A World With/Out Home

By HMPDharma

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The Eternal Hero has always stood strong and protected their world. For 400 years he has been the figure of a... More

Chapter 1: A Baker's dream (Part 1)
Chapter 1: A Baker's dream (Part 2)
Chapter 1: A Baker's dream (Part 3)
Chapter 2: A dismal fate. (Part 1)
Authors Notes No 1
Chapter 2: A dismal fate. (Part 2)
Chapter 2: A dismal fate. (Part 3)
Chapter 3: A passing wish. (Part 1)
Chapter 3: A passing wish. (Part 2)
Chapter 3: A passing wish. (Part 3)
Chapter 4: The World as they knew it. (Part 1)
Chapter 4: The World as they knew it. (Part 2)
Chapter 4: The World as they knew it. (Part 3)
Chapter 5: A Garden with Something Else. (Part 1)
Chapter 5: A Garden with Something Else. (Part 2)
Chapter 5: A Garden with Something Else. (Part 3)
Chapter 5: A Garden with Something Else. (Part 4)
Chapter 6: What can and can't be done. (Part 1)
Chapter 6: What can and can't be done. (Part 2)
Chapter 6: What can and can't be done. (Part 3)
Chapter 6: What can and can't be done. (Part 4)
Chapter 6: What can and can't be done. (Part 5)
Chapter 7: A parting notice. (Part 1)
Chapter 7: A parting notice. (Part 2)
Chapter 7: A parting notice. (Part 3)
Chapter 7: A parting notice. (Part 4)
Chapter 8: A Midnight Escape before the Dawn. (Part 1)
Chapter 8: A Midnight Escape before the Dawn. (Part 2)
Chapter 8: A Midnight Escape before the Dawn. (Part 3)
Chapter 8: A Midnight Escape before the Dawn. (Part 4)
Chapter 8: A Midnight Escape before the Dawn. (Part 5)
Chapter 8: A Midnight Escape before the Dawn. (Part 6)
Chapter 9: A long wait. (Part 1)
Chapter 9: A long wait. (Part 2)
Chapter 9: A long wait. (Part 3)
Chapter 9: A long wait. (Part 4)
Chapter 9: A long wait. (Part 5)
Chapter 9: A long wait. (Part 6)
Chapter 9: A long wait. (Part 7)
Chapter 10: Results and Tribulations. (Part 1)
Chapter 10: Results and Tribulations. (Part 2)
Chapter 11: A dance with more than one step. (Part 1)
Chapter 11: A dance with more than one step. (Part 2)
Chapter 11: A dance with more than one step. (Part 3)
Chapter 11: A dance with more than one step. (Part 4)
Chapter 11: A dance with more than one step. (Part 5)
Chapter 12: Awakening (Part 1)
Chapter 12: Awakening (Part 2)
Chapter 12: Awakening (Part 3)
Chapter 12: Awakening (Part 4)
Chapter 12: Awakening (Part 5)
Chapter 13: Closing and Opening (Part 1)
Chapter 13: Closing and Opening (Part 2)
Chapter 13: Closing and Opening (Part 3)
Chapter 13: Closing and Opening (Part 4)
Chapter 14: New sights (Part 1)
Chapter 14: New sights (Part 2)
Chapter 14: New sights (Part 3)
Chapter 14: New sights (Part 4)
Chapter 15: Before (Part 1)
Chapter 15: Before (Part 2)
Chapter 16: Nightmare (Part 1)
Chapter 16: Nightmare (Part 2)
Chapter 16: Nightmare (Part 3)
Chapter 16: Nightmare (Part 4)
Chapter 16: Nightmare (Part 5)
Chapter 16: Nightmare (Part 6)
Chapter 17: Gambit (Part 1)
Chapter 17: Gambit (Part 2)
Chapter 17: Gambit (Part 3)
Chapter 18: Echoes (Part 1)
Chapter 18: Echoes (Part 2)
Chapter 18: Echoes (Part 3)
Chapter 18: Echoes (Part 4)
Chapter 19: Rejection (Part 1)
Chapter 19: Rejection (Part 2)
Chapter 19: Rejection (Part 3)
Chapter 19: Rejection (Part 4)
Chapter 20: Doubt (Part 1)
Chapter 20: Doubt (Part 2)
Chapter 21: A Regretful Finale. (Part 1)
Chapter 21: A Regretful Finale. (Part 2)
Chapter 21: A Regretful Finale. (Part 3)
Chapter 21: A Regretful Finale. (Part 4)
Chapter 21: A Regretful Finale. (Part 5)
Chapter 21: A Regretful Finale. (Part 6)
Chapter 22: Closing the distance (Part 1).
Chapter 22: Closing the distance (Part 2).
Chapter 22: Closing the distance (Part 3).
Chapter 23: A new adventure. (Part 1)
Chapter 23: A new adventure. (Part 2)
Chapter 23: A new adventure. (Part 3)
Chapter 24: Differing Reality (Part 1)
Chapter 24: Differing Reality (Part 2)
Chapter 24: Differing Reality (Part 3)
Chapter 25: Perspective (Part1)
Chapter 25: Perspective (Part2)
Chapter 25: Perspective (Part3)
Chapter 26: A Brief respite. (Part 1)
Chapter 26: A Brief respite. (Part 2)
Chapter 27: A Growing Tale (Part 1)
Chapter 27: A Growing Tale (Part 2)
Chapter 27: A Growing Tale (Part 3)
Chapter 27: A Growing Tale (Part 4)
Chapter 28: Fall in. (Part 1)
Chapter 28: Fall in. (Part 2)
Chapter 28: Fall in. (Part 3)
Chapter 29: A step in motion. (Part 2)
Chapter 29: A step in motion. (Part 3)
Chapter 30: The world that we built on. (Part 1)
Chapter 30: The world that we built on. (Part 2)
Chapter 31: An introduction. (Part 1)
Chapter 31: An introduction. (Part 2)
Chapter 31: An introduction. (Part 3)
Chapter 32: An end. (Part 1)
Chapter 32: An end. (Part 2)
Chapter 33: A pause. (Part 1)
Chapter 33: A pause. (Part 2)
Chapter 33: A pause. (Part 3)
Chapter 34: Ramifications. (Part 1)
Chapter 34: Ramifications. (Part 2)
Chapter 34: Ramifications. (Part 3)
Chapter 35: A repeat. (Part 1)
Chapter 35: A repeat. (Part 2)
Chapter 36: Breaking through. (Part 1)
Chapter 36: Breaking through. (Part 2)
Chapter 36: Breaking through. (Part 3)
Chapter 36: Breaking through. (Part 4)
Chapter 37: The duet of a coward. (Part 1)
Chapter 37: The duet of a coward. (Part 2)
Chapter 37: The duet of a coward. (Part 3)
Chapter 37: The duet of a coward. (Part 4)
Chapter 38: The places we should have been. (Part 1)
Chapter 38: The places we should have been. (Part 2)
Chapter 38: The places we should have been. (Part 3)
Chapter 38: The places we should have been. (Part 4)
Chapter 39: The world at the end of the street. (Part 1)
Chapter 39: The world at the end of the street. (Part 2)
Chapter 39: The world at the end of the street. (Part 3)
Epilogue: What happened after.
Epilogue: The Bakery at the end of the street.
Author's Note: The end

Chapter 29: A step in motion. (Part 1)

28 5 1
By HMPDharma

Chapter 29: A step in motion.

Kyle walked alone in the camp. Although the dawn was only a few hours away, unlike the others he wasn't the slightest bit tired. As time went by he began to feel more and more connected to Estile. There was however a problem. He knew Estile as a cheerful Hero who cared for her family and friends, whose determination and skills went far beyond what you could call simply talented. But there was the darker side to her past that he was beginning to realise. The memories from thousands of years ago, painful recollections filled with a seething hatred for devil kind. It was odd and not like the Estile he knew.

"Looks like I was right," the voice resounded from several metres away. A perfect distance so not to scare but still be heard.

Kyle turned to the black haired man who stood on the edge of the shadows, "Riften I thought you went to sleep."

"That was just an excuse to get you alone," he smirked. "You and I both know we don't need much sleep. Though some of us back then really did like to indulge on it."

"Mori did always enjoy a midday nap," Kyle smiled as the memory came easily. "Did you want to talk?"

"Yeah, but more than that I just wanted to see you again." He walked closer and breathed deeply, "It's comforting being around you. You know I'm not usually the emotional type but..., I was lost for almost twenty years and the entire time I came face to face with everything we lost. Seeing you, it makes me feel like things really are getting better."

"It really is good to see you too Riften," Kyle paused. "I'm just sorry that I can't remember everything yet."

"Actually that's what I wanted to mention but first let's sit down," he pointed the way and soon the two were sitting facing the immense expanse of the fog. It was a strange mystifying view, and not one either of them quite liked.

For a while the two sat in silence watching the wisps of fog press against the invisible barrier. Although Kyle had already met Arvel, he looked to the man like a father and they were already comfortable together. Sitting beside Riften it was a different sense of familiarity. He truly was like an old friend.

"It's hard isn't it?" Riften finally began.

"What is?" Kyle asked genuinely.

"Your memories," the black haired man pointed to his own head. "Every one of us had a different beginning and it's not something all of us shared."

"Did I ever share mine?"

"Nope, or at least not to all of us. Karen however, she knew the truth."

"That's...," Kyle had been hoping he could explain things but luck wasn't on his side.

"Yeah, Estile never told us but, I'm a sneaky fella," Riften smiled tenderly. "I heard you and Karen talking about it once. Probably over a thousand years ago now. I didn't get much as you two scared me off pretty quick but what I did get, you had every right to hate devil kind more than any of us."

"Then these feelings...."

"That may just be Estile's origin. Here's the thing though," his smile became sincere. "Though at the start you were damn frightening, you changed and then managed to win our peace. When things settled, you were always the first to find the best in anyone, devil or not. Honestly I thought you were an idiot at times, but I trusted that idiot with my life."

Kyle mulled over his words, the Estile covered in blood and the smiling Estile who cheered for a peaceful world, they were the same yet different, "Thanks, I think I needed to hear that but I get the feeling you have a point to this."

"You got me," he laughed. "I wanted to make sure you weren't being controlled by your earliest memories. We were all different back then but like I said, you were... scary."

"The fact that I'm not feeling the desire to hit you is telling me that you're not joking around."

"We did what we had to do back then, and at the time, the scary you was exactly what we needed."

"And hopefully the current me is what you need this time."

Riften sniggered, "I do prefer the other you, mostly because then I could ogle you without feeling sexually confused."

"I will punch you."

"I know," he sighed relaxed. "I could joke around with you like this all day. Anyway now that I'm doubly sure you won't kill her on sight." Riften turned around and waved, "Mica you can come here now."

When the women appeared, as much as he had just talked to Riften, there was no denying the frightening repulsion and anger that shook through Kyle's system. She appeared to be quite tall and had pale skin. Despite wearing simple travelling garbs, the devil's charm was blatant. Kyle however quickly realised something else was wrong.

He frowned and stood up, "Drop your transformation."

The devil named Mica paused frightened, "I-I don't know what you-."

"It's alright Mica, we don't need it anymore," Riften assured her.

Mica nodded, her eyes not leaving Kyle and slowly her clothes and body shrank till she was no different to a ten year old girl. The traits of her devil heritage appeared. Two thin horns that pulled back from either side of her head, a thin tail and under her shirt, the glint of a blue crystal.

"A child?" Kyle turned to Riften surprised. "How old is she?"

He answered tenderly, "About thirty."

The anger that had built in his body faded to concern. Devil's aged three times slower than humans, meaning the girl before him was equivalent to a ten year old and if Riften had met her twenty years ago, it meant he had practically raised her.

"Sorry," Kyle kneeled down and waved for her to approach. "I won't hurt you, I promise."

With the appearance of a child, the girl came closer, still wary. If it weren't for Riften, Kyle was sure she would have run.

"Here, it's not much but they're tasty," Kyle held out a small bag of cookies he had been holding onto since they had left Tomph. Though many of them had shattered, the treats still had an appealing allure. Mica took the bag and retreated to Riften's side.

"Mica what do we say?" he asked pointedly.

"Th-thank you," the girl said meekly.

"Good," Riften smiled and also took one of the cookies. "Oh wow these taste like Arvel's."

"Actually I made them," Kyle said with blatant pride.

Riften almost choked, "But these are actually good."

"I'd punch you if Mica wasn't here." He huffed, "I practiced a lot when I was younger. Anyway, did Mica really trap you in a dream? That would be like if you were outwitted by a four year old."

Riften rubbed the girls head proudly, "She's powerful even for a high devil and in time she might even become an arch. Her transformation was spot on wasn't it? If it weren't for your experience you wouldn't be able to tell at all."

"But couldn't you just have her transform to a human child not an adult?"

"Yeah, because that wouldn't look suspicious at all. Two adults in the fog is one thing but a child is another. I probably would have been cuffed for kidnapping."

"You do cut a suspicious figure," Kyle teased.

Mica however frowned, "Papa is not suspicious!"

Kyle smiled at the girl's sudden defence, "Of course, I'm only joking." He looked back to Riften, "But 'Papa'? If my memories are right, you barely let the children call you father. You two must be a lot of closer than I thought."

"Of course!" Mica said through a mouthful. "Papa saved me."

Riften rubbed the girl's head causing her to shuffle in complaint, "Well I guess you're not the only one that changed."

It would appear Kyle's love of children heavily outweighed his hate of devil kind as Mica's cute actions easily won him over, "So aside from Mica trapping you in a dream, how did you two actually meet?"

"I found her in a devil hollow," Riften began. "When everything collapsed and the fog took over, the devils sealed themselves in a hibernation. Thing is, I don't think they planned that the world would stay the way it did for so long. Everything was broken when I got there, all except Mica's pod. Through luck, fate or whatever you want to call it, hers was fine. When I touched it however, she woke up and in defence locked me in that dream. Little rascal got me good."

Kyle reached out his hand and tentatively Mica extended hers to touch his, "You must have gone through a lot."

"It was okay because Papa was there," she nodded with a smile. Whatever trauma she might have faced, the struggles she went through, they were all gone. Instead there was a genuine love for the black haired man. While there were always oddities among any populace, a devil loving a human, especially a high one, was exceedingly rare.

Kyle laughed, "Papa. Yeah I can't get used to that one."

"At first I didn't like it either but after twenty years it kind of sticks," Riften said as he gently rubbed Mica's hair. He sighed, "You know I really wish this was it, but come tomorrow we'll be trudging off to do something stupid."


"No it's not your fault. If anything I'm glad that I can help," he stared directly at Kyle, a genuine smile seeing something Kyle himself couldn't. "Though damn I could have used the break. I was going to take Mica exploring, get some actually good food, go shopping, and the list goes on."

"You'll still get that chance, just not right now," Kyle stood up. "I should check on Lillia. She tends to get moody when I'm not around."

Riften stood as well, picking up Mica, "I'll get this girl to bed too. Then I might get a beer."

"Just don't drink too much. I need you standing."

"You know I can hold my liquor," he grinned and the two pressed their forearms together. "See you in the morning."

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