Seraphim Princess

By DeltaLamdat

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After dying in her previous life Melissa Wargrave is chosen by Solomon as a "King Candidate" and reincarnated... More

Chapter One - Daughter of Gabriel
Chapter Two - King Candidate
Chapter Three - Laziness Interrupted
Chapter Four - Confrontation of Geniuses
Chapter Five - Parent in the Shadows
Chapter Six - Sparring Show
Chapter Seven - One Eyed King
Chapter Eight - Cliche Thugs?
Chapter Nine - Sis Cross Kiss
Chapter Ten - It's Always The Church
Chapter 11 - Church Battle
Chapter 12 - Reginleif Stands!
Chapter 13 - Sleeping Avalon
Chapter 14 - Cadre Princess
Chapter 15 - Mysterious Plan
Chapter 16 - Kamilaphobia
Chapter 17 - Kidnapping Angel
Chapter 18 - Invasion of the Cadre Princess
Chapter 19 - Unfinished Battle
Chapter 20 - Waking Avalon
Chapter 22 - Engagement and Misfortune
Chapter 23 - Mission Start
Chapter 24 - Confrontation with Strays
Chapter 25 - Insurmountable Odds
Chapter 26 - Dark Souls PvP?
Chapter 27 - Unfortunate Anticlimax?
Chapter 28 - Resolution of Strays
Chapter 29 - Unneeded Apology
Chapter 30 - Drive of Misfortune
Chapter 31 - Calm Before Storm
Chapter 32 - Devolos Academy
Chapter 33 - Envy Tinge
Chapter 34 - Cherry Blossom Teacher
Chapter 35 - Castle Game
Chapter 36 - Alliances and Boldness
Chapter 37 - Extras Begone!
Chapter 38 - Prepared Pressure
Chapter 39 - Za Warudo
Chapter 40 - Serpent's Fear
Chapter 41 - Successor Flame
Chapter 42 - Logic vs Instinct
Chapter 43 - Battle Aftermath
Chapter 44 - Pouting Times
Chapter 45 - Delusional Romance?
Chapter 46 - Stalkerish Misunderstanding
Chapter 47 - Vampire Hunt
Chapter 48 - Angelic Intervention
Chapter 49 - Forbidden Lust
Chapter 50 - Next Path
Chapter 51 - Devil Contract
Chapter 52 - Succubus or Na?
Chapter 53 - Evil Spirit Madness
Chapter 54 - Praise Tosca
Chapter 55 - Vampire Talks
Chapter 56 - Chuunibyou Saint?
Chapter 57 - Test of Aunt
Chapter 58 - Motivated Now
Chapter 59 - Strategic Retreat
Chapter 60 - Stalling All Father
Chapter 61 - A New Weapon
Chapter 62 - Conflict of Pride
Chapter 63 - Escalation of Conflict
Chapter 64 - New Training
Chapter 65 - Hunting Angel
Chapter 66 - Defeat of Angel

Chapter 21 - Two Months Later

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By DeltaLamdat

Cebrail and Puriel both stood in a small field of grass from a window nearby Gabriel was watching calmly with Adriel by her side.

Cebrail held a saber made of pure yellow light power while Puriel held a large spiked club.

"HAHAHAHA! Today will be the day Princess! The day that I beat the sh*t out of you!"

"You say that every time you bust a hole in my wall."

"Well, this time it's true!"


Puriel charges Cebrail, her club raised high in the air recklessly. She was far faster than the first time the two had fought and when their weapons clashed a small shockwave could be felt by both Tosca and Reginleif who were sitting nearby doing their own training.

Tosca after becoming Cebrail's Jack swore her loyalty to the Angel Princess for saving her and giving her a place to stay when she had no where else to go. She'd been training in using swords but adamantly refuses to use any holy weapons no matter how weak or strong. Cebrail of course didn't particularly care at all as long as she got stronger, she claimed "Miyamoto Musashi" didn't need anything like cursed swords or special magic so Tosca would be fine. Though comparing a little girl to a renowned genius of sword play was a little much for the poor girl.

Unfortunately Tosca wasn't exactly making exemplary progress, it seemed that she had no real talent for the sword. Cebrail brushed that off too saying it was whatever and that 'talent could be made' which confused the small girl greatly.

At the very least after two whole months spent in heaven she found herself regaining her childish baby fat. She looked a great deal better but her hair hadn't properly returned to its original color, a constant symbol of what the poor girl was forced to go through.

Reginleif on the other hand should have gone back home however Odin had quite literally locked her out of Asgard claiming she still had more to learn before coming back. He even gave her another task, watching over Cebrail's growth and making sure she doesn't accidentally start any wars.

Now Reginleif was training her rune magic in heaven with the pair of gloves Anna had given her for completing her request. She was getting along well enough on her own but without a proper teacher she could only go so far, and of course with the magic being so specific to the Norse faction not just anyone could teach it to her.

Cebrail and Puriel stepped back from each other in their clash before clashing once again producing a bigger shockwave and sparkles of light as their light power clashed.

"You're faltering Princess!" Puriel added more strength to her club forcing Cebrail back savagely.

As Cebrail recovered she suddenly put a hand over her mouth and coughed lightly. The color of her saber of light quickly shifted from yellow to silver like the moonlight.

"You've gotten much better at controlling your magic power Princess, but isn't it pretty pointless?"

Puriel was correct. Creating pure light power attacks was completely pointless in a sense.

The problem was the massive disproportion between her magical power and light power. Normally with how wide the gap was in the amount the magic power could just overwhelm the light power however Cebrail's very blood was holy water. It was constantly attempting to purify her mana believing it to be some kind of foreign substance.

That is to say, her body was constantly attacking itself as if she had an incorrect blood transfusion. Her magic was constantly leaking into her light power giving it its impure silver color. At least this is how Serafall explained it to her when she asked about it. The Satan didn't have any idea how to fix it either besides controlling her magic power better since the problem was with her blood mostly and wasn't something you could just swap out or suppress like light power.

"Fweee~ you aren't wrong but it is what it is." Cebrail turned the sword in her hand into a reverse grip and stabbed it into her left hand. As it came into contact with her hand the mixture of light power and magic power created a sliver magic circle. It was designed after the seal of Solomon and as it formed it seemed to suck in silver energy continuously. "Tail Eater."

With the utterance of the simple spell name, Cebrail thrust out her left hand containing the magic circle, and erupting out of it came a serpent made of bluish silver water which went straight for Puriel.

While the hard headed Angel attempted to block the spell it changed its path to coil around Puriel, trapping her in a swirling whirlpool that swept her away.

Over the past two months in an effort to control her magic power better Cebrail had been learning magic under Serafall much to the irritation of her mother. The reason for her mother allowing it was obvious however, she herself couldn't teach her daughter magic and all the magicians she knew were associated with her husband so calling them was basically asking for him to intervene. Just this once Gabriel had to admit that the childish loser known as Serafall had temporarily taken a great burden off of her shoulders. She wouldn't owe the Devil any favors however.

As the water receded Puriel was laying on the ground her short white dress basically completely see through as it clung to her body awkwardly and her lavender hair was dripping.

"Yikes." Cebrail said simply before turning to walk back towards her two party members. This is normally where their match would end however, it seemed Puriel had another trick up her sleeve this time.

"Tsk!" Puriel pointed at Cebrail and snapped her fingers. In the next instant, the Seraphim Princess was suddenly pushed to the ground by a mysterious pressure that constantly came down from a ring of light power almost like a large halo hovering over Cebrail's body.

Pureil despite her current disastrous state stood with the fire of pride in her eyes.

"After training with uncle Michael I managed to develop a unique ability! I can use my light power to manipulate gravity!" Puriel gloated confidently though she didn't take too much time as she quickly ran towards Cebrail and slammed her club into the girl's side sending her flying.

Rather than react to the pain Cebrail quickly recovered by twisting her body so that she would land in a crouch on her feet and put out a hand to support herself until she stopped sliding on the ground.

Puriel was on top of her swiftly as she was expecting Cebrail to recover, her club held high over her head. She brought it down using her own gravity manipulation to enhance the force greatly.

While the attack was blocked by Cebrail's defensive magic it still forced her back.

Two white sabers of light formed in Cebrail's hand and balls of light appeared around Puriel.

Puriel's grip on her club tightened greatly and she brought it back and began slamming it into the balls of light sending them flying towards Cebrail. With skill and extraordinary speed she just threw each of them before throwing her own weapons at the ground in front of her opponent.

"Ha! You missed!"

"No I didn't."

"Uhh, I'm pretty sure you did!"


"Look! Not a scratch on me!"

"...Right..." Cebrail motioned her fingers upwards and another two silver magic circles appeared in the places where her sabers had stabbed. Instantly water erupted from the magic circles and formed chains binding Puriel.

"S-Sealing magic? Are you serious? Why even learn this crap? No, when did you learn this crap!" Puriel struggled against the chains but the more she pulled the more water tendrils would form to bind her up further. Eventually, she just gave up and conceded to Cebrail.

"Good game." Cebrail said flatly, releasing Puriel and making her way towards her party members once again, her pure silver hair almost glittering as it flowed behind her.

"Tosca we're going to the Human World..." Cebrail paused and seemed to rethink her words. "You and Reginleif should head to Sis Cross Kiss and get her one of each weapon type."

"Huh? You're buying me new weapons?" Tosca questioned, slightly surprised.

"You've recovered enough and you're clearly not all that good at using a sword so your task is to find a weapon suited for you and a new member for our group."

"Huhhhh??!?!? I have to find a new member too?" Tosca and Reginleif were both pretty shocked by this, though for Tosca it wasn't because she didn't want the work but because it seemed like a very important task to be giving to someone like herself.

"No need to worry, you'll have Reginleif with you. I'm sure she understands my tastes pretty well by now."

Reginleif pushed up her glasses without a word. After two months of being with Cebrail she understood that the girl wasn't as rational as she often claimed to be. She didn't seem to understand the very basics of common sense like the fact that you can't just "go out and find somebody" if you want a person of quality. She didn't say anything however because she already knew the response she'd get would be a confused look and a bit of vague reassurance.

Reginleif couldn't say she wasn't happy however. Cebrail seemed to trust in her judgment a great deal based on the way she often left important tasks to her such as this.

"What will you be doing Mistress?" Tosca asked, looking at Cebrail with big blue eyes filled with curiosity.

"I have to go help Ms. Serafall with something. Call me if you need anything." Cebrail walked past the two into the house leaving them with their task without a single visible worry of them failing.

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