Fireball XL5: The Incredible...

נכתב על ידי CaptainThunderWho

956 5 2

By the 2060s, space travel had become an easy feat for man to explore the universe he lives in and understand... עוד

Scene 1 - Fireball XL5 Introduction
Scene 2 - This Is Space City
Scene 3 - Professor Matic
Scene 4 - Planet 62
Scene 5 - The Return Of The Subterrains
Scene 6 - Sabotage In The Air
Scene 7 - Launching Fireball XL5
Scene 8 - Taking The Survivors
Scene 9 - Who Are They?
Scene 10 - Good Work
Scene 11 - Non-negotiation
Scene 12 - We Must Find More E7
Scene 13 - Diplomatic Meetings
Scene 14 - The One Place In The Universe That Will Tell Us
Scene 15 - Ending Treaties
Scene 16 - Herbaccum
Scene 17 - Using Your Weapons
Scene 18 - Reporting Back To Space City
Scene 19 - Planet 99
Scene 20 - Trapped In A World Of Robots
Scene 21 - Robert To The Rescue
Scene 22 - Handing Over The Power
Scene 23 - A World Of Infinite Mazes
Scene 24 - The Beast
Scene 25 - The Time Wheel
Scene 26 - How's Steve Getting On?
Scene 28 - Invasion From Outer Space
Scene 29 - Something Wrong
Scene 30 - Forcefield
Scene 31 - Licence Suspended
Scene 32 - Space City Facilities
Scene 33 - Unstoppable
Scene 34 - Matic Energy
Scene 35 - Hostage
Scene 36 - Fireball XL5 Pursuit
Scene 37 - Our Weapons Will Annihilate You
Scene 38 - Battle Of The Skies
Scene 39 - Fireball

Scene 27 - Breaking The Ice

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נכתב על ידי CaptainThunderWho

We then look out to a world of snow raining down onto a snowy, ice land. Mountains stretch high in the background. Lumpy hills stretch in the immediate area and an iced-up river streams along the view of the camera. A vast pool of frozen ice situates in the nearby front of the camera. A grey sky with bleak clouds sits at the top of the view as we see Fireball Junior zooming along the planet. Finding a soft spot of snow, the craft elevates down its legs and blasts down onto the squelching snow. We cut inside to Fireball Junior, and see the crew wearing their warm anoraks to protect them from the cold. The rest of their uniform features warm gloves, boots, scarves, hats, and wellies.

Steve Zodiac:

Right. Got all our gear on. Everyone taken their oxygen pills?

Dr. Venus/Professor Matic:

Yes, Steve.

Steve Zodiac:

Right. Let's get on out there.

As the snow continues to rain down onto the planet, we see the hatch opening allowing access for the Jetmobiles to launch out from the craft. Steve is joined by Venus on one Jetmobile, whereas the Professor finds the other. They rise up from their Jetmobile and descend downwards onto the planet's ice world. The three of them take a good look around. A strange, warming music plays, similar to that when the XL5 crew were on Herbaccum.

Dr. Venus:

It's a paradise, Steve. A paradise of winter. And snow. And ice.

Professor Matic:

Yeah. Unlike a jungle one. Well, where do we start this time?

Steve Zodiac:

Not sure. Did the scroll give any indication of where we need to head?

Professor Matic:

Nope. But I got a strange feeling that we have been finding what we've been looking for all too easily.

Dr. Venus:

I feel the same too, Matt.

Steve Zodiac:

Yeah. It's as if... as if we've been led here. As like it's the way of the Herbaccum gift. As the Keeper said. It's... I... I dunno.

The chilly atmosphere of the world of Visgus continues as normal again.

Let's carry on. There's no sun for light years around here for things to warm up. No wonder Visgus is an icy rock planet.

They continue on their jetmobiles in their forward direction. The XL5 crew passed nearby by to the iced up river. All of them stare down at the ice.

Professor Matic:

Well, I wouldn't wanna get myself stuck in there.

Dr. Venus:

Where do you think the final part of the formula could be, Steve?

Steve Zodiac:

I really can't answer that, Venus. It might be within one of the mountains. Or it might be closer by. We will take a closer look around first.

The Jetmobiles carry on along above the iced stream. We see them follow along before they come to another area of soft snow for them to rest on. The mighty background of the planet situates behind them for us to still see.

So far nothing.

Professor Matic:

Yeah. The formula disc is coloured blue in the centre. Now, that might suggest the cold nature of the planet. Cold. Hmmm.

Dr. Venus:

What are you trying to say, Professor?

Professor Matic:

That the disc will be embedded somewhere around here. Making the world cold. Inside the mountains as it was inside the tunnels on Mazak. Powering the mechanical world of Scorpitus 5.

Steve Zodiac:

I get your theory, Matt. It could be somewhere like in the centre of the planet. Or in the snow or embedded in a large pool of frozen ice.

Professor Matic:

Yep. That's it, Steve. Somewhere around in here.

He lifts up on his Jetmobile to hover over the stream of ice.

Steve Zodiac:

Hey, be careful Matt. You said it yourself you don't wanna get inside that ice.

Professor Matic:

Oh, relax Steve. I know what I'm doing. It's something inside here, potentially.

The heat of the Jetmobile causes some of the ice to crack. CRUNCH! CRUNCH!

Dr. Venus:

Professor! Below you! Look!

CRACK! CRUNCH! The ice begins to break again.

Steve Zodiac:

Professor, for Pete's sake watch what you're doing!

Professor Matic:

Ah, come on Steve. We gotta make a start somewhere.

He fires his Jetmobile ray into the ice. CRUNCH! SNAP! CRACK! The Professor does it again. CRUNCH! CRACK! CRACK! SPLASH! The Professor then quickly spins around to go back with Steve and Venus as the ice breaks. Water then breaks, spills, and runs along the stream. Some of the ice is retained however in areas along the edge of the stream. A chunk that remains frozen in the ice beside the edge of the Jetmobiles is a familiar-looking part of a shining disc.

Steve Zodiac:

I don't wish to slate off your scientific theories Matt, but do you think by breaking up all the ice on Visgus will really help us find the Novax E7 substance?

Dr. Venus:

Steve, Professor, I've found it! I've found it!

Professor Matic:

There it is alright.

Steve Zodiac:

Well, I take it all back now, Professor. We've now got all the pieces together.

Professor Matic:

And for that Steve, may I be the one to collect it?

Steve Zodiac:

Of course.

The Professor reaches down to pick up the section of the disc from the ice and examine it.

Professor Matic:

Fascinating. Just fascinating.

Steve Zodiac:

Maybe it is, Matt. But right now it's a little chilly round here. Before we all freeze.

This then cuts to show Fireball Junior on the planet Visgus blasting its engines upwards. It then swings around and returns back up into space. The stock footage replays the ship being reconnected to the main body, clamping back into position. We then see Fireball XL5 flying to the right of the screen, returning to Earth. Robert is in the control cabin, piloting the ship, excited to be returning to Earth.

Robert the Robot:


This then cuts to see Steve, Venus, and the Professor all inside the Workshop aboard the ship. The three parts of the spherical disc are on a wooden table with the formula sheet next to it. The three crew members stand over the table looking at it wondering how to assemble it together.

Steve Zodiac:

Well, what does the formula say next?

Professor Matic:

Hmm. Now, looks as though as we will have to join the sections together. Then, the central point of the disc will be able to produce the energy we want.

Steve Zodiac:

Can we do that from here?

Professor Matic:

Can do. Venus, I will need your help.

Dr. Venus:

Ok, Professor.

Steve Zodiac:

I'll let you two get on. Give me a shout on the intercom if you need me.

Steve then leaves back to the control room. The Professor and Venus are left on their own.

Professor Matic:

Now, Venus, it is important that we follow the instructions in precisely the right order. If we fail to do so, then we not be able to produce the E7.

Dr. Venus:

Yes, Professor. What do we need to do first?

Professor Matic:

First, we need to connect the Scorpitus 5 section with the Visgus piece.

Venus takes the red and blue coloured centred parts of the disc.

N-n-now. Not so fast. We need to slot it in at precisely the right angle.

The tension begins to build. Venus puts the two parts closer together and can see where she has to slot the two parts in to help form the complete disc. We see her hands shaking as she closes the joints together. Matt watches attentively. With care, Venus slowly slots in the two sections together as her hands shake. Her forehead begins to sweat. The joints are closed in together properly.

Dr. Venus:

That's the first. Now, the final part.

Professor Matic:

We need to connect the Mazak section up at the exact same instant into the slot, Venus. I am going to help you with this.

The Professor takes the Mazak section and approaches Venus. They come closer as Matic holds the Mazak part of the disc. Venus finds the big disc is getting too heavy for her to hold as her muscles begin to shake. The Professor concentrates hard. Steve sits in the control room listening to their transmissions inside the workshop. Dr. Venus keeps trying to focus.

Hold her steady, Venus. Hold her steady.

The disc is relatively large and is becoming heavier and heavier for Venus. Matt begins slotting in his section at the same time as the other two pieces.

Dr. Venus:

I, I can't Professor.

The Professor slots it in! It is whole! Venus is about to drop it! The Professor gets hold of the entire disc and quickly puts it on the desk in time.

Professor Matic:

Phew. All done.

The spherical disc is coloured with a strange patterned grey and designated colours in the three sections features, now completed, a new colour in the mix. The centre features a bright, gleaming orange pulsating and beaming with power and energy. Steve calls in from the control room.

Steve Zodiac:

How are you doing in there? Professor? Venus? How has it gone?

Dr. Venus:

All fine, Steve. We have it all together now.

Steve Zodiac:

Fantastic work.

Professor Matic:

Thanks, Steve. Now, in the meantime when we get back to Earth, we gotta figure out how we get the Novax Castrol E7 from this.

We cut back to Steve and Robert.

Steve Zodiac:

And I will report the good news to Commander Zero.

This then cuts away to see Fireball XL5 returning to Earth before the picture fades to blackness...

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