Free Falling (Sirius Black)

By abominablesnowflake

264K 9.4K 3.7K

*prequel to Untraceable* Cyan Weston has everything a girl could ever want. She is smart, beautiful, very pow... More

Free Falling
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Authors Note

Chapter 27

6.5K 248 301
By abominablesnowflake

Chapter 27: Christmas part 1

After the amazing Quidditch match was over and done with, everyone started fussing over what to get for peoples christmas presents. I, however, was using Lily's authority as head girl, to organise a seventh-year christmas ball. With a twist.

"Ok, so we have the ball first, everyone has to have a date, can be from fourth, fifth or sixth if wanted, I have hired a few bands like Abracadabra and Veritaserum, some punch (non-alcoholic) and butterbeer with a few nibbles, everyone dancing, blah blah blah..." I explained to Lily what was going to happen. She was so tired out from supervising christmas activities that she let me do whatever as long as it was legal.

"And so the ball will go from 7 till 9.30, after that, all younger students will go back to their dorms or common rooms or whatever, and all older students will go to the head dorms and we have a huge party. Loud music and spiked drinks are very important. The invitations will be set out so every seventh-year not from Slytherin, will be able to see the other invite for the later party. No one else allowed. I'll check with Dumbledore but even if he says no, its going to happen. Got it?"

"Mmhmm..." Lily murmured.

"Yay! I'll get the invites ready with Bella and Alice!"

After three hours of writing personalised invites for everyone, we had finished with only very sore hands, and tired eyes. As we as a stack of invitations that read:

'(Miss/Mr) (last name),

You have been invited to the seventh-year christmas ball, taking place on the 25th of December, at 7 till 9:30.

You may invite a younger student to attend with you. Not below fourth-year. You must have a date in order to attend.

Drinks and nibbles are available.

The famous wizarding bands, Abracadabra and Veritaserum, will be attending. If you would like them to sign anything, bring it along and stay behind after.

Please dress appropriately (dress or tux).


Lily Evans, Head Girl.'

And on the Ravelclaw, Gryffindor, and Hufflepuff invites, was:

'There is a party in the head boy and girl dormitory at 10. SEVENTH-YEARS ONLY. Please do not wear formal clothing. Proper drinks will be supplied. No date needed. No Slytherins unless personal invite from Cyan Weston or Bella Smith. You don't want to miss it.'

"Yayy we're finished!" Me, Alice and Bella jumped up and down excitedly before collapsing onto the couch. I flicked my wand at the pile of invites and the disappeared, they would appear in peoples dormitories.

"Finished what?" Asked a certain Sirius as he sat down in between me and Bella and flung an arm over each of our shoulders. I blushed. Bella looked over and winked.

"Finished the invites!" I squealed. I was so excited for this party.

"Invites for what?" What!

"Do you ever listen? I have been going on about it for ages! We have finished the invites to the"

"Seventh-year christmas ball!" Bella and Alice squealed with me.

"Really? A ball? Why not a party?" God he is dumb. And incredibly hot and sexy. What? Who said that? Me. Who?

"There is a party. Afterwards in the heads dorms! Seventh-years only, no Slytherins, spiked drinks, loud music, etc."

"Ohh goody! Spiked drinks!" I laughed.

"Of course you only heard that bit!" Bella said between giggles. Since when does she giggle?

"Since when do you giggle?" I asked.

"God, Cyan, stop being so nosey. You don't need to act like you know everything! Stop being such a know-it-all!" Bella snapped bitchily before getting up and stamping off upstairs.

I looked where her retreating back had just been and blinked back a few surprised tears. I hated when people yelled at me, and Bella was my best friend and she just snapped and had a go at me, a few seconds after giggling and being perfectly happy.

Sirius squeezed me gently with the arm that was still around my neck and said,

"Its ok. Maybe she just has her period."

"But she doesn't get it till the 18th!" I sobbed, finally breaking down.


"No!" I sobbed and Sirius gave me a hug. Alice looked at me in concern but with a look that said 'I bet you love that'. I poked tongues at her and she grinned in reply.

"But why would Bella get all pissy like that, just at a question? And she was perfectly happy a few minutes earlier!" I thought out loud, willing my tears away and breathing slowly to control my sobs. Sirius patted my back and I leaned backwards into his chest, snuggling into the warmth.

"You're hot." I said.

"I know." Sirius replied and I blushed, not realising what I had said.

"Not like that!" Yes like that.

"I meant like... Warm hot!" I tried to explain, Alice was dying of laughter beside me and Sirius looked like he was trying not to laugh but was about to explode.

"Just laugh, it'll be easier." I sighed. Sirius burst out laughing, his laugh filling the whole room and making everything seem better.

<><><Christmas Eve><><>

"Cy? I need to talk to you for a minute..." Bella popped her head out of the bathroom door. She had apologised for going off at me later that evening but she has been having a lot of mood swings and cravings for different foods. Its weird.

"Sure, just a sec." I said, wrapping up the last two of my presents. Me and Bella had been wrapping presents for the last two hours, she took the bathroom, me the dorm. Alice and Marlene had wrapped theirs ages ago. I walked into the bathroom and saw a neat pile of perfectly wrapped presents sitting in a dry bath, and Bella perched on the edge. I sat next to her.

"What did you want to talk about?" I questioned her. She was silent for a second.

"I think I'm pregnant."

"YOU WHAT?!" I screamed.


"Shhhh!! Calm down! I'll explain!" Bella shushed me.

"So, you know Jonathan Wood? Ravenclaw Quidditch captain and keeper?"

"Yeah..." I prompted.

"Well, we were talking in the library one day when he just suddenly asked me to be his girlfriend. I said yes and we have been meeting up in secret for about three months..."

"And you didn't tell me?" I said, actually a little bit hurt.

"Well, we both said tell nobody and... I didn't want you to fuss... But anyway, about two months ago, we were in the room of requirement and well... One thing led to another and we ended up... You know..." Bella trailed off awkwardly.

"YOU HAD SEX?!" I screamed at her.

"Yes! Shush! The whole world doesn't need to know! Anyway, I haven't had my period for two months and I'm getting a little bit fatter-" I noticed this was true.

"-and I'm having mood swings and getting cravings and... I'm scared, Cyan!" Bella burst into tears and I leant over and hugged her while she cried into my shoulder.

"What if when I tell him, he abandons me? I really like him Cyan! I know how you feel about Sirius now... Do you think he will leave me?" She asked me in a small voice when she had finished crying. It scared me to see my best friend like this, she was always such a strong person.

"I.... I don't think he would.... Every time I have spoken to him he seemed like a nice person... Do you want me to come with you?"

"Please." Bella whispered in a quiet voice.

"I'll get James's invisibility cloak, ok? Be back soon." I slowly walked down the stairs of the girls dormitory and found James sitting with Sirius, Peter, and Remus in the corner. They were discussing last weeks full moon.

"-and it was so funny when Siri-"

"James I need the invisibility cloak." I interrupted.


"Because I do. Gonna go find a boy to kidnap and take to the ball!" I joked and winked at him. All the boys laughed.

"Don't you have a date yet?!" James asked.

"Nah, everyone who has asked me were in fifth or sixth... Who out of you guys have dates?" James, Remus and Peter raised their hands.

"Aww! Who're you going with, Peter?"

"Suzy Buttler." Peter replied. Suzy was a short, pudgy, blonde, cute fifth-year. She was definitely perf for Peter.


"Why not me?" James moaned.

"Because I know that head boy and girl have to go together. I made that rule, James. You should be thanking me. Mind you... Lily wasn't so upset either.... Anyway, Remus?"

"Marlene, as friends. She said all the other boys were creeps and I only had sixth-years ask me."

"Oh yeah, Marlene told me that last night... Sirius?" At this, Remus and James both shared a glance and gave me a 'look', but I ignored them.

"Well I had half the school ask me... Do you know how many gay boys there are here-"

"You got asked by boys?!" I burst out laughing and fell over, still laughing. Then I hit my head on the edge of James's chair.

"Ow!" I blushed slightly when Sirius extended his hand to pull me up, I took it and he pulled me onto his lap. I didn't struggle.

"You were saying?"

"Well half the school asked me, I rejected all of them... ew! That Plesky slut asked me! Ick! Anyway, rejected them all, broke many hearts, and I don't have a date yet." I mentally did a happy dance that Sirius was single. Even though he wouldn't ask me.

"Coolies, now where's that cloak?" James handed me the cloak.

"Don't rip it, loose it, damage it. And don't go abducting any boys."

"But mummy James! I'm still single! I need a date!" I said in a baby voice, pouting at the end of it.

I stood up off Sirius and flipped the cloak over me. Nobody else in the common room noticed.

"Laters!" I said before I disappeared out of the common room. Then I remembered Bella and ran back up to get her. Then I left the common room again. With Bella.

"Hey, psst! Bro, yes, you! Where's the Ravenclaw common room?" I hissed at a random second-year Ravenclaw. He looked pretty frightened that he couldn't see me.

"Uh... Second corridor on the left of the way to the kitchens... After that keep turning right!" He said scaredly. He whimpered at the end and I laughed evilly. He scampered off.

We followed his instructions and came to a eagle statue with a knocker thing. {a/n: i cant remember what it actually is :L} I knocked with it and the statue asked a riddle:

"Those who see me are forever scarred, those who don't aren't blind; I am seen by the pain of witnessing death and what is left behind." The riddle was spoken in a clear women's voice. I thought for a second before getting the answer.


"Correct. I assume you can see them if you got that. You may enter." The door behind swung open.

I dragged Bella through the blue decorated common room that was filled with books and nerds who didn't even look up when the door opened and no one was there.

I assumed that the Ravenclaw dorms were set out the same as the Gryffindor ones so I dragged Bella up a staircase and into what was the seventh-year boys dorm at Gryffindor tower. Luckily, it was the right dorm, and only Jonathan Wood was sitting in the freakishly tidy boys dorm.

I pulled the invisibility cloak over our heads and dropped into my pocket. Jonathan was just staring in shock.

"Bells!" He said happily, putting down his Quidditch magazine and getting up to kiss her.

"And um... Cyan, right?" He said after Bella pulled away a few seconds later.

"Thats mah name!" I grinned. Then my face went serious.

"Look, we didn't come here for a little chat and a cup of tea, Bella needs to tell you something. His face fell.

"You're breaking up with me, aren't you?" He said in a sad little voice .

"That's why you pulled away, you have met someone else who you like better than me and now I'm going to be forever alone because you're the only girl I have ever loved this much and now I have done something and blown it and-"

"I'm pregnant." Bella cut him off in a weak voice.

"-now you - wait, what?"

"I'm pregnant." Bella said in a clearer voice and looked like she was going to break down. I took one of her elbows and Jonathan took the other and we guided her towards the bed.

"With.... Me?" Jonathan asked. Gosh for a Ravenclaw he is really dumb!

"Well I haven't had sex with anyone else!" Bella yelled. I thought he would look upset or even shocked at the news and her little outburst, so I was very surprised when he said

"Shh, Bella, love, calm down." He said, rubbing her back gently.

"Its ok, I will still stay with you. I love you so much baby, did you think I was going to ditch you? I'm glad you told me baby. Do you know what gender?"

"Boy." Bella choked out.

"Aww!" I said.

"How'd you find out?" Jonathan asked, hugging Bella into his side.

"I looked up some books in the library and found a spell, look! Haviero." she pointed her wand at her stomach and a blue wisp of light flittered out. Jonathan looked at it in awe and slowly reached out and placed his hands on Bella's stomach. It was such a special moment for them that I felt so awkward. I scrawled a quick note 'Leaving you two yo have some special moments :) remember - you're already preggers so if it gets that far (which it better not) use protection!! Luv yas! Xx Cyan'. Then I slipped the invisibility cloak on and disappeared while they were to caught up in each other to notice a thing.

That night, I put my presents into piles so the house elves could deliver them around the castle. The presents I gave to people who were't in Gryffindor was: Narcissa - I gave her a pretty necklace and some chocolate frogs, on the note was no name but my initial. She would get it. The fangirls who helped me prank the marauders - I gave them each a small box of Bertie Botts every flavour beans from grattitude. I gave all the teachers a chocolate frog and card (greasing them up). And I wrapped up a spare box of chocolate cauldrons for Jonathan because he was now with Bella.

I kept all presents for Sirius, Bella, Lily, James, Remus, Peter, Frank, Alice and Marlene, in one big pile at the end of my bed. Then I turned out my lights and fell into a dream where unicorns stole my candyfloss and danced with it under mistletoe.

<><><next morning><><>

"WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP!" Sirius yelled, jumping on my repeatedly.

"Go away." I mumbled, rolling over. Wait, Sirius!?

"HOW THE FUCK DID YOU GUYS GET UP HERE!?" I screamed, pulling the cover up to my shoulders as Remus woke Bella, James woke Lily, Frank woke Alice, and Marlene woke from all the noise.

"We have our ways." Remus said mysteriously.

"Now get up! we want presents!" All the boys yelled in sync.

"Whats the time?" Bella asked boredly.

"Six." Sirius replied casually, sweeping his gorgeous hair out of his eyes in a totally sexy way. No - Focus Cyan. Focus.

"YOU WOKE US UP AT FUCKING SIX AM!" Us girls had our shot at screaming at the same time.

"Ah well, we're awake now. PRESENT TIME!" I said happily, sorting through my pile of presents and chucking them to the right people.

Marlene got some Honeydukes fudge and a small pair of studs, Alice got the same but different flavour fudge and different colour earrings, Frank got a 5kg block of Honeydukes chocolate as well as the latest Quidditch magazines. They were the first to open theirs, giving in return, they left the room.

Peter opened his next and got a few different assortments of candy and some tickets to wizarding concerts for a band he likes.

"Thanks Cyan! Here!" He handed me his own and I put it in my pile.

"No probs." I said, throwing James, Sirius, and Remus's presents to them. They opened them and I burst out laughing at their expressions. I had given Sirius a squeaky toy, Remus a flea-collar, and James a little jar of 'hoof polish'. They looked shocked and then offended.


"What?" I asked innocently, which didn't work so well since I was finding it hard to control my laughter.

"You bitch!" They said in unison. I gasped dramatically and put a hand over my heart in mock hurt. Then I ignored them and gave Bella and Lily their presents.

"I had gotten Lily a small locket and some candy. The locket was gold and oval-shaped, with an engraving around the edge saying 'carpe diem' which means seize the day. It hung on a fine golden chain that was enchanted to never break. Lily chucked one back while Bella opened hers.

It was a tiny little set of clothes, a blue spotty onzie, mini converse, little jeans, a small blue shirt, and a black little hoodie. Along with this was a charm bracelet with lots of charms that represented our friendship.

"Awww! They're so cute!" Bella said, cooing over the clothes and messily throwing a present to me. James, Sirius and Remus were still pouting so I reached under my bed and drew out their actual presents.

"Here you go babies." I said teasingly as they ripped into their presents. Remus got a big book on dark creatures (he was fascinated by them), James got lots of prank gear, Sirius got prank gear but all different to James's, and I gave them all a box of chocolate cauldrons.

Then everyone else gave out presents and I opened my huge pile. From the girls I got: Marlene, some honeydukes chocolate. Alice, some vouchers for Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade shops (to be used anywhere). Lily, a little silver butterfly ring and some droubles best blowing gum. And Bella, a silver bangle that was connected to a silver heart.

"Thanks guys!" I said, hugging Bella and Lily (the only ones there). Then I opened the guys presents. Frank gave me some union jack converse (he is pure blooded so I wonder where he got those? Peter got me sugar quills. And Remus gave me a book on charms.

Then, James gave me a magical photo album that took the best times from your memories and kept adding more and more pages. I flipped through the pages already in there but only a few stood out to me at the start. A family picnic when my family were alive, meeting Bella, becoming friends with the Marauders, pranking people. Most of them were from this year, after O had become friends with the Marauders. I saw pictures of the boys faces when they opened their fake presents and then a picture caught my eye - it was me and Sirius up in the willow tree, there were two, one of us just chatting and laughing, and the other of him leaning in, right at the top. I blushed and quickly shit the album because the others were looking at it as well.

And lastly, Sirius gave me a small square gift in red and gold wrapping. I unwrapped it and a black box fell into my hand. I opened it and inside was a beautiful silver butterfly necklace and matching earrings. They were so pretty. Underneath, was a little note, Sirius and everyone else was watching me intently, I guess they all knew what the note said. Bella gave me a wink as I unfolded the paper.

<Sirius P.O.V>

I watched Cyan carefully as she opened my gift, delicately removing the paper and opening the box. Her eyes widened and her mouth formed a smile when she saw the jewellery. I felt I grin of success making its way onto my face.

I watched as Cyan found the paper under the box and slowly picked it up. I was aware of everyone else watching closely as well. She carefully unfolded the note, her blue eyes flashing upward when she realised we were all looking. I had told everyone what I was going to do yesterday.

She brushed a strand of wavy brown hair out of her face and unfolded the note completely. Her gorgeous eyes scanned over the writing and she smiled a shy smile as she looked up.

"I-I- uh.... Yes." She smiled at me and my heart soared.

<Cyan P.O.V>

I unfolded the paper fully and read over the words, well aware of everyone else holding their breaths as they watched.


Will you go to the ball with me?



I read over the note about five times to make sure my eyes weren't lying, Sirius Black was asking me to the ball! I didn't know what to say.

"I-I- uh... Yes." I looked up at Sirius and smiled shyly, his dark grey eyes were full of happiness as they met mine and he took a step forward and pulled me into his warm chest. I buried my head into his chest before we were ripped apart by a certain retard.

"Okay, okay, enough PDA!"

"Shove off, James!" Sirius said, pushing James away and moving over to stand by me, putting his arm around my shoulders, making my smile wider - if possible.

"Yeah James! We've been waiting ages for this!" Bella, Lily and Remus agreed.

"Hmph. Fine. Lets go have breakfast!" James said happily.

We all walked down to breakfast, Sirius's hand in mine. And I felt at the top of the world!

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