely making me look at him. "You're having my sons" he smiles as a single tears rolls down his face.

"I'm having your sons, our sons" I giggle happily wiping his face as he puts his hand on small bump.



"You're pregnant?"

"I'm going to be an uncle...wait did you say boys?" Vincenzo says happily.

"Noooooooo" Kai yells making us all look at him in shock "I was meant to make her fall in love with me instead of that ugly fucker" he says with a fake cry making everyone but me cara and Theo laugh as the three of us sigh.

"Fuck you"  Theo groans shaking his head.

"When did this happen?"
"When did this start?"
"Why aren't you three shocked"
"So your pregnant"

"For fuck sake Idioti" dad groans shaking his head "yes Amelia is pregnant, Luciano & Cara found out at the hospital the same time Principessa found out, then later that day Alessia & I found out. Luciano called Theo and told him at the same time Amelia was telling us"

"Why didnt anyone else know"

I let out a gasp and a giggle making everyone look at me.


"Their not going to be cinders" I say laughing before the tears start.

"Oh fuck"
"Aww man"
"No Principessa" I hear Cara, my dad and Luciano all say at the same time with a sigh.

"I can't help it" I let out a sob as the others looks at me in shock.

"What's wrong spitfire?" Theo asks lifting my chin to make me look at him.

I sniffle "I thought Tiffany was going to be their stepmom and and because she is a bitch and hates me she would've treated them like Cinderella. My poor babies" I cry

"That's not going to happen baby" he says softly though I can tell he is trying not to laugh.

"Bastardo don't you laugh at me, it could've happened and I would've been a single mom and no one would love me and I would be alone forever and and that puttana would've treated my babies like cinders and then I would have to kill her and then then then" I snap before a wail erupts from me and he just smiles softly

"What's wrong with her?"

"Hormones" I hear multiple voices chuckle but I continue my rant.

"you did this to me you you fucker,why won't it stop" I cry as I continue to wipe the never ending tears "I missed you"

Theo chuckles softly wrapping his arms around me "I missed you too baby and I love you so much, you and our boys. I'm sorry for causing your worry baby but our boys won't be cinders" he says with a snort making me glare at him "sorry"

"I love you too" I say smiling tears finally stopping. "Damn I'm hungry" I mumble before pulling away and walking to the kitchen.

Theo POV

I watch her walking towards the kitchen with a proud smile on my face.

"What the fuck just happened?" Vincenzo mutters looking disturbed

"Now it makes sense why she has been so crazy the last couple months" Lorenzo chuckles

"Congratulations son" dad says walking towards me shaking my hand with a wide smile.

"Thank you"

"You got my fucking sister pregnant" Giovanni grunts "you're lucky I don't shoot your ass"

"Now now son" Luca says with an amused chuckle.

"If you will all excuse me, I need to go seem my future wife" I say with a smirk making Luca and Luciano chuckle.

As she comes into view I feel my heart explode with love and happiness.

"So you're boys huh? Guess it should've been obvious with how crazy you make me act, oh god you guys are going to be mini Theo's" she gasps looking down rubbing and talking to her stomach making me smile "oh no no I've got enough with one Theo I'm not having three. Well actually I will make a deal with you both, you can be like your daddy just don't get his idiot asshole side" she says proudly before going back to her plate of food.

"Idiot asshole side?" I chuckle walking closer to her even though I feel nervous because we haven't had a proper talk but I want to be closer to her.

She looks at me with an innocent smile before swallowing her food to answer me "well yeah, the side that hurt me" she mutters with a shrug before her eyes widen and she realises the last bit was also say out loud.

"I'm so sorry Amelia so fucking sorry" I tell her looking into her eyes so she can see how honest my words are "I love you so much and I promise I will make it up to you. I will show you every chance I get to show you how much you mean to me, I should've broke things off with her as soon as you can back but I didn't want to force you to live a life if not knowing if I'm coming back him from missions. By the time I realised it was your choice to make and now mines I had it all planned out I was leaving as soon as I ending it with her however she told me she was pregnant"  I say truthfully as I wrap my arms around her with her back again my from and my hand on her small bump.

I feel her relax in my arms and sigh happily letting me know that even if it's a small she does does have feelings for me.

"When I left after that shitshow I hadn't seen Tiffany again until 2 months ago after she kept contacting me about problems with marriage certificate and I went to a drs appointment because I wanted the dna test I didn't see her again until a month ago when I ended it all telling her I knew everything and that and also told her we were never legally married. I haven't kissed her lips since the wedding ceremony and I've not had sex with her since 3 months before that." I tell her making her look at me in shock

"What? How?" She asks shocked

"I couldn't do it, I love you so fucking much Amelia. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, growing our own little family, I've loved you for years but I was too fucking immature to grip onto it straight away and never let go back then but if you will have me, I will everyday showing you what you mean to me" I say turning her body around to face me.

I pull her even closer as we both watch each other and honestly couldn't tell you who made the first moves but next thing I know our lips are attached.

"Boy I didn't shoot you before but if you are feeling my daughter up in there I will fucking shoot you" Luca shouts through making a smile appear on my face as we slowly pull apart.

"I'm not" I yell

"Pffft better not be" he grumbles making Amelia giggle as she smiles up to me.

Before I realise it the words escape my mouth "Will you marry me" making both our eyes widen in shock

"Yes" "no" we answer in unison a frown appearing on both our faces

"No?" "Yes?" Again speaking at the same time. "What?" We ask confused making up laugh but then I see the hurt in her eyes.


"No I do want to marry you I just wasn't ready to ask now I" I start which causes her to pull away

"It's fine Theo" she says letting out a fake laugh.

"Fuck no no wait" I start nervously before pulling away

She looks away but not before I notice her watery eyes

I quickly pull the box out of my pocket and go down on one knee.

"Baby please look at me" I plead making her sigh softly.

When she does her eyes widen then shakes her head ready to speak but I won't let her.

"Amelia I'm a fucking idiot, you bring out the mumbling idiot out of me. What I meant to by No was because I wasn't down on one knee or even have the ring in my hand but I meant every word of that question so, Amelia Valentina Romano, my spitfire, will you please make me the happiest man in the world by spending the rest of your life with me by your side. Baby will you marry me?" I ramble on nervously

"No" she says straight faced before a huge smile breaks out and tears fall "yes yes yes"

Letting out a breathe I didn't know I was holding I slide her ring on before attacking her with my lips making her gasp.

"That was evil" I mutter against her lips making her smile

"Just had to get you back" she whisper as we pull away

"You're finally going to be mines" I say with a shaky chuckle as my eyes water.

Her face softens smiling her amazing smile "I was yours from the start" she says kissing my lips softly.

"Babies and engagement? Shit you move fast" Lorenzo snorts making everyone chuckle.

"Congratulations guys" Cara squeals wrapping her arms around us both.

"Thanks sis" I mutter kissing her on her head.

"Oh my god"
"Our babies are marrying" I hear our moms squeal making me look around only to see dad and Luca on FaceTime to their wives.

"And having babies" Kai says with a laugh.

Alessia giggles as my mom yells "what?"

"We are having twin boys" I say proudly wrapping my arms around my fiancée.

Wow how things change

"I knew I knew" mom screams in excitement "two little Romano-Miller's awwww so cute"

"Hey we are officially going to be sisters" Cara laughs pulling her best friend out of my arms and into hers.


I  walk out of the bedroom leaving Amelia to have a nap heading towards everyone else.

"Wait I forgot because of all the excitement earlier but what notes were you talking about" Cara asks.

"More like some sick twisted fucking love letters" Lorenzo growls making me frown.

"What?" I ask with narrowed eyes. "What are you guys talking about"

"Fuck" Luciano mutters rubbing his face before looking at me "Amelia has a stalker" he said straight faced

I snort "fuck off, good joke man" I say with a fake laugh rolling my eyes.

Though I feel it in my gut and heart also know Luciano enough to know he would never joke about that. But it seems it's a defence mechanism.

I feel rage take over my body "stop fucking looking at me like that" I growl clenching my fists.

Letting out a sad sigh Luciano stands up passing me some papers "we won't let nothing happen to her" he says determinedly.

I grab them with shaky hands looking over at every to see they all look worried and scared which isn't a usual look for any of these men. Cara however is teary eyed a mixture of scared and confused.

Looking down I begin to read.

My Darling,
How I have missed you all this time,
From the moment I saw you 10 years ago I knew you were mines
I know you felt it too, when you smiled at me I saw the love you felt for me.
We will be together soon my love
Your mate

My love,
You are my everything,
I waited & waited until you were 18 for you to be mines only to find out that you were leaving I was so hurt and so angry with you. So I done some things I'm not proud of I replace you, but then you came back for me.
I was elated that you came back for me my love
Your mate

My love,
I saw you today, you looked perfect.
Such a beauty, I watched how you turned heads but you weren't even aware.
I saw how you helped a homeless girl, you are so selfless.
You sent that smile full of love my way but don't worry I knew it wasn't time for us yet so I kept our secret
Your mate

My love,
I knew you were my mate from the minute I lay eyes on you.
A gift from the goddess herself
I can't wait until I mark you as mines and we mate sealing our bond.
I can just imagine you clenching tightly around me begging me to take you harder.
Not long now my love
Your mate

My love,
Why are you holding hands with another man?
I was angry at first but then I realised he must be a cousin or a friend.
You wouldn't do that to me live would you?
What am I thinking of course you wouldn't, you love me too much.
I love you so much
Your mate

My love,
I haven't seen you around, where are you?
I hope you haven't left me again because I will be very hurt and angry.
I don't want the beast to come out my love
So please don't anger him.
Your mate

My love,
I am so proud of you, you have done so much and now opening another shop.
Don't worry I will wait for you,
Well as long as you don't take too long in Atlanta my love.
I love our games of hide & seek
Your mate

My love,
Someone told me something strange today, I don't know how to feel about it.
Is it true you are in love you someone else?
No of course not what am I thinking?
They are just jealous of us and our bond.
Your mate

My love,
I'm getting tired of waiting
I don't think I can hold back much longer
Will you be angry with me?
I just want to kiss you and hold you but most of all fuck you.
But don't worry I know we won't do that until we are married but goddess the thought of it takes over my dreams.
Your mate

"FUCK" I yell throwing the paper on the table storming back into her room.

3457 words before A/N

Wow I wasn't expecting that!

What do you think?

Aww twin boys and an engagement

Remember to vote

Until next time ✌🏼

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