Fighting Love | Stefan Salvat...

By Kl4uss

361K 11.2K 1.4K

Emily Gilbert is the older twin sister of Elena Gilbert by three minutes and the older sister of Jeremy Gilbe... More

The One With The First Day Of Sophomore Year
The One With The Animal Attack
The One With The Mysterious Brother
The One With The Werewolf
The One With The Hospital
The One With The Strategy Meeting
The One With The Masquerade Ball
The One When Emily Gets Kidnapped
The One When All The Truth Comes Out
The One With The Petrova Talk
The One With The Sunday Morning
The One With The Plan
The One With The Deal
The One With The Aftermath Of The Full Moon
The One When Emily Babysits
The One With The Murderous Bite
The One With John's Arrival
The One With The Wolf Pack
The One With The Getaway
The One With The Gilbert Journals
The One With The Dagger
The One With The Return
The One With The Girls' Night
The One When Katherine Helps
The One With Isobel's "Help"
The One With The Farewell And The Letter
The One With The Dance Request
The One With The Failed Plan
The One With The Undaggered Original
The One With Maria's Plan
The One Where Jenna Finds Out
The One With The Connection & The Apology
The One With The Vial
The One With The Goodbyes
The One At The Grill
The One With The First Date
The One With How Emily Feels
The One When Klaus Takes Emily
The One With The Participants
The One With The Sacrifice Pt. 1
The One With The Sacrifice Pt. 2
The One When Emily Is Dead
The One When Emily Comes Back
The One With The Switch
The One With The Party
The One With The Voices
The One When Everyone Finds Out
The One With The Skype Call
The One With The Trap
Hi, guys
The One With Plan A
The One With The True Alpha
The One With Emily's Memories
The One When Emily's Finally Back
The One At The Airport
The One With The Cure
The One With The New Journey
The One With The Skype Call
The One When Emily Misses Stefan
The One When Stefan Hears Her
The One With The Heart Spell
The One With The Witch Call
The One With The Toast
The One With Elena
The One With Twin Night
The One With The Check-Up
The One With The Arcade
The One With The Two Sides
The One With The True Alpha Blood
The One With The Silence
The One With The Article
The One With The Research
The One With The Birthday Party
The One With The Board
The One With The Truth
The One With The Phone Call
The One With The Fresh Start
The One With The Real Truth
The One With The Werewolves
The One With The Great Smoky Mountains
The One With The Version Two Hybrid
The One With The Chase
The One With The Mac
The One With The Answer
The One With The Road Trip
The One With The Wall
The One With The New Plan
The One With Gloria's Bar
The One With The Chili
The One With The Ruby
The One With The Ghost
The One With Senior Prank Night
The One With The Picture
The One With The Blood
The One With The Blood Donation
The One When Stefan's Home
The One With The Training
The One With The First Day Of Senior Year
The One With The Emergency Meeting
The One With The Three Shadows
The One With The Stefan Plan
The One With The Bonfire
The One With The Aftermath
The One With The Journals
The One With The Ghosts
The One With The Jail Cell
The One With The Tomb Attack
The One With The Cellar
The One With The Runic
The One With The Text
The One With Rebekah's Story

The One With The Q&A

256 21 0
By Kl4uss

The morning after telling Bonnie, Caroline, and Damon about the heart resurrection spell, the Radkova witch decided that it would be best to hold a little meeting at the Salvatore boarding house to catch everyone else up to speed about her plan of bringing Elena back to the side of the living. Emily still had to tell Jenna, Alaric, Jeremy, and Tyler, so she figured this way would work the best incase anyone had any questions and she could answer them all in one setting.

The Radkova witch was positive that everyone would be on board as soon as they find out about her plan. Emily just wanted to personally tell Bonnie and Damon first since Bonnie was a witch and could help her understand everything and, of course, Damon because he's dating her sister, the person she was trying to bring back to life.

Emily would have loved to have told her own boyfriend about this and have Stefan by her side but that just wasn't possible right now. Maybe it was a good thing, Emily thought to herself. The Radkova witch was sure Stefan would try to stop her if he knew how dangerous this spell would be for Emily's body and soul.

The sun was barely setting when the Gilbert girl began setting everything up in the living room of the Salvatore boarding house for the meeting. Emily had spent all morning typing up every detail that the grimoire said about the heart resurrection spell and the important bits that Deaton had emailed her about (minus the things about what would happen to her after the spell) and printed it all out.

The Gilbert girl had just neatly piled the packets of information together on the coffee table when they was suddenly a knock at the front door. Emily headed into the hallway and stopped when she reached the staircase. "I'll get it!" The Radkova witch yelled as she knew Damon was upstairs.

Emily continued walking into the foyer and opened the door before she found Jenna and Alaric on the other side. "Hey!" The Gilbert girl murmured with a grin as she briefly wrapped her arms around Alaric's waist for a hug before she also hugged her aunt. "How are you doing?" Emily inquired as she connected her green eyes to Jenna's hazel ones.

"I'm doing better everyday that goes by. I'm slowly getting used to this whole vampire thing," Jenna murmured as she nodded her head. The Sommers vampire released a light chuckle before she joked, "I never thought I would be taking pointers from Caroline Forbes."

Emily released a small chuckle of her own. "I'm sure Care loves helping you out," the Gilbert girl stated before she murmured as she shot her aunt a soft smile, "but I'm happy you're handling everything so well."

"I'm lucky to have Ric by my side to keep me in line," Jenna uttered with a small grin on her face as she wrapped her arm around the Saltzman man's waist and leaned against his chest.

Alaric smiled down at his girlfriend as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pulled Jenna into his chest. The vampire hunter lightly kissed his vampire girlfriend's temple before Alaric focused his attention onto the Gilbert girl. "So, what did you call a meeting for?" Alaric inquired.

Emily knew all of her family and friends were going to be very curious since she only texted everyone in a group chat that she had something important to say, so no one had any idea why she was calling this meeting -- especially since Emily never has been one to call any sort of a meeting. That was usually a Damon, Alaric, or Stefan thing to do.

"I finally have some good news," Emily exclaimed with a grin before she stated, "but I want to wait until everyone else shows up first before I say anything."

"They better hurry then," Jenna joked, "Ric doesn't exactly know the meaning of waiting and being patient."

Alaric rolled his blue eyes at his girlfriend's teasing but he couldn't help but look at Jenna with so much love in his gaze. Alaric got lucky with Jenna. He would forever be grateful that he got a second chance to be with Jenna despite the fact that she is now a vampire.

Emily chuckled in amusement as she watched the couple's playful banter. It was cute. Emily was happy that her aunt and history teacher were happy together.

"You guys can go sit in the living room," the Radkova witch told the vampire and the vampire hunter couple as she nodded her head behind her towards the aforementioned room, "everyone should be here soon."

It was as if the others heard Emily because as soon as Jenna and Alaric walked away, Caroline and Bonnie appeared in front of her. "Hey," Emily greeted her two best friends with a small smile before she murmured, "thanks for coming, guys."

"Of course," the Forbes vampire exclaimed as she pulled the young witch into a tight and comforting embrace, "we wouldn't miss this for the world."

"Yeah," the Bennett witch agreed as she hugged the Gilbert girl as well. Bonnie softly rubbed her palm against Emily's upper arm with a comforting smile as she told the young witch, "everything will be okay. You got this." Bonnie could tell that the Gilbert girl was a little bit nervous.

Bonnie honestly didn't believe Emily had a reason to be nervous today. Everyone obviously wanted Elena back, so it wasn't like people would be mad. The Bennett witch figured Emily was just nervous and anxious because she would be the one performing a spell while she was such a young witch.

"We always got your back," the Forbes vampire told the young witch with a soft smile, "and if anyone has anything to say, they will go through us."

"Thank you," the Radkova witch murmured after she released a sigh of relief as she stared at her two best friends. Emily was honestly so thankful for Bonnie and Caroline. The Gilbert girl wouldn't be the person she was today if she didn't have her best friends by her side.

Bonnie reached over and gave the Gilbert girl's hand a small squeeze. "Calm your mind and take your time," the Bennett witch instructed with a soft smile before she stated, "come in when you're ready."

"I will," the Gilbert girl promised before she watched Caroline and Bonnie silently head towards the living room. Emily took a deep breath as she tried to calm her anxiety like the Bennett witch requested. Emily knew she had no reason to worry. It wasn't like anyone would not want to bring Elena back. The young witch was just anxious about the spell as a whole.

Emily was lying to her loved ones over an important aspect on the spell. The Gilbert girl just hoped no one would find out about the after affects of the spell before she can even complete it.

The Radkova witch was quickly thrown out of her thoughts and swiftly turned to the front door when she heard arguing coming her way. Emily couldn't help but lightly chuckle when she saw Tyler and Jeremy playfully pushing each other as they climbed the Salvatore board together.

Emily wasn't sure when Tyler and Jeremy got over their issues with each other and started to become friends but she was glad that they did. The Gilbert girl always hated when her brother and her best friend would get into petty arguments; whether it be about Vicki or just their distain for each other.

Emily felt comforted to know that Tyler and Jeremy were friends because it meant that there was another person willing to protect her very human brother. Emily knew the Lockwood werewolf wouldn't let anything happen to Jeremy for her sake and for his and Jeremy's new friendship.

The human boy was the one to win the pushing contest as Jeremy proudly stepped foot into the Salvatore boarding house. The Radkova witch immediately wrapped her arms around her brother's neck as soon as Jeremy was close enough for her to reach.

"Stop it," Jeremy whined after a few seconds when his sister wouldn't release him from her tight hug. The Gilbert teenager had to forcefully grab Emily's hands from around his neck to get out of her embrace.

Emily chuckled in amusement at her brother's antics. The Radkova witch was glad that Jeremy was still that same little boy who she helped raise and grow. The world they lived in was not for the weak, so she was happy to know that Jeremy hasn't let it change or alter him. Jeremy was still that whiny kid who hated be smothered by the love of his family.

"How have you been doing?" Emily gently asked her brother as she looked at the youngest Gilbert with a soft smile.

The Radkova witch felt guilty that she didn't even know how Jeremy has been feeling. Emily felt bad that she hadn't been taking care of her little brother these past few months. Emily would never abandon her brother but she had just been so busy trying to figure out how to be the best witch she could be and not to mention the fact that her boyfriend was currently trapped with the vampire-werewolf hybrid.

The youngest Gilbert lightly shrugged his shoulders. "I've been fine," Jeremy muttered.

"I've been taking good care of little Gilbert," the Lockwood werewolf exclaimed as he jumped into the conversation before he tossed his arm lazily over Jeremy's shoulder while a wide smirk playing on his lips.

Jeremy rolled his brown eyes as he pushed the Lockwood werewolf's arm off of him. "I can take care of myself," the Gilbert teenager mumbled with a slight pout to his lips.

The Radkova witch softly chuckled at her little brother before Emily focused her green eyes onto the Lockwood werewolf. "Well, thank you, Ty," the Gilbert girl murmured with a small smile as she praised her best friend, "it means a lot to me that you're taking care of him."

Tyler reached over and gently grasped ahold of the Gilbert girl's hand before he gave it a slight squeeze. "You know I would do anything for you," the Lockwood werewolf murmured with a soft smile on his face.

Jeremy almost instantly did a fake barfing sound as he watched his sister and her best friend. "Get a room," the Gilbert teenager muttered before he immediately walked away from the duo. Jeremy would rather not have to see Tyler be all in love with his sister.

Emily released a small chuckle as she followed her brother with her green eyes until he disappeared into the Salvatore living room before the Radkova witch turned back around to face the Lockwood werewolf.

Tyler gave the young witch's hand another squeeze before he began rubbing his thumb across Emily's hand in a comforting and familiar motion. "You doing okay?" The Lockwood werewolf asked with concern in his voice as he stared into Emily's soft green eyes.

"I'm the one who usually asks everyone that," the Gilbert girl joked with a playful grin playing on her lips.

"You deserve for someone to worry about you, too," Tyler softly murmured as he grasped the Gilbert girl's other hand and pulled Emily closer to him.

The Radkova witch immediately felt her cheeks heat up from Tyler's words. Emily forced down that nervous feeling that her best friend's words made her feel as she told the Lockwood werewolf, "thank you for worrying for me."

Emily pulled her hands free as she took a few steps away to get some distance between herself and Tyler before she answered the Lockwood werewolf's previous question, "I'm doing a lot better and soon everyone will find out why."

Tyler immediately released a loud groan. "Please tell me!" The Lockwood werewolf begged as he swiftly grasped Emily by her waist and pulled her into his chest.

The Radkova witch giggled when she felt Tyler's fingers tickling her sides before she hurriedly got out of his arms. "You just have to wait a few more minutes," Emily promised as she walked around the Lockwood werewolf to close the front door of the Salvatore boarding house before she stated, "everyone is already here."

"Well, let's get coming!" The Lockwood werewolf exclaimed as he wrapped his arm around Emily's shoulder and pulled her close to his chest before he began to lead them towards the living room.

Emily chuckled in amusement at her best friend's antics but she decided to just humor him. However, once they reached the staircase, Emily pulled the Lockwood werewolf to stop before she shouted to the second floor of the Salvatore boarding house, "Damon! Everyone is here! Come down!"

The Gilbert girl knew Damon already knew everything about the heart resurrection spell but she still wanted him to be present for the meeting. Emily wasn't worried that Damon wouldn't come as she and Tyler continued to head to the living room. Damon knew how much this meeting meant to her.

It was as if Damon heard the young witch's thoughts because as soon as she and Tyler entered the living room. the Salvatore vampire arrived only a second later with his enhanced speed. "Alright, alright. I'm here," Damon lazily muttered as he strolled into the room with, of course, a glass of whiskey in his hand.

The Radkova witch moved to stand in front of the unlit fireplace, so she was in front of everyone who were sitting on the couches in the Salvatore living room. "Alright!" Emily exclaimed as she clapped her hands together to gain everyone's attention on her. "I asked you all to come here today because I finally have some good news," the Gilbert girl stated.

"What is it?" The Sommers vampire curiously asked her niece.

"I found out a way to bring Elena back," the Radkova witch quickly blurted out without thinking. Emily was just too excited to tell everyone, especially with her aunt Jenna looking at her with so much kindness in her hazel eyes.

Emily knew it would be good news for everyone but it was almost universal that bringing someone back to life is a dangerous spell, so the Radkova witch was slightly concerned because of that reason.

It was as to be expected when almost immediately everyone in the Salvatore living room began to talk and shout over each other in surprise, happiness, and disbelief at the bombshell that the Radkova witch had just laid on them.

The Salvatore vampire quickly grew annoyed from the loud noise of everyone talking. Damon could barely stand one person talking, nonetheless six people. "Shut up!" The elder vampire shouted before the living room quickly grew silent in surprise. Damon nodded his head over to the Gilbert girl as he told the group, "let her talk."

Emily shot the Salvatore vampire a thankful smile before she began, "I know you all have a lot of questions." The Radkova witch picked up the packets of information from the coffee table before she passed each one to everyone in the living room. "These packets contain everything I could get ahold about the spell to bring Elena back, the heart resurrection spell," Emily explained.

The youngest Gilbert slowly shook his head with his brows deeply furrowed as he only stared at the first page of the packet. "You shouldn't be doing this," Jeremy told his sister, "bringing someone back from the dead is dangerous." The Gilbert teenager looked over to the elder witch in the living room before he begged, "Bonnie tell her."

"It's no doubt a dangerous spell," Bonnie agreed with the youngest Gilbert as she looked at each worried face around the Salvatore living room. "I couldn't do it without some serious repercussions," the brunette girl uttered before she explained, "but since Emily is a witch from a very strong coven, I believe Emily can do it."

"I know you are all concerned about me doing the spell," the Radkova witch uttered before she told the group, "but if you guys would turn to the third page you will see multiple cases from over the last four centuries of Radkova witches completing the heart resurrection spell."

Emily wasn't stupid. She knew no one would agree with her plan if they read everything that Deaton had sent her about the Radkova witches' experiences with the heart resurrection spell. Emily had to do a little editing when she was typing everything out, especially with what happened to the witches after the spell.

"There will always be a risk for a spell this huge," the Radkova witch told everyone while they looked over the packet before she confidently stated, "but I know I can do it. I can bring Elena back."

The Lockwood werewolf was the one to break the tense silence in the Salvatore living room. "Is it safe?" Tyler worriedly asked as he stared into Emily's green eyes, "will this hurt you?"

"I'm not sure," the Radkova witch admitted to her best friend. Emily pointed over to the Bennett witch and the Salvatore vampire before she assured the Lockwood werewolf, "but Bonnie will be right there with me the whole time and Damon even promised that he would pull me out if it got too dangerous for me."

"Damn right," the Salvatore vampire muttered before he told Emily, "I'll kill you myself before I allow you to go out by a spell."

"While that may be slightly threatening," the Radkova witch muttered as she playfully glared over at Damon before the Gilbert girl promised as she looked at each face of her loved one, "I'll be okay."

The vampire hunter was the next one to have a question as he inquired, "will there be any affects after the spell?"

"Uh, not that I know of," the Radkova witch easily lied as she shook her head. "I've talked to Deaton about this and he promised to keep a watch on me after this is all over to make sure everything is okay with me," Emily added to aid everyone's concern from Alaric's question.

It wasn't the question Emily wanted to answer since she knew she would have to lie but the Radkova witch hoped that her words eased their worries for now.

"Why can you perform this spell but other witches like Bonnie can't?" The Sommers vampire confusingly asked with her brows slightly furrowed.

"It might be confusing since Bonnie is obviously older than me, witch wise," Emily began as she tried to explain to her aunt in the simplest terms. "It isn't about the most experience but rather the coven," the Gilbert girl explained, "the coven I'm in, the Radkova coven, are of the strongest groups of witches. They are right up there with the very first original witch."

Jenna silently nodded her head as she was slowly understanding better. The Sommers vampire was very new to this whole supernatural world, so she didn't really understand the ends and outs just yet but she was slowly getting there.

"How can you even do this spell when Elena has been gone for so long?" Jeremy curiously asked.

"Well, the spell only calls for the heart and the body," Emily answered her brother's question as she explained, "as long as I'm able to connect Elena's heart to her body then it will work."

"Wait..." The Lockwood werewolf suddenly mumbled after he had been reading over the packet for the past couple of minutes. "What's this about blood?" Tyler worriedly asked as he flipped the fifth page around to show the Radkova witch. Tyler did not like the idea of Emily having to bleed for this spell.

"I will have to bleed enough to connect mine and Elena's souls together to bring her back," Emily anxiously admitted. "I just need to draw a few lines on our bodies with my blood. It just a little cut," the Radkova witch quickly promised when she noticed the nervousness on a few faces in the Salvatore living room.

The room grew silent for a few minutes as everyone tried to absorb all the information that the Radkova witch were giving them. The vampire hunter was the one to interrupt the silence as he turned to the Salvatore vampire and asked, "what's your thoughts on this, Damon?"

The Salvatore vampire lightly shrugged his shoulders as he uttered, "I believe Emily can do it." Damon nodded his head over to the young witch as he stated, "we all know how much of a perfectionist she is. I don't have a single doubt that Emily can't bring Elena back."

A small smile immediately pulled onto Emily's lips at the Salvatore vampire's words. "Thank you, Dam," the Radkova witch softly murmured. It meant the world to Emily to hear Damon's confidence in her. Emily was still such a young witch, so she happy to have Damon's trust in her when he wasn't the most trusting person.

The Salvatore vampire silently nodded his head at Emily as he pointed his glass of whiskey at her as if he was toasting her.

"I don't see why we shouldn't try this out," Alaric announced as he tossed the packet of information down onto the coffee table in front of him. Alaric shot the young witch a small smile before he murmured, "I have confidence that we will be bringing Elena back home."

"Thank you, Ric," the Gilbert girl praised the vampire hunter with a small, thankful smile. Emily was happy to have Alaric's support. If anyone knew how dangerous spell can be, it would be the vampire hunter and to have him on her side gave Emily even more confidence.

"Well," the Sommers vampire began as she focused her hazel gaze onto her niece before she stated, "if Ric thinks this is a good idea, then I'm on board, too."

"I promise, everything will be okay," the Radkova witch assured her aunt. If anyone was going to be the most worried, it would be the Sommers vampire. Emily wanted to make sure that her aunt knew that she was going to be okay doing this spell. "Everyone will be there, so nothing dangerous will happen to me," Emily promised as she stared into her aunt's soft hazel eyes.

"That's all I'm worried about," Jenna stated as she raised her hands in the air with her palms on either side of her face.

"I'll be right by her side," the Bennett witch jumped in to assure the Sommers vampire as well. "I won't let Emily get hurt," Bonnie promised. The brunette girl had been on the fence at the beginning about Emily doing this spell but she was now one hundred percent ready to defend this spell and Emily with her life.

The Radkova witch shot Bonnie a thankful smile before Emily turned her green gaze over to her brother. "What are you thinking, Jer?" The Gilbert girl anxiously asked. Emily, of course, wanted everyone's support but having Jenna and Jeremy's confidence in her was very important to her.

Jeremy stared into his sister's green eyes for a couple of seconds before he finally nodded his head. "I trust you," the youngest Gilbert uttered. "Besides, our house has been really boring without us three fighting over the bathroom in the mornings," Jeremy joked with a tiny smile playing on his face.

Emily's green eyes practically lit up like a Christmas tree from her brother's approval. "You'll regret saying that soon enough," the Gilbert girl joked with a wide and happy grin playing on her lips.

Jeremy carelessly shrugged his shoulders before he uttered, "at least I'll have both of my sisters back."

The Radkova witch felt her whole body soften at her brother's words. Emily could only imagine the pain Jeremy felt from losing Elena, too. For Jeremy, this would probably feel like his family was whole again. Emily swore she was going to make sure it happen no matter what.

Emily crossed the living room until she was in front of her seated brother. The Gilbert girl leaned down and placed a soft kiss on top of Jeremy's head. "We'll be together soon," Emily promised with a soft whisper.

Jeremy grasped his sister's wrist and gave it a small squeeze before he quietly uttered, "I know."

The soft moment between the Gilbert siblings soon came to an end when the Lockwood werewolf spoke from his spot on the opposite couch. "What if something bad happens like last time?" Tyler worriedly asked as he stared at the Gilbert girl with brows furrowed, "what if you go to the dark side again and we can't bring you back this time?"

The Radkova witch moved from her place in front of her brother and turned around to face the Lockwood werewolf. "It won't be like last time," Emily promised as she grabbed ahold of Tyler's hand and gave it a light squeeze. "I don't plan on turning off my emotions," the Gilbert girl swore, "so, it's not gonna happen."

"Well, I'm still keeping a close eye on you, so nothing bad happens," the Lockwood werewolf pledged before he grasped Emily by her waist and swiftly pulled the young witch down on his lap. "You are not allowed to leave me, us, ever again," Tyler mumbled with a pout as he tightened his arms around Emily's waist and brought the Gilbert girl tightly against his chest.

Emily giggled as she wrapped her arms around the Lockwood werewolf's neck and hugged him back. "That's completely fine with me," the Radkova witch told her best friend.

While the childhood best friends were having their little moment, the Salvatore vampire was glaring over at the Lockwood werewolf and the placements of Tyler's hands on his brother's girlfriend's waist. Damon was no idiot. It was quiet obvious to the Salvatore vampire that Tyler has feelings for the young witch.

Damon would rather have to kill the wet dog than to ever let Tyler think he has a shot with his brother's girlfriend, no matter if Stefan was currently out of the picture for the time being. Damon wouldn't allow the little mutt be any closer to Emily than he already is.

"How about a round of drinks, Princess?" The Salvatore vampire inquired as he stared at Emily with his eyebrow raised. Damon, of course, wanted another drink but it was mostly to get Emily away from the wolf boy and his little crush on her.

Emily's green eyes almost immediately lit up at the Salvatore vampire's suggestion. "Yes! We need drinks!" The Radkova witch exclaimed as she quickly jumped out of Tyler's arms before he realized what was happening and quickly jogged to catch up with Damon at the table of alcohol.

"Do we have anymore of the Old Mock?" The Gilbert girl curiously wondered as she bent down and began to grab the crystal glasses from underneath the table in the small cabinet.

The Salvatore vampire looked at Emily before he rolled his blue eyes. "They aren't getting any of the good stuff," Damon told the young witch, "that belongs to me and you."

Emily chuckled in amusement at how serious the Salvatore vampire was about a bottle of whiskey but she decided to humor him. "We'll drink it after everyone leaves," the Gilbert girl quietly murmured as she lined the eight crystal glasses onto a metal platter.

"Good girl," the Salvatore vampire told Emily with a playful smirk playing on his lips before he teased, "you're learning."

The Radkova witch rolled her green eyes at the Salvatore vampire while she held the patter of glasses for Damon to pour whiskey into them but there was zero anger or malice in her gaze. It was more of I-love-you-but-you're-so-annoying type of eye roll. It completely represented the Salvatore vampire and the Radkova witch's friendship.

It took Damon about three minutes or so to fill each eight of the glasses with two inches of whiskey. Emily gave the Salvatore vampire a silent nod before she turned around with the platter and headed back to the middle of living room. The Gilbert girl then began to hand everyone a glass of whiskey.

"There is the only time I'm allowing you guys to drink," the Sommers vampire muttered as she watched as Emily handed her brother a glass of whiskey.

Jeremy released a humorous chuckle as he shot his aunt a small smirk. "Sure," the youngest Gilbert deadpanned in amusement, "let's act like this is really my first alcoholic drink."

"Yes, we are," the Sommers vampire stated confidently with a hint of amusement in her voice as she shot her nephew a small smile.

"Alright, guys! Let's do this right," the Radkova witch hollered as she stood in the middle of the Salvatore living room to gain everyone's attention. Emily raised her glass high into the air before she uttered, "here's to Elena!"

"To Elena!" Everyone whether they be a vampire, a witch, a werewolf, a human, or a vampire hunter all toasted together with smiles brightening their faces for the one person they all missed dearly.

Emily couldn't even begin to hide the wide grin that shined across her lips as she glanced at each face around the Salvatore living room. This was the definition of Emily's family. This was the meaning of her life.

However, there was just two people missing from this happy moment. One of them was the reason why they were celebrating but the other, Stefan, was someone she wished she could celebrate this moment with. Emily always felt her happiness with Stefan by her side but she sadly couldn't at the moment.

The Gilbert girl really wished she could have Stefan hugging or kissing her right now to cheer her on. Emily knew she could always contact Stefan through the private message spell to tell him the good news but the Radkova witch didn't want Stefan to be distracted or slip up with Klaus by his side. Emily didn't want to be the reason why her boyfriend got hurt by the werewolf-vampire hybrid.

While Emily wished she could just hold and kiss Stefan again, the Gilbert girl knew that bringing her boyfriend home would have to wait for a later date. For now, Emily was just excited and ready to bring Elena back to them for once and for all. 

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