Star War StoryTeller

נכתב על ידי Shadow_trooper

176K 1.5K 877

Star Wars receive information from a world, and now they are learning about it from a knowledgeable chatterbox עוד

Vault Tec
Super Mutants
Brotherhood (West)
Brotherhood (East)
The Enclave
Caesar's Legion
Heavy Clone Armor
Declarations and Intentions
Political Discussion
The Khans
The More Things Change
Ulysses' Divide
#85, Chems, Ideas, Training and FEV
Big MT
Classes, Expenses, Clinic, Ethics, Cheers and EVIL!!!!!
Crimson Caravan
The Madre
Story Teller
War Games
The Boomers/Vault 34
The Pitt
VR Sim P1
VR Sim P2
VR Sim P3
VR Sim P4
Point Look Out
Call of the Krivbeknih
Slice of Life

Mud, Business, Luck and Questions, what more could you ask for?

3.4K 32 18
נכתב על ידי Shadow_trooper

"War! War never changes of Jabiim. With the heavy continual trench like warfare on the planet, many attempts to route out Separatist hardpoints have lead to the the planet getting a code name of Red Mud. The Jedi Generals, Luminara Unduli, her padawan, Barriss Offee and Shaak Ti have been sent, with their respective clone forces to aid their fellow Jedi General, Quinlan Vos, in the battle, and push the enemy from their strong hold on the planet's capital city. 

Alto Stratus, trusted commander of Grievous, has taken command, and is now causing suffering, to both forces. The Capital City of Choal is under the control of the Ultranationalists of the planet

Down Below on the planets surface was lines, upon lines of trenches, Clones now issued with the new power armor were being used to help with moving artillery, Heavy blaster nest, or just being used to replace their less armored brothers. Among them is Vos who is also seen wearing power armor with the helmet off as hes using the scope to look over the trench. "Damn sepys are dug in deep, gonna take alot of fire power just to break through that wall." He grumbles as their own cannons continue to hammer the large city wall, Backing away from the scope he adorns his helmet and looks at the clone officer as he asks. "How goes the rotation of the new power armor units? We on time?" He asks as the new addition of power armored forces have been a major boon for not only moral, but also a factor of weather a battle will be a victory or failure.

Captain Frog placed his hand on his helmet "We got air support from the 41st Elite and 98th Assault Corp. They will be landing their heavy forces towards the front, with Power armor and Walkers." 

As he finished, a swarm of LA-ATs flew in low, each dropping 4 power armored clones, with 8 normal armored clones. A few armored transports coming with near by and setting down AT-TEs

Vos nods as he moves away from the front trench, back towards their command bunker. 

"Any word on the poor idiots who High command is sending to roll around in the mud of this hell hole we call home captain?" He asks as he moves out of the way for wounded to be moved away from the frontlines which so far as been the 30th wounded trooper being moved, This one missing both their legs and left arm, clearly caught in an artillery attack within his trench. "Poor bastard." Vos mutters under his breath. 

"General Luminara Unduli, her padawan Commander Barris Offee, and General Shaak Ti." Captain Frog explained.

  He walked with General Vos, still inside of his power armor. The captain's white armor was nearly completely caked in mud, with some spots washed off. The Non power armored clones had removed sections of armor, for better flexibility, primarily the thighs, and the biceps, with the stomach plate also removed. Most of the 224 had changed their basic clone armor in that way, with only an occasional bit of variation, they had also put more wrappings around their unarmored spots, mostly to stay warm.

"What does the forecast say?" Vos joked.

"Rains staying for the next few days, then it's suppose to clear up to get bad." Captain Frog said.

Vos just grumbles, the fact the planet seems to have three seasons. Raining, not raining, or being colder then a night sisters tits! Hell! the majority of the losses suffered from Vos's forces wasnt the droids or their artillery fire, no, it was the sickness that came from these force saken trenches! "They send us girls to our little slice of hell instead of people who know what the hell were dealing with." He says not really caring the fact in a way insulted his fellow jedi and in a sense, fellow republic officers. "Skywalker i could understand! The mad bastard seems to pull victories out of his ass! Kenobi id be fine with! But green horns! HA! Seems hell finally froze over and were suffering the after shock of it." He declares before finally arriving to the space port area where fresh troops are drop off, and the dead or wounded are taken away.

The three Jedi Generals, were talking with each other, Commander Gree and Commander Cross were talking with Captain Frog, explaining the basic situation. Vos however, noticed how the three Jedi were dressed. 

Shaak Ti was in a most out standing outfit, having a thicker cloth coat, with some clone guntlets, and long pants that were tucked into her clone armor boots. She had the normal Jedi robes belt. She looked actually prepared compared to the others. 

Luminara Unduli however was rather different. Compared to Shaak ti, she still had her normal clothing, which fit her body quite well, showing off her strong legs through the well fitting body suit she wore. She had removed her long robes she was known for. 

Barris, was a mix between the two. She had actual armor, being the clone gauntlet and boots, but she also had a chest plate on as well. A half clone helmet was also made, allowing her to slide it over her hood, acting as extra protection.

"Well Ladies, welcome to our wet muddy corner of the Galaxy, Jabiim." Vos said, smiling.

Shaak Ti nods, "I must say its a rather, 'Interesting' place to be." Vos nods "The word i think your looking for is...damn what was it we called this place again." He looks over and yells at Frog. "HEY CAPTAIN! WHAT DID WE CALL THIS PLACE AGAIN!?" He knew the name, but it was a fun game to see peoples reactions when they hear what the combat veterans of this trench filled planet called it.

"A Foodoo show, We got tasked with claiming through what the Rancor throws up. You can call this place many things, but hell hole, A Bantha's wet hairy unclean backside, I ,myself call this place the Sarlack's nut pit, the power armored boys call it "Frak, I sank" the limber call it "What's a shower" but most people call it Jabiim."

Vos nods, "Thank you captain!" He calls back before looking to the three new green horns expressions which said reactions caused him to almost laugh within his power armor. Because all three jedi present had their jaws open, shocked faces, and most of all light to heavy blushes which just added to his enjoyment of tormenting newbies. 

"Alright! Shaak Ti and the pad has the right idea for this mud ball, but you." He points to Luminara, "You'll have at least an hour or so before you freeze your tits off and that's IF your don't catch a cold or bad trench foot." He says before continuing on, "Second bit of business is for all three of you to stop by the quarter master and get some proper gear to fight in the trenches! This includes Power Armor if their are any spares or some poor bastard died and you get their suits." He says before turning around and walks off. "Once you do that meet me in the command bunker!" He calls out as his captain walks with him.

The generals, with their captains, approached the Underground bunker that was the QuarterMaster's supply depot. He looked at the trio and stood up.

"Ok, two suits of power armor are available. General, armor can be provided, but it's standard for some insulation for non thermal suits. I need the size. Let's see, one emergency signal radio, use it incase you get stuck in the mud, your armor gets stuck in the mud, or an emergency. Finally, as standard issue to everyone after 6 months on this Pfassking mess of a campaign, a shovel, your non powered lightsaber, ask the captain for the training video if you need some idea to use it." the Quartermaster, known as Krieg explained.

Barriss and Luminara, were familiar with the operation with the operating Principles of Power armor, but had little actual training time in the suits. They opened the backs and secured themselves in positions, before with a flick of a set of switches near their hands, the back of the armor closed. New cores were placed inside, as the old ones were being charged.

The three Jedi made their way to the command bunker, as Shaak Ti had her name written down on a piece of paper, placing her on the list for next available suit. She connected the shovel case to her belt, and the emergency radio, while Barris and Luminara carried both things with them.

In the bunker, Vos was seen talking with the other clone commanders as the holo map showed the entire frontline, "Well thats just great! Three days and we cant fire back at them because our east flank batterys are full of water! Great! just great!" Vos Huffs as hes looking at the holo map closely to try and find a solution to their current siege.

"I think if we were to create a pattern of elevate fire a burst, then lower the barrels at a downward angle, we could drain the water between barrages. We could drain them using that method." Barris Offee explained.

She received rather surprised looks from the three masters in the room.

Vos nods slowly before turning to the captain incharge of the east flank. "Make it so captain." The clone nods before walking off to carry out the orders as Vos looks back at the three jedi. "Well hope you ladies packed warm, because the assault doesnt happen for at least three days." He says with a cheeky grin behind his helmet.

Captain Frog was adjusting the radio set that could pick up off planet signals. At best it would be up for a few days, the Jabimmians enjoyed using the radio tower as a target on better days, so for now, it should stay up.

"Hello and Welcome back to Radio New Vegas, Your Little Juke box in the Mojave Wasteland, coming up is good old Johnny Guitar, we hope you enjoy." the smooth radio personality came said, before a song started playing, earning an annoyed head shake from the Captain.

"I'm getting tired of this one." He said a heavy sigh.

A clone comments, "Hey! i think its a good song." Which got him the response of. "The song is depressing! i wish he would play that big iron song! or even that one about blue moon." Barriss, now among the regular officers among the underground barracks just sighs as she trys to enjoy the earth song, not her favorite, but she did enjoy it all the same.

"Ha! You're both wrong, best one is Anything goes!" a clone technician said.

Barriss walked to a corner bed, one that wasn't occuppied, before she got out of her power armor, placing it in one of the stalls, and sitting on the bed. 

She pulled out the copied records from the Jedi Achieves, the record of Lord Hoth, the Jedi general from nearly a millennium ago. He lead armies, and his record, gave some advice. She had been talking war a fair bit more, Belloma wanted to know about past conflicts, she found war interesting. 

Her enthusiasm for visual records of wars was almost....contagious, she like to replay them a fair bit, before making little games from the battles, seeing if any changes in tactics could have created a victory for the other side. Belloma, had become a tactician that was being consulted by the newer knights of the order, for help mostly.

As the fighting in the Trenches waged on, back in the Republic a jedi knight was listening to the radio of his home as he was deep in thought while also looking at his pip boy. rubbing his thumb over the edge of the body, he couldnt help but think of what good he could do if he was like mister house.

The door opened and the in rolled a droid, an astromech. it beeped and whistled, shaking side to side slightly, as he was close to the Jedi Knight. Next to enter was an elegant woman, who smiled, she wore a pipboy on her arm, and sat down next to the Jedi.

"Ani, what's troubling you?" She asked.

Anakin smiles as he puts an arm over her shoulder, bringing her closer to him in a cuddle. "Just deep in thought really." He says, which results in his wife asking. 

"Oh? And what has you so deep in thought?" Anakin sighs as he lays his head on the back of their couch. 

"Everything, the logs, earth, and now the technology we have. However the one that's been racking around in the my mind has been Robert House." Padme just raises an eye brow as her husband continues. 

"He and I are so alike, were both great with technology, both fought our way to where we are in life, but unlike him I'm not over two hundred years old. Which even that is hard to believe." He sighs rubbing his eyes.

Anakin honestly agrees with his wife, really thinking about it he could be bigger then house. 

"Your right, but we would have to do this right." Padme agrees as she stands, "I have a few contacts in the business world that might be able to help us out." She walks over to the holo coms as Anakin spoke 

"Let me guess, perks of being a senator?" He says with a cocky grin which only got him a wink from his wife.

As the Young Jedi knight prepared for a future much different then what fate has instore. On the frontiers of Mandalore's borders, the Rangers were becoming known in the once lawless realms of space were beginning to have a sense of law and order, as the brave men and woman who dawn the dusters and carry the big iron, the very symbols of the Mandalorian Rangers, into the wild frontier colony's to fight outlaws, slavers, and pirates that dare intrude on the simple people who try to carve out a life for themselves on these colonies and frontier planets. 

One such planet is small farming colony for which Merrick in full Ranger armor and duster has found himself on, the reason? A simple break from the archives and to try and connect with the simple farming people on these Frontier worlds. Which it warmed his heart as some of the children and foundlings seem to be infatuated with him and the rangers in general. Also helps that the Earth radio drama "Lone Ranger" was a big draw for their growing legends.

So here Merrick found himself just sitting at a small little dinner, eating and enjoying some lunch after a long day of walking the streets and making sure no trouble was being had. Of course that wouldn't last to long as down the street an alarm bell rang out from the local bank. Stopping his bite Merrick mutters out, "Ah shit." before taking a large bite of his sandwich.

Getting up and walking out of the small dinner with his big iron in hand ready for trouble. Down the street Merrick can see a weequay pirate backing out of the bank with his blaster rifle pointed at the door, Raising his revolver he shouts with his mouth full of food, "HALT!" which results in the pirate spinning around and shooting at Merrick, but the shot doesn't even come close, however Merrick in kind shoots the pirate.

Another Pirate rushes out of the bank as Merrick fires again missing him, the pirate jumps into a speeder as the get away driver attempts to drive away from the bank robbery which has been messed up thanks to Merrick's intervention. Taking careful aim Merrick fires another shot into the oncoming speeder, hitting the driver which causes the speeder to crash and flip onto its side. The pirate who survives attempts to flee and shoots blindly at Merrick who calmly takes aim before sending another pirate to their grave, and into a local shops window. Once things seem to calm down, the people came out from cover to see the Ranger calm and collected. Lowering his big iron and still chewing on his food, he walks over to the first pirate he shot. swallowing his food he comes upon the wounded Pirate who is prop up on the bank its self with a clearly bleeding shoulder.

"I have an idea what's going through your head. How many shots does that gun hold? Is he out of ammo? Well I'll tell ya, it holds 5, and in all this rush of adrenaline, I didn't count. With this being the Krayt Revolver, .45-70 rounds, designed for rifles, tipped with super heated Mandalorian Iron, they wouldn't just leave a bleeding wound, it would leave everything that connects to what it hits removed. So, you got to ask yourself one question. "Do I feel Lucky?" 

Crouching down, placing the gun's barrel against the pirates head, as Merrick asked a simple Question.

"Well. Do you, Punk?"

Seeing that the Pirate either faced death at the hand of this man or tried his luck with the blaster close to him, he choice the smart route and slowly raised his hand saying in a weak voice. "I surrender." Merrick smiles as he nods his head slowly. "Smart move." Before holstering his revolver and begins to arrest the pirate, much to rousing cheers of the local people.

Dooku was in his office, the redeployments of the fleets. Many dark ships were also recalled, no point in having them float around in space for no reason when ships are needed now. Trench was to be connect the North and Eastern fronts, that would be best to use, the Southern front would have a full retreat, it was hard to resupply them Key production worlds were equally important to hold, so more forces would be deployed to them for defense.

Soon Dooku pinches the bridge of his nose as he pours himself another glass of what he is now drinking, Nuka Cola Dark, which was still the soda but with an added alcoholic kick to it which he and many other adults and those of drinking age were coming to enjoy. Granted, the fact Milo presented him with the rights to produce Nuka Cola was a much needed light in his over all bleak life thanks to the war.

The CIS commanders were now using the "Pip-pads" as a tactical map, often using them to relay commands to the battle groups. Other times they used them for logistical data pads, the small nature made them easy to carry and hard to steal from one's possession, along with accessing, as they seemed to be biometrically tied to a user, somehow.

However the civilian side was a different story, while yes the pip pads were great for the military, the private and civilian sector is where they boomed as everyone used them for everything and anything, but the one draw back for parents was the amount of pip games released along side them, which caused many children like Lux currently to be on their pip pads, wasting time playing games like missile command, red menace, the adventures of GRAGNOK!, and many more. Which for Lux at the moment was playing a nice puzzle game where he had to line up shapes into the slots.

Mina, like many parents had found the large and ever growing market of Pip-pad games, annoying, as their children would often be on them, rather than interacting with others, or doing school work. She did however see the benefit of other markets, like note taking, recording messages, and other useful applications, including being able to see how some items affect people, research on drugs have benefitted, with test subjects getting the results immediately given to them. The People of the CIS, did also like the radio feature that came with the Pip pads.

Speaking of the pip pads, the person who gave it to them was conducting an interview with the CIS news channel which was being broadcasted to all the CIS space and the front lines, of course it did get picked up by pirate stations who also broadcasted it on the holonet. The interview segment open up with a rodian who is dressed in a rather basic suit. "Good day to everyone watching this historical moment, I am Anzati. Today I have been granted special permission to interview the representative of Earth, or Terra as its being called, Milo." He turns to his right as the Camera switches to the sight of both the interviewer and Milo sitting across from each other. "Thank you for giving us this ability to speak with you, im sure it wasnt easy considering how many people you must speak with daily." The Rodian jokes.

"Oh it's fine, It's easier to talk with people all day, you could say that was what I was doing before I got made into a Probe." Milo said, smiling as he had one legs cross over the other, and leaned back, relaxed in the chair.

The interviewer nods as he asks, "Which has been the biggest question, What are you? If you dont mind me asking, Are you an advance A.I.? Are you a copy of a brain? Are you a brain? Many want to know who is Milo of Terra." He says to Milo.

"Well, it's a mix of a few things, My base identity, is a brain scan of a captured enclave politician, named Milo, that's the base, I have some of his memories, his personality, his brain scan, made the personality. I was then placed in a machine, as so I'm an Artificial intelligence, with my own memories placed into it. That's me, an Human mind, with mechanical processing." Milo explained.

The interviewer was smiling, "Fascinating! Now the next question has to be, what you hope to get from showing us the logs?" This was probably the 2nd most asked question from not only the CIS but all of the galaxy.

Milo chucked, "To be honest, the main reason I'm showing the logs, is so that the world I came from wouldn't be lost. Cause, to be honest, if things keep going, I think a lot of bad things will happen. I was told that the creator....." Milo stared for a few seconds, before blinking, drawing to a blank, and returning to himself, "Oh! The reason was to keep some record of what there is. Not many keep records, so we sent them out, hoping they would be preserved."

The interviewer and even those watching, Dooku included, kept the creator comment in the back of their minds. However he still pushed forward. "And if the CIS Found your home world? What would you tell the fleets who are going there to try and help the planet and its people? What warnings would you give to us?" He asks.

"My advice, Have a lot of cargo space with food, water, medical supplies. You want to be on the people's good side. That's where the enclave went wrong, they only focused on helping themselves, when they should have helped others. As for warnings, Geiger counters shouldn't be clicking a lot, and if you think something is safe, but no one is around, it's not safe, especially the vaults." Milo said with smiling, he uncrossed his leg, and leaned forward, just a bit, his hands moving to his lap.

The interviewer nods, as he asks, "So what logs will we be seeing going forward? I know the last couple were a rather large shock for everyone, myself included." He says as the medical community is still at this moment coming up with plans and ideas of how to deal with ghoulification or even how to cure or treat ghouls.

"Numbers 13 and 14 are going to interesting, as they both have some focus on a single person. Log number 16 I feel will have a lot of people asking a lot of questions. I won't spoil much more, but Let's just say, some people will want to buy new ships." Milo joked about, smiling just a bit.

The interviewer chuckles as he goes for the big one. "So two more questions before we end the interview, The first of the two is how much more technology will you be sharing with us and the 2nd one which is a rather large one. Are there any other Probes in the galaxy as their are rumors that their are more out there, and on that, if you could speak to the wider galaxy, what would you say to them? I don't mean just the republic but all beings."

Milo, pulled himself out of the chair, well, he acted like he did, his hands did phase through the chair just a bit."To be blunt, My records of the future, what I will release, are not what I have access to. After certain times, or with certain logs played, I can release more technology. Sometimes the right question needs to be asked. I do not know what boons I carry, and that makes what the logs have better. They hold potential, to help everyone, but harm." He started off saying.

"As for the second part. I just hope that one day, I can meet them. My memories only came around when I first awoke, on the ship of your head of state, Count Dooku, the first face I was met by, was that of humanity, I am glad that I have been given this opportunity. My past, or....the person who I am based on, may not have been the best, but I am not him. My memories are him, but my mind, my beliefs, are far from his. What you are doing, wanting independents, the freedom to lead your own destiny. It's truly inspiring." Milo said, smiling.

He pulled a small handkerchief from his pocket, wiping a tear from his eye.

"I have been given a home, with people I can be proud to stand by, even if I am not able to reach out, and touch the ground, breathe the air, be a physical part, I am glad I can be here, to witness it all." Milo said, his voice full of emotion, and smiling.

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