Another Friend in Amphibia

Von ShadowGear112

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"So... what do you think is in the box?" Drake asked. "Probably nothing, they're usually empty when the... Mehr

Drake Cohen Profile
Prologue: Earth
Chapter 1: A Strange New World
Chapter 2: A Cave in the Woods
Chapter 3: A Tower of Toads
Chapter 4: Marcy in Newtopia
Chapter 5: Anne or Beast?
Chapter 6: Best Fronds
Chapter 7: A Creature of the Sea
Chapter 8: A Friend from the Sea
Chapter 9: Sasha in Prison
Chapter 10: Swamp Shire
Chapter 11: The Ghost of Amphibia's Rulers
Chapter 13: Marcy Meets a King
Chapter 14: Frog Revolution
Chapter 15: The Loyal Ranger
Chapter 16: Bizarre Bazaar
Chapter 17: Otherworldly Collector
Chapter 18: Annual Crop Convention
Chapter 19: Another Monster in Wartwood
Chapter 20: Phone Odyssey
Chapter 21: Children of the Spore
Chapter 22: Anne of the Year
Chapter 23: Reunion
Chapter 24: Aftermath
Chapter 25: A True Show of Strength
Chapter 26: Fort in the Road
Chapter 27: A Newtopian Military Meeting
Chapter 28: The Ballad of Hopediah Plantar
Chapter 29: Anne Hunter
Chapter 30: Truck Stop Polly
Chapter 31: A Caravan Named Desire
Chapter 32: Quarreler's Pass
Chapter 33: Swamp and Sensibility
Chapter 34: Wax Museum
Chapter 35: Marcy at the Gates
Chapter 36: Streets of the Capital
Chapter 37: Drake's Scars
Chapter 38: Newtopia Castle
Chapter 39: Hopping Mall
Chapter 40: A Sleepover to End All Sleepovers
Chapter 41: Farewell Plantars
Chapter 42: The Amphibian Army
Chapter 43: A Delayed Departure
Chapter 44: Battle on the High Seas
Chapter 45: The Island of Pad
Chapter 46: Departure
Chapter 47: The First Temple
Chapter 48: New Wartwood
Chapter 49: A Robot in Wartwood
Chapter 50: Toad to Redemption
Chapter 51: A Fortune Telling Witch
Chapter 52: The Second Temple
Chapter 53: Preparation Day
Chapter 54: The Third Temple
Chapter 55: The Dinner
Chapter 56: Boys vs Girls
Chapter 57: Drake's Thirteenth Birthday
Chapter 58: The Fourth Temple
Chapter 59: Battle of the Bands
Chapter 60a: True Colors (Anne)
Chapter 60b: True Colors (Marcy)
Chapter 60c: True Colors (Sasha)
Chapter 60d: True Colors (Drake)
Chapter 61: Situation Report in Newtopia
Chapter 62: Dungeon Break
Chapter 63: Next Steps
Chapter 64: Nighttime Fireworks
Chapter 65: Storming the Docks
Chapter 66: A Message to the Sky
Chapter 67: Rallying the Newts
Chapter 68: Sasha's Champion
Chapter 69: Humancatcher
Chapter 70: A Civilization Under the Sea
Chapter 71: The Triumvirate
Chapter 72: Bog's Forced March
Chapter 73: Mountain Crossing
Chapter 74: A Race Against Time
Chapter 75: Toad Warfare
Chapter 76: Sparrow Down
Chapter 77: Relief for Newtopia
Chapter 78: Battle Meetings
Chapter 79: The Battle of Newtopia
Chapter 80: From Queen to Prisoner
Chapter 81: Terror Below the Tides
Chapter 82: A Calamitous Death
Chapter 83: The Mourning After
Chapter 84: Slayer of Humans
Chapter 85: Last Wish
Chapter 86: Calamity Box
Temporary Chapter: A Quick Question for the Audience

Chapter 12: Becoming a Battle Queen

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Von ShadowGear112

Sasha sat in her cell. She was conversing with another toad she had met. A light purple one named Braddock.

"So, how's the garden?" Sasha asked trying to make conversation.

"It's gorgeous. You should see it sometime." Braddock answered.

"You know... I won't be able to see it while I'm stuck in this cell. You think you can unlock it for me, and we can go see it together?" Sasha requested with her eyes wide.

Braddock thought about it. "I don't know Sasha... Captain Grime can be really strict. He doesn't tolerate little hiccups."

"Come on! He left days ago and most of the toads aren't at the tower right now. We can walk around a bit, then get back to this cell before he even realizes I was gone." Sasha had been biding her time, waiting for a moment like this. The guards had slowly become undisciplined. Now, most of the tower's competent soldiers were out on some unknown mission. Probably searching for her friends. Although the bulk of the guards were still at the tower, Captain Grime himself wasn't. An opportunity like this may not come again.

"Alright... we'll walk around a bit." Braddock grabbed her keys and released Sasha.

"Thank you." Sasha said as she took one step toward freedom. "So, do you know why Grimesy left?" Grimesy was a nickname Sasha had created for Captain Grime. It was in some ways a subtle insult, as she refused to address him by his full title.

"No idea, just said there was something going on and he wanted to personally look into it." Braddock answered.

"Well alright, show me the garden." Sasha said.

The two walked down the stairs. Sasha could see toads mostly partying and having competitions rather than working. They walked out of the tower. There was a stable with giant spiders some toads were tending to. Off to the side, Braddock made a tiny garden. She only had a small plot of land to work with, but she made good use of that space. Somehow being able to grow a large berry bush.

"Wow, you managed to make this?" Sasha was impressed.

"Yep, I can grow my own food now." Braddock answered. She picked two berries and offered one to Sasha. The berries themselves were half green, half red. "Here, try one." Braddock offered.

Sasha grabbed the berry. She wasn't sure if it would poison her or how it would react to a human body. As she stared at it, her stomach growled fiercely. Her hunger strike had taken its toll and now her body was demanding any form of sustenance. Sasha put the berry in her mouth and chewed. Surprisingly, it didn't even have a seed on the inside. Sasha swallowed; she was expecting something bad to happen immediately. Possibly collapse or die from food poisoning. After a few seconds, she realized she felt full. In fact, eating that one berry was like eating an entire meal.

"That really hit the spot. You know, you're wasting your time here as a guard. You should go out into the world, pursue your passion for gardening. I think you'll do great." Sasha said.

"Well, I like my job." Braddock scratched her head.

"Can I ask for a favor?" Sasha spoke up.

"Sure, what is it?"

"My friends are out there, lost and probably scared. I need to find them. Can you please open that door and help me escape? I don't know what I would do if they got hurt." Sasha pleaded.

Before Braddock could think, the main gate swung open. One wagon being pulled by giant spiders came inside the fortress. The wagon itself seemed to be designed like a small bus. Capable of carrying at least ten toads. The toad Captain Grime was the first to step out. He looked at Sasha and Braddock. "You fool! What is she doing out of your cell!?" he started screaming. "Guards! Seize her!"

Sasha heard someone screaming. "AHHHHH!" It was getting louder.

Before Sasha could move, a toad fell on top of her. The sudden impact caused her to fall face first into the ground. "I fell from the roof, and I got her sir!" the toad shouted triumphantly.

Without acknowledging the soldier, Captain Grime leaned down to Sasha's level. "You've come far enough creature. It may surprise you to know I have a lead on the whereabouts of one of your friends and was about to tell you."

"Where?" Sasha asked, lying still on the ground.

Captain Grime chose to give her an ultimatum. "Before I tell you, I need to ask a few questions. This is your last chance beast. Be careful how you answer because if I don't like it, there will be dire consequences. Now who-"

"Sent me? No one. How'd I get here? Don't know. What do I want? To find my friends and go home. Haven't we been through this enough?" Sasha answered preemptively with sass in her voice. Captain Grime had threatened to physically torture her on several occasions. So far, he hadn't acted on any of those threats. As far as Sasha was concerned, he was all talk. Unfortunately, this time the teen may have finally struck a nerve.

Captain Grime growled. "Don't say I didn't warn you. Guards! Take her out to the swamp. Then leave her there chained up. She has tried my patience for far too long."

Sasha noticed a bunch of toads carrying shackles approaching. "Wait! You can't do this! I don't know anything!"

Captain Grime raised his voice. "It doesn't matter anymore! Take her away!"

Sasha knew what Captain Grime was doing. This was her death sentence. Sasha was going to be slaughtered in a strange world at the hands of monstrous creatures. Worst of all, her friends won't make it without her guidance. If they weren't already dead, they soon will be. No, she could not let that happen.

"No!" Sasha summoned whatever strength she could and threw the toad off. The group stood back.

Captain Grime was at first shocked but regained his composure. He started barking orders. "What are you all waiting for? Restrain her!"

The toads began dogpiling on Sasha. In a few seconds, there were at least ten toads. The sheer weight of their bodies forced her back to the ground. She continued to struggle against the toads. Although she was the strongest out of all her friends, even surpassing Drake, there were simply too many toads for her to lift. She could give up right now and accept whatever happens next, but she refused. For Sasha, this was a life-or-death situation that would not only affect her but also her friends. She refused to give up. Sasha's eyes began to glow pink. "Rgg! Agh!" with one decisive move, she stood up, sending the toads flying in every direction. Almost immediately, Sasha lost all her newfound strength and nearly collapsed as a result.

Captain Grime noticed his heart was pumping extremely fast. He hadn't been this nervous since his time in the colosseum. Sasha was such a lithe creature, but she was a lot stronger than she looked. She could be worth something.

Before anyone could do anything else, someone was ringing the alarm bells. "Alarm! Something is coming!" the guard yelled.

"Close the gates!" Captain Grime ordered.

A few toads that hadn't been flung started running but none of them would reach it in time. The door was knocked off its hinges by two massive quadrupedal lizards about the size of lions. Behind them were five smaller lizards about the size of a golden retriever. At the back of the group were two really small lizards, about the size of a small dog like a shih tzu. They began to split up and rampage throughout the fortress, knocking over objects and attack anyone that would try to stop them.

As one approached her, she got a better look at it. They were all covered in gray scales and had yellow markings on its back in various patterns. They each had a green fin like tail. Right behind their reptilian eyes were green fins. It frilled its fins and pounced at her.

"This place is falling apart!" The soldiers were either running away or cowering somewhere. Captain Grime grabbed one of his soldiers, gave him a weapon and threw him at the largest creature. "Fight back you cowards! Do... something!" The creature grabbed the toad and tossed him back at Grime.

"Bring it on!" Sasha yelled as she wrestled with one of the creatures.

Captain Grime grabbed it and threw it off to the side. "Creature! Fight with me! And together we'll... and she's gone." The lizard charged at Grime, knocking him to the ground. He didn't have a weapon and was vulnerable. "I'm not afraid of death." he said as he prepared for the next attack.

"Hey! Overgrown salamander!" Sasha called out. She was carrying a barrel full of grog on top of her head. She threw it at the lizard and hit it in the head. The creature backed away.

Captain Grime laughed. "Haha, where did you get moves like that?"

"Cheerleading, believe it or not."

"I'm sorry cheer what?"

Sasha didn't answer. Now it was her turn to negotiate. "Okay listen up, if I help you fight off these lizards. You will give me provisions and release me. Deal?"

Captain Grime got up. "Deal, now grab every toad you can and head to the safe room."

Sasha and whatever was left of the garrison ran into the tower with one of the larger lizards chasing them. They ran into a room and closed the door. They barred the door while the lizard tried to smash it open. Three toads noticed what it was trying to do and held onto their side of the door.

"So, what were those things?" Sasha asked hoping someone would fill her in.

"They're called snapdragons. A creature from the seas of Amphibia. I thought they were only myths. Something to scare tadpoles. If the stories about them are true, I wonder what they are doing so far inland." Braddock answered.

There was another bang causing the toads to cower. A lime green toad named Percy spoke up. "You know what'll lighten this mood. A joke! How many-" he was interrupted by Grime putting a sword up to his neck. "Too soon?"

Captain Grime narrowed his eyes in anger. "You lot are without a doubt the most useless group of toads I have ever seen! Maybe if any of you had a scrap of courage. We wouldn't be in here! Cowering like a bunch of-!"

Sasha walked up to him laughing nervously. "Hahaha, okay! Alright! Let's take five! Grimesy, a word in private, please?" she pushed him behind a torn banner for some privacy. "Ok, if you keep yelling at them like that. They'll keep being useless and we'll all die." Sasha smiled hoping he would understand.

"What do you suggest? I congratulate them? Give them each an award?" he spat at the ground. His spit was so corrosive, it ate through the floor.

A little intimidated, Sasha continued to explain. "Not exactly, just try saying nice things for a change. Get them to love you and they'll do anything for you." it worked for Sasha. That was how she almost escaped with Braddock's help.

"That actually works?" Captain Grime was skeptical. It sounded too good to be true.

"Oh, it works alright. Trust me." Sasha smiled.

Captain Grime pulled the banner out of his way. "Oh... I don't know-"

"Here, I'll give you a head start." Sasha acted surprised. "Woah, Grime! So you think your guards are all amazing but you're afraid to tell them your true feelings?!"

"What? What are you-"

Sasha held her ear up to Captain Grime. "What's that?! You think Braddock is the toughest toad in the tower because she doesn't take garbage from anyone?!"

"Uhh... yes! Braddock is tough... tough as beetle skin!" Captain Grime forced the compliment, but the toads seemed convinced it was genuine. They started to admire Braddock.

"And what were those nice things you said about Gary?!" Sasha gestured toward an injured toad that was on crutches.

Captain Grime had to think of an answer that sounded good but was still truthful. "Oh... Gary... Gary... um... Gary! Never missed a day! Even when he was sick!"

"Can't believe he actually likes us." a random toad whispered.

Sasha looked around to see who he should complement next. Then she found her target. The one everyone in the tower considered the most pathetic. Even many of his coworkers. "And Percy?!" Sasha said. Percy had wide eyes, hoping to hear something good.

Captain Grime looked back at Sasha. "I don't really want to do Percy." he whispered.

Sasha tried to push the issue. "And Percy?" she said with gritted teeth.

"Percy is a grubbing idiot!" Captain Grime blurted out. Percy's face changed from one of hope to one of sadness. He hung his head trying not to cry. Much of the room was sympathetic to Percy. He may have been stupid, but he didn't deserve to get publicly humiliated for that. Sasha facepalmed. Captain Grime tried to recover. "Uhh! But! When he makes a mistake. He owns it... and he doesn't stop until he makes things right... and because of that..." Captain Grime really didn't want to admit it but he knew he had to. "He has..." he started to strain himself, trying to force out the last words.

Sasha watched eagerly with growing excitement. "Come on, come on."

"He's... earned my respect!" Captain Grime forced himself to say.

The whole room gasped. "I have?" Percy asked, he couldn't believe what he heard.

"Y-yes?" Captain Grime was still trying to recover. He was surprised at how hard it was to actually say those words. Now that it was over though, it didn't seem so difficult.

Percy straightened himself. His next words were nothing short of fanatical. "Captain Grime! Sir! We're taking this tower back! Even if we have to fight through a million snapdragons! Now come on you toads! No one wants to live forever!" Percy led the charge out of the saferoom. Everyone else started running out the door, eager for battle with newfound courage. Captain Grime and Sasha smiled at each other, happy with the results.

As the army charged, they were met with the same group of snapdragons. They frilled their fins and hissed at the toads trying to intimidate them. Percy let out a battle cry. "For Grime!" The army charged forward into battle.

The snapdragons were caught off guard by their newfound courage but prepared themselves for a fight anyway. The larger ones all spat at the same time, each of them launching a small ball of liquid at the toads as a projectile. It didn't affect nor deter them. The snapdragons charged as well, closing in to meet them with their teeth. Although the toads were putting up a good fight, the snapdragons were still much stronger. They plowed through the toads with barely any resistance.

One of them cornered Percy and Braddock. "Before we die. Braddock, I love you. I've always loved you."

Braddock gasped. She slapped him in the face. Then pulled him in for a kiss.

"Up here you lizards!" Captain Grime yelled.

Sasha and Grime had gotten on the wall while everyone was distracted with battle. They jumped at the largest snapdragon, repeatedly hitting it with a club. The snapdragon shook them off and began backing away. It hissed at the other snapdragons who also began to retreat. The battle ended right then and there. Both sides were severely injured, but the toads certainly had it worse. Luckily it seemed everyone was alive.

Captain Grime began his speech. "Toads of Toad Tower! Today was a great victory! If it weren't for your bravery, the fortress would be lost! You're all heroes!"

It took the crowd a second to register what he had said. Then they all began to cheer in celebration.

"Alright troops listen up." Captain Grime stepped forward.

The crowd immediately stopped and saluted. "Sir yes sir!" they all said in unison with newfound discipline.

Captain Grime was taken aback by this. "Okay... wow... um... head down to the mess hall for some food and a round of beetle mead! You've earned it."

"Sir yes sir!" they all marched away, staying in formation. Leaving only Sasha and Grime.

"Unbelievable, this compliment stuff is witchcraft."

Sasha was barely paying attention. "Uh huh, yeah anyways. I upheld my end of the deal. So, give me some rations, a map, maybe a cool cloak or two, and I'll be on my way." A sword was shoved in her face.

"Not so fast! You're far too dangerous and manipulative to be left to roam free."

Sasha angered at this betrayal, bit back. "You warty little-"

"But we both know I can't stop you. So go ahead, be a vagabond, wandering alone in the wilderness." Captain Grime sheathed his sword.

Sasha considered that possibility. Clearly, he was going to give her a counteroffer. It couldn't hurt to hear him out. "Or?"

"Or stay here. Serve as my second-in-command. Then we'll find your friends. How does that sound?" Captain Grime offered.

"And they won't be harmed?"

"I promise you; they won't be harmed."

"I'll accept but first tell me one thing. You said you had a lead on one of my friends. Which one was it and where did this lead point to?" Sasha asked.

"Apparently a creature like you was seen in a town called Swamp Shire. It went to a bar and asked for information about other creatures like you. We don't know which one came to Swamp Shire." Captain Grime answered.

"Did he or she do anything?" Sasha asked.

"Apparently there was a bar fight and it slipped out during the confusion. My men are searching for it in the area and should be back tomorrow with information. Now what do you say, would you serve as my second-in-command?"

Sasha was satisfied with the answer. "Very well, I'll join you."

"Then come, Lieutenant. We have much to discuss."

Sasha pulled out a polaroid of herself and her friends. She stroked it. "Hold on for a little longer. I'm coming for you. And when I find you, we're gonna get home. But first, I think we're gonna have some fun with this place." Sasha smirked as she put away the polaroid.

Author's Note


Alright everyone, hope you all enjoyed this latest chapter. Seems as though Nyx is not the only snapdragon around.

I have an important announcement to make. This your last chance to vote on whether Drake should reunite with Anne or Sasha first. Something I don't think I made clear is that when the results are finalized, their effects likely won't be noticeable immediately. Meaning, it may take a few chapters before Drake actually reunites with the chosen character and directly interacts with her. However, I assure you. The outcome of this vote will dictate how future chapters play out and some of the stuff Drake is going to witness.

If you wish to change your vote or you have not voted yet. Every voice matters. Please leave a comment now. Once I release the next chapter, I am going to start counting the votes. When I'm done with that, the results will be final, and I will be locked into whatever decision is made.


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